LADY'S PURSE LOST On Canadian National (G. T. R.) StraŽn No. 18, Sunday night last, ha- twe*ýý Oshawa and Bowmanville, lad3's purse containing considevableï suni of money and a stick pin valued as souvenir. Finder please leave at Statesman Office or send to box 76, Bowm-ianvilla, or at 223 Dearborne Ave., Oshawa, and receive veward. 46-2w CHIROPRACTIC Your Nervous Fdrce is the Best Tonic Chiropractic Spinal Adjustments add yaars to life and lifa to yeaas. Free clinte for children tan years and under Tuesday T~hursday and Saturday afternoons. Consultation is f ree. Dr. D. E. Stecklay, Tempevance Street, opposite Opera flouse, Bow- 'manville. Phones: Office 141J Residence 141W. fours 2-5,Tues. Thurs. and Sat. 7-9 avevy evening excapt Sunday. Visiting Hampton, Enniskillen and Burkaton Tues. Thuya. and Sat. foranoons. New- castle and Orono Monday, Wednas- day and Friday afternoons. METHODIST DISTRICT MEETING Ail Sessiona Open ta the. Public. Bowmanville District meeating and Spiritual Confevance will ha held at Hampton on Wednesday, November 29th. Sessions open to the public. Programn 2.00 p. m-District Business. 2.30 p. m.-Conferencýe Subjeets. 1. "The Fundamental Necessity of the New Bith". Rev. Thos. Wallace. Discussion led by Mr. A. W. Annis. 2. "f ov to Prepare the Local Church for an Evangelistic Cam- paign". Rev.' E. B. Cooke. Discus- sion led by Mv. John A. folgate. 3., "How to Win Men to Christ". Rev. R. G. Carruthers. Discussion led by Mr. James A. Warry. 4. "Evangelism". Rev. John Cohura, Toronto, Field Secvetary of Evangalism and Social Service. .6-Supper served by the ladies of Hampton. 7.30-Platform Meting-Addres- ses by Rev. J. H. McBain, B. A., Oshawa, and Rev. John Cobuvn. Every circuit should be largely re- presented. S. C. Moore, A. M. Ivwin, Chairman. Fin. Secvtary. ""Rememb rance" Brings Back Tender Memo ries Sweetheart days, the first kiss, the radiant hours of courtship and then the first year ocd wedclec bliss-you will live them ail in this grect human picture. Many things th3.t seemed s0 serious once are not im- portant now. But love remains always the big ~and beautiful thing in our lives. is a gr,-at picture because it brings back to ahl of us vividly and tenderly the real t£lungs of lif e, the joys, the heartacëhes, the laughter and tears. The wnrld's simplest stories are the 'Simple ones simply told. RUPERT HUGHES has takern a _theme f rom America's every- day and has breathed-warnx pulsating if e into -it. Hi8 stirring story will do your heart good. A GREA CAST-A GOLDWYN PICTURE Don't fail tO see this picture at Royval Theatre, -Bowmanville MONDAY'ANO TUESDAY, NOVEMÈER 27-28 ADMISSION: Adults 25c, Children 15c, GIF.S HAT LST Don't Bu~y Xmas Gifts at Random This is vary timely advice just now as s0 many area inclinad to put off, doing'Chritmas sâhopping till the last m inute,et~o to pak. Riglit now io a good tme to huy those Christmas Gifts whan you hava first choice, the selections are com- Pdete and nt thafr hast. Anothar thing, the - stores ave not crowded, theve's no rush and you can take more time in looking around'. Watchmaker Phone 207 RICH AND INEXPENSIVE GIFTS Bacause our store happens to contain mnny ich and expansive- goods some f olks are most agreenhly surpvised to find 80 many daànty, in- r j ~ expansive articles sida hy sida with' them in our show cases. Coma in and :looki around any time. Smnall deposit will sacuve anything in this store. Open Eveninge f rom December lat. ALEX. ELLIOT Jeweler Engraver Bowma;nville j, BOWMANVILLE, NOV. 23rd., 1922 LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Miss Eva Wakelin spent the week- end with Mrs. Claude Wilson, Osh- awa. Mrs. Walter Bowers and baby Les- lie are visiting Mrs. f. Cox, Port Hope. Mr. C. O. Shaw, Huntsvîlle,,re- cently visited his daughter, Mrs. R. J. Gill. Don't buy furs until you. have seen our grand display. Couch, Johnston & Cryderman. Plan opens November 29th at Mitchell's Drug Store for W. A. A. A. Minstrels. Resesrve Thursday, December 2lst forthe Christmas Tree and Concert of Salem School. 