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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Nov 1922, p. 4

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BLACKSTOCK Another old resident passed to hi5 îewaîd on Saturday, Novembeî 11, in the person of Robeit Kerrigan, aged 89 *years. The funcial took place Monday to 5t. John's Cemeteîy ...Mis. Robt. Spinks, who was ili in the Peterboro Hospital, is home and steadily impîoving. .. R ey. Mr. Scott was in Toronto performiag the maîriage ceremoay of one of bis con-ý giegation, Mi. J. Biookes... . St. John's Chuîch Bazaaî la the Aîm- ouries on November ......... Victor- ian Women's Institute held the No- vember meeting at the home ,of Mis. Aitvhui Bailey with an attendance of 40. Mi. S. Faîmeî, Fort Peiry, gave a very beipful and iateîestiag address on "CommiJnity Welfaie", and Mi. F. W. Melntyre, Port Ferry,ý favoîed the meeting with a pleasiag solo.- Lunch was seîved. This Brancb sent $30 in moaey and a quantity of fruit and pickles to Noîthera Ontario Fire Sufferers. Six W7eeks to Christmas Busy days they will be, too, if you are to get your purchasng ail done, by then. We have had a good yeir's business. But we want to make it bigger than ever and in order to do this are going to gix7e you ai opportunity to buy your Xmas gifts early at prices that are so reasonable you cannot resist by vwaiting until the last miniute. A few special purchases has enabled us to place before yon footwear values that are like a page from the past. Below is a list of cdts an d prices that wili ;appeal to ail who need shoes." This is not a sale. Medium Hleel, high top, kid bal, welt sole, Values to $10,00 for.............. $7.75 Cash Low Shoes, clearing out the broken Sizes la several uines, Values to $9.00 for, $,0Cash Son'c extra speciai Ladies' Ox- fords at .ý,.......$495 Misses' Boots, Special ... $3.00 Round Toe, Black or' Brown, Welt Soles, Values to $7,50 for .............. $5.75 Cash Narrow Tocs, Black or Brown, Values to $8,50 for $7.25 Cash Boys' Boots, Special . .. $3.00 Siippers, Spats, Sboe Trees, Galoshes and many other tbings f or gift purposes. W. CLAUDE IVES BowmavilleCash Shoe Store bain, at Mr. Rd. Ashton's; Miss Lin- ton, Toronto, at Mi. F. Côulte's;j Miss Stella Slemon. Tfronto, and1 MAPLE GROVE Mis. J. D. Stevens and son Loine motored to Oakwood and Cambray on Saturday andlspent the week-end. Mr. Elswood 'Webster returnèd home wlth them ... Miss L. Lowry spent the week-end with friends -in Osh- awa .... Mrs. C. Bail and daugliter, Port Burwell, have îeturned home after spending aearly two' weeks here with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Aldsworth ...Mr. Raymond Snowden is able to be out again af- ter his attack of j aundice . ... Glad to reportthat Mrs. A. Seward wbo was operated on in Bowmanvifle Hospital is doing nicely. HAMPTON Holiday visitors: Mr. and Mis. Aythur Stephens, Mi. and Mis. El-i mer Boyd, Toionto, at Mr. E. Stev- ens'; Mi. Alfred Challener, Toi- onto, guest of Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Colwill, Jr.; Mis. W. N. Brown, Miss Nancy Johns, Toronto, -at home; Mr. and Mis. Milton Avery, Bowman- ville, at, Mr. R. Avery's; ,Mi. How- aid Price, Toronto, at F. G. Ker- slake's; Mi. and Mia T. Salter, Mimico, Mr. an&' Mis. E. Jamieson and son, Gîeenbank, at T. Saltei's; Mi. and Mis. F. Taylor, Doîothy and Bîlly, Mi. and