HAVE YOU A COLD? I CENTRAL ONTARIO' BASEBALL' BOWMANViLLE, DEC. 3th., 1922 urday and -_._-_--_1_-Tha delag Colds that, make youý choke and Banquet Belleville Champions. f or storm, colds wit~h which YOU eneaze and A meeting of the Central Ontario- el htH a nNrhr when the ,,ýveep and shîver. Nothing- tastes Amateur Basebail Langue will be TeiWhteSaInNrhn The fire - ood. You do pot know what toejhald in Belleville on December let Ontario edge, and eat. A light, blnnd, easily digeeted at 3.30 p. m., whan foliowing busi- thankfult laxative diet ie the- -rper thing. ùiess will be discussed:' Changing At our request Mayor Quinn has fate of Hi Eat'planty of fruit; in the first, residence rula to Jan. 1lat; dateof furnishêd us with an account of hiei place it is arlafr ein Etlierond1923 annual meeting; Leaside resi- trayas through the fire ravaged dis- On -Sun ofacegt iblaef resisp saleareaI-y dence, rule 1923; ýany other matters tricts of Northern Ontario laet weeký movad on for welablsare of Lengueae.ai-when with a hundred mayors, Charni-1Thornloe was arptng Icldeinyor In the evening a banquet will be ber of Commeke býepresentatiyes 1-stroyed. menus milk and vegetable soupe,hedaQune otlihor of and newspaper mnen hie was prvil- Junction1 gteaming hot and fragrant; cocon, Bellev ineC. O L ihapons gd houhte eerstyo hevsîet piping hot imilk toast. Eggs prepar- Bleil .0FL hmin. eedetral ad Otario GeovaretsIftoe a moedthe ed in dainty ways are appatilzing. Mr. G. O. Patarson will rapresant FdrladOtroGvrmnst ohr Beware of spices, ctsups, ralishesý Bowmnnville A. A. A. at the exe- visit the scanes of the re cent 'terrible the eldesi an ikesi e av oethot ivemeigadbnut car left Toronto Union Station at The fathei an iclsifyuhaesoatrot utv meig n anut firas in the northlnnd. absent. Take cautiously of salty dishes-Aspcatrimdeuofor said tliat bouillion, consomma, sait fish and 'Thealtanmae poffu ngo e hani. Confine yoursalf to fiuids,,' h store, garage and auto be- Pulimans, one diner and ona bnggaga ling onab such as cocoa, egg-pog. milk sop longing to Mr. R. Braden, Saintfield, 8.45 p. m. Friday, Novtember l7th.htl a and fruit juice, and to those dishas were destroyed by ira on Novembar At Aurora the privata car of Prem- nage, fco whicdh require littlechwi-c- 21. Loss large.. Insurance small. ier King was taken on nnd hie ac- little girl tards, milk toast, eggs and eoft'pud- Mr. Braden is a brother of Mrs. J. compnnied the party as f ar as ,lail pnfivad dings. Drink water, planty of it, at Hlamilton Batamag, Scugog-st., Bow- eybury.' The train arrivad at North opetn fie1 lenst eight glasses avry 24 hours. manville. Bay about 5.30 on Saturday mora- fgtn _____________________________________________ing. ilera the )train was taken stifiing sai over by the officiais of the Tamisk- okfra nming and Nozthern Ontario Rail- Kenebec way, owned by the Province of On- houses we tarie and mnanaged by a commission, the branel ir% oWnl nV,,It axtends from North Bay to Coch- also visite, R oaZrh a r , o m nvle rane, the junction of the National wiped out 11%o al 1hea;rLrqu, Tanscontinental, a distance of 253 Two or i miles, with brnnch uines 'of 77 miles, home of 1 MON AY ND UES AY DE EMB R 4 naking a total of 330 miles. By the sed with1 MOND Y AN TUEDAY DEC MBER4-5 close of 1923 this lina will ha con- a genera] structed through to James Bay, a nase and1 ~ *ie~,further distance of 70 miles. Ha was b of 1916. f ~~It may surprise sorne people toe uac know that thie territory is almost laugli of doubla tEe size of Manitobu or about 140,000' square miles in extent.ta Magnificent as this vastness is, itcp o and four .......would appeal merely to -the imagine-gttn tien if it were but a barren wldar- or and thî nasse. But such is snot thea'casa. On the contrary, it te a land of hy i ............blanket th grant foreste, rivars and, innumer- protect thi able lakes, alluring to the lumbar- man, sportsman and tourist. Parts of The fine . . .. . . . . .it abounde in minerai wealth, espe- area ofi cially nickel, silver and gold. AboyamleeI ahl, it is a land whose agicultunal mls f artiiity is unsurpassed- and-axtandestroyd ovar thoussands of, acres. From Aftar ri North Bay 73 miles Temagami i oig o reachad on a lake of the camne numa Falls on t] pronounced to-mog-n-wmo. tan t This wonderful body of watar hue Montiath - 3,000, miles of shore lina and thara Farm und ara 1,259 islands surveyed on tihe e< Toronto govarnment map and a greut num- br of smali islande fnot markad. Toe usa ~~ ~~~ explore the beauties of this Inke i11n nth a canoe one would hava to puddlethamr carviad au '~,...'