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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Nov 1922, p. 7

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D)on't Waste Vour Coal! TI e coat shiortage has everyone to save ail the made it necessary for coal possible-aye, to guard it like precious jewets. And, so, we say to you: "*Don't waste your coal. Save it !" Use coal substitutes as much as pos- sible' ail winter. Theusands of 'people will have te do this. And the best, the most satisfactory "furnace auxiliary" is a Majestic Heater. With a Majestic, you can keep the furnace well checked threughout the dey <when few f olks are at home), yet keep the occupied roonis really cenifortable by use of your Majestic. And this'is the result-on one band the average home dan save a ton eof'ceai on a furnace checked in the daytime thlroughout the winter. On the other .hand, wbat yeu wil save ia ceai will net only pay for a Majestic Single-Coil Heater, but the cest of operating it- as well. Ail Heaters guaranteed. Heaters and prices to suit every pei'son. Sirgle Unit Majestic ....... $10.00 Double Unit Majestic ...$15.00 Buy Your Electrical Goods At Our Electric Shop THE HYDRO-SHOP Phone 192 Bowmanville Fruit & Ornamental Trees Shrubs, Perennials, Small Fruits Order Now For Fali Planting Send For Price List Brookdale Nurseries (NearG. T. R. Depot) Phone No. 7 Bowmanville Cream iWantted! Prices of Cream are high. We pay Good Prices for Good Cream. We Want Yours If we fait to cati on you weý would 0 appreciate a phone cati or write us. Orono Creaniersy Co., AWise Builïder USES THE BEST MATERIALS. Rogers Cernnt ~makes the best foundation. Ontario Pine-B. C. Fir-and Quebec Spruce make the best superstructure. B. C. Cedar Shingies or Vulcanite Roofing make the best covering. Beaver Brand Hardwood Flooring is more dur- able and sanitary than any other, therefore it is the best flooring. Beaver Board Plain or Beaver Board Grained make handsome walls and ceiling. Pîne Doors, Sash and inside trim make the best finish. The People's Fuel and Lumber Depot is the best place to buy. Prices reasonable and a square deal for every- 'Cland seeus KingMcCeIIn &Co., L'mited Kigst. East Bowmauvfli, Oufi" Phono 1< HOMO. Phono. 232374, 318 BOWMANVILLE,'NOV. 23rd., 1922 WHAT IS THE FASCISTI? B1-y%Chas. M. Bice, B. A. LL B., Denver, Colorado. The terni Fascisti is given to an or- ganization in Italy that arose in op- position to the boishevieki, socialistic and anarchistic elements in that country which threatened the peace of Italy as it did i Russia. The cocialist party in Italy was rapidly becoming bolsbe'viki and communistie in its tendencies. as it is very apt to do, when it realizes that it cannot attain its goal in the advocacy of its own mild doctrines. The dlaim of Anarchy as a creed or self-styled philosophy as propounded by Kropatkin and his sehool, is that in great crisis in society and nations the people turn instinctively to an- archy and become in effeet anar- chiats» Constituted government fails when put to the test, we are told by the upholders of -the scheme of the let-us-alone doctrine. Test- imony for the dlaims of thisschool of thought niay be found in Italy. To a lesser extent, we are sorry to state, it can be found nearer home in organizations which seek to regu- late society by the inauguration of their own wild and impracticable sehemes. hmediately following the close of the world war, the socialist ele- ment in Italy, becked by the re- volutionists and catholic party, and by boishevists in Russia, undertook to proclaini a new f orm of goverfi- ment. Socialist bands took posses- sion of factories and other places ofJ employment, and declared for t'he rule of the proletariat-the same as in Russia. To offset this uprising1 against the government, the Fascisti was founded in April, 1919, by Ben- itoMissolini, Editor of the Popola d'Italia of Milan. JIt grew rapidly to number over a million members, composed mostly of those who ser- ved in the great war, and who had given such a glorious, account of themselves that the world is stîll amazed at the obstacles overcome by. the Italian army. It was flot long before the Italian government took notice of this new organization. In fact, the Fascieti held the veto power over the Cabinet before it was nmany weeks ol.d. A few days ago the fouinder of the so- ciety informed the nation that there were two governments in Italy, one the officiaI, the other the Fascisti, and as the latter was the