Mis. Wmn. Jeffrey, Toi- onto, at W. W. Hori's; Mi. and Miýs. J. B. Hloîn and family, M. Gordon Ham, Peterboro, Mr, and Mis. C. Jeffîey, Maple Grove, at C. Hoîn's; Miss Sadie virtue, Toronto, at home; Mi. and Mis. Fawcett and, daugitei,. Toronto, guests of Me. and Mis. Geo. Barron; Miss Frances Clatworthy, Belleville, at home; Mi. F. J. Groat spent the week-end in Toronto; Mi. aad Mis. Stanley Bates and childien spent the holiday with relatives at Norland; Mr. and Mis. Geo. Edgei and daughter aad Miss Lottie Challis, Oshawa, at H. Wilcox's, Jr.; Mi. W. R. Allia spent the holiday with fîiends in Toi- onto; Mi. and Mis. E. L. vickery, Miss Lottie Hos1n, Oslhawa, at -C. Hoin's; Miss Anaie Johns, Bow- manville, spent Sunday at home; Mi. and Mis. C. W. Souch and Mildîed, Mi. and Mrs. W. W. 'HIorn and Wal- lace spent Sunday with friends in Oshawa; Mi. Alger, Oshawa, at T. Syke's;> Mi. and Mis. G. Piper, Osh- awa, at Jno. Colwill's Si.; Miss Wilma Leach bas îetuîned fîom a pleasant visit witb fîiends in Toron- to; Miss Mildîed Coe, Bowmanville, at L. Trull's;e, Pastor Jones conduet- ed anniversary at Kirby on Suaday. Bey. A. K. Edmison of Orono, oc- cupied the pulpit bere and pîeached a fine practical sermon . Miss Laura virtue gave a splendid report of the S. S. Convention îecently held la Toronto at the Sunday- School ses- sion on Sunday afteîaoon. Thanksgiving concert was a de- cided ýsuccess. Those present thor- oughly enjoyed (from the applause given)' the whole pjýogram, which consîsted of a play "The Aîch of Fame" w~hich was exceedingly good and well presente(à by the h~ome Leagueis. Readings by Miss Mary Hall, Oshawa; piano duets by Misses Mary Souch and Noîab Horn; Mi:s, C. J. Kersiake and Mis. (Rev) Jones; Mi. C. S. Halîman, tenor soloist o f Bowmanville, added much to the quality of the program and delight- ed bis hearers. with bis several beautiful solos so sweetly and cheer- fully îendeîed. Miss Norah Horn acted as accompanist. Rey. Mi. Joncs occupied the chair. Af ter the progiam îefîeshments weie, served. Pîoceeds over $54 to be used for the Fire Sufferers in the North. HAYDON Visitors: Miss Eva Denike. Nor-, Wednesday, November 22-Mi. Wm. Martin, lot 2, con. 9, Dailington, will seli about 6 acres of mixed standing timber la Y4care lots, Furchasersgivea toApril 1, 1924, to remove timber. There wiii ai- s0 be offe-red at same time and place 50 acres of good lad. Sec bills. Sale at 1 p. m. Tbeo. M. Siemon, Auctionecri When requiring an experiencedi auctiQneei secure Jas. Bishop, Osh- awa. Phone 287. 40-t 1 DARLINGTON Presentation ta Mrs. W. H. Fraser. Mis, WV. H. Fraser, South Darling- ton, desres to truly thank ail the neighboîs and others who have shown her sympathy and kindness in ber time of trouble thiýough the eudden death of her husband some weeks ago. She is very sorry that she cannot continue to live among such veiy kind people as her resi- dence is not comnpleted sufficiently to occupy in the winter time. These subscriptions have been received to heip to tide over her expenses con-I sequent on the death of her bîead- winaer: $5.00-E. S. Tîimm, M. Black-' humn, J. J. Abernethy, J. L. Meteaif, E. W. Foley, J. Gibson, Roy Van- Camp, F. A. Crago, A. E. Osborne, Miss Dundas, $4.00-J. H. Power. $3.00-George vanDyke, F. Swal- low. $2.50-F. R.' Kersiake, Druggist. $2.00-R. E. Osborne, Mrs. H. Osý- borne, Lewis Truil, Truman Pow-I er, Chas. Axford, Mrs. J. Hoit, A. E. Rundie, W. Westlake, B. Meteaif, Geo. F. Annis, Mrs. Levi Annis. $1.00-FraRak L. Abernethy, Mr. Robeits, Fred Bennett, P. Campbell, Mis. F. Ruadie, L. C. Dairon, J. Chul- ners, R. C. -Pearce, Jas. Pearce, F. W. Rundie, Mis. Woîden, Mrs. L. Truli, Miss Hattie Osborne, Mr&. W.. Nichols, J. Bell, Fred Lane, KX.E. Courtice, W. E.,Courtice, (Bey.) W.