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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Nov 1922, p. 6

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Flowers For Decorations There is a&thing that adds so much to brighten the home during the winter months as floral decorations. You flad id our conservatories a fresh and abundant variety of eut flowerF and plants-rare and beautiful blooms, hardy, long-1astitng plants, they are ahl here. And at surprisirgly low prices. Free delivery ia town. S. J. Jackman& Sons Florists Phone 81 Bowmanville The-- Shorp Thatà Leadsl' Let Santa Claus Sugrgest That -you select the right gift s for men here. We have a seasonable stock of the newest ap- proved MEN'S FURNISHINGS We extend Christmas greetings and a special invitation to the ladies as well as to our patrons to cali lhere and soc our haberdashery. Shop early. GN. TUSO Bo wmanville's Up-to-date Haberdashery i and Fur Shop. Slippers For I -------- BU WMAN VILLE, BIBLE CLASS AT HOME Hampton'Organîzed Aduita Enjoy Social Evening. Tbe semi-annuai At Home of Hampton Organized Adult Bible Class of the Methodist Sunday Schooi on Monday evening, Novem- ber 2th was a decided success. The intellectuel bill of f£are was a decid- ed hit, frosu social and literary angles. Ia the absence of the President- Mi. Charles Hoîn,-Mrs. Cephas Jobns, lst Vice Presideat, ably oc- cupied the chair. After prayer and the opening chorus, the quartet by Miss Minnie Horn, Mrs. Wîlbur, Mr. Wilbuî and Mi. Soucb, was well re- ceived. Mi. Edgar Horn grceatly amused the guesta by one of bis humorous îeadings. A piano duet by Misses Soucb and Rom was weli îeceived and of splendid parts. A] reading also by Mis. J. R. Knox created rounds of applause. Mis. (Rev.) Joncs and Mis.,C. J. Ker- siake la their piano duet made a dis- tinct and beautiful contribution. Mi. Theodore Salter and Mia. Geo. Bairon sang "The Model Cburcb" la a raie and an eff ective manner. The îeadings by Miss Ruth Johns and Mis. Alfred Peters W ere among the best and were well reccived. Pastor W. W. Joncs ia his happy style con- gratulated Principal F. J. Groat up- on bis unusually large ciess, which he had been chiefly instrumental in building up, and congratulated the class upon haviag as teacher a man with sucb stelwart character, noble ideals and commendabie consecrat- ion, îadiating an influence for -good et ail times. Mr. Joncs thea outla- cd a plan of work for the class, say- ing la the power of their uiity and the stiong regard they lied one for another, and their faith la' one an- other and in God, there was scarce- iy anytbing la the way of comsnunity betterment which they could not at- tempt and if they would ail try to do their best they could surely accom- piisb. Frances and Beatîlce Jones then sang a duet whicb was the clos- ing number. A pleasant social per- iod foilowed. Mis. A. Peters took charge of the &tory contest and flnally awarded the prize to Miss Mary Katerson's group for the story most nearly approacb- ing the original. One of the most succesaful At Homes was brought to a close by singing heartily "Bleat Be the tic that Binda oui bearts la Christian Love". The refreasments served were a practical demonstrat- ion of the high degîce of perfection to whicb the ladies of Hampton have brought the culinary science. U. F. O. MEETINGS Tyrone Farmers' Club will biold ita meeting on Wcdnesdsay, Dec. 6 at 2.30 p. m., in Sons' Hall, Every- one attend as thiere will be election of officers. South Darlington Farmers' Club will hold the annuel meeting on Mon- day, December 4 at 8 p. m., la Maple Grove Hall. Receiving. of reports ad election of officers. Cash do- nations reccived for fic sufferers of Noithera Ontario. This is a vcry important meeting. Let every member attend, if possible. C. M. Penfound, Trii Power, Presideat. Secretery. Gifts WXOMEN'S SLIPPERS Fur trimrned juliets,.................$2.50 per pair Leather Boudoirs in brown, black or lavender at $1.25 pair Rubber Heel Boudoirs in old rose, navy blue or black at ......................................... $175 pair Ladies' finé grade felt boudoirs, pink, blue, beige or old rose at....................................... $2.25 pair Patent Leather Boudoir with rubber heels $2.25 Pr Misseis'Plaid................................... $1.25 pair Misses' one-strap grey suede at ........$t1.35 pair Children's at ....................95c and $1.15 pair MEN'S SLIPPERS High grade brown or black Kid Romeos, elastic sides and wvelt soles, especially priced for Xrnas at .....»