many a man these days. And in rnany a case she is thinking: "How I would like a Dominion Piano. I think 'd rather have -it than anything else in the world". If lie really knew how mucli she want- ed a Dominion---and how reasonable is the price -and how convenient are the terms-who doubts that lie would get it for her! If she would just show hun tF'is advertisement the chances are that there would be a Dominion in their home this Christmas. This is the time to make arrange- ments for Clhristmas deliveries.' USED PIANOS ACCEPTED IN PARTIAL EXCHANGE F. J. MITCHE-L' L Sales Agent Mitchell Bldç,. Phone 92 or 105 Bowmanville There's No Susitt Th.mre's no substitutes f or meat. From the earliest days of the human race meat has been the central article of diet. This age old custom and mnan's nqtural craving for meat indicate that it satis-ies Lis rteal food needs. We have a free delivery in town or send meat by mail to couintry customers. Wilbert J. 1Dudley llorsey Block Phone 225, House 272 BowmanvilleJ QUALI?V OR FEELS TNAT YOUJNG. W ITHOUT beng exreie or lverdree& you canea have your Sut made with JUt4 daeh of style tiiat spofl vigor. vitalt;y, YO It's al In the littié touches of the taîlor'u f j are. Yr Instance, Suppose Ymi have a coat wth nt tobuttons set rather hîgli. je new nugmw laVedsý Peaked and soft rolig. The the netIL The front rather close fittIng with "V» eut a"ove the pocket to get theé uprés kwaJst., atbltic appearance. Have the aleevez rather narrow, but no& r~ tight-dn"ed adt the cufs wth a handînad*6 OPen vent. and button amd buttonhoIe, She'lllie you in aSuit LIeh. Thes. are but a few of the dtala by wfrloh youth cam. hé éaprensed. Let me yo'u whtlcau hé doné In the way ce- euut of thé uhou]id rs stylé of pockt*.di.faeui lonlig o,!f C c Ck, the eut o,! the ve asd ath- * oure flot obliged lu buyg. Juat djZop a weék and talk the matter w. Guaranteed, of Course -yet Prices are Reasonable * J. TMOLLON Ladies' and Gents' Cleaning and Press- ing, Opposîte Goodycar Hotel. Fhone 255 Bowmanvîlle ~ %~, ~-S - iM t'TI AMFICATATIC 1:.;4~.~Y a- T I - ~--- 'I Wonder What She Would Like Best For-Christmas?" This is the question is asking himself ---*---Uhanifhg tai, ate wortn reprotluc-] A copy of "Thé Red Cross Jun- ghr.Hé said: When I comparé ior" fell into our bande thé other tthe diffèrent classes, as existing day nd hismonhly ublcaton hismoment in thé civilized world, dray anthisedu s mnhly pucaIon cannot timk thé différence hé- grétlyintrèsed s a wépereedtwéèn thé rich and thé poor, la ré- ite attractive pages. It le only 50 grd to mère physical sufféring, su cents a year and as wé cee its value gaéat as le sometimés imaginéd. to aIl young f olk can héartily advisè That sm fteidgn mn évery p lesho ece ob-u i of scanty food, is undoubted- comé a subscriber and whèré there ly trué; but vastly more in this com- 'are echolars enough to organize a munity die from eating too much Junior Red Cross Auxiliary la thé than from eating too littlé, vastiy section. This organîzation sets muré from éxcees than starvation. echool cildren a definite taek or Su as to clothing; many shiver from prohlem tu work at-léarning to do want of défencé againet thé cold; thinge and not mèrely to know about but thére le vaetly muré sufféring thînge. Junior Red Cross provices among thé nich from absurd and thé motive; il is the peacé-time mis- criminial modes of dress, which fa'.h- sion of thé Red Cross, namély, to1 ion sanctioned, than among the pour improve bealth, and to prevènt dis- from déficiency of raimént. Our ease, or, in other words, to grow bigi.daughters are uftenér brought to thé and strong. Su, thé pupils organ- gravé by their rich attire, than our izèd ln a Junior Red Cross Auxiliary,, beggars by their nakédnéss. Su thé work together for individual and pour are oftén overworked; but they community héalth. They sleep with sufer lèse than many amung thé rieh, their windows open; they care forl who havé nu work tu do, no interest- their tééth; théy take a wéékly bath; ing object tu f111 up lifé, lu satisfy héy drilenm; thy kerep hérithé infinité cravinge of man for act- bane dan thy bsevet he laws ý ion. Accurding to our présent of hèalth; tbéy grow in stature andmoeofduain w mnyf in nowedg;,the kep he cho unr daughters are suhjéct to an surroundinge sanitary. Write t ennui-a miséry unknuwn among thé Ontario Junior Red Cross, 410 thé pour, and more tolérable than Sherbourne St., Toronto, for full thé wearinèse of excessive toîl. particulars and help thé children