. ~. ~a distance equal to a journey from tok -I Hlifax to Vancouver.wsprn The train wns now making for t a Cobalt, and ut Ltchford it passed ovar the great steel bridge with its ifom thre sansthat cross the Mtel oa ~iire aane onvanother harv river. Tôwnm of Cotýalt, quickly wîîan came into view. This is the greant s0, silvert cdantrae of Ontario and the train stopped fbr over an hour andray.T -it wns possible to gat a hurnied viaw of tEls town of over 4,000 popula -___ tion, nestlad on Cobalt lake umidet the giguntic rocks. Have the grantsclIver mines which have sinca 1903 producad $2,000,- 000,000 in silver and paid $80,000,- 000 in dividende. Cobalt was on the verge of the ire swept zona and liera the tarrified population watch- ed the fira damon rushing on as if to devouir the whole town. If the fire hnd reachad Cobalt, the lose of avenues of escapa ara very difficult. life would have hean grant ns the But, fortunately, the wind shiftad and Cobalt waesuved. TEe trnin moved into North Co- with balt and our party saw the remnins of what had been a snug iittla village where 210 homes ware-buvnad, only two or threa baing left. On the MATI-I EO N LANG wasted ruins littla shuche 16 x 20 feet ware springing up us tampor- afy shlters. The sight of the des- toyad homes and blighted prospects, 40A HA LY KN0OLLS filedthebolookers with asickaning PPIOD CTIONtEe scane at North Cobalt, it re- PI~QD CTIONmainad for Haileybury to raveal in all its nakadness and desolation, IHow often have you asked to see "something the horrors of the conflagration. new, something diff erent, new facesne scenes"7 The whole town was practically new wiped out, axcept a smali portion to iii a motion pî>ture? the nonth, where the lUgE School le situatad which was saved When the Jiiere is the different picture-a modern dram a wind tuIrned from the orth te th~e of CarnivaI tmre in Venice-actually filmed inl ion of 4,600 is baautifully situated Italy on the mysterious, romantie old Venetian on the western shore of Lake Tam- ikamning. It occupies a majestic -anals-beautifully, superbly produced, a gem of and taeistend h bn sereen art and a sensational dramatic achieve- justiy callad the Quaan of the North. Now it is nothing but a charrad and blackanad wasta of ruine. Rasiden- cas, schoffis, churchas, public build- ADMISSION: Aduits 25c; Chiîdren 15c. ings, the grant Roman Catholic Cthedral, business housas of evary BulkCoca, .... 2Ibs 29 Acd Drps .........23clb 350000of which assats to the valua Spanish Onions, 4 lbs 25ec 'Butter Scotch ....25e lb of $150,000 ware destvoyad. Thera New rune.2 ls. 9e SotchMins....25clb as a noticeabie feeling of depras- ,,Ne Prnes,... 2 ba. 9c cotc Mits ....... 25clb ionon tEe part of, the delegates ns thay turned nwuy from the ruine of -~ this splendid town, which was reiiev- ed only by the heroic spirit of those OURTEA AR AL GU RANEEDwho had lost- ail thair matenial pos- TRY PO ND T 4e, 5e,65eor 5e.The Government,, train raached TRY POU D A 49c 55c 65 or 5c.New Liskaard about4 o'clock on Sut- THE COAL SITUATION IN BOWMANVILLË Letter From Mayor H. L. Quinn. Some people have asked me what the Council le doing regarding fixing the price of coal. - 1 have kept in close touch with, the coal situation since the coal strike was settled in U. S. as to avail- able supply and prices. At the present tîme local coal deal-. ers are compelled to buy their coal through brokers and pay a much higher price than if they bought from old Une companies. The brokers seem to be the only people who can get coal through from the mines. In a recent letter~ I received from J. A. Ellis, Fuel Controller for On- tario, he states that ha expects that, old line companies will get a reason- able amount of coal into Ontario-by' rail when navigation closes. 