r Vol LXVIII. M. A. JAMS& SONS, Publishers. BOW MANVILLE, T'HURSDAY NOVEMBER 16, 1922 $2.00 a Year In, Advance 5c a Copy. N.4 THE STORE 0F QUALITY Many Delightf"ul 1Frocks, Suits an id Coats *Here are myriads of delightful Frocks, Suits and Coats-one is actually bewildered by their varied charm. Artistie draping-luxurious fabries-distinctive garnitures ail combine' to make this showing one of the most interesting ever presented. You'Il like the ne-w fashions, and particularly the models- you'll find here!1 'N ew Clothes For Men and Boys Step out wîth the new season; breathe the coo1erÈ air of fali, but en joy it most by dressing correctly. That feeling is best assured by making your selection from our new stock- just ar- rived. fr 1om the'leading maakers of the country. Regar- d this as a personal invitation to visit our Men's Department. "o.ch, Johns â.ton & Cjryder n Bownanvîlle Phonel104 Limitea The Shop That Leadsi At An? Angl you wil notice that our new, models in soft hats are becoming and attractive. Qnalities are unusual, shapes correct, and the newest Aiitumn colorings unusually desirable. -1 e Cali and try on some of these smart styles. Winter S tyles IntFurs are ehbarmning. There are so maniy entire- lv iiew, models that will prove piquantly at- tractive and becoming. Wc invite you to cali and look over our display of workansîp unsurpassed and the modes BUY YOUR FURS FROM A FURRIER Biowmanville's Up-to-date Haberdashery and Fur Shop. HAMPTON Langue meeting opened last week with Missioaary Vice-President, Miss Marlon Stevens la the chair. After davotional axercisas Miss Rutih Johns rend the scripture lesson. Mrs. J. ColWill gave an iatereting talk on "Missioaary Pioneers", the second chapter of the study book. Mrs. Barron and Mr. Saltar nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. W. Wilbur fnvored with vocal duets and Miss Mildred Burns, gave a rending after whicb the. meeting closed with the benediction.ý DARLINGTON Mr. and Mrs. Neil Cnmpbell' and cbildren, Marjorie, Donald and Douglas, Oshawa, ware racant visit- ors with Mrs. Blake Short. and Mrs. Carnet ýSymons ... . Messrs. John, Albert, Percy, Harold and Stanlay Langatone and Clarence Thnckray, Toronto, were week-end visitors at their cousins', Mr. W. H. Woo.... Mr. and Mrs. Blake Short and 'sons, LeRoy and Ruissal'visited his father, Mr. A. W. Short, Taunton ... Mrs. Johin Metcalf, Town, visited hier son, Mr. Roy Metcalf.- TYRONE Report of S. S. No. 18, Tyrone, for Octobar. Names in order of standing: er. IV-May Cameron, Richard Gibbs, Fred Goodman, ilar- ry llatherly, Kith Jeea Gibbs. Jr. IV-Flora McRoberts, Éeon Moore, Kathleen McCullough,' Leverne Bur- gess, Frank Hatherly," Verna Mc- Coy, Arthur Richards. Jr. III- Eleanor Thompson, Anale Gardiner, Ivan Smith, Clarence Goodman. Sr. II-Irene Cameron, Earl Goodman. Jr. II-Fred Taylor, Taddy Wood- yard, Bruce McRoberts., Sr. I- Alice Tbompson, Clarence Hatherly. Jr. I-Carson Keeler. Sr. Pr.-i Myrtie Brooks, Francis Thompson,1 Edna Cameron. Primer-Lorne Annis- Junior Piimer-Bernice Shackleton, Viola Kealer, Jnck Gibbs. Adelaidie Annis, Enri Prescott, iChester Prascott. M. L Wight, teacher. NESTLETON Another of our old residents pnss- ,ed nway la the person -1 Mrs. John Williams on Saturday, Nýovember il, at tbe ripe age of 82 years. She was intarred la Nastieton Cemetery on Mondny. Rev. R. G. Carruthers conductad the service, speaking very aicaly at the house on the words "Now 1- lay me dowa to Sleep". She wns borne to hier resting place by Messrs. James White, Osaca, George Willinnie, Oshawa, Sulas WllIiamýs, Solina, Paul Williams, Scugog,- Thos.t Williams and Fred Johns, Cosrea, She lenvÇes to moura hier loss Mrs. George Re'ynolds, Mrs. George Mar- lo-wý, Mrs. Jas. Dîckey, Mr. John and Richard Williams and Miss M iriamV who bas had the care of hier mother during bier ilîness. 