47-3w Mr. W. f. Calver, Montreal, spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs. George Barton, Liherty-st. Mr. A. J. Trebilcock, Toronto, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr., and Mrs. P. C. Trehilcock. If the fatder of two flat keys will return same to Statesman Office he will confer a great favur. Sea advt. Mv. and Mrs. Fredevick Nichols,1 Courtice, were guests of their daugh-1 ter, Mrs. Henry Smith, Shannonville,1 Ont. Mr. Frank Pearce of Lyndonville, N., Y., has heen enjoying a visit with lis cousin, Mr. Roy Webber, Lib- erty-st. Mrs. W .Lake and Miss Pheobe Lake, Newcastle, spent the week-end with the fovmer's niece, Miss Minnie Webber. McMurtry & Co's great price re-1 ducing sale is extended another waek -bargaîns galore in just the things youneed.1 Don't f ail to see the wonderful story of the Birth of Christ prasent- ed in pageant at Methodist Church on Tuesday, December 51h. Our stocks are now-complete with warmer materials and clothing for cold winter weathev. Buy now. Couch, Johnston & Cryderman.. Funny thîngs Mv. Chesterton saw in America.' In next Sunday's fier- ald and Examiner, Chicagos best newspaper. Buy it to-day at Nich- olls'. Dr. and Mrs. Ernest Allun, Los Angeles, California, were Sunday visitors of his brother and her cous- ins, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Allin, Divi- sion-st. 1Mrs. Wm. Adams and Mrs. W. B. Pollard are vepresenting Bowmùan- ville Women's Institute at the Pro- vincial Convention in Convocation Hall, Toronto. 15 pairs only, Ladies' Classic Shoas, black patent, one strap, black caîf inlay, cuban heel, vag. $7.50, Saturday only $3.98. Cope- land Shoe Store. 47-1 Rev. M. W. an.d Mrs. Leigh of Enterprise, Ont., were called to Lind- say owing to tha death of Mrs. Laigh's father, the late Richard Daw- son, in his 82nd yea. The many friands of Rev.,M. E. Wilson, Cambray, will be pleased to know that ha is progressing nicely after on operation on his nose at the Nicholîs Hospital, -Lindsay. Miss Minnie Webher attended the funeval of her aunt, Mrs. Byron Rahm at Raglan, who passad away on November lSth., and was huried in the Union Cemetery, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rankin, Wood- stock, announce the engagement of their second daughter Jean MeGoun, to Mv. Geo. E. Campbell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Campbell, 7th Lina, West Zorra. Demand has heen beyond expect- ations for our'new faîl and wintar coatsfor ladies, but stock is now vé- plenished Choose now. Coucli Johnston & Cryderman. xinauncing winnevs of Tennis Tournamant ini last week's issue Miss Florence Morris' name should have appeaved in place, of her sister, Gev- trude, as a winner in the mixed doublês. A new wonder-"Ruh-up" pic- tures, developed at touch of coin, in net Sunday's Hevald and Exam- iner, Chicago's Best Newspapev. Buy it to-day at Nicholîs'.' Mr%. B. A. Sisier and two sons Buvdett and Louis and daughter Clava have returned to New Toronto aftev spending the week-end with lier parents, Mv. and Mms. Thos. Van- tone. Regular meeting of Bowmanville Women's Institute will ha held on the door. Eight pages'of the world's hast comics. ail in full colors. In naxt Sunday's Hevald and Examiner, Chicago's hast newspaper. Buy it to-day at Nicholîs'. When requlring an expar1eneed auctioneer secure Jas. Bizhop, 0mb- awa. Ptione 287. 