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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Nov 1922, p. 5

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W.A... INSTRELS Opera House, Bowmanville WedfAnesday, Dec. 6 .50-Chorus of Fifty Voices-50 6 Funny End Men in Gorgeous Minstrel Firet Part PART TWO Miss Helen Stapleford, Premier Lady Violin- ist; W. D. Dykes, Canada's Great Tenor; Gibson's Acrobats, with their funny skit, "in -a doIl's bouse".; Houdon, Noted Magician and Trick- ster, rivaling the Great Thurston; Royal Hawaiian Troupe, in native songe, dances and melod ies. Reserved Seats 50c- General Admission 35C Plan at R. M. Mitchell's Drug Store Mason & Dale 'S SANTA CLAUS, HEADQUARTERS It is easy to select useful gifts for every member of the f amily at this store Look over our at- tracýtive tockShop early. Mason & DaIe's hardware Phone 145 Bowmanville The Staff 0f L.if e Knowv how the nourishment in a loaf of our' Bread QOMDares to meat or eggs or 'niost anything else nutritious? Jt's chuck full of muscle-building, blood making nourishment. A nd so appetzing and tasty your family wilI reliQh our Bread. Try it! cHFRISTITE'S BAKERK'Y The Cash & Carry Bakery Phone 97 Bowmanville Ingredients For Fruit Cake Now 's the time, to make your fruit cake. We are ready wlth finest and choicest of dried fruits on the miarket. Prices are lower this season and the quality is excellent. You will want best ex- tracts and fresh nuts. Try our prepared Almond Icing. Fresh Prunes just in 15e lb to 45e package. Sp)eci al in Big, 4 Toilet Paper. Releem your Soap Coupons here. j~~0 C. .CAWKER & SON, BUTCHERS and GROCERS BOWMANVILLE D OWMANVILLE, NOV. 3th, 1922. "MRS. WIGGS 0F THE CABBAGE 'PATCH", Many People Attend Rev. Dr. Pedley's Lecture. The first lecture la the series un- der auspices of St. Paul's Sunday Scbool on Friday eveaing was well attended. Maj or R. J. Gillu, Super- intendent, occupied the chair and as an opening number asked the aud- ience to join la one verse of "O Canada". A flute duet was rend- ered by Mr. Tuerk and bis son; a male quartet, Messrs. R. Carruthers, F. Tuerk, A. McGregor and H. Hall- man, sang "Dear Little Boy of Mine" and Miss Lenore Vandervoont sang sweetly "The Sweet Story That Neyer Grows Old". Mrs. E. S. Senk- ler and Mrs. D. W., Best wene the accompanists. The chier~ number on the pnogram was the lecture by 1ev. Dr. J. W. Pedley of Toronto, a well-known and popular minister q4 the Congregat- lonal Church. On being introduced he said be bad many pleasant recol- lections of Bowmanviile and the f ormer Trnity Congregational Cbunch here. "Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch" was the f oundation of bis remarks and he drew many helpful and humorous lessons from this woman's simple philosopby. H1e designated ber as the higb-priestess of good nature. Good nature and lots of suashinie bave always been necessary in the lives of everyenç but neyer more than at the present time. The average man or woman bas a pnetty hard time. Aften we leave the joys and good times as- sociated with our girlhood and boy-, hood, the burdens neyer grow light- er. God bless the man who lavent- ed sleep and God biess the man who invented laughter, The story of Mrs. Wiggs and ber intenestiig family was delightfully told by the speaker and the lessons worthy of emulation-She did the best she could with wbat she, had; She iooked always at the bright side of things; She possessed tbe grace of hospitality ;and she possessed the henoic eleinent. Each of these vin- tues were enlanged and commented upon lna a very brigbt, entertaining manner wbich kept bis audience la- terested and la the best of humon to the end. The lectunen concluded his address by quotîng a f ew of Mrs. Wiggs' quaint sayings: "What you've got to do you kin do". Commenting on this Dr. Pedley said he, would like to put ail the young men and young women of Canada la a position wbere they had to do things. "Its ne use putting 'up your imbred .ntÇl it rains". "It seems as tbough a-good thing neyer belongs te nme until 1 pass it on te someone else, etc". Hie conciuded with one of bis own sayings "If you think you can't, you can't, but if you think you can and hustie you can". "The National Antbem" concluded this very intenesting evening. MR. R. S. McLAUGHLIN RETURNS' FROM A BUSINESS TRIP OVERSEAS Mn. R, S. McLaugbiii President of the Generai Motors of Canada,' Lim- ited, Oshawa, accompanied