1r Miss Ruby Veale, Miss Grace Washington, Mr. and Mrs, T. Geo. Wilson speat the week-end in Tor- onto.. . . Mrs. Jackson and the Miss-, as Vera and Mabel Jackson recent-ie ly visited Toronto .... Mr. and Mrs. r Frank Crossmnn and dnughter,,Ked- j ron, visited hier sister, Mrs. Williamq Samelîs on Sunday. EBENEZER Some vary much naeded repairs and improvements are being made on the ronds around the new bridges built this season. May the good work continua to a proper finish... A new baating system la being instal- t led at No. 4 School, Messrs. Gay and Courtice being the contractors... Mr. C, F. Fouad bas recently pur-a chased a twenty acre farma from Mr.S H. F. Osborne for gardeaing pur- poses. Success will no doubt fol- low the ventura in Cecil's banda.. . -.Mr. Esli Oke bas moved, taking up residence on tbe bomestead... Mr.' A. Muir bas lately bought n new and wortby sire forbis noted and, record brenking bard of Hoîsteins. .- ..Miss C. Courtica and Mrs. F. W.e Rundle gave n splendid report Wed- t nesday evaning of the O. R. E. C. hald at Mnssey Hall, Toronto. Miss j Courtice willI continue the report.on0 Sundny evening next. The mornîng0 service was taken by Hav. W. H. c Spargo, Bowmanville, in the ab-C sence of Pastor Boyce who was tak- t ing annivarsnry services ýat Adaîphus- town,.... Mr. and Mrs. L. W. TTRuil and dnughter Gwendolyn, were 1j DARLINGTON ENTFERS PROTESTI zHave Good Reasons 'for Opposinug Diversion of Traffic on C. N. R. 3 A well-attended meeting of rate- payers of Darlington Township who i patronize Tyrone and Solinaý sta- 1 tïons on the Canadian Northern Rail- .way attended a special meeting of 1Darlington Council in the Town Hall, 1Hampton, on Monday night to dis- icuss the proposed action ofthe C. N. R. directors to close this lina from 'Cherrywood to Orono and to divert the traffic over the Toronto and East- 'arn Radial lina. Reeve Thomas Baker presided and spoke in no un- certain terms, to his views on the 'abandoning of the present system 1which was now serving the people of Darlington. The meeting was unanimous la protesting against the closing of the present line, which would iot only greatly inconvenience farihees in the central part of the township, but would also men a considerable fin- ancial loss. as the farmers, at their own expense, had erected stock pens, fruit houses, -sheds and other convea- lences at both Tyrone and Solina sta- tions. Although no resolutions were pans- ed at the meeting a committee wns appointed consisting of Reeve Baker, A. L. Pascoe and J. R. R. Cole, to wait on E. W. Oliver, manager of the Toronto and Eastern Radial, and Mr. S. J. Hungarford, Vice-President and Manager and Mr. Gerard Ruel, general counsel and director of the C. N. R., laying -before th% 'm the injustice and hardship which would be experienced by many people liv- ing among the present rond, were it removed, and naiÈequest that no act- ion be taken until the matter'had been gone into more thoroughly. An nppointment has been made with Mr. Oliver on Wednesdny and it is hoped to meet C. N. R. officials the ame day. TENNIS TOURNEY WINNERS Th local tennis tournament put on the past summer under the auspices of \the Bowmnnville Amateur Athie- tic Association was a huge suçcess la avery particular. The wianers ia the varlous groups have only recent- lyý been declared as- slight deinys were occasioned preventing series be- ing carried out according