ST. JOHN'S HORSE SHOE BAZAAR ,,-e to St. JdIhn's Horse Shoe Bazaadr, Friday, December là. It will brîng you good luck. Booths open at 4 p. m. ý Supper 5.30 to 7.30 p. m. Menu: Jellied Chicken, Spiced Beef, Scalloped Potatoes, Salads and Pickles, Pumpkin, Apple and Lemon Pie, Cake, Jelly, Tea. Supper 50c and 25c. 47-2w Rffoyal Theatre BOWMANVILLE Thursday November 3th Viola Dana Dosen't throw atones 'In "GLASS HOUSES" But she doos throw audiences lu- to bysterica Friday-Saturday December 1 and 2 -"WET GOLD" Gold in a sunken wreck at the bo3ttom of the sea! Aud 2 parties 6fadventurers figtiug desperate- ly- to win it. Doos it sound ex- citing? We tbink it will be one of the most romantic sud tbnill- iug pictures ever sbown at this theatre. Monday-Tuesday December 4-5 Matheson Lang Iu "CARNIVAL" <See advt iu another oluumn) Wednesday Dece1njer 6th Harry Carey In The GreatestWestern Ever Made "THE FOX" Final Chapter of 44ROBINSON CRUSOE" CARDS 0F THANKS The family of the late Henry W. Meader desire to thank ail who in any way were kind to him during his illness anid also for the sympathy and floral contributions. Mr.,W. H. Moore and family, Ty- roue, wish to thank their many friends and relatives for ahl their kindness during the long ilîness and deatli of their loved one also for the beautiful floral offerîngss. Oshawa is about to sustaîn an in- estimable loss through the removal to Toronto of -its .High School Prin- cipal, Mr. J. G. Aithouse, M. A., having been appointed to the head- mastership of the University of Toronto Schools. Outside of his academic duties Mr. Aithouse hasl been a very valuable citizen and gen-j eral regret will be felt over bis de-1 parture. He is to be congratu-ý lated on receiving such an import-I ant university appointaIent. 1 My Djream Girl 60 OSHAWA PEOPLE 601 What promises to be the social theatrical engagement of the season is the forthcoming production of "My Dream Girl", a four act musi- cal comedy drama under the direct- ion of Theodore H. Bird and under the auspices of The Children's Aid Society of Oshawa, which will be presented at the Bowmanville Opera House, Monday night, December il. There will' be over sixty Oshawa people in the cast and those who wit- nessed "Jack's Wif e" here lat May can rest assured that My Dream Girl is a bigger show in every detail. The plan opens at Mitchell's Drug Store, Saturday morning, December 2nd. Xmas G reeting SCards Dainty and Pleasing, big assort.. ment to choose from. We shall be glad to have you caîl and look them over. CHRISTMAS GIFTS Excellent line of French Ivory, Ebony Goods and Neilson's Choc- lates, Highland Linen Stationery, Waterman's Fountain Pens, Vic- tor and Aeolion Records ,Mitchell Patent Phonograpbs, Spectacles and Eyeglasses. 1Our Registered Optometristi busy, make your appointment now R.M. Mitchell & Co. Druggîsts and Optomets-iste Bowmanville . (Phone 92) Ont. r: -, Give Slip pers This Ch ris tmas 1> r 1 ou, Suuday evéuing, November 5 at Bowmauville G. T .R. Station, sud although she bas advertised 'in city sud local papers bas bad no word cf the purse. Keep in mind auction sale of Fur- niture, etc., this Saturday at 1.30 p.m., lu rear of Miller's Barber Shop. j LOCAL AND OTHERWISE, Specetacles lost on Sunday even- ing. See advt. Apples are not keeping well- ripeued too early. Farmers have bad a fine season for rounding Up work. Our first heavy snowf all came Suuday nigt-5 juches. Mrs. Gerald Talcott bas been vis- iting old frîends at Smitbfield. Victoria County Council voted $2,000 to Ontario Fire Relief. See the new Jacquette dresses at Couch, Jobnston & Cryderman's. Encourage cildren to do sonme studying these long eveningi. Mrs. Richard Witberidge 'is visit- ing ber niece, Mrs.,Wm. Cox, Osh- awa. Mr .and Mrs. Norman Greenfield and family have moved to New Tor- onto. Miss Delta McMaster, Oshawa, is visiting ber cousin, Miss Leta Corn- isb; Salem. Mrs. Ernest Osborne bas been vis- iting relatives ait Caleogie, Ren- frew County. Rev. J. W. Pedley, B. A., was guest of Major aud Mrs. R. J. Gili wbilo bore. Wben requiriug an, experienced auctioneer secure Jas. Bîshop, Osh- awa. Phone 287. 