40-t OCLAND OTHERWISE Keys lost. See advt. See the new Jacquette dresses at Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's, Lots of interesting store news in merchants' advertisements this week. It costs no more to have your groceries delivered at MeMurtry & Co's. Another Saturday special in las- sic Shoes at Copeland Shoe Store. See advt. 47-1 Merchants are requested to have copy for changê of s.dvt in this office by Monday noon. Reserve Wednesday, December 6, for W. A. A. A. Minstrels in Opera flouse, Bowmanville. 46-2 Reserve December 28rd for Base Linie Sunday Sehool Christmas Con- cert. Particulars Iter. î We invite comparison of prices in furniture. Bring your mail order catalogues with you. Williams & Cann. Wonderful 8-page book of Magic. Paint with water, develop heautiful colors, in next Sunday's llerald and Examiner, Chicago's best newspaper. Buy it today at Nîcholîs'. Mr. Josiah Butson, Messrs. Edgar and Lorne Butson attended the fun- eral of the former's father, Mr. Nicholas Butson who died on Sun- day night at Brooklin, aged' 96 years. 1A Christmas Pageant "The Light of the World" under auspices of Girls' Morning Hour will be present- ed in the Methodist Church on Tues- day, December 5 by about 90 cos- tumed characters. Admission and 15c. "Pop" would rather stay athome than go out with his pleasure loving, spending family. H1e remembers when mother preferred, the fireside to a game of bridge. See "Remem- brance" at Royal Theatre, Nov. 27- 28. It will do your heart good. Shop first at McMurtry & Co's where bargains are the biggest. Sherlock Holmes may have been a good detective, b'ut it takes The James Papers to get resuits. Last week small advts in these papers found domestic help, a thorobred col- lie, owner for tire, also coat, rented two bouses and sold 18 pairs of shoes. Advertising pays if you use The James Papers. Women's Association of St. Paul's Church report the bazaar on Friday afternoon to be a splendid success. Ail booths were well supplied with things necessary to render home- makers happy. In the tea-room dainty refreshments were served in- luding a birthday cake; made in honot-of Rev, D. W. Best,' the mini- ister. The supper room was well patronized. Receipts were very gratifying to aIl the workers. Plan for-big evening's f£un and en- tertainment on Dacember 6th when W. A. A. A. Minstrels appear in Bowmanville Opera flouse. 46-2 -Many men look with anvy upon the intellactual treats nîembers of Women's Canadia,n Club are privil- eged -to enjoy. T1ýhey recaîl the numerbus feasts of oratory the men's club listened to in days past, and regret there is not enough inter- est manif estad by local ýcitizens in re- vîving thîs institution of learning and good fellowship foundad by a Bowmanville boy. To such ctizans and others we would recommend that they purchase a season's ticket to St. Paul's Lecture Course whîch starts Friday night wîth thatý prime favorite,. Rev. J. W. Pedley, f ollow- ed by Frank Yeigh and Miss Louise Murphy. Royal Electrie Cleaner has many advantages other sweepers do not possess. Ask for demonstration at IWilliams and Cann's. ST. JOHN'S HORSE SHOE BAZAAR Come to St. John's Horse Shoe Bazaar, Friday, December let. it jwill bving you good luck. Booths open at 4 p. m. Supper 5.80 to 7.30 p. m. Menu: Jellied Chieken, Sie Beef, Scalloped Potatoes, Salads and Pickles, Pumpkin and L.emon Pie, Cake, Jelly, Tea. Supper 50e and 25c. 47-2w Your Xmas Giffts To get the proper Gifts it is necessary Christmas to pla ahead. One thing which ie sure to ha appveciated, and hy the whole family, is the gift of a good Phonograpli and Records. We have the Columbia Grafon- oIns and Garliard Heintzman Phonograplis. Each of thesa has vevy special features, which we would ha plaased to demonstrate to ybu. Than we sali them on easy terms, s0 easy that wa make thini to suit the purchaser. Caîl and see these, or if not convenient to caîl, sand a card stating you