io ache- dule. Trophies coasist of attract- ive silver cups suitably engraved and oramented with miniature sil- ver tennis rackets, each being mouat-ý ,ed on an ebony base. The successful contestants are: e'ssiagles,-M. A. Neal; Men's doubles-M. A. Neni and Reg. Milîs; Ladies' singles-Margaret ',McMur- try; Ladies' double s-Margaret Mc- Murtry and Dorothy Smith; Mixed double-il. W. Lapp and Gertrude Morris. Arrangements are being made to wind up the season with a dance at the Bungalow when the ýcups will be presented to the winners. WOMEN'S CANADIAN CLUB The regular meeting of the Wom- an 's Canadian Club will be held ln St. Paul's Lecture Room on Monday, November 20.th at 4 p. m. Dr. C. A., Seager, Provost of Trinity Univer- sity, will deliver the address.. Ail ladies who have not yet pnid their fee for this year should do so at once, ia order not to miss aay of these la- teresting and beneficial addresses. LADY'S PURSF LOST On Canadian National (G. T. R.) train No. 18, Sunday night last, be- tween Oshawa- and, Bowmanville, lndy's purse containing coasiderable sum of money and a stick pin valued as souvenir. Finder please leave at Statesman Office or send to box 76,t Bowmanville, or at 223 Dearborne1 Ave., Osbawa, and receive rewnrd.1 ____________ 46-2wî LT.-COL. SNIDER, SHAKE! 1 That la no small honor to faîl on Public School Inspector E. E. Snid- er, B. A. of Inspactorate No. 1, Nor- thumberland and Durbam, nnmaly, his promotion from the rank of Manjor to that of Lieutenant Colonel of the 46th Durham Regimeat Col- onal Saider has been acting in this capacity siace, the resignation of CJol-Hector Rend, but it was fot un-c til Snturcnay that the news of the promotion was officially givea out. The Statesman and staff join with HIGH SCHOOL NOTES j MINISTERS AND CHURCH 1ES On Thursday, November lOtb ati Rev. Dr. A. C. Crews, Toronto, bas 8 -p. m., the Oratorical Coatest will bean securad for the Thankoif ring bc beld in the Assemfbly- Hall. Spaak. services on Sunday, Decembar 3, la ers: Miss Ruth Grigg, subject- Bowmnnvilla Methodièt Church. Pauline Jobaston; Miss Iva Gilbank Rev. C. R. Spencer, Rector of -Soma Advanturas of Country Life; Millbrook, preacbed two very pawer- Miss Doîia McConnel-,Folk Lore fui sermons on Sunday in St.' John's and, Religion la Japan; Rosa Pooley Churcb before a large congregation, -The History of Bowmanville; Stan- Churcb of Christ-Rev. L E. ley Osborne-South Georgia, an Zavitz, Pastor, will preac a-t 1i--a. m. Outpost of the Antarctic; Will Point- n .m udySho t23 en-Ideals and Progreas; Maitlandapd.7M. LordsSuda Scooat m2.30 Gould-Cinn, a Land of Surprises. evc. Public cordially invited to attend,. evie On Fida Pot Hpe Hgh chol pSt. John's Chunch, Ractor, Rev. C. On ridy Prt opeHig ScoolP.Muirbead. Organist, Mrs. John teams came up for the returli gamnes, A. Guan, 23rd Sunday after Trin- botb of wbich were won by B.IH. S. ity. il n. m.-Holy Communion. The first period of the basketball 2.30 p. m.-Sunday Scbool. 7 p. in- gama ended 0-5 for Port Hope. How- Evening Song. Prencher, The ever, our girls waat in to win in the Rector. second pariod ,and scored il points, Methodiat Cburcb-Rev. S. C. the game ending 11-7 la our favor. Moore, B. A., B. D., Pastor, will The football te4im won their game 2- preacb. 10.30 a. m.-Classes and 0. Cameron' and Courtice scored ongHur. 1a.m-Pise the goals. After the games tha vis- wonthy Off ering. 2.30 p. m.-Sun- iting 'teams were banquetted. The day School and Bible Classes. 