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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Nov 1922, p. 8

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'bheo M Slemon, Auctianear, bas Caurtice. --Sr. -Clava Kinsmsn, receivad instructions fîom Laina Barber, Edna Sadiler, Walter- RICH RD . S UCH Shortt, Alfred Welsh, Robert Court- Lot 3, Con. 2, Darlington ice: Helcu Wilkins, Norab Adams. Sr Pr-Dora Rizuak, Mary Kanopachi, to sell by public auction an the Curtis Gaariug, Marlon Travail, Ross premises on Oka.. WEDNESDAY, NOV. l5th C. E. Wiliiamson, L. Pierson, Commancing at 12 o'clock the fol- teces Iowiug: HORSES-1 Bay Mare, Il years, TYRONE Reg; 1 Bay Mare, 15 yaars, Reg; 1 Bay Mare, 9 years; iMare, 12 yesrs; Visitais: Mi. Bruce Houeywel'i, 1 Black Horse, 4 years; 1 Ligbt Toronto, at Mis. W. R. Clameas'; Horse, 14 yeais. Miss Elma-Gardinar, Teachar, Smith- CATTLE-1 Roan Cow, 5 ycars, field, wîth ber parenuts, Mi. sud Mis. Reg., bred April lth; 1 Caw bred~ B. F. Gardiner; Mi. sud Mis. Alex. February th; 1 Cow brad April Wight, Providence, at Mi. John H. l3tb; 1 Red Cow, Bm-ad Juna îst; 1 Muttan's; Mr. sud Mms. Fred Moore, Red Cow, brad June l5th; 3 Cat- Providence, with friands over Sun- tic, 3 ycars aid; 4 Cattia, 2 yeaîs day; Miss Loa Richards, Oshawa, aid; 1 one-ycam- aid; 3 Calves, witb Mi. sud Mis. Thos. Richards; HENS-About 20 Hans, Mr. sud Mis. Lionel Byam sud Dar- SHEE -11 eicsterEwes 1 eauwith ber parentg lu Canuingtau SHEE-11Leicste Ewe, ~on Sunday; Miss Mary Higgs, Whit- Ram. by, spant the holiday wth Miss Rama PIGS-1 Sow, 10 Shoats, about Phare; Miss Hazal Hodgsan, Peter- S wecks aid. bora Normal, home for the holiday; fMPLEMENTS-2 Haines Wuag- Miss Ethel Skinner, Tarant@, spant ,oua; 1 set Iran Wbeel Trucks-;1i Ehc week-end at home; Mm. Aluin An- Steel Rolai; Maýsesy-Hrrisj Bind- nis, Toronto, ut Mm. Arthur Anuis'; en, 7 ft. cut; 1 Two Fnmrow Riding Messrs. Willie sud Wesley Little: Plow; 2 Walhiug Plows; 1 National Oshawa, with their graudmothar, Mis 'Gang Plow; 1 Cockshutt Plow; W. Lttle, ai.; Mr. John Walter, Miss Massey-Harris Cutivator; Chatham Mabel sud Mm. Frank Walter, Court- Fsnning Mili witb Bsgger, Mc- ice, at Mr. W. H. More's; Mi. Ed. Cormick Rake; Masssay-Hsrris Drill; Thompson, Toronto, with bis son, Mr. Turnip Drill; Disc Harrow; 2000 lbs. Leslie Tbompson; The Old Maids Scales; Massay-Harris Mower; Dear- Convention was a great sueccss an ing Mowar, nearly naw; 1 set Hai- Ssturdsy eveuiag ,everyone acting rows; Tuip Scuffier, Set Bob! their part la a very creditabla man- Sicigbs; Hay Rack; Stock Rack; i1 mauner. $71.00 wss resiz'd.... Turaip Dump; 1BCuttAgpleBx 2 tt AnMss M. McLaruglu'ssed o at Cart; Gravel Box; Apple Bo2 ttomAt MsuM.r from hi purcaed on od Lnddcî; 1 Bain Truck; 2 Top Bug- urdsy. . . . Sevemal from bcrc attend- gies; 3 sets Double Harnass; 2 sets ed Mr. Everatt Vimtu's shootiug Singe Hmnea; ICuttr; abssy-1 match ou Monday, n number of Harris Low Down Manure Spreader; choice ducks beiug disposed of.... Grindstona; Sprsying Outfit; 25 Ccd-1 On Tuesday night (Haliowe'ca) s ai Posts; 2 large Grain Boxes; About I rnasquerade wss heid la the hall. 50 Bsgs; Forhs; Hoas; Chains; etc. Prîzes werc givcn for the beet cas- FEED-20 tons Timotby Hsy; 20 tume camic sud the best child's cas- tans Claver Hay; 3 Stoohs Corn;I tumne. Lunch was sarved sud a very 1500 bushels Turuips; 500 bushals p~leasant cveuing was eujoyed by ail. Maugomas; Iottoes; some grain for Pnoceeds go towards the Forwam-d ýCbop. Movement of the Langue... Mr. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE-1 John Moysa wha m-sided hae some Bedroom Suite; 1 Table; DeLaval Veas F go dicd in Rochester- His Cresmr Separatar, ueariy ncw; 1 remains wara brought ta Bowmsn- Bedstead; Hanging Lamp; Ohuru; ville Cemtary for interment ou Butter Bowl; 1 Cradie; 1 Art Souv-' Saturday ast. cuir Hester sud Pipes; 2 Boxi Miss Elva Virtua, Bowmauvlhle, Stoves sud othar articles. visited ber mother, Mms. J. W. Virtua TERMS-On bay, pleuty of time over Thanksgiving. . Mm. Harry will ha given to gai it away. Coin, Smith, Mis Charles Mutton sud baba roots, poultîy, grain sud ahi sums sud Miss Editb Smith, Bowmanvillc, under $15, cash; over that amount, spent witb tbcim mothar, Mrs. 6 months' credit on approvad notes[ Viols Smth ....Don't forgat Frank ivitb interasi ut 6 % par sunum. 44-2 Ball's auction sale this Fiday. N!otice-.Ttending purcbasers should make su eff ort ta attend this sale Whcu requiring an expeîianced eamly as ht will start -sharp ut 12 auctioneer sacure' Jas, Bishop, Osh- o'clock. awa. Plhone 287. nat up ta formai ycears. Iwacn party, a. good crawd attcndad. i i Messrs, Emllc Pearce lnd IsaacT Selby have rcturaad home from Sas- katheanwhrethey assistad ou J W . Brkadley former towsman, N. T. Seby har- * eNeral Israne Ae vest and tbrasb bis cîop wbicb Isaci nrlIiuac gn reports as being anae of the bast luse Clark of 2ud Division Court, Com- the Province. mlissiofler, etc.- :>endcie rit ENNISKILLEN, Visitors: Mr. and Mis. Walter Hoskin, Toronto, at his mother's, Mms Hoskin and Mis Nelson Smith's; Mr. and Mis. J. E. Virtue and fam- ily, Miss Doris Ford, Toronto, at Mr. J. W./ Virtue's; Miss Maud Curtis and Mi. Johnson, Toronto, at Mr. Thos. McGill's; Miss Winnie Ash- ton, Toronto, at Mr. E. C. Ashton's; Miss Gertrude Oke and Miss Laverne Griufin, Bowmanville, at their homes here; Miss irene Weîry, Oshawa, with ber cousin, Miss Aima Weîry; Miss Ritson at Mr. John Orchard's. Mr. and Mis. Wm. Trewin and Miss Grace, Bawmanville, Mi. and Mis. W. A. Bain, Toronto, Dr. and Mis. G. M. Tîewin and son Bill, Oshawa, at Mi. John Slemon's; Mi. and Mis. Addison Bradley and baby Charles, Mirs. Ed. Bradley and Miss Irene Harris, Whitby, at Mi. Wm. Oke's; Dr. and Mis. H. Ferguson speni Thanksgiving Day at Uxbîidge; Mr. and Mis. Theo Siemon and Master John, spent Sunday at ber fatbeî's, Mr. John ýSanders, Bowmanville; Miss Daiween Webber, Greenway, Man., visiting ber aunt, Mis. W. Heriing; Miss Hart spent Thanks- giving at her home in Toronto. AJJCTION SALES Friday, Nov. I O-Frank Bail will seil on lot 10, con, 9, Darlington, ail of bis stock, impiements, etc. It is weii to note that implements are practicaliy uew not being ir unse over 3 years,, and ln good condition. Sale at 12.30 sharp. Theo. M. Siemon, Auctioneer. Owing to the short days the sale of Mi. Richard Souch, on Wedues. day, November 15, will start ai 12 o'clock sharp. Ail intending purchasers should make an effort ta be there ear1ly. Consignment Auction Sale will be held at W. J. Moore's Garage, Newcastle, on Saturday, Novem- ber lSth at 1 p. m. sharp, con- sisting of Faim Stock, Implements and Household Furaiture. A few more entries wili be taken. Apply ta George Jamieson. 