ave interested, and our salesman will caîl on you. This will in no way place you un- dar any obligation to huy. Wa ara glad to giva you in- f ormation. Address Kersiake 's Drug tr Phone 49 Bowmanville BIRTHS COLE-In Bowmanville Hospital, Nov. 17, to Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Cole, a son. JACKMAN-In Bowmanville Hospitai, November 2th, 1922, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jackman, a son. GI BSON-In Clarke, at Willowhrook Farm, Nov. 9, to Mr. andi Mrs. A. Ar- thur Gibson, a son, Clarence Arthur. MARRIAGES - WILSON-CARR-In Port Hope, Nov. 16, Jennette Carr, daughter olf Mr. and Mrs,. Carr andi Mr. Jack Wilson, Whitby, Rev. F. W. Anderson officiating. MURRAY-WHITE-At King Street Methodist Parsonage, Oshawa, Nov. 7, by Rev. A. M. Irwin, Margaret Irene, daughter of Mrs. J. J. Fowler, formerly of Orono, andi Mr. Herbert W. Murray, Oshawa. ASH-WETHERELL-On Nov. 4th., at St. George's Church, Newcastle, hy Rev. J. E. Fenning, Mary, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Wetherell, Newcast- le, and Gordon Frederick, sonl of Mr. and Mrs, Allen Ash, Jr., Cobourg. HIRCOCK-HAMLEY-At "Lakeside', the residence of the bride's parents, on Saturday, Nov. 18, hy Rev. S. C. Moore, B. A., B. D., H. Thomas Hircock andi Lena Blanche, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs., R. H. Hamnley, both of Bow- manville. DEATHS MOORE-At Fort Hope, November 17, William C. Moore. MERCER-In Clarke, Nov. 16, Stena Pearl Mercer, aged 32 years 7 months. BRENTON-At Port Hope Hospital, Nov. 19, John Brenton, in his 75tb year. BENNETT-At Port Hope, Nov. 19, George Mogrtin Benne tt'in his 74th year. DUNDAS-At Cohourg, Novemher 17, 1e . Simmons, heloved wife of Mr. A. R. Dundas. THOMAS-At Port Hope, November 16., Eliza Jane Adamson. heloved wife of Mr. William Thomas. CATHCART-In Clarke, Nov. l9th., Helena Ida Fallis, heloved wif e of Roh- ert Cathcart, aged 49 yearg. HOSKIN-At Whithy Hospital, Oct. 27, John Hoskin, formerly of Enniskillen, aged '70 years. Interred at Hampton. CAYLEY-In Chicago,, Ill., on Satur- day, November 18, Eva Moyse, widow of the late James Cayley, aged 60 years. Interred in Bowmanville. Mother of William and David Fogg and May and Margaret Fogg, and sister of Mrs. Wil- sonl Neads and Mr. John itoyse, Bow- manvillW. AUCTIONEER, James' Bennett 10 years' experience in farm, furniture and bouse auction sales. Address Jas. Bennett, Hardware Merchant, King-st., Bowmianville, Box 33, phone 131. 47-6m BENNETTS THREE PIEGE DANCE ORCHESTRA Open for engagements. Real snappy music. Apply box 327, Bowmanvllle. 41-tf WAN TED HELP WANTED-Girl with some ex-~ perience wanted at once for general housework. Apply to Mrs. H. C. Brad- ley, 156 Centre-st., Oshawa. 46-3 LOST OR FOUND LOST-About July 7th two flat dupli- cate keys stamped 78. Tied to linen tag two lnches long. Reward for return to Statesman Office, Bowmanville. 47-2 LOST-Rohe, nearly new, green lining, on Thursday evening, Nov. 9, between Solina and Blackstock. Finder please leave or phone Burketon Post Office. 46-1 LOST-Strayed from lot 32, con. 5, Darlington, on Sunday, Nov. l2th, Redi Cow, marked with little wbite, lef t horn turnefi in'.o forebead, right born turned out-andi up. Send information to Arthur Langmaid, Hampton, R. R. 1, Phone Oshawa 162-r13. 46-tf PROPERTIES FOR~ SALE FOR SALE-3/4 of an acre, 6 roomefi frame bouse, bard water in kitchen, goodi. barn, 2 lien bouses, owner ieaving town.1 Apply tn Mrs! Edith V. Scoheli, Insur- ance and Real Estate Agent, Bowmian- ville. 46-3w* FOR SALE-Lot about fifty feet front- age at corner of Centre and Coi4cession Streets. contalning gond barn, easlly con- vertible Into house. Apply Bruce Hon- eywell, 60 Duke-st., Toronto, or tele- phone 194-2. 