stronger of the two, it m~ust be given recognition. The organization has been respon- sible for the numerous Cabinet up- heavals .ithat have taken place in Reome in recent tumes. This time Signor Mussolini informed the de jure government, tlat if parliament were not îmmediately dissolved as by law, he would dissolve it with- out the fornis of law. The Fascisti demanded the most important portfolios in the Cabinet. Later it was given out by the-leader of the Fascisti, that the government had accepted ýthe ultimatum andi would grantto the order in the newi Cabinet, the portfollios of foreiga affairs, war, navy, labor and public works. From what is taking place, the announicement must have been pre- mature or the government has seen fit to withdraw its promises. The Fascisti is named froni the fasces-bundle of rods that were carried bef ore the ancient Kings, of Rome as a symbol of power and authority to rule and punish. The aims of the leaders of the Fascisti are to keep down the social- ist movement and its anarchistie tendenciles and to restore to Italy ber anient glory and, power among the nations of the earth. The organization is nationalistic. and its enemies say, imperialistic. It represents %Je nmillions Who /have neyer been satisfied with Italy's re- parations from the war. Italy gave mucb in blood and treasure, so mucb in fact that the nation econ- omically is on the brink. The worst of it ail is, that Italy bas been 'unable to secure tbe raw materiais that would make her a great industrial nation. Her new territory does not furnish wbat is most needed. Technically the Fascisti is re- volutionary and in a sense anarchis- tic;, it would overthrow the govern- ment by f orce, if need be. But a conspiracy îs no longer a conspiracy wben it bas succeeded. The Italian government bas now fuliy recognized the Fascisti organi- .zation as, being in tbe interests of peace and stable government, and is Worms cause frctfulncss and rob tbe infant of sIeep, the great nour- isher. Motber Graves' Worm Ex.. terminator will clear the, etomacb and intestines and restore healthful- iess. PLAYERS AWARDED RRIZES Bill Cordon Nea)rly Makes CIoan-Up Basebali Committee of the, Bow- manville A. A. A. announce the awards of dîfferent prizes offered te the members of the basebali teani for the season of 1922: Mr. G. N. Thurston's prize of suit of clothes for bîghest batting average-flill Corden. Mr. R. Copeland's prize for niest number of stolen bases, pair of sboes-BÉill Cerden. Mr. Alex Elliot's prize Gold Signet Ring for home runs on home grounds-Bill Corden and Shinny Moise each bad one. Cordon with- draws in favor of Moise. 1 Mr. W. Claude Ives' prize of pair of shoes te player with best fieIding average was voted by the team. ta Jack Stark. Committee. again wisbes te tbank the generous denors 'of these useful prizes. Unsolicited effets sucb as these net only provide keen friendly rivalry between the players but are tbe means of attracting additienai public intereat., G. 0. Paterson, On bebaif of the Basebali Commit- tee, B. A. A. A. NEW LAMP BURNS 94%,, AIR Beats Electric or Gas A new ouI amp ti at gives an amazîngly briliant, sof-t, white iight, even better than gas or elçctricîty, has been tested by the U. S. Govern- ment and 35 leadinýg universities and found te be superior te 10 ordinary Iamp.s It burns without odor, smoke or noise-no pumpîng up, !B simple, dlean, safe. Burns 94% air and 6% cemmon kerosene (ceai-oul). The inventer;, P. N. Johnson, '246 Craig St. W., Montreal, is off ering te send a Iamp on 10 days' FREE trial, or even to give one FREE te the first user in each locality who will help him introduce it. Write bum to-day~ for full particulars. -Aise ask bum tae e xplain how you dan get the agen- cy, and witbout experience or meney make $250 te $500 per month. Durgin's Shoe Repair Shop, King St, W., (twe doors east of Statosaman Office,) Bewmanvile, where you dan get first class shoe repairing and prompt service. Keep the soles and- heels in golod repair and YOU Pretect the whole shoe, HC.D16lrgin Bandmaster Chambeê, Commerce Band A Ieading educationîst, in an ad- dress the other day, eaid: "The otbing that needs te be taught most in 'Canada to-day is the distinction between rigbt and wrong".. That is rigbt. , Itis more necessary even than teacbing the "tbree R's". Asthma Brings Misery, but Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Astbma Remedy wiil replace the misery witb welcome re- lief. Ihbaied as smoke or vapor Lt reaches