by chief engineer Mn. W. H. Moyse js home from England. Ia speaking with a Telegram ne-1 presentative Mn. McLaughlin said that be la company witb a number~ of officiai. beads of the General Motors Company of the United States and Canada, weat over te la- spect their big assembling point at Hendea nean London, te investigate trade conditions and te take la the 1big Olympia Moten Show, wbere they would have an opportunîty te study at first hand what Bitishers are de- manding in a metor car. The Olympia exhibition is a fine big international show and cars of British, French, Italian, United States and Canadian manufacturel wene on exhibit. There are only 314,000 cars lan the British Isies including ireland or ada the ratio is 1 car te every 181 pensons, wbile la the U. S. the ratio is1 inla8. Mn. McLaughlin says tlîat the Englîsh noadways are the finest, in the world and they neach everyw4bere and the Englisb themselves are un- surpassed anywhene for their ethics in business. thein candid fellowahip Nation-wide Fame .-There is scarcely a corner of this great Do- minion wbene the menits of Dr. Thomas' Eclectric 011 have net been tried and pnoved. It is one of the world's mostiefficient remedies for sore throat, lame back, and many othen ailments arising fromn inflam- mation. Rubbed on the skia its beal. ing Power is neadily abs;or'bed, and it cari aise be taken înternally. MSbrs,-T-' o-' dos. Sheets, l doz. 'PilIow Slips, % doz., Bath~ rTowejs, Dresser and Stand Covers. n Mrs. Luke Buttery-Apples. Ladies' Aid Metbodist Church-3 Jars Fruit. y Dr. A. S. Tilley-Turkey. L &ah-Childrenes Baar, Civic HoGliday, -Bewmanville Beach, ?40; West Side Lake Sunday Sebool, $10.20; Mr. Colin Colville, $4.00. A NEW WORLD'S RECORD Mr. R. R. Stevens, Bowmanville, is Developing Great Cows and Doing it With a Milkîng Machine. R. R. Stevens, Bowmanville, bas placed biraself -among the upper 400 of the Holstein fraternity througb the great records that hie is making la bis comparatively small herd. Ris greatest accomplisbment was coin- pleted last week when Orndyke Piet- erje Korndyke 2nd No.' 40762, a six- year old cow, calved within the neces- sary 400 days anid became the world's champion cow in the 305 day or bonor roll division. This cow, commencing test Oct. 19, 1921, ia the mature class of the Canadian Re- cord of Performnance, bas produced in 305 days, 24,119 lhs. milk; 898 lbs. butter fat (1122.5 lbs. butter); average per cent fat, 3.72. Sec'y. Clemons informs us in a letter dated Oct. 9, that the latest reports he bas gives the world's champion -foi but- ter in the 305 day division as Jennie Nudine Uilkje, with 1084.31 lbs. butter. This would be approx- imately 867.5 lbs butter fat, accord- ing to the method adopted by the Holstein Friesian AssociatVons for estimating the butter production. This is not the only record cow that Mr. Stevens bhas developed, however, as bis herd contains a couple of Can- adian champions as well. Hie is the possessor of the Canadian champioa- ship in the junior two-year-old class for milk, production, Ormsby Jane, No. 75839. lier record is UOl.3 lbs of milk and 15.41 lbs butter in seven days; 2713 lbs of milk and 63.48 lbs of butter in 30 days; 17,060.4 lbs of milk ln 305 dayýs. The senior two- year-old champion in the 305 day test is also a Stevens cow, Jane De- Kol of Glen Rae, No. 63928, with 534.7 lbs of rmilk and 19.99 lbs of butter in sevea days; 2165.3 lbs of' milk and 76.90 lbs of butter in 30 days, and a milk record of 18,969.6 lbs. in, 805 days. Se much f or the champions. Dolly le.ngerveld Burke, No. 39470, a sîx-year-old, bas 752.4 Ibs of milk and 27.98 lbs of butter in seven days; 8151.4 lbs of milk and 138.4 lbs of butter in 30 days and a milk record of T7.000 lbs in. 305 days; average milk production of 100 lbs a day for 65 days. An- othcr animal that bas made a splen- did record is Petiche Paul, a f our- year-old. She, bas produced 25.75 lbs of butter la 7 days. SAil Milked by Machine. One of the notable points about these great records is that, ln ail of them. the cows were milked for the f ull p'eiod of their tests with a milk- ing machine. The mechanical milker bas been used exclusively la the Stev- ens stables for two years and, in a recent sworn statement, Mr. Stevens testified that bis .world record cow had been milked throughout the test by machine, and that both of bis two-year-old Canadian chamnpions have neyer been