1 have examined the invoices for coal handled by our local- dealers and I find that coal is costing them $16.50 per ton on track here. The Counci'l may by resolution re- quest the Ontario fuel controller toi appoint a local fuel controller but the aff ect of this in corne towns has been that when the prîce was fixed tha -local dealer was forcad to quit handling coal and the municipality had to handle it and pay the brok- ars' pnice and charge the cost of de- livery extra or handle it at a loss. As the s ituation is at prasant it seems as though we would have to aither huy brokers' coal, buy fuel substitutas or go without. H. L. Quînn, Mayor. Messrs. W. Glaspail & Sons, Taunton. and Lavi Skinner & Son, Tyrone, were winne's of prizes on Shropshires at Toronto Winter Fair. Deman.d has been lYeyond expact-I ations for our new fail and winter coats for, ladies, but stock is now re- plenished. Choose 110w. Couch Johnston & Cryderman.1 Jas. Bishop, Oshawa, haa had neaaly 80 years' experience as suc-1 cassful auctioneer. ne conduets ail kinds of sales, Local repreeent- ative, Tom Percy. 40-t suffering has been provided but more must be donc. The unpromising, and f aint haart- ed who settled in this country have been waedad out hy the difficulties of pioneer if e. Those who remain have proven that they belong -to that class who not only can help them- salves but can help davelop the ra- sources of that great country. Plans for raising funds will be made later1 when an appea-l le made. Oaa thing 1I must be emphasizad and that is the 1 urgency of the need.1 A HAPPY THOUGHT FOR CHRISTMAS GIVING Sorne kind of gifts suit one person, some, an- other--but Books suit. al We give a few of the Iatest: "The Forsyth e Saga".................... Galsworthy "The Jing's Arrow",.............................. Cody "'ViobA Gw-yn"....................McCutcheon "The Pitairie- 1hld..............................Stringer "Clair De Lure" ................................ .. Prdcle "The Man i n the Twilight" ..................,.Cullen "The Three Loyers" ................Winnirerton "The Belis of St. Stephen" ................. Keith "Suinny San" ..-................................ Watanna "Orvingtons Bank," ............................Weynman "Charles 1Rcx" ............................ .E. M. Del "'Just Steward"...........:........................... Dehan W. T. ALLEN BIG 20 BOOKSTORE BOWMAN VILLE PRIZE BACON Gunn' s Famous Wiltsh4're Bacon which won Second iPrize in world competition re.- cently is sold iin Bowmanville at my store. You neyer tastt-d bacon quite so, appetizing as this., Wiltshire B<on-try some withyour next order. WATÇH OUR WINDOWS FOR SPECIAILS G. A. Edmondstone One door eaut of F. F. Morris Co. L L Phone 21 Eowmanvilîe ENT of fatt, Garage Adopts Srictly Cash System The -big increase in the number of motorists in the Bowmanville District and the co rrespond- ing -increasein the work tw-ned out by our garages has resulted in a big increase in the amount of book-lZëeping required to keep proper records of Charge Accounts. Conaditions have reached a point now where to continue Charge Accounts will require us to o pen'fuil sets of books and to hire book-keepers. Also, the Provincial Returns'and Income Tax Reports requîre such records to be correctly kept and impose additional work on such accounts. e To instal book-keeping systems and the additional help would increase the cost of doing busi- ness and cause us to raise our rates. We have decided, therefore, for the benefit of our custoniers and ýourselves, to put our gar- age bu siness on a Strietly Cash Basis. The garage owner has to pay cash for his purchases and in eéollecting cash froni his custom-' ers a great deal of needless detail is done away with, and a general increase in effieiency ýobtainedi On and af ter December 1lst we, theref ore, ask, our customers to phone us before caling for their cars to ascertain the amount o f the bill Suph systems are universaîly used in all large cities I adopting the cash method we hope to have the co-operation of all our customers. MOFFATT MOTOR SALE"S, LIMITED Oldsmobile and McLaughlin Dealers Bowmanville Ontario col