40-t Mrs. V. Aý Galbraith, Toronto, bas gone to Kansas City, Mo., ta visit ber son, Mr. Malcolm Galbraith. Mrs. Wm. McClung left last week for Toronto wbere she will resideï witb ber son, Mr. Chas. McClung. Misses Loula and Hazel Kerman, Port Hope, were Wednesday visitors lu town, attending the Cox-Soucb wedding. Accideutally killed on the farm of Mr. Everett Sackville, Little Britain, November 23, -Sidney Seeley, aged 32 years. Sandy McLean working for Mr. Samuel Squires, Mariposa, dropped dead lu Mr. Wm. Witter's barn at tbreshing-heart failure.' Miss Muriel- Belîman, Toronto, was in town Saturday attending the wed- ding of ber cousin, Miss Olive Bell- man and Mr. John Hîis. Miss Nora Prater of Toronto, ha$ returned to ber home after spend- ing tbe past few weeks with ber friend, Miss Carnie Latbrope. Our stocks are now complote witb warmer materials and clothing for cold winter weatber. Buy now. Coucb, Jobuston & Cryderman. Don't fail to seo the wonderful story of theBirtb of Christ present- ed in pageant at Metbodist Cburcb on Wednesday, December l3tb. Misses Vera and Rboda Beacock, Mr. Fred Beacock and daughter Edna, Toronto, spent the week-end at their fatber's, Mr. A. Beacock. Misses Maud Power, Oshawa, Hazel Power, Toronto, Merle and Mr, Gordon Power, Orono, speut Sunday witb their aunt, Miss Carrne Power. The regular montbly meeting of Wome's Hospital Auxiliary w;ilI be held in Council Room on Friday af- ternoon, December lst at 3.30 p. m. $20,000 in prizes for solving Craig Kennedy Mystery Stonies in Sunday's Herald and Examiner, Chicago's best Newspaper. Buy it to-day at Nichoils'. Stoves, Furniture and other need- ed articles will be sold by auction in rear of Miller's Barber Shop, Sat- urday, December 2nd at 1.30 p. m. See lis' elsewhere. Mr aud Mns. John W. Cherr wbo have, been visiting bis mother cturing ber ilîness left Wednesday to visit their son in Detroit ou- roiite ta their home in Victoria, B. C. ' , Citizens, buy at home sud thus patronize the stores and business mon who are doing so much to, make Bowmanvihle a truly worthy town in wbich to live sud briug up a f am- ily. Messrs. Thos. Bottroîl & Son were. succesaful exhibitors of. Bantams and Pigeons at the Royal Stock Show at Toronto, winniug 4 firsts, 3 seconds, 1 third, 1 flftb sud a spe- cial. A Christmas Pageant "The Ligbt of the World" under auspices of Girls' Moruing Hqur will be present- ed in the Metbodist Church on Wed- nesday, December 13 by about 90 costumed characters. Admission 25e and 15c. Mr. E. S. Senkier, Barrister, So- licitor, etc., bas iesumed the pract- ice of bis profession at bis office in BIRTHS COLE-In Bowmanvilie Hospital, Nov. 17, to Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Cole, a son. FARLEY-In Oshawa, Nov. 20, to Mr, and Mrs. Melvan Farley, a daughter (Marion Ida). DUDLEY-At Ebenezer, Nov. 22nd, te Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. Dudley, a daugli- ter (Marion Aberta). MONTGOMERY-At Port Perry Hos- pitai, Nov. l2th, to Mr, and Mrs. Samuel Montgomery, of Blackstock, a daughter. MARRIAGES COATES-IRVINE-In Toronto, No- vember lst, by ltev. S. H. Pickup, Miss Mary Irvine of Toronto, to Mr. James Coates of Cavan. 