45-2 WOOD SALE 10 Acres of Standing Timbner The undeisigned has received in- owiier, to seli by public auction on structions from Mi. 'W. L. Law, lot 16, con. 3, Darlington, on SATURDAY,, NOVEMBER 11ýh 1922, about 10 acres of standing timber in Qu~arter Acre lots to suit purchasers.,' 'The timbeï is enostly Maple. or other baidwoouod iii the South woods and in the Noitl-wdods mostly Cedar. The puichaseis will be given to the first 'day of Marcb 1924, to re- Maya the timber. Terms-Ali sums of $20 and un- der' cash; over that amount, 6 mon- ths; credit on approved joint notes, with inteîest at 6 per cent. . Sale conmmences at one o'clock. James ~Bishop, Auctioneer. 44-2w Auctlion LiLSale Farmn Stock and Implements, NEWCASTLE METHOLflST CHURCJ- Annivemsary Servics Gratifying Succeas. Good congregations were in a'. stendance at the Thank-offering se:. %vices in the Methodist Gbuich or Sunday and listeued to two splendiÉ spiritual messages from Rev. , D eSamuel W. Failis. This was Dr s Fallis' first visit to Newcastle and a 4the very outset be captivated h hearers with bis cheeîy manuer, hi ;optimism sund bis religious fervor :S He chose bis morning theme fiai Romans 1 :21 and it was a magnifi cent sermon on the Godhead, a ser: mon tending to inspire in each bear a truer love and more gratitude t( God oui Heaveniy Father, a God oi eLove and graciousness and bount eousness. Righteousness is th( bgreatest word in the bible, the ain and goal of eveîy christian if e. C The -choir was in excellent f orn >under the leadership of Mr. W. J.S Richard, with Mis. Howard Allina i the organ., They sang as an aathen *"Lift up your beads O ye gates" an( -during the offering "Praise Ye Jehl ovah". At the eveaing service Dr. Fahlis subject was the "Kingdom ci Heaven'?. He spoke of Christ' commission to bis twelve choser l aposties or cabinet, to go and preaci Lteach and hëal,_a-iad spoke of the t'w distinctly diff erent interpretatiori s of Jesus' parable of the Kingdon i It was the clearest, most informing 1 and soul-giipping exposition Of theSE parables la their bîoadest spiritua: meaning to whicb we have evei listened. B The Book steward took a fem minutes pîevîous to bis sermon tc tell. bis audience somethiag about the great building auçi businesi over which be is head, the Wesley Buildings and Methodist Publishing House, Toronto. At this service the choir sang "They that trust in the Lord shah be as Mount Zion" and "Thou ciownest the year with thy Goodness". The duets by Miss Edua Richard and Mr. Howard Cooke and by Mis. E. B. Cooke and Rev. Mi. Cooke, and the solo by Mia. Cooke could scaîcely be excelled for sweêtness and puiity of tone or for tîue devotionai quaiity. The quartette, comprising Massrs. W. J. S. Richard, W. D. Bragg, Mail Allia and Rav. E. B. Cooke, sang after the sermon "Nearer My God to Thee", a fitting climax for the thoughtsq and preachinÈ' of the day. COURTICE