the very innermost re- cesses of the bronchial passages and soothes them. R*eitn paýs9es and easy breathing returnB. If you knew as well how this remedy would help you as do thousands of grate- ful users. there 'would be a package in your home to-nigbt. Try it. Notice To Creditors IN THE MATTER 0F the estate of Frederick GrIffin, late of the Township of Dartington, In th e County of Dur. harn, a l'armer, deceased,. NOTICE le hereby given pursuant to Sec. 56, of Chap. 121, R. S. O., 1914, that ail persons having dlaims or demande Égainst tire estate of the said Frederick Griffin, deceased, who died on or about the fourth day of August, 1922, are re- quired to send by post, prepald, or de- liver te the undersigned D. B. Simipson, K. C., Solicitor for Richard B. Griffin and Thomas Hall, executors of the wili of the said deceased, on or before the twenty-ninth day of November, 1922, their christian and surnamea and ad- dresses with full particulars ln wrlting of their dlaims, and statement of their accounts and the nature cf the securi- ties (if any) held by theni duly verified by statuory declaration. AND TARE NOTICE that alter the said twenty-ninth day of November, 1*22, the said executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased amoug the parties entitled thereto hav- ing regard, only to the dlaims of- which. they shall then have notice, and the said executors will not be hiable for said assets, or any part thereof, te any person or persons cf whose dlaim notice .hall not have heen received by themn or their saîd Solicitor at the tume of such distribution. Dated this flrst day of November, 1922. D. 13. Simpson, K. G., Bowmanville, Ontario, 44-3 Solicitor for the said executors. ThoeWho Drik japazis shàould suàrely tryr 1,0*1 an anbil ..GREEN TEPA B It i.grentea in, plean and flavory, Superior to. the fin*et Japans rou ever tasted, ý Sold by all Grocers, To Everywoman MANY wmomen lack savings accoupts, thinkin amoutsaccmultedgraualy, re ourstrength in an emergency. Standard Service welcomes small as well as large accounts. TUE STANDRD BANI' TOTAL ASSETS OVER EIGHTY-THREE MILLIONS Bowmanville Branch, - - - H. W. Lapp, Manager Blackstock Branch, - - - - E. A. Preston, Manager Jecsl and Newtonvilie Branches J. Scott Montgomery, Manager NEW CHEVROLET SUPERIOR CAR L "ONA'RÎÏ ) IT DOES RELIEVE DEAFNESS and HEAD NOISES. Simply rub it in back of the ears and insert in nostrils. MADE IN CANADA L. H. Bedlington & Co. Sales Agents Toronto "For Sale in Bewmanvilie by Jury & Loveli and ail good Druggists"ý. IH'ealth Giving Bread Young Canada is fuit of the go--nover stili a minute. ho does it. vitality-aways on We wonder how Mother's careful to see that ho is 'properly nourished. That he eats such foods aswitl buitd him up and keephim heatthy and happy. Tod's bread is just such food for the active youngsters. Baked by experts who use onty the purest and of materiais, our bread is in truth the staff of life for them. Grown-ups aiso find it wholesome and tasty, the kind that makes them ask for more. THOr-ùe'MAS TWO'>D Baker and Confectioner Bowmanviile T he Risk is too Great for the Small Premium 'J here is no safety without fire insurane- no one can afford to take the chance. Truly the premium î insignificantly smali- and the risk iq too great to take. Whethor it be a smati home, a barn, a~n office structure or mainmoth factory we witl provide the right ki.nd of insurance at the right price. Simpiy phorie us and our representative wiil caîl, expainngour plan in detail, J. -J. MASON &cSONý Il Real Estate and Insurance Brokers. Phoo 5 Doaivlfloî TOURING 'They cêrtainly arecreating a big'hit. We have sold six new ones in iast 10 days. Corne in and sce it at our garage. Price -$775, tax paid, or on easy terms: $235 cash, balance $48.80 monthly '.ý We have severai used Ford ors claring at reai snaps. Cars with start- Luke, Boys, Limited Phone 188 Bowmanville ARE YOUR HENS LAY1NG?. Give your hens the attention they deserve and they wiii pay. Just now eggs are scarce, but feed the hens pten.ty of the Scientifieally Prepared Poultry Supplies such1 as we carry in stock and you'il not complain abouit fot getting plenty of eggs. We carry the largest assortment of poultry sup- piies in town. HnA RR g"Y ALLIN PHONE 186 BOWMANVILLE If your oven isslow to heat you will find Egg-O .ust as slow to act- its double action insures Ieavening with a sîow or hot oven. ORDER PROM YOURNEJGHBORHOOD GROCER 0 49

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