1 DISNEV-BUCHANNON-At Vermil- lion Park, Man., by Rev. Thos. Neville, Mr. Stanley R. Disney, Oshawa, and Ella Mabel, eldest daughter o! Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Buchannori. STONE-LEASK-At Port Perry, Nov. 15, by Rev. John T. Hall, Jason Camp- bell Stone, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stone, Greenbank, and Eva Isabeil, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Leask, Port Perry. STAINTON-CAMERON-At Method- let Parsonage, Hampton, Nov. 22, by Rev. W. W. Jones, B. D., Russell L-n- der Stainton, Zion, and Florence Adal- in, daugbter of Mr. and Mrs. James Cameron, HamptonÉ COX-SOUCH-A.t the reslc1ence of the brides parente, Bowmanville, on' WensaNovember 22, by Rev. S. C. Moore, B. A., B. D., Mr. F. Elmer Cox, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chris Cox, and Lola Irene, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Souch, both o! Bowmanville. HILLS-8ELLMAN-At "Orchard 'Manor', the reeldence of the brides parents, on Saturday, November 25, by Rev. S. C. Moore, B. A., B. D., assiet- ed by Rev. W. T. Wickett, John H. HNlls, son of Mr. and Mrs. Horatio Hilîs, Tyrone, and Olive Laura, second daugb- ter o! Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Belîman, Bow- manville. t DEATHS JEBSON-In Hampton on Wed- nesday, November 29, 1922, James Jebson, in bis 54tb year. Funeral private on Friday, Dec. lst., at 10 a. m. to Hampton Cemet- ery. 0K E-mn Enniskillen on Tuesday, Nov. 28, Audrey Viola, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Oke, aged 5 years, 2 months. Funeral from the family residence, lot 20, con. 9, Darlington, to-day (Thursday) at 2 P. m. to Hampton cemetery. ASHTON-In Darlington on Wednes- day, November 29th, Mary Gladys, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Ashton, aged 13 years. Funeral from the family residence, lot 1, Broken Front, Darllngton, on- Friday, December lot. Service at 2 p. m. to Bowmanville Cemet ery. THOMAS-In Lindsay, Nov. 25, Noah Thomas, In hie 98th year. HENRY-At Oshawa, Nov. 25, Sarah A. Tuer. beloved wif e of Ambrose Henry, M E E R-mn Bowmanville on Friday, November 24, Henry William Meader, in hie 68th year. MOORE-In Tyrone, on Prlday, Nocv- ember 24, Rhoda, Walter, beloved wif e of William H. Moore, aged 49 yearsv W L LIA MS-In Qartwright. November llth, Johanna Williams, widow of the late John Williams, in lier 82nd year. CH ERRY-In Bowmanville on Sunday, November 26, 1922, Sophia Manuel, widow o! the late Robert Cherry, aged 84 years, STEWART-At the residence of hie son, Mr. John Stewart, lIot 13, con. 6, Clarke, on Sunday, November 26, Neil Stewart, aged 90 year. BRANTON-In. Bowmanville, Novem- ber 23, Maude Proutt, wldow of the late Henry Branton, and daughter of the late Mark Proutt, In ber 52nd year. WANTED HELP-WANTED-Girl with some ex- perience w¶ated at once for general housework, Apply to Mrs. H. C. Brad- ley, 156 Cýentre-st., Oshawa. 46-3 WORK WANTED-Glrl working would do housework Saturday, Sunday' and evenings1ý in exchange for roomf and board. Address Box 204, Bowmanville. 48-1w* WANTED-I arn prepared to do all Iinde of carting. Will also take or- ders and deliver Christmas trees at reas- able prices, phone 205r3. Hl. W. Hamm, Manvers Rd., Bowmanville. 48-1w- WA NTED À handy man or machinlet with fîfteen hundred dollars to invest and get a profitable connection wlth a Toronto Manufacturitg Company., Applicant muet have cash and be acceptable to ex- ecutives. Investment f ully secured. C. E. Gordon & Company, 15 Manning Arcade Annex, Toronto, Canada. 48-1 LOST OR FOUND FOUND-A_ lady's Wrist Watch. Apply to M. C.* Robbins, Hampton. 48-SwO LOST-About July 7th two flat dupli- date keys etamped 78. Tied to linen tag two inches long. Reward for return to Statesman Office, Bowmanvllle. 