to urganize a branch. * * *THE BEST CHRISTMAS GIFT Now that thé weatber le too cold for out-of-doore pléastiré t night young folk should plan for courses of study or rcading that will benéfit them. Some fiction mixed la with othér instructive literâturé will hé ail right, but thé valuablé périod hé- twéen supper and béd-timé should hé improvéd at leaet four or five evéninge la thé wèék. There le a woeful lack of uséful and practical information among tou many young peuple of thé présent day and thé fault le their own. Recently wé réad an account of a night school conducted la a city la which it was stated that a véry large percenlage of thé studénts wéré foréignérs while Canadian young mon wére found'la poolroonis, dance halls and other places of amusement. Is it any surprise wbèn foréigners are getting training for business la night echools and othèrwise Ihat they are rapidly gétting control of such a large num- ber of thée maller husinessein Ibis country? We notice, too, la city nèwspapérs Ihat foreign.studénts la thé public and bigh echools are win- ning prizés and forémuel positions from Canadian-bora boys and girls, and thé reasunes are not far to seèk -théy are self-évident to observèrs of thé crazé among Canadian famil- ies for pleasures that amuse but do Christmas for thé Boy! Christmas for thé Girl! Christmas for thé Fathers! Christmas for thé Mothers! Christmas for une and ail bound up la thé 52 wéekly issues of The Youth's Companion for 1923. No othér pèri.odical can také thé place of Thé Cumpanion at thé family fireside -nu othér reflectesu truly thé home spirit. Thé 52 issues of 1923 will contain frum ight to a dozén serial atonies, nearly two hundred short sturies, hé- sidés sketches, spécial mattér for thé boys, thé girls, thé domestic circlé. Thé Children's Pagé and thé Ductor's Corner will, as they have for years, prove indispensable féaturés of thé papér. Subecribé now and récéive: 1. Thé Youtb's Companion-52 is- sues la 1923. 2. Ail thé rémaining issues of. 1922. 3. Thé Companion Hume Calendar for 1923. Ail for $2.50.. 4. Or include McCall's Magazine, thé montbly authority on fashions-. Both pulications, only $3.0-0. THE YOUTH-'S COMPANION, Commonwealth Avé. & St. Paul 'St., Boston, Mass. Subecriptions Received aI this Office. There is no poisonous ingrédient BOWMANVILLE~, NOV. 3th, 1922. THE EDITOR TALKS We have often expressed our con- victions on, the much dizcussed question of home work or studios for children atténding school, and de- clared from observation for many years and as a teaclier for ton years that fur more childrea are injured morally and physically from other ways of employing their evenings than from home study assigned by their téachers. Some very young cilîdren may need to hé restrained from nigbt study but such cases are very rare. Vast sums of public m'oney mray be wasted if there is flot this eager self-denying spirit in thé childrèn and their parents. On the other band, intense labor and studi- ous application have often achiévéd the'impossible evén in the midst of poverty. Prom a conversation had with on1e of the best known young women clerks in Bowmanville on the ques- tion of Saturday night's shopping abuse we agreed that the merchants themselves are chiefiy résponsible for the late hours that shops are kept open. We have neyer liked éxténding business hours f ar into the night and no business man ýshould ex- pect his help to put in unnecessar- ily such long Saturday service. We notice that some towns have inaug- urated a Saturday night early clos- ing campaign and everybody must I agree that 10 o'clock is late enough to keep stores open. Walkerton Telescope correctly says that with thé introduction of motor cars and general parcel delivery there is'lese reason than ever, if there was ever any legitimate réason for thèse late hours Saturday night. For the mer- chants and their clerks who are on thé job until nearly midnight thé half of Sunday is stolen for they are not in physical shape to réally enjoy thé Sabbath or to take part in thé morning services 'of the day. Hère is a real pro'blem for Bowman- ville Chamber of Commerce. Cancer Weék was last weèk when Mr. Bice's splendid article in this issue should havé appeared, but space forbadé. There seeme to be necessity to hé always on guard against this ecourage, for in thé year 1920 there weré repor'ted 71,756 known déaths from cancer on this continent and of thèse 61,857 weré of persons over 45 years of agé. In England after thé age of 45 one, woman