ý S. P. Boyce, Roy Nichols, John Walt- ei, H. J. Hancock, H. Oke, D. Fiekeil, Mis. S. RuadIle, F. Tueker, C. Tuck- er, Mis. Attree. 50 cents-Mis. Hare, W. Biyan, E. Walter, A. Wilkins, J. Hopps. 25 cents-Mr. Kaishul, Mis. Nichols. Jas. Bishop, Oshawa, han had neaîly 30 >yeýara' experience as suc- cessful auctioneer. He conduets ail kinds of sales, Local represent- ative, Tom Percy. 40-t Phone 192 Bowmanville BU RKE TON League to-nigbt at 7.30, social nigbt, lunch wiii be served bfP the ladies. Miss Susy Curran, ýPiesi- dent, will be la the chair as oui so- cial vice-president la away. All are welcome... .S. S. at 10.15. Cburch at il a. m. Sunday. . . .Some of oui C. G. I. T. girls attended the S. S. Convention at Enniskillen last Mon- day night. The C. G. I. T. Classi met Tuesday night at the ,home of Mis. Jas. Shortiidge,.. Mi. and Mis. Jas. McLaugblin eatertaincd their relatives to a f owl supper, Tues- day evcning. It was the 39th an- niversaîy of their wedding day.... Mi. and Mis. Norman Mountjoy and family and Mi. Robert Mouatjoy of Toronto, weîe gucats of Mi. and Mis. Jabez Crosier, Port Ferry, over Thanksgiving. AUCTION SALES Saturday, November 18-Bey. L. E. Zavitz, Liberty Row, S., Bowman- ville, will seli by public auction, aIl of bis furniture and household1 effects, which are practically new and la good condition. Sale at 1.30 p. m. Terms cash. Jamesý Bennett, Auctioneer. IAt W.,J. Mooie's Gaînge, Newcastle, on Monday, November e0th, at 1 o'clock sharp. Hoises, cattie, bogs, poultry, f aL- - implements and bousehold ef!i' ts,icludîng the entire contents of Mi. D. 0. Morris' home. Saturday, November 25 --A sale of desirable furniture a,: household effeets will be held',la Bowman- ville on above daté. 1La -ies wisb- iag to have articles 'ýluded la sale shouid communicac at once with Theo.' M. Siemon, Auction- eer, phone 197-r3. Place of sale and other paîticulaîs will be announced next week. WOOD SALE 11 - ,LI. r Bowmanville Don't Waste Vour Coal!l TI e coal shortage has made it necessary for everyone tô save ail the coal possible-aye, to guard it like preclous jewels. And, so, we say to you: "Don't waste your coal. Save it!" Use 'coal substitutes as much as pos- sible ail winter. Thousands of people will have to do this. And the best, the most satisfactory "furnace auxiliary" is a Majestic Heater. With a Majestic, you can keep. the fuarnace well checked throughout ,the dey i(when few f olks are at home), yet keep the occupied rooms really eomfortable by use of youî Majestic. And this is the resut-on one hand the average home can save a ton of coal on a furnace checked in the daytime throughout the winteî. On the other hand, what. you will save in coal will not only pay for a Majestic Sîngle-Cuil Heater, bu.t the cost of operating it as well. Ail Heaters guaranteed. to suit every person. Heaters and- prices Shing1e Unit Majestic ....$10.w, Double Unit Majestic ...$15.00 Buy Your Electrical Goods At Our Elcrie Shop THE rHYv.DROû SHOP r%

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