Shabty, run-down Summer Oxfords that have hadý-thé'ir day, do not go well'wîth that new' fll suit. It'fs tirne to change to high shoes, or if you prefer Oxfords, you should wear a nifty pair of our fail-weights-rather styles, too. The values in town in footwear are, wait- ing for you here-and the latch string is hanging on the outside of our door., Boys are already asking for Hockey Boots. We have t.1-em-McPherson Lightning Hitch and others. Prices 'are right, too. SATURDAY SPECIAL FOR LADIES: 15 pairs only, Ladies' Classie Shoes, biack patent, one strap with black. caif inlay, cuban heel, reg. $7.50, Saturday Only $3.98 CHOOSE AND BE STYLISH <Copeland Shoe Store "For Reliable Shoes at Popular Prices" 1Phone, 249 J. Bowmanville Dominion Store.s Ltd. BIG SOAP, SPECIAL 15'COMFORTCAE 2 PEARL NAPTHA 17 CA S $10 SALF ENDS DECEMBER lST. Lux .................. lic OUR CANDIES ARE Pearline .....8c ALWAYS FRESH Lemon Peel.......35e lb Creams ...........23c lb Orange Peel ......35c lb Chocolates .......23c lb Fresh Cocoanut .... 23c lb JelIy Beans ...... .23e lb Bulk Cocoa,...2 lbs. 29c Acid Drops .......23e lb Spanish Onions, 4 lbs 25c Butter Scotch ...25clb New Prunes, .. 2 bs. 29e Scotch Mints ......25c lb OUR TEAS'ARE ALL GUARANTEED TRY A POUND AT 49c, 55c, 65c or 85c. for his ea.Etrem-sypathy t extenÙded to Mr. Geo. Carr and daught- ers in the sudden death from heart trouble of Mrs. Carr on Wednesday last. Her remains were taken to Knox Church burying ground, Agincourt, on Friday. She was a kind and loving neighbor and because of her bright cheerful disposi- tion Won her way into the hearts of the people. She will be much missed by neighibors and friends. League meeting Friday evening was in charge of the Social Department and jopened with Miss Mary Souch in the chair. A short song service was led hy Mr. T. Salter, after devotionai exer- cises the 23rd Psalm was repeated in unison. Music was rendered by the quartet after which Rev. G. T. McKen- zie, Enniskillen, gave a very Interest- ing taik on "Stewardship or Enlisting for Service" which was heipful to alil. Miss Mildred Souch sang "Jesus Sav- lor Pilot Me" and a social time waiN spent In contests. Meeting closed with the Mizpah BenedIctioný SOLINA Eldad League meeting Monday, Nov. 20, President E R. Taylor conducted the opening exercises. Mr. Charles Smith took charge of the program. Lesson was read by Mr. Harold Pascoe. Misses Frances and Beatrice Jones, Hampton, sang a- duet isweetIy. The topic "Sin" was well given hy Mrs. Rtoy Langmaid. Mr. Fred Crome gave a splendi~ ac- count of the District League <onven- tien. A reading' by Miss Lyda Taylor and two selections by the Orchestra con- cluded thie program. The social haif hour conducted hy Miss Kate Crdyer- man was enjoyably spent. The meet- ing closed hy singing hymn 143 and the Mizpah Benediction. Visitors: Mrs. J. T. Rundie anti Miss Etina Reynoldis are attentiing Provincial Women's Institute Con- vention at Toronto; Mr. andi Mrs. D. Yellowlees and .daughter Jean at Oshawa; Mrs. Viala Smith and son Ivan, Tyrone, Mr. Harry anti Miss Edith Smith, Bowmanville, at Mr. J. J .Brown's; Mr. MeLean, Southamp- ton, at Mr. C. H. Scott's; Mr. and Mrs. Everett Hoar, Bethesda, at, Mr. Harvey Hardy's; Mr. Blake Stev- ens has a severe attark of quinsey. . -Preaching service will he held in future at 3 p. m. each Suntiay. Sun- day School as usual at 1.80 p. m. Christmnas Tree at Eltiad' on Dec. 22nd. Mr. and Mr. J. T. Runtile celle- brated the 25th anniversary of their wedtiing on Fritiay wihen about 50 of their relatives surprised them. They were presenteti with a number of gifts and a purse of money. Thef bride anti groom matie very suitablea responses acknowIedging the giftsd and good wishes. Music, games, re- 1 freshments, etc., contributeti a very8 eni oyable program an.d the party1 broke up wishing the happy couplet another twenty-flve years of marrieti bliss. DONATIONS TO MRS. FRASER In reporting the list of donations from residents of South Darlingtoa to Mrs. W. H. Fraser we regret Mr. Chester Power's donation of ý$2.00 was omitted from the lîst. Mr. John L. Metcalf requûests al thiose signing his list toward this fund pay up at once 'as list ils about to be publisheti.t EBENEZER LEÂGUE Concert and Lecture Wihl be g iven on,, Decem- ber 1, at S p. m. Rev. H. Staînton, B. A., Scugog, will give his lecture