7 barquet was la charge of the Girls' p. m. The Promotion of World Peace. A. A. Executive. Speeches ware Special Patriotie music by the choir made by membars of the staff and L dyaeigl h captains of the teama. These games Leau on Mondyeeigi h mark the end of the football and Mtodiat Church was in charge of baskatball seasons. They bave been Missionary Depnrtment, Miss Spargo, on thle wbole, quite successful. The Preýsidant, in the chair. Comuanity baslcetbnll season býas been an îm- sîngîng and opaning exercises wns provemant on last yaar's. Altho the fol4owad by acripture lesson read by taam was badly defaated by Wbitby Miss Ethel Hicks; vocal solo, Miss la the first two gamas, 17-4, 13-31 the Lois La b; topic '.The Life of David third game -endad oniy 7-6 la Whit- Livings?0ne".was taken by Mr Law- by'a favor. The gamne was fast and rance Mason, wbîch wns excerption- the, score undecided until the last nlly good. Spelling match conduct- minute. Both gamas with port ad by Mn. Charlas Mason furi.hed Hope were won 10-8,11-7. an intarasting closing. Sundny morning Bowmanviile Line-up-Fowards--Marîon Pick- Methodista ware privilegad with bav- ard, Agnes VanÏstona or Eda Jew- ing Rev. Dr. C. L. Mclrvjne, 1-as;or ail, JumpCing Centra-Lenore Quick, of Crace Methodist Cihurch, VY ,nni- Sida C ntre-Dore~hy Baliman,pg praca to them a most stirring Guards-Craca Caverly (Captain), agd, lfl emnfmJh 4 Helen MGrego.1 -14-a moat comforting -m,ŽýsagEý The football taam plnyad home ifrom Christ to bis Disciples. Ha and home games witb Whitby and pointed out the herole work of soma Port Hope. Thay were victorlousI of the enrly leaders of th 'e Mathodiat la ail four gamas and were not scorI- Church, showed the tramendous :nsk ed upon. This is the second season awvniting the ministers and mambera that the football tana as won ail of this grat body if -dhey a,ýe to the games without being scored up-, carry on the work of sarving God on, doing so both this yaar and at, andl bumanity. At tha close lie told The scores with Whitby were 4-,Q,4-,Of the financial neada of Grace, 0, and with, Port Hope 1-0, 2-0. Church and of the effort -being rnce Liaa-up-Coal-Stuart R. James, t o wipe out the ovar $400,000, in- Backs-Mr. A. R. Scott, B. A., Will I ebtedcs Adutwspldiy Pointan, Haîf backs Alan McKas-1 sung by Mr. T. W. Stanley and Mr8. sock or Maitland Could, Bob Mc-i H. M. Fostar. Cullough, Jack Reynolds (Captain),ý Forwards-Hugb Cameron, Clan 1S. S.TEACHERS' NIGHT Courtica, Charlie White, Kennetb: Fraser, Parcy- Cowling. ' AT METHODIST CHURtCH im OBSERVED) ARMISTICE DAY Veterans Celebrate AnnualEet Armistice Day passad off very quiatly ln Bowmanville thara baing no public demonstration or service tohonor the occasion except for the blowing of a f aw fnctory wbistles at il o'clock in the mornîng and the cessation of work by soma amploy- ces for two minutes. Maay of the returned soldiers had not forgottan What this ail impor- tant avent meýant and gathared lia the aveniag in thair club nooma to pay thair respect ta thair fallen con-, radas and acred dead. An uni-i que program was prasentad by Bow-: manvilla Radio Club la which ad-' dressas baing on the day ware de- livered by Dr. G. C. Bonnycastie and Major R. J. CGilbaing broad- casted and raceived at the- club rooms Rev. C. R. Spencer of Millbrook, n vateran of the Grat Wan, was pre- sent and made a few ýtimaly remanka. Musical nÙmbars wera also raceived by radio from local broadcasting station as wall as foreiga stations. A short business session wns bald raganding organizing thbe Bowman- villa Soldiers Club wbich will ba- coma a raality as sufficiant mambers hava sinca bean secured. to carry on the club. Its firat meeting- will be held Frîda3ý, Novambek 18, at 8 p. m., ta 'wbich ail ex-service men are invited