Report of S. S. No. 8, Darliugtoa., foi October: IV Class-Beît Nich- ols. Willie Peaberthy. Dalla Baison, Beth Gay, Ruby Phair, Elmer Walt- ai, James Hancock, Stanley Kins- man, Aima Potter, Sadie Mui, Mad- cine Courtîce, Isobal Geaaing, Ken- neth Walter,, Gordon Cochrane 'ab- sent. Si, III-Edith Balson, Sce- humn Essery, Velma Gay, Sam Gay, John Wilkins, Roland Wenn, Jack Cornish, Viola Welsh, William Ev- arson, Fergus Kinsman, John Teîry. Jr. III-Mona Kinsman, Harîy Gay, Wilie Bichle, BeatîiceAluin, Gordon Brown, Leonard Caurtice. Si. Il -Norman Walter, Willie Konopachi, Leonaîd Wenn, Gladys Beckle, Ken- neth Essery, Douglas Courtice, Hazell Oke, Archie Muir. Jr, II-Willia Rizaek, Annie Wilkins, Claie Court-I ice, Jack Gay, Veina Fon, E vai The NewcaLt1e Inrideýk b-T r- THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9th, 1922 r. NEWCASTLE NEWCASTLE r. It Mr-. Howard Toms was home for Dr. and Mis. Waltoa Bail and M(, is tha holiday. faiiy aud Couant Myers of Oshawa, ville, is Mi. Wmn. Pope, Toronto, visited enjoyed the holiday at Harris>Lodge. Miss r. at Miss Popa's. Mis. William Thackîay, Cobourg. tha in Mi. Jack Gîbson is spending a holîdayed and gave thanks at thef and ~few days at home, home of ber nephew, Mi. Edmondi Lorn r- M .Jack Grieves, Guelph, was Tbackray. theb rt home for the holiday. Rumors say that we are about to Will to ose Mi. Papineau, be bavingpr Ella f Mr. Robt. Gray visited friands lu chased a store and stock at Cavanýr, wee t-. Lindsay on Weduesday. and will move there the latter part of and ie Mi. C. Cannon visited bis parents this mouth. Dor in in Portland over the holiday. Mi. and ýMis. Abert Crago, Dar- cd M Miss Gladys Jackson came çlowa iington, spent Suaday with Mis. W. the in fîom Toronto for the holiday. D. Bragg and daughters and heard draw S. with daiigbt Dr. Fallis' great sermon Laur MisýEs Bertha Johnson, Toronto, on the Parables of the Kingdom. Port in was a guast of Mis. H. Britton. A ubrome esofteM-lia d Mi. F. A. Butler, Toronto, spent * A numbSocetyf moff Mth Mis- [igai h- Tbauksgfiving witb bis famiiy here. Churcb hera weut out 'r Orono on Dru. 'Mis Lil Joes, oroto, s *Toi, Mis LlyJoesToonoisvis- Tuesday afternoon sud wera gueËsaMi. [S, iting with lier brother, J. S. H. Joues of their sister society of that place. ac f F. W. Fligg and George Honey are Miss Annie Hodgkius and M is iitE s iu Cobourg this week seiving on the Dora Laflamme with a paîty of young Mrs. n Jury. ladies fîom tha Girls' Club, Toron- Mi. h, Miss Roweua Bragg, Providence, to, eajoyed their bîmef vacation, Will o0 is visitiug ber sister, Mis. E. C. afforded by Taksgivîng day, at iting ris Hoar. their aid retieat, Copper Beach. D.E n. Mr. sud Mis. A. V. Rowland, Tor-- Mi. sud Mrs. D. 0. Morris and maL g9 onto, spent Sunday with friands in family are goîng "Home" ta spead holid e town. the winteî with their people lu Eng- saîy al Br Miss Amy Hunfer, Standard Bank land and wilh sali on November 24. Piesl Staff, Toronto, was home for the Their many Newcastle friends join succe holiday. in wishing them a bon voyage and a tily Mi.FakBWatvstdwt saf e ratura. beri bo be ra nkte ennlett vso wth ]Ur. and Mis. Hards aud chiid- laden it er augtes i Toono oer herenr