in every éîght, and one man in every eléven dies of cancer. In New York City thé diséasé bas steadily incréased year by year from 61 per bundred thousand population~ in 1898 to 97 per hundred thousandi of population la 1921. Whilé the members of thé médical profession are not agrééd on cause or cure of cancer, they are agreed that thé dis- éasé may be prévented by prevénting any f orm of chronic irritation. Per- sistent ulcérations, cracks and sore, and warts, moles or birth 'marks which change in appearance or grow larger. should bc removed, Intelli- gent attention to thèse "précancer- ous conditions" and périodic éxam- ination by a comptent physician or surgeon will gréatly réducé the danger of dévéloping thé dîseasé itself. GEORGE CHENERY General Contractor ln cemént work, bouse foundation, etc. Estimates furnished, King-st., Bowmanville. 18-t SHORTHAND, TYPEWRITING, B OO KK EEP ING Complete Commercial and Generai Im- provemnent Courses, Students accepted at any time. Good Positions for ail graduates. CANADA BUSINESS COL- LEGE, Oshawia and Toronto- M. A. JAMES STEAMSHIP TICKETS TO EUROPE-Canadian Pacifié, White Star Dominion, Cunard, Amer- ican. Ask for information. Phono 53, Bowmanville. LISTEN IN Radio Broadcasting Program Published Every Saturday Contains the Canadian and American broadcasting programts you need. Sub- scribe to-day. $2. per year, in advance. I Postage paid. Pen'on Publications, 60-1 62 Adelalde-st., B., Toronto. , 1 ELECTRIC CLEANER It shouldn't be hard to decide, beca use- THE EDITOR TALKS Thé éditor is pléased to unité with Rév. Dr. E. N. Bakér's hosts of friénds alI over this Dominion in -sinceré congratulations on attaining b is 7lst bîrthday. As président of rAlbert Collège hundréds of young -people havé comé undèr bhis wholé- Ssomé and helpful influence and bear etéstimony evérywherè to his kindly 1fatherly intérest la theni. Wé wish rfor Dr. Baker many more yéars of aactivity and succéss in thé grand rwork f or thé young to which lhé is Pgiving bis bet thought and énérg'Y. A farm implemént shed pays well for thé outlay if thé implémente are houséd thérin. Thousands of dollars annually are a total loes to Canada by négligence ia thé caré of farm machinéry and, implémente. Evén la good old Durham County wé have oftén remarked thé caréless negléct of intelligent farmérs. Théy know very well that éxposure to thé weatbér causes damýage, yet théy of- ten winter their implémente out-of- doors. Undoubtedly, any, farmýer can materially cut down éxpénsés by proper care of implements and tools. Réadér, how about yours? Are they storéd away undér propér sheltér? InlIast issue wé publishéd an art- icle héaded "Charactér that Counts". Wè hope many young réadére caught thé spirit of that article, intended chiéfly tbîough it was for inspiration of school teachers, Thisehf e is not givén to us to hé idled away in use- léss plé-asurés. Theré is plenty of timé and opportunity for récréation and pleasure but lifé is for service, 'i'hievement, culture growth in one's chosen occupation. Judge Coats- worth said in a récent address to young peuple: Charactér must not hé confused with réputation. Char- acter goes on building until déath, and thé éléments out of whicb it is made are gooti thoughts, good words and good actions. Thé judge pléad- éd with thé young beforé him to strive to bé somebody and bé somé- tbing in the world worth while. It is to hé hopéd that thé agitation against home work, wbich le revived évery now and thén, will stop short within'himits. Otherwisé theré is daniger to thé moral fibre of future citizéns. Education is not éntirely a matter of training thé mental faculties, it is far more a matter of s0 stréngtbéening the character by thé formation of good habits that thé child whén lhé réaches maturity will be able to control bis passions and subdué those turbulent portions of hiq nature which inevitahiy wreck thé happiness of thé adlt who has neyer learnéd thé lésson of self- déniai and self-control., If home work is to be banished as corporal punishmént bas béen hanisbed and if everything t-bat is difficult or dis- agreeabié is tu be removèd from thé easy path of childhood theré is liké- ly to grow in Canadaa. génération with vèry little respect for authority and lacking aIl thé moral fibre of hardier races. Good thoughts enrich thé mind al- ways and o nly thé othér day a public speaker in this town said Canadians do not do enough thinking along riglit lines. We came across some sae das since uttered by W Ellery LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD, B. A., LL. D. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY money to loan on Farn and Town Propérty Royal Bank Building, Bowmanville. Phono 351. W. F. WARD, B. A. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY Monéy to boan. Bonds for sale. Offices: Bléakléy Block, King Street, Bowmanville Ontario. Phonos: Office 102, Hou..e 366J music T. W. STANLEY (London College of Muasic) Orgaist and Choir Leader, Bowman- ville Methodist Church, is prepared to také pupils for Piano and Volée Cult- ure. For ternis phono 12, l'Green- Court", Argyle Street. 49-3m*. MEDICAL B. J. HÂZLEWOOD, -M. D. C. M. Gold Médalist of Trinity Univeruity Toronto. Four years attending Phy- sician and Surgeon at Mt. Carmel Hospital, Pittsburg, Ks. Office and Résidence, Wellington Street, Bow- manvillé. Phone 108. C. W. SLEMON, M. D., C. M. Graduaté of Trinity Médical Collège, Toronto, f ormerly of Enniskillen. Office and résidence, Dr. Beith's, ~former résidence on Church-st., Bow- manville. Phone 259. 44-t DENTAL DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant-Dr. C. W. Lyons Graduate of Royal Dental Collège, Toronto. Office, Kîng-st. East, Bow- inanville. Office hours 9 a. ni. to 6 p. m. daily except Sunday. Phono 90a. Housé phone 90b. DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE Honor graduate in'Déntistry Toronto University. Graduate of the Royal Collège of Dental Surgeons of On-ý tarlo. Office King-st., Bowmanville.t Office phono 40. Hbuse phono 22.' DR. R. E. DINNIWELL Honor Graduate of Toronto Uni- versity and mémbèr of Royal Collège of Dental Surgeons. Licensed to practice la Ontario and the Dominion. Dentistry in ahl its br'anches. Office -King-st., Bowmanvilie. Opposite- Bank of Montréal, Phono 301. FUNERAL DIRECTORS F. F. MORRIS. CO. Most complète equipment. Sunday and night calîs promptly attended to. Bowmanville phones 10 and 34. Branch at Orono. THEO M. SLEMON, AUCTI ONEER Farm and bouse Sales a Specialty. Terme moderate. Enniskillen P. O. Phono 197-r3. 1-tf VETERINARY DR. F. T. TIGHE VETERINARY SURGEON. Day or Night Calîs Promptly Attonded to. Office King-st. W., Statesnsan Bloékp Bowmanville. Phono 243. Sold in Bowmanville By Willianms & Cann AEYOU IR HE NSÉ, LAY1NG? Give your hens the attention they deserve and they will pay. Just no.w eggs are scarce, but feed the hens plernty of the Scienti.fically Prepared Poultry Supplies s-uch as we carry- in stock and you'11 flot complain about not gettiÎng plenty of eggs. We carry thu, largest assortment of pepuitry ïp plies in town. HARRY PHONE 186 ALLIN BOWMAN VILLE r Il - .1 DOi%'eMINION 0F CANADA. VICTORY LOAN BONDS I<tURnING lst DECEMBER, 1922. 111E B3ANK 0F MONTREAL, under authority of the Minister of Finance, is prepared to redeem the above bonds in full at-maturity. without charge, at any of its Branches in Canada. For the convenience of owners of the bonds, the Bank of Moncreal will accept the bonds at any time prior to December lst, and will I make payment ti each case on December Ist, as the owner may desire, cither by issuing acheque placing the 2ninaxnt -thnvnv, ~4-9 h .,, Made in Canada 1. Thé Royal cleans by air alune! Weighs' only il pounds. A child can carry it up and down stairs. 2. Has extra wide 14-inch nozzle. Cleans greater surface in less time. Cleans in and under places other cleaners cannut reach. 3. lnstantly adjusûs to any fluor-surface. Cleans thorougiiiy harclwood anid linoleum flours, even concrete! 4. Dust-tight bag that holds all the dirt. Easy to remove, sirnply lifts off. 5. Handy trigg-er switch. No stoing to turn on tlie current. 6. Large rubberoid wheels. Cannot scratch or mar fluors. ,Make the Royal excep- tionally light-running. 7. Perfect lubiciating system. The Royal requires oiling only every th,-, , ?nuitths. 8. Simple easily-connected attacnments that dlean everything. 9. The Royal cleans by air alonc! No revolv- ing brushes, beits or gears to get 011t of order or dimînish the efficiency. 10. Every part guaranteed by manufacturer. We are alwnys irlad to demçr.strate the Royal Electric Cleaner at our store or in your homne-as you prof er. 'Ihinît: over thèse ten Royal reasons-see ti'c maýainc demonstrated-thén decide for yourself. Ask te-day for a free Royal denionstra- tion, and thé particulars of our easy- payment plan. Fruit & Ornamental, Trees Shrubs, Perennials, Small Fruits Order Now For Fali Planting S end For Price List Broodale Nurserie 11(Near Q. T. R. Depot) Phone No. 7 Bowmanville v 1