22-tf $6,500 buys gond 73 acre farm, 10 acres orchard just coming te bearing, fair buildings, good running spring, only 2Y2 miles from Bowmanville. Also other farms andi garden town properties for sale. Apply T. L. Meteaif, 26 Wellington Street, Bowmanville. 46-t FOR SALE-The W. R. Clemens farmn located at Tyrone, Ont., contalning one bundred and tlfty-four acres, about 20 acres orchard, nine bearlng. Ploughlng possession ibis Paîl. Âpply Pruce Honey- weII, 60 Duke Street, Torouto, or tele- phone 194-2. Bowmanville. 52-tf BUILDING LOTS ýFOR SALE-Three of the fInent building lots In Bowmnvllle are being off ered for sale at reai bar- gains, situated at the eaut end of Lovera Lane on Liberty-st., 40 ft. front by 125 feet deep, handy conneetox to, town sewer and water. Apply to Norman S. B. James at Stateaman Office, Bowmanvllle. TO LET FARM FOR RENT-112 acres good land and balldings, Immediate possesalon. Apply J. C. Montgomery, Oshawa. 15-tf TO.RENT-Brick bouse, 6 rooms and 3 piece bathroom, hardwood floors down- stairs, pipeless furnace, electric lighted andi wired for electric stove. Apply te Mrs. Edith V. Scobell, Insuran'ce Agent, Eowmanville. 1 45-3w FOR RENT-Goofi brfick residence con- taining 10 rooms, closets and pantry, electric ligbt and furnace. corner Con- cession and Centre St., Bowmanville. Possession after Nov. 11. Apply to Mrs. W. R. Clemens, Tyrone. Phone- 194-r2. 44-tf ARTICLES FOR SALE AUTO FOR SALE-1915 Maxwell Car, first class mechanical shape, appearance good.Apply te J. Hately, Central Garage, Bowmanville. .37-tf. FOR- SALE-H-orse, Wagon, Sleigb, andi complete outfit for peddling .ou., etc. Apply H. E. Smith, Nursery Cor- ner, Bowmanville. 47-tf CARS FOR SALE-Maxwell 1916, $225; McLaughlin 1917, $300; Chevrolet 1920, $375; Overland 85-4, $450. Âpply to A. W. Plckard, Phone 185, Bowmanville. CONSULTING ENGINEERS JAMES PROCTOR & RHDFERN LTD 36 Toronto St., Toronto, Gan. Brdes, Pavements, Watevwerks,I lesoweraglantstins, Hyre EFct- lesower Pant s nteratoHyre Fctr ie .Arbltratlons, Litîgation. Phone Adel. 1044 Cable "JPRCO" Toronto. OUR FEES-Usuaflîy pald eut of the1 money We @av@ our cliente. Git Suggestions Yoi. may eind some article here that you want Santa Claus to get for you. Make this a practical,ý gift-giving season FOR MEN Boots-Black or E Rubbers-Black o 1Brown Overshoes in 1 Buckles Spats Feit Boots Hockey Boots -Slippers-Felt or Leather Romeos Polishing Outfits Brown FOR WOMEN Boots-Black or Brown Oxfords or Strap Slip- or 2E vening Shoes Gaiters, ail colors Comfy Slippers Rubbers-Black or Brown Galoshes Feit Boots Hockey Boots ..FOR CHILDREN-Slippers in Plaids and fancy colors, boots and rubbers, hockey boots, bal- looî.s with polîsh, moccasins and~ other useful things PRICES VERY. REASONABLE W. CA UDE I VES Bowmanville Cash, Shoe Store Living Room Furniture This wveek we are specializing on Living-. room Furniture. We havP Chesterfield Suites at prices which you conbuy them. We have been selling them in plain., figured and combination, mohair plush, ai- so tapesteries. Walnut Upholstered Furniture with cane in back also Library Tables to match are very pop- ular just now. -Christmas Furniture in great variety -Child's niages, Kiddie Kars, etc., for the children is here Sets, Rockers, Doli Car- etc. F. F. MORRIS CO. Newecastle Orono Bowmanvîlle The Shop That Lead s Fashion's Newest In Haberdashelry , Tht' new 1F ail season cails for new thîngs in Haberdashery-and this store has neyer been equipped so satisfactorily to meet the needs of every mqin and young men. Here you will find the finest.and the best in Shirts, in Neckwear, in Underwear, in Pyjamas, in ilosicry and in everything that is classed as acces- sories of dress at prices that are more than at- tractive. G. IN@.'THURSTO#-%'N I Bownanville's Up-to-date HaberdasheryI and Fur Shop.I Gis