..................................... $4.50 pair A lasting gift Brown or g-rey mottled leather comfy With rub- ber heel at ..... ................... ......$3.00 pair Patent Leather Cornfy with rubber heel $2.75 pr Brown Kid Cosy Slipper at ..........$2.25 pair Bi own Leather, Everett Style at ....$3.00'Pr Fine grada- plaids with leather soles $2.45 pair Hockey Boots, Gaîters, Sox and Rubbers and many oi~rusesful ArtiCjlC35 Bowmanvillîe soon recover. A plenty of colds passiag aîound-not coal. C. G. I. T. Class met at the home of Miss TenanMcKaight on Monday cvcning and will meet et the home of Mis. Thos. Baillie next Monday at 7.30 p. mu. BOWMANVILLE, 30th., 19221 MAPLE GROVE Mis. Wm. Snowden spent Monday with her son Eber i11 Oshawa. Miss Hiler, teacher of S. S. No. 4, îecently visited Mrs. Ceci Jeif- ery. Mi. and Mrs. R. R. Stevens and Dorothy recently visited frienda in Oshawa. Miss Gertie Lymer spent last week with her aunt, Mis. Wm. Nichols, Ebenezer. Mr. R. R. Stevens and Mr, Ross Stevens attended the Royal Winter Fair at Toronto on Monday. Don't forget the Xmas Tree and concert in the Hall on Wednesday evening, Dec. 2thi. Particulars later. Messrs. Samuel, John and Wm. Snowden and Mr. and Mis. Noble Metcalf motored t oToronto and at- tended the Winter Fair. Messrs. Eber aad Lloyd Snowden, Roy Ferguson, Blackstock, Reg. Pal- lis, Millbro oh, Mi. Chapman, Orono~ by the District Representative, Mr. F. C. Patterson. came seventh out of thirty-flve teams, "well done boys". Messrs. J. D. Stevens, M. M. Mun- day, Jr,, and L. C. Snowden have re- ceived accredited herd standing for the Goverameat T. B. Test in con- nection with their Thoiouglibred Holstein Herds. These with'Mr. R. R.' Stevens herd at Gien Rae Dairy makethe lst four accîedited herds in Durham County. How is this f or progressiveness! TYRONE Cheery sleigh beils were heard in I ur midst on ody Our garage men are busy fixing up the cars. Success boys. Glad to report Mis. L. F. Byam recovering from her receat illness. Ail oui citizens deeply sympathize with Mi. W. H. Moore and family ia their bereavement. Special services are being con- tinued thîs week la the Methodist Church. Everybody welcome. Mis. A. E. Ciemens, Ms Margaret Pollock and Mis. Ann: speat the week-end with Mis. A. II Brent. Messrs. John Mutton, A Hawkey, W. S-. Staples and Thos. Scott at- tended Royal Winter Fa.ï infaToi- onto. Mr. and Mis, S. V .Hoa,-, Mr. and Mis. Eveîett Hoar recentiy motored to Grimsby and enjoyed a weli de- seived holiday., Mir.and Mis. Sherwood Rundie, town, visited' Mis. W. Wight and Mi. and Mis. James Curtis, Hamp- ton, Mr. Harvey Curtis on' Sunday. ,Mi. F. Walter, Mis. E. Mos.s -.d Mis. A. Weybuîn îetuîaed to their homes in Michigan this week, the latter having spent about- three months beiping to wait on ber sis- ter. Mi. and Mis. H. Hilîs, Mi. and Mis. Albert Hilîs, Mr., and Mis. S. T. Hoar, Rev. and Mrs. W. T. Wick- ett, Clarence Woodley and Lance Phair attended the Hîlîs-Beliman wedding in Bowmanville on Satur- day evening. They will reside oni the bomestead near here, We wei- ,ome Mis. Huis to oui church and community. SOLINA Miss Mollon, visited at Mi. Roy Langmaid's., Mi. and Mia. M. Leach and fam- iiy, Taunton, visited at Mi. Chas. Shortridge's. Mis. W. T. Taylor has ,returned fîom vîsîting her daughteý,rMis. Ernest Lymer, Blackstock. Mi. and Mis. L. C. Pascoe and Mi. and Mis. Wallace Scott, Enfleld. re- cently visited at Misà Mary Ho- garth's. Reeve Thos. Baker was in Ops township on Monday with Waîdea Phillips of Brigbton inspecting bridges. A number of relatives of Mi. and Mis. W. J. Cryderman surpîised them at their home on Friday even- ing at 6 o'clock and celebrated the 25th aaniveîsaîy of their wedding. Afteî supper was served the eveaing was spent la games, music and social chit-chat.- The company disperised at an early hour wishing the happy couple anotber 25 yeaîs of mariied if e. Solina Womea's Institute will meet at home of Mrs. S. Edgar Werry on- Thursday, December 7 at 2.30p. Repits f Poica ZION Mr. S. A. Northeote vîuited at Toronto. Mi. and Mie. Sidney Trevail and famiiy have moved to Oshawa' Misses Vera and May Ball, Osh- awa, were at home over the week- end. 1Miss Eleanor Stainton, Oshawa, vîsited hier brother, Mr, A. T. Staia-. ton Mi. S. G. Chant received a deer sbipped hlm from bis son at Dean Lake. Congratulations to Mi. and Mis. Russel Stainton (nee Florence Cam- eron). 