accompanied by Mr. and Mis. veget g5 holiday. Russell Colwiii and two childien of grege ýy Mis. E. J. Hayes and daugbter Toronto, spent Sunday witb Mi. and Bowr [g Helene, are visiting witb, frienda lu Mis. Sam Scuithoîpe, Hope, sud sisted Toronto. % Thanksgiving day witb Mi. and Mis. ing,i ýg Mi. Laine Thomas ieft ou Thurs- W. R. Pesîca.1 churc e day ta attend Tlrinity Collage lu Mi. Vandusen bas moved into the were ;t Toronto. village accupyiag the Mangan bouse woul ýe Mis., J. H. Thom, Toronto, is on south Church-st. Mr. Vandusen dated rspending a few days wîth ber sister, is a high-clsss biicklayer and wili Ever3 Mis. McLaugblin. ba a mighty handy man ta bave exe.l' e Miss Isabel Bennett, Bowmau- around. Newcastle exteuds ~auto; e ville, visited with Mis. Reg. Lovakin hearty weicome ta hlm sud bis es- and1 'fover the holiday. timable family. sudn Miss Edua Hall sud Mi. McLeod, A club bas beau orgauizad by a bello kToronto, were holiday visitais witb numbar of men of the village and la Mis. J. A. Smith. community sud have sacurei the awa; Miss9. osHatns satad "Independent" Office as a club a eThauksgiving at ber fatbeî's, Mi. B. romui itdu oa vote( Moise, Beaveî-st. to make nice comfortabie quarters ladies wheîe they mayspend a social aven- . . Miq Mi. Virtie Wilson, Oshawa, spent ing lu chat, games, raading or a .pent Suuday with bis parents, Mi. and comfoîtablc smoke.Mic Mis Cas Wlsn.A number of oui local sports hava son,1 Misses Rena sud Edua Cowaa "takan ta the woods" lu quest of Hanri left forS Toronto on Saturday whcrc ganie. Mr. J. H. Middletou is act- Mullh thay hava positions. ing as "Bell Wether" ta the îest of *Miss IHelen Tuti' sud Murial Tob- the "fiack" which is enough ta gusi- in, Toronto, visited witb Mi. and autea a good outing. Soma of the Mis. Frank Brauton. mambcrs of the party are H. C.' ALFI Mr. R. W. Gibson, Haad Office Bawen, E. E., Middieton, Art. Toms, Gradi Standard Bank Staff, Toronta, was B. E. Moise, sud Earl Waitoa. Good of Rc *home ovai tha holiday. iuck ta you Boys, and may wa smell burg. Mr. sud Mis. A. J. Bennett, Tor- venisan whea yau retuin. a n a: conto, spant the week-end with their Mi. W. J..Eiibeck; Toronto, spaut Block, *daughter, Mis. G. Gray. the holiday with bis father haie sud Mr. Theadore Judd,. Standard just ta let thé natives of the aid j BankStaf, isied hs aent inhame town sac that city life.bas not Hlonor Brafn Staff, viidbiarant P naffected bis 'nerves or eyesight, ha Fellom Gratonove te hlidy.shouldered bis aid tîusty gun and Licent Messrs. John Bouathan,' Toronto, hikad for the bush whca ha succced- New' sud George of Brantford, spent the cd lu bagging two buge coans. Not Gmadi hiday with their parants. the dusky variaty of the soutbland pitalc Misses Margaret Lake sud Muriel but real hanest ta goodness four- Taraiý *Adams speat the holiday with haer faotad anas. -Mis miother, Mis. Frank Gibs on.. The a nseeade dance held in Newce Miss Gladys Bradley, Belleville, Alexandra Hall au Wednesday aven- ta 3 i rspent the holiday with bier parants,' ing was a buga succass. Prizes Mi. sud Mis. J. W. Bradley. were awarded as follows: Dr.' J. A. Mi. sud Mm-s. J.' A. Gendron sud Butler, Best Original Costume- son Vincent, Toronto, speut the hall- Repraseuting a "Baby"; Bob. Ciow.