Stainton, soloist; Mrs. (Rev.) R. G. Garruthers,'-Blackstock, elocutionist; anti Rev. Prof. Staples, B. A., Tor- onto, tenor soloist. Admission 25c.s rat JIIUmeee, epteiber 30, 1876> but --spen-t. the -greater- part --of-hler-[ early if e with ber parents in Peter- boro, has passed to rest. On .June 8, .1898, she marinied I Albert W. Clemens of Darlington near the village of Tyrone where sh2 >lived the remainder of hier lif e. About two and à haîf years ago she underwent a very se-rious operation at the Wellesley Hospitaýl, Toronto, for cancer, after w4hich she partiallyl recovered for a year but again was? taken ili. Shie returned to Toronto several ties for treatnient but gain- ed only temporary relief. During September and October of this year she gradually beceame weaker buti hoping that a change would help her went to Campbellford to visit her parents, wh.ere, failing to gain the desired recovery passed quietly away on November 7, 1922. On the following day 'ler sorrowing hus- band conveyed her body to hier home at Tyrone, the funeral took place on Friday, November 10, services being conducted by her pastor, Rev. W. T. Wickett and Rev. W., H. Spargo. of Bowmanville. The pall-bearers were be~r six cousins, Messrs. Arthur, George and Walton Annis, Everett and Sidney Hoar and Arthur Brent. The xriyriads of beautiful flowers from hier many relatives and friends testified of sympathy for the bereav- ed and love and respect for the one who had passed to the Great Be- yond. The flower-bearers were Messrs. Gordon Moorcraft, Wreford Souch, William Staples, Biruce Ber- ry, Russell Smith and Allin Annis. Her body was laid in its last resting place in Bowmanville Cemetery. She was a consistent member of the Presbyterian Church but after hier marriage became a member of tihe Methodist Church and attenýded reg- ularly when health would permit. Oniy those who knew. Mrs. Clemens intimately could appreciate the nobil- ity of her character, the sincerity of purpose being. ever actuated by the purest motives. né~ even tran- quility of 'spirit, under severe strain, and hier sweet submission to God's will bore testimony to a living faith in God and the power of Hia sustaîn- ing grace. She was a -loving wif e anti coulti neyer have been a more devoteti mother. She leaves- to mourn hier lose a loving husband and four children-Harold, Edythe, Ger- aldine andi Irving, besides these her devoteti parents, Mr. and Mrs. Char- les Dawson of Campbellford, one sister Mrs. (Dr.) S. J. Lloyd of Tuscaloosa, Alabama, U. S. A., and three brotherè.-Mr. Charles N. Dawson of the Russell Gear & Machine Co., Toronto; Mr. George H. Dawson of the Dawson & North Pattern Works, Montreal; Mr. Percy H. Dawson of the Teas & Wood Co. of Winnipeg, one other brother Bertram Dawson predeceased hier about five years ago. CARD 0F THANKS The f'amily of the late Mrs. A. W. Glemlens, Tyrone, desire to, thank the many frientis anti neighborsfor theîr kindness and sympathy dur- ing the illness andi death of their off erings. Mr. Andy Moffatt of the Moffatt Sales, Oshawa, distributors. for the Oldsmobile, was in town to-day caîl- ing on his new representative, Mr. W. Rotid. He was accompanieti by Mr. W. J. Challis, the representative of the Olds at Bowmanville.-Lind- say Post. m cMurtry & Co. Sale' 'Continues This, eek Why swim against the, Tide? Go with the tide these days and you wiII landï. at WTeýt End llouse-Bowmanvilie's Largest Departmental Store-where their great price reducing sale has been extended anofher week. COLDWEATER MANS WARMER CLOTHES The littie touch of cold weather the past few days'has brought an. extra rush of custorniers to our store in search of the xnany bargaîns we are now oifering in goods and clothing which you are needing for fail and winter. Prices have been substantially reduced to make a finial clearing this week. Visit this store at LFe first opportunity and see why wide awake people are coming to this big, progressive store. GROCéý.ERY llpDEPTAHW BGINCJý"REAÀ&SE INàOSeALES Since St-ptemnber our business has shown an increase in al departments. Particularly !i> this true of our Grocery and Pro- visions Depts. People are finding out by comparison that we seil the best quality of groceri-es at lowest priïes-give courteous service and deliver the goods wvithout extra charge. YOU'WILL FIND THE LAST DAYS 0F OUR SALE EVEN BETTER THAN THE FIRST McMurtr.y & Co., ýLtd. BOWMAN VILLE PHONE8R3 I il