47-2 LÔST-On Sunday betweenH orsey-et. and Methodiet Church, a pair of spect- acles with light coloCled rime. Reward for return to Stateeman Office. 48-1w* LOST-On Frlday, Nov._ 24, a Yellow Collie Dog, wlth white ring around neck and white breast. Laet seen at Provi- dence. Reward for return to H. S. Bowen, Orono.11 48-3w LOST-Small Broocb, sh ape of equir- rel, set with white sapphires and hold- ing blood stone in paws, lost In Royal Theatre or vicinity on Saturday, Nov. 25' h. Reward awaîts finder at States- man Office. 48-t ARTICLES FOR SALE FOR SALE-Young Pige and Hay. J. L. Parsons, R. M. 2, Bowmanvllle, phone 176r6. 48-2w FOR SALE-Good cutter and a heater. Apply to James McDonald, (Middle Rd) R. R. 6, Bowmanville. 48-2w CUTTER FOR SALE-New Cutter with doors. $40 quick sale. John Met- cal!, 26 Wellington-st., Bowmanville, phone 3631. 48-tf TWO COWS FOR SALE-Due to freshen in Decemberr E. S. Clarke, Scugog-st., Bowmanville, phone 297. 48-3w5 AUTO FOR SALE-1918 Maxwell Car, firet class mechanical shape, appearance good.Apply to J. Hatêly, Central Garage. Bowmanville. 37-tf. FOR SALE-Horse, Wagon, Sleigh, and, complete outfit for peddling ohl, etc. Apply H. E. Smith, Nursery Cor- ner, Bowmanville. 47-tf CARS FOR SALE-Maxwell 1916, $225; McLaughlin 1917, $300; Chevrolet 1920, $375; Overland 85-4, $4%0 Apply to A. W. Plekard, Phone 185,;Bowmanville. Don't buy furs until you have seen our grand display. Couch, Johnston & Cryderman. Wonderful 8-page Book of Magie. Paint with water, develop beautiful colors, in Sunday's Herald and Ex- aminer. Chicajo's Best Newspaper. Buy it to-day at Nicholls'. PROPERTIES FOR SALE FOR SALE-Five roqlnOd framed bouse on Church-st. E., electric lighted. if1 flot eold at once will be rented. Apply box 493, Bowmanville. 48-tf FOR SALE-3/ of an acre, 6 roomed frame bouse, bard water in kitchen, good barn, 2 hon bouses, owner leaving town. Apply to Mrsa Editb V. Scoboîl, Insur- ance and RLeal Estate Agent, Bowman- ville. 46-3w* FOR SALE-Lot about fifty foot front- age at corner of Centre and Concession Streets, containing good barn, oasily con-, vertible Into bouse. Apply Bruce Hon- eywell, 60 Duke-st, Toronto, or, tels- phono 194-2. 22-tf $6500 buys good 73 acre fàrm, 10 acres orchard just coming to bearing, fair budings, gond running spring, only 2%~ miles from Bowmanville. Also other farms and garden town properties for~ sale. Apply J. L. Metcalf, 26 Wellington Street, Bowmanville. 46-t FOR SALE-The W. R. Clemens farma located at Tyrone, Ont., contalnlng one hundred sud flfty-four acres, about 20 acres orchard, nine bearing. Plougbing possession this Fali. Apply Ptruce Honey. weII, 60 Duke Street, Torouto, or tels- phone 194-2. BowmanvIlle. 52-tf TO LET FARM FOR RENT-112 acres grood land and balldings, immediate possession Apply J. C. Montgomery, Oshawa. 15-tf TO L ET-Two large newly decorated rooms unfurnished. Apply to Mrs. E. Loucks, net door to Mrs. Wm. Rich- ards, Duke-st., Bowmanville. 48-2w* FOR RENT-Good brick residence con- taining 10 rooms, closets and pantry, electric lîght and furnace, corner Con- cession and Centre St., Bowmanvllle. Possession after Nov. Il. Apply to Mrs. W. R. Clemens, Tyrone. Phone 194-r2. 44 -tf AUCTIONEER James Bennett 10 years' experience in farm, furniture and house auction sales. Address Jas. Bennett, Hardware MVerchant, King-st., Bowmnanville, Box 33, phone 131. 47-6m B EN NETTS THREE PIECE DANCE ORCHESTRA Ojben for engagements. Real snappy music. Apply box 327, Bowmanvllle. 