1The snow ccrtainly makes us tbink1 of jingle beils, hope it stays witb us now. The schooi childica are practic.. ing for a concert to be given be-1 f oie Xmas. Messrs. AIf. Ayre and F ,B. Glas- pell are successful cxhibitom at the Royal Feir.1 Mr. A. T. Stainton was in Toi- onto attending the Milk Associa- tion's meeting. Mis. Aif. Ayre and Audrey visit- ed finds la the city and attcnded the Royal Pair. Chuicli and Sunday Scbool ser- vices are weli attended now that both services are in the afternoon. Pleesed to report Mi. Howard Taylor is getting along niccly after his operation la Bowmanville Hos- pital. Mi. A. D. Langmaid found bis cow that lied been gone neaîly 3 weeks, it having strayed intô Mr. Nayior's pasture. Rev. W. W. Jones bas commcnced a Teacher Training Class, it baving started last Tuesday evening. Miss Middieton was appointed Assistant Teacher. Mi. and Mis. James Stainton beld a reception wbcn Mi. and Mis. R. Stainton returnýed froin their honey.. moon apent at Toronto, Hamilton and other Western points. ENFIELD Mr. and Mis. Wallace Scott, visit- ed et Orono. .Christmas tree and concert Wed- ,nesday, December ZOth. Particulaîs later. Mi. and Mis. Russell Ormiston spent Sunday in Osbawa guests of Mi. Frank McLaughiin. Mi. and Mis. Claie Niddery en- tertained about 120 guests very en- joyably on Friday evening. Mis. H. J. Werry and Miss Alma, Weîîy, Enniskillen, recently visited at Mi. Russell Ormiston's. Mr. W. J. Ormiston won 6th prize at Royal Pair on Black Model in Canadian Bred Clydesdale foaled prior to 1919. Messrs. A. Ormiston, G. Ormiston,ý J. Staîks, Geo. Cochrane, S. Bray, Mi. and Mrs. Oliver McCullocb and Miss Ida McCulloch attended the Royal Pair at Toronto. Ladies' Aid of Enfleld Methodist' Churcb wiil hold their regular mon-- tbly meeting at the home of Mis. Clarence Niddery on Wednessday,. December 6 at 2.30 p. m. sharp. Al I members come prepared to answcr the roll cali with a bible verse with tbe word "work". All ladies of congregation especially invited, EBENEZER LEAGUE Concert and Lecture Will be given on Fn-,day, Decesu- ber 1, at 8 p. m. Rev. H. Stainton - B. A., Scugog, wîli give bis lecture "The Land of the Rupee".)Mrs. Stainton, soloist; Mis. (Rev.) . G. Carruthers, Blackstock, elocutioaist; and Rev. Prof. Staples, B. A., Toi- onto, tenor soloist. Admission 25c. Othr cunry correspondence on in- aide and Iast pages. (I I W. CLA UDE IVES Cash Shoe Store We Invite, You- To call and inspeet the follow- ing goods which make ideal Xmas Gifts. French Ivory Genuine Ebony Exquisite Perfumes Perfume Atomizers Combination Toilet Packages Very> Dainty Stationery Hand Painted China Brass Goods Real Leather Puises Safety Razors Mary Ann Chocolates Chocolate Bars Mirrors Hair Brushes Bonnett Brushes Dressing Cases Manicure Sets Military Brushes Fountain Pens Pal Pencis Guaranteed Hiot Water BottIes Phonographs Phonograph Records Bubble Books Ferns Fresh and Green Beautiful Azaleas In both quality and price, th1eseý goods will compare favorably with any. You will flnd ail these at D.rug Store Phone 49 Bowmanvilleý ( [r CHRISTMAS IS JUSTý ýAROUND THE CORNER Christmas-the Great Home Day-that brings the scattered loved ones back to the home nest is speeding towards the 01à World as if on the wings of love. Just about three weeks away and rnany things suitable for Christmas Gifts are now on dîsplay and other attractivegoods are arriving daily at the West End House, Among the many things that have been received is a large selection of beautiful hand worked flower and basket designs in TRAY CLOTHS AND DOYLIES IN CLUNY LACE AND MADERIA These are now on dieplay, so corne early and make your se- lections while there is a large range to choose from. We list a few of th ese prices below so that you may readily see 'the values 'beir.g'offeredl at such an opportune time: Cluny Doylies and Centre Pielces ranging from 35 c to $15.00 Maderia Doylies, Centre Pieces and Tray Cloths ranging frorn 50C to $1.50 Irish Crochet Doylies and Tray Cloths priced frorn 25c Up. GRAND DISPLAY 0F GIFT HANDKERCHIEFS A feeling of well-being cornes with each gift of handker- chiefs-always acceptable. Be sure to see our counter of beautiful handkerchiefs in embroîdered, lace trîmmed, plain and colored-so reasonahly priced, too. READ OUR ADVT. EACH WEEK FOR GIFT GIVING SUGGESTIONS McMurty &CLtd. BOWMAN VILLE PHONE 83

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