SOLD IN BOWMANVILLE BY F. R. KERSLAKE For Acidity or--Bile Beecham's Pis act as a splendid tonic to the digestive organs, They remove acidity When and fermentation and excess of bile from your the stomach and bowels and promote the stomach- secretion of the gastrie juices. In thus- correcting morbid conditions and stimulat- ES -ing the digestive processes Beecham's Pis upset naturally have an excellent effect upon the general health. If you have lost your ap- petite or are suffering from nausea, sick Talze headache, constipation, or giddiness Sold everywhere in boxes BOUNALL'S MONUMENTAL ART WORKS ESTABLISHED 1857 Importer direct of and only the bet grades of V ERMONT BLUE MARBLE 1 employ no cemnetery caretakeru as agents preferrlng to zeUl my own ' goode thus uavlng the ipul'chaMer the agent'e commission. A cal 8ollcted. Self Preservation-Nature'î First Law--.-Heed It! 1 Prs eYer-Strerigth T111sonbarg, Ont-"Flý'ver since I can remember, Dr. Pieroe's medi- - .,' cins were uped in our family at home and they never failei. te give good resaîts. trhe 'Golden Modi- Scal Dlscooery wss L ~ a"ed a o emd blood puriller maso for bronchial trouble and It pr«~ed excellent. I Myself have taken ie'lcvr'for bronchini trouble and Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription to balld me up when I wns rundo-wn, and they w'ere bth very beneficlal. "'I feai safe la recommnending aIl of ]Dr. Pieroe's medicines knowing tbem ta ho good."-Mrs. Clifford Mtchell. Obtain these famous medicl-ines now at your neareat drug istore, Ila tablets or liquid, or send 10e to Dr. Pi'erce's Laboratory la Brldgeburg, Ont., for a trial package o! any of is reme- dieu. Write