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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Nov 1922, p. 8

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TheNect1Irepdet THUIRSDAY, NOVEMBER 23rd, 1922 Jas. Bishop, Oshawa, ha, had nearly 30 years experience as sue- ,ceasful auctioneer. He conduots all kinds of sales. Local represent- ative. Tom Perey. . 40-t Darlington Township is alive to the good to be derived from a re- forestation scheme. This spring the Township Council purchased six ~acres from Mr. John Colwill, on the Scugog road, near Hampton, at the toli gate hili. About 6,000 trees were planted, and a visitor to them on ýSunday declares that about 75 per cent., of the trees-are living. LISTEN IN Radio Broadcasting Program Published Every Saturday Contains the Canadian and Amnerican broadcasting programs you need. Sub- scrîbe to-day. $2 per year, in advance. Postage paid. Penton Publications, 60- 42 delaide-st.. B., Toronto. Chlirop-ractic (Spinal Adjustments) liemove the Cause 'of DiseaIse without Medicine or Knif e. Chir-. opractors have remarkalfle suc- eesin removing the cause of Ap pen -dicitis, Deafness, Asthma, l'ýheumatism, Lumbago, Lame Back, Constipation, Piles, Female Diseases, *Stomach and Kidney Troubles. Nervousness in many forms respond readily to Chiro- Examination Free at Office. ANNOUNCEMENT We are glad to be able to an- nounce to the peoplie of the Town- ships of Clarke and Darlington that we'have secured the agency for Durant Motor Cars: Six Cylinder Cars, Four Cylinder Cars, Four Cy- linder Star Cars in all st Ves. Also trucks.11 We will at ahl times be at your service at our Show Rooins. With sucli a short time left in which to secure Durant Motor Shares all desirous of obtaîning same apply early to W. J. ýMOORE & SON, 47-1 Newcastle, Ont. Royal The£atre BOWMANVILLE Thursday November 23rd Pauline Frederîck i "TWO KINDS 0F WOMEN" A story of, thoroughbreds-me-n, women and heroes. A wonder girl flghtiug great batties with rifles, pistols and a Woman's Weapons. Fridayý-Saturday November 24-25 'THE MAN FROM LOST RIVER' Jim Barnes-boss of the lum- ïberjacks sullen-faced giant withi NESTLETON Mr. 4. W. Veale of the Toronto Carpet Co., spent the week-end with' his father, Mr. John Veale, and1 frieuds...Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Thornton, Janetville, visited Mrs. R. C. Jackson on Sunday'..Mr. and Mrs. William Heaslip, Janetville, spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. Geo. McGill at Mr. Nelson H. Mur- lo........ Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wash- iugton and Mr. and Mrs. David Mc- Millun calied on Mr, John W. Emer- son .... Mr. and Mrs. Eruest Larmer, Blackstock, and lier mother, Mrs. W. T. Taylor, Solina, were at Mr. Peteri Wright's Sunday..,.Mr. and Mrs. Rue Malcolm and boys visited his sister, Mrs. J. Leonard Joblun.. We welcome to our community the bride of Mr. David G. Johus (nee Marjory Wannacott), Solina .. Miss'Alice Moore, Brookliu, visited Miss Ruby Veule last week...On Suuduy evening, Nov. 12, ufter the service the congregution were invit- ed to the busement of the churdli when Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Armstrong and Miss Marguerite were called to the front by Pastor Carruthers aud presented with a Methodist llymn Book each. Short speeches were mude and a few pleusant moments spent. We wish them Gad speed in their new home .... On Sunday, Nov. l9th, the Thaukoffering services of North Nestl*eton were conducted by Rev. W. R. Tauton, Jauetville, who tude'", taking for his subJect the'one MEDICAL ALFRED F4RNCOMB, M. D.,, . M Graduate of