ta attend. Refresh- niants ware inter servad and anothart plenant soidiars' avaning wasl brought toa nclose. EBENEZER LEAGUE Concert and Lecturet- Will ba given on Friday, Dacem- bar 1, at 8 p. M. Rav. H. Stainton, B. A., Scugog, will giva bis lecture 'The Land of the Rupea"l. Mrs. Stainton, soloist; Mrs. (Rav.) R. G. ECarrutbers, Binckstock, elocutioniat; and Rav. Prof. Staples, B. A., Ton- mnto, tenon soloiat. Admission 25c. 46-3w REMEMBER THE DATE Delcember 6th W. A. A. A. MinstfreIs Biggan and betten than aven. The ninstrel firat part of the Whitby A. A. A. Minstral Show is a gorgeous combination of colon, jazz, and a niot of tuneful sangs and claver dancas. Tree yeara' experiance in this lina as perfected the work of the min- strais to a degrea equal ta ýthat of n rofessionni organization. The se- ond part is a complate olio and in- ludes a number of firat cnass acts, no two the sama, with entertaiament1 for nIl. Date Wednesday, Dacem- J ben 6tb. Plan of hall at R. M. 1 Mîtchell's drug store. Resarved 1 Bete 50c, general admission 35e. 46-1 I Sunday avening service in the Mathodi-st Ohurch was in charge of the Sunday School Officiais. Mlayor H. L. Quinn, Superintendent, pre- sidad. The splendid S. S. Orches- tra, un-der leadership of Mr. T. W. Stanley, gave the opaning numiber after whlah a chorus was sur.g by soma 30 girls of the Senior Depart- ment who wara in the choir and who lad the singing during the avening. Prayer wns off erad by Mr. Eli Wilson Pastor Moore made the announce- ments, and Principal W. J. Mon- rison, B. A., rend the Saripture. AÀ review of addrassea given at lah re- cent Ontario Religlous Education Council at MnsseyHall, Toronto, was prasentad by Miss Hîlda C. Slemon- who rend Miss Grace Trewin 's re- port; Mrs. W. B. Pincb who rend Mrs. B. M. Warnica's report; Miss Marlon Beliman who ýýeported for' the C. G. I. T. Departmant and Miss Haycraft for the Aduit Depnrtment. Ail thase reports wara very iaterest- ing and informative. A trio was nicely sung by Misses Marguerite Jonasa, Marion Pîckard and Dorothy Plummer. Miss Hilda Curtis also sang witb good expres- sion "Open the Gates of The Temple'ýý,nftar which Supt. Quinn told of soma of the good thing snsid by speakers at the Boys' Gnthpring. Mention was made, too, of th- five days' meetings concluding with the Pageant "The Light of the World". Wa understand that this pageant is shortly to ha given hara undar aus- pices of the Girls' Morning Hour. The salactions by the Girls' Choir and Orchestra directed by Mr. Stan- ley and bis young folks were very much anjoyed as wns the prog-ram tbroughout by the large congrega- tion prasent. This kind of varia- tion occasîonally la the Sunday avening services, wa judge £romo the appreciation apparent in this pro- gram, would ha very acceptable ta the,,peopie. BOWMANVILLE RADIO CLUB A meetingof Bownaanville Radio Club was haldi Novamber 9th., when arrangements wara made for the regular operation of the Radio Club Broadcnsting Station, L t was de- cided that club rooma be secured and a raceiving set înstalled for use of membars. The Chamber of Com- merce bas agreed to provîde a Bow- nianville slogan for the use of the club Broadcnsting Station la miaking [ta announcaments The Radio Club wisb ta acknow- ledge the kindnass of the foilowing rausicians la contributing thain ser- vices for Radio programa from the Radio Club Broadnat Station LOAE. M4rs. M. A. Neal, Mn. R. M. Mitchell, Misas Aileen Hnzlewood, Mrs. C,, E. Febder,. Bowmanville and Mr. Mc- Donnell, Oshawa., These programa have beau enjoyed by people ln Osh- awa, Orono and Kendall as well as by residents of Bowmanville.