milked any other way tbian by machine. Surely this is a conclusive answer to the doubts of many breeders who have hesitated to use the machine on their best cows? A Little Bit of History Mr.,Stevens is not a wealthy man with farming as a hobby and unlim- îted capital to expend in givng is cows a superlative chance. Wenan editor -of Farm and Dairy first visit- >ed bis farm. several years ago, Mr. Stevens was milking a good sized berd on- bis 80-acre farm just out- aide of Bowmanville. The herd was .composed mostly of Holstein grades, but even then bie had acquired a .few pure bred animals at only mod- erate prices an 'd was beginning to îtest. la the years that have inter- .vened Mr. Stevens bas continued to .make bis living out of bis berd while acquiring the skill and experience that bave borne fruit in the great ,records just completed. r The milk from the berd is sold at .retail in the nearby towa. For sev- eral years milk from this farin bas 1had almost a monoply that was gain- .ed by good advertising and better service. The milk plant is located rigbt on the fanm and was describedi >in detail la Farm and Dairy follow- ing our first visit. We wonder if 1Bowmanville citizens will be as proud rto consume the milk of champions asi -Mr. Stevens will be te supply it to 3tbem ?-Farmi and Dairy. ) Congratulations aIse te Mr. Harry G. Freeman, Manager of the Glen -,Rae Dairy, on lîaving sucb champions 'to supply the milk for bis Bowman- aville customers. s DONATIONS TO HOSPITAL Lais1uiir' peddCn Ail lines of Fire, Life, Accident, Automobile, Plate Glass, Burglary, Heaitb, Liability, Hold-up. Fanm and Town Preperties for Sale. Money te, Loan. Bonds for Sale. Accouats and Rents Collected. Deeds, Motgages, Wills, Leases, Agreements fer Sale, etc., dnawn at moderate charges. 1! Phone 189 Bowmanville.1 1~_ - I INCOMPARABLY FiNE!! I I j LOCAL AND O.THERWISE A peculiar accident happened to Newton Foster, son of Mr. J. H. Foster of Chapman, a High School student who was taking part in a game of rugby. In a scrimmage1 bis neck was badly twisted. The injury failed to respond to local' treatment, and he was sent to Belle- ville where an X-ray examination was made and it was f ound tiat the vertebra was displaced. Hie was given special treatment and pleased to say that his complete recovery is assured. The regular monthly meeting of the Methodist Mission Circle was held at the home of Miss Lena Had- dy, on Tuesday evening, November 21. Lesson, Psalm 128 was read by Miss Grâce Trewin. Thé Topic, Chap. 1 of Study Book, entitled "The Cali for Help", was given by Miss Marion Morris, Miss Reta . Cole sang a solo and quarterly te a ws served. An enjoyable social time was spent. Mizpah Benediction ciosed the program. Miller's Worm Powders work s0 effectively that no trace" of worms can be found. The pests pass away in the stools without being percept- ible. Theyý make an entire and clean sweep of the intestines, and nothing in the shape of a worm can find lodgement there when these powdersi are in operation. Nothing could be more through or desirable than their action, Mrs Edith V. Scobeli INSURANCE AGENCY BIG SEA SO0N For "Sunshine" Furnaces- While others are complaining about business being duil our firin is enjoying the biggest season 's furnace business in our history. 35 McClary Furnaces Installed This Season Manv @f these orders have corne to us without solicitaion, but through the recommendation of the many ýla4tisfied users of the "Sunshine" Fumna- ces in this dIstrict. With coa! scarce you want the best and most economical furnace-McClary Sunshine. Greenaway &Elit Consulting Engïneers Phone 18 day or night Bowrnanville H er Most Appreciated Gift I rGiv e H e r "a HOOVER Hoover Vacuum Cleaners $57.50 to $69.50 Electric Stove $65 to $140. Kribbs Washer $95.00 Above Sold on easy terms. Hydro Iron $5.75 Electricail Appliances are a boon to the busy houssekeep- er-yet how many homes are fully equipped with these con- venient, labor saving devices?- "Just the thing for Christ- mas"y, you'll agree, and you're right! They're ornamental, too, and their inepensiveness is an ~added attraction. All the newest and most im- proved Appliances are here for your selection, Sce Window Display The Hydro i Shop GriIll, To&ster Stove $6.00 to $7.00 Toaster $6.75 $7.50 jestic Heaters 0.00 and $15.0O L _"The Tea That Satisfiesý" In Sealed Packages OnIy

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