Trinity University, aluo of Royal College. Physicians, Edin- burg. Specialty-Diseases of wom- en and children. Office-Paiker'u Block, Newcastle. J. A. BUTLER, M. D., C. M. Honor graduate of Trinity Univex slty, Fellow of Trinity Medical College Licentiate of the'State University oï New York, Matriculate of the Post- Grdae Medical School and Hos- pia fNew York and Fellow of the Toronto Academy of Medicine. Office -Mrs, MeNaughton'à Rosidence, Newcastle. Hours-8 to 10 a. m., 1 to 3 D. m., and by appointifent. J. W. Bradley, General Insurance Agent Clerk of 2nd Division Court, Com- -missioner, etc. NEWCASTLE Mrs. Thos. Liddle, Grimsby, is vis- iting friends in'town. Mrs. B. Taylor, Oshawa, is vstn with Mrs. Alden Gibson. Mrs. George Gray and fumily spent Saturday in Toronto. .Mr. C. H. HllI of Troy, O'hio, is visiting at Mr. S.* Buskerýville's.. Mr .aud Mrs. R. H. Collacott have been visitiug Mr. Geo. H. Joll's. Mrs. Hudson (uee Annie Wilson), Toronto, is a guest ut Mrs. Beman's. Miss Hilda Gibson, Toronto, spent the week-end at Mrs. Frauk Gibson's. Mrs. Jake Morris and daughter Murjorie spent Thursduy in Toronto. .Mrs. A. C. Gray, Torouto, is spend- ing a f ew days with Mrs. McLuugli- lin. «~Bill" Kilputrick and friend," Sid Pearce, Toronto, spent Sunduy ut bis f ather' s. Mrs. O'Neil of Port Union, visited a f ew days with Mrs. Wm. Perrin last week. Miss Elva Cowan, Cowauville, is visiting with lier graudfuther, Mr. Robert Cowan.11 1 ---r. Saud-esonj'r-oronto, vsitn --t-- ---4------- - - - k -~ k - - --- -.--------.-----. ______________ - k NEWCASTLE, BRANCH G. W. V. A. DISBANDS Dr. Rollin A. Dickson, Toron4to, New Soldiers' Club Formed., and Master Couant Myprs, Oshawa, spent the week-end with Dr. Wulton' When it was leurned that Bow- Bahl and son Eric at Harris Lodge. manville branch of Great War Vet- Members ofthe Epworth League erans' Association was likely to dis- were entertained by Bowmanvýlle baud through lack of interest ou Epworth League On Monday night. part of its members a movement was The eveniug was speut with contests immediately started to f ormi another rand a musical program which was club of ex-service men. A mem- much appreciated by âll present. bership of ut least 40 was sought and Messrs. S. A. aud Chus. Perrin sur- to place it on a souud finaucial busis prised their Newcastle friends by ar- for at leust a year a fee of $5.00 was riving in town unaunounced one made payable in advauce. After eveuiug last week. They have been holding severul meetings as well as residiug at Clouston, Sask.,. for the cauvassiug the desired number was past few years and enjoyiug ife inlu ie. A rgnzto et the great west, but decided to pay a 'n as held in the club rooms over visît to the old home town conse-_ whaesn Office Friday eveuiug quently they headed thi.t way and Afer a good attendance was preseut. mude the complete trip by motor byAterc a f ew preliminary remarks by way of St. Paul, Racine, Chicago, De- tecairman, Dr. G. C. Bouuycastle, troit and covere.d the entire distance it was decided to form the Bowmuu- in tn dys atua traellng tme.ville Soldiers' Club, officers elected They spent several days with friends cae:PeietD.G .Bny Secretary-Tresurer-Thos Aunisou; Dr. Alfred Furncomb, owuer Of Executive-Mujor R. J. GuI, Dr. V. "Ariadue", the old hotel ut the luke, H. Storey, Geo. Crombie, A. Armi- a hou-se rich in local historic interest stead. and teeming with memories of the A meetiug of the above members days when Newcastle wus a shippng 1 eledts akoŽrwuJ t-- o I-u m__A ml ,_ue,15 necessarv mIles for h cu. ti ORDER COAL:

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