41-tf 48-4,w. 1E. S. SENKLER,, Solicitor for the Estate. j' "I - b, s,,. Furniture Dealers Ontario Everyho0y appreciates slippers for Xmas, and you wl find the kind that everybody likes at my store. The immense variety is infinitely more-than a mere display. It represents the practical answer to the family gift problem. Slip a pair of slippers under the Christmas. tree as a happy holiday remembrance. WOMEN'S AND MISSES' SLIPPERS Boudoir Slippers of smooth leather with silk pornpom on vampand padded soles; Juliet Slip- pers with leather soles, medium low heels, orna- met n7i' and furlike binding. CHILDREN'S SLIPPERS IN GREAT VARIETY Cosy Slippers with soft chrome leather soles, every shape and style wanted. MEN'SAND BOYS' SLIPPERS Syou wish to pleasea man give him slip- pers. We have just what they like in Romeos, welt sewn in Everett pattern, turned sole slippers and others. SATURDAY SPECIAL FOR LADIES 9 pairs only, Ladies' Classie Shoes, black patent, one strap with black caîf inlay, cuban heel, reg. $7.50, Saturday OnIy $3.98 Copeland Shoe Store J "For Reliable Shoes at Popular Prices" Phore 249 J. Bowmanville With Thoughts of Christmas -in the Air Jsn't it just great to think that jolliest time of the year-CHRJSTMAS-will soon be here! Aiready that spirit of good-will permeates the air. At home you flnd littie John and Mary busy making Ilists of what they want Santa Claus to bring ther. Mother and good old Dad are also scanning the papers, looking in the store win- dows and turning over In their minds thoughtà for ideals and suggestions, asý to WHAT TO GIVE. W.hen in your search for GJFTS THAT LAST step into-our store and browse around the many beautiful and attractive things that are going to add joy and happiness to many -of your loving' friends, on Christmas morning when'the packages are opened. Don't feel that you must buy something when you come in. Th ere Vie lots of people 'just looking a-,riund' these days. So feel free and easy to do the sa-me at our GJFT SHOP. Alex, Elliot JEWELER-WATCHMAKER- ENGRAVER King St. E. Phono 207 Bowmanville #ifts 'For. The Home IF YOU WISH TO EXPRESS THE KINDLIEST SENTIMENT THIS CHRISTMAS Say At With Furniture One of che most decided trends of late yearm in Christmas-gYiving lias been towards GJFTS FOR THE HOME. Folks have come to realize that only gifts of real beauty and lasting worth express th e Christmas spirit in its truest senses. This store offers legions of suggestions in gifts worth whii c-things to live with, to use, to enjoy; thing,, of beauty, art, style, and above all, PRAC- ICABILITY. Prices are moderate everywhere. Every mem.ber of your family may be remembered w-211 within your means here. A rFurniture Christmas to You Here are a few gift suggestions takenat random from our new goods: Fern Stands, Floor Lamps, Smokers' Stands, Pedestals, Cedar Chests, Trays, Fancy and Upholstered Chairs, Library Tables, Reed and Willow Work Bas- kets, Kitchen Cabinets, Boudoir Lamp s,,etc. BRING THE CHILDREN IN TO SEE THE TOYS SWWVILLlwAM S& A N N PLENTY 0F COAL TYRONE STATION 1 have plenty of furnace coal at C. N. R. Tyrone Sation. Phone 181.r12 or 146r3. R. H. Collacott, R. R. 5, Bowmanville. 48-1 Notice To Creditors in the Eâtate cf Henry William Meader, late of the Tolwn of Bowmanville, in the Counity of Durham, Labourer, de- ceased. NOTICE le hereby given that ail per- sons having claims upon the estate of the said Hlenry William Meader, who died on the 24th day of November, 1922, are required te fyle wjth the undersigned by the 3th_ day of Decemnber, 1922, a full etatement, duly veft-fied of their claims, and that after that date the assets of the deceased will be distributed amnong those entitled thereto, having re- gard only to those dlaims which have been se fyled. Dated November 27th., 1022, Undertaker & Embalmer Bowjnanville