- day with Newcastle friands. thers, Best Comic Costume-"Cora- Iiahes"; Consolation Priza, Mis. Mr. sud Mis. Gabraith sud son, Raid, Bowmanvile-Gipsy; Alacia Toronto, visited with Mr. sud Mis. sud 'Gwendolyn Williams, Childian 's D. J. Gibson, "'Hazel Dell". Prize-Goid Dust Twins; Priza Fox Mm-. sud Mis. John Fligg motoîed Trot-Miss Mabel Lake and Mr. up from Petarboro sud spent the Cecii Cannon. holiday lu the aid home town. l Mis. George Hedges sud daughter,1 NESTLETON Miss ChaasHadges, Toronto, vîsitad with the Missas Hedges ovar the hall- Rev. E. W. Rowland, Brookhin, day. preached vary acceptable anniver- J Mr. sud Mm-s. Harman Anderson. sary sermons at Cadmus on Sunday sud, son Dick, Toronto, speut theansd at Nestieton lu afteruoau. . . . thàt holiday wîth hem- mother, Mis. R. P. Mi, W. E. Armstrong's sale on Fr- Size, Butier. day was faiîly welhl atteuýded sud moderate prices realizd .... Mr. A. a ca Mm. ud m-s Ragn sd toH. Veala is building a naw rasidenca next childien, Toronto, visited her par nbi-o ouho hesoe ents, Mr. sud Mis. John Douglas overi Miss Gîsce Gardon, Petarboro- Nor- the holiday. mal, speut Thanksgiving at h6m. . Mi. Harold AllUn, Orono, sud . Miss Norma Suggitt sud friand, G Hector Mihison sud sister Edua Miss Howard, visited bier father, Mr. Clarke, visited at Mis. J. C. Han- R. H. Suggitt over Sunday..Mr. cock's on Sunday. sud Mis. Payne, Toronto, visited at Mis. Ida Stinson and daughter, Mr. James Gardou's.. Mis. Stephen Miss Frances, Toronto, spent the Washington sud grandson George week-end vwith baprnts, .qMr. sud Washingtn onf Oakwood-1 Ad Mi. New V all Papers Fust received a large Ipment of Fali papers [able for any room. Sy reasonable in price, )m 15e per roll upward. ,ry choice designs and lors. K. T. Allen [g 20" Bookstore 1 Bowmanville NE WTON VILLE 4essrs. Fred Nesbitt, Bowman- e, James Nesbitt, Peterboro, and ïsAllie Nesbitt, Toronto, spent week-end with their parents, Mr. 1Mis. James Nesbitt ..... Miss Caine Milligan, Toronto, spent week-end with her brother, Mr. ilMýlligan .... MiEses Lena and a Whittaker, Toronto, spent the ak-end with their parents, Mr. 1Mis. Wmý, Wvhittake .... Miss rothy Pethick, Port Hope, visit- Mri, and Mrs. Reuben Payne over holiday ...Miss Nettie Mul- y, Elizabethville, is visiting Miss ira Smith .... Miss Hazel Haskill, .Hope, is visiting Mis. Win. Mil- m,.... Mi. and Mis. Victor Payne, s James Payne, Mis, James Le- ie and Mr. Clarence Pethick of *nto, visited relatives here.. 1and Mrs. Will Sharp, Toronto, 1Miss Olive Johnson, Peterboro, *ed at Mrs. R. R. Johnson's.... *Fleming, Bowmanville, visited and Mrs. Sam, Arnot .... Mrs. I'Harris of Bowmanville, is vis- gMrs. Fred Smith ... . Mrs. W. Dyer of Columbus and Miss Em- Lockhait of Port Hope, spent the lay with relatives..Anniver- yservices in connection with the sbyterian Church passed off very essfully. The church was pret- decoiated with evergreens, red ries and fiowers. A table was n with many kinds of fruit and etables. On Sunday large con- gations greeted Rev. D. W. Best, manvilýle, Mrs. (Rev.) Best as- d the choir. On Monday even- although it was a wet night, the ceh was filled and the receipts eover $300., The query is how d the cîowd have been accommo- d 'had it .been a fine night? ry number on the program was [lent. Soloist, Miss Wilson, Tor- )readers, Miss Davey, Orono; Miss Milîson; Rev. J. W. Rae, no, gave a shgrt witty address our own Mr. and Mrs. T. Camp- delighted the audience as, they is do. Rev. Best as chairman, certainly true to his name and at his best. Before closing a of thanks was moved to ahi the ýs who provided so*generously... Jss Elsie Waddington, Toronto, iThanksgiving with Mrs. C. J. 1ell as did also Mrs. John Robin- Newcastle, Mi. and Mis. Leslie is, Toronto, and Mis. A. Mc- [n, Oshawa. MEDICAL 'ED FARNCOMB, M. D., C. K liate of Trinity University, alzo Zoyal College Physicians,. Edin- Specialty-Diseases of womn- ind childien. Office-Parker'a k. Newcastle. J. A. BUTLER, M. D. C. M. ir graduate of Trinity Univer sity )w of Trinity Medical College, atiate of the State University of York, Matriculate of the Post- late Medical School and Hos- of New, York and Fellow of the ýto Academy of Medicine. Office rs. McNaughton's Rosidence, astle. Hours-8 to 10 a. m,, 1). M., and by appointment. LL Newcastle Brittonl's Bread, Quality Supreme, Service Unsurpassed, Delivered fresh daily BREAD, BUNS, RAISIN LOAVES- Choice Groceries, Confectionery and Fresh Fruits H. S. BRITTON Baker & Grocer Newcastle Electric Toaster, Stove Just the thing for light cooking or heating purposes. Will toast and bake at the same time. Element is made of very best resistance wire ob- tainable and is guaranteed for one year.- Not expensive either: Blue Steel, Finish $2.00 Aluminum Finish $2.50 Alumînum Finish with Toaster ,$4.50 Aluminum Oven $5.50 H. C. BOUNATHAN Announcement To The Residents of Newcaistle and Cla rke Township Having bought out the business as carried on by Mr. Geo. Eilbeck, toget- her with the store and property at New- castIe, it is our intention to carry on the Furniture and'Funeral Directing Busi- ness together with such other Uines as we may decide on, and in the saine store. However, until such times as some chanpes are made and a new stock has been placed, we ask you to bear with us throcmgh any inconvenience As soon, as -we are installed into our Newcastle Store we shall endeavor to, merît your custom and patronage by- selling goods as low as the lowest pos- sible p)rices, and by giving prompt and eWceient service to ail. For the pre'sent Mr. Eilbeck will be please~d to take care of any orders for us, which niay be sent to, him, or telephone direct to Bowmanville and we will at- tend qtiickly to any business entrusted to US. F. F. MORRIS CO. Newcastle Orono Bowmanville STOVES coming. We 1,ave a l1arge variety at Very Low Prices. Call and see W M. J AMI1rnânuESON ORDER COAL NOW expect another car of tgood Coal (Domestic a) this week followed by ar of high grade stove, ýweek. Bo. Jamieson' Newcastle, Hardware Store 9 is what you want now that cold LL Newcastle' SPECIAL THIS WIEEK AT WALTON'S GROCFIRY 3 packages Lux .............................. ......35e Brooms..................................... 45e and 65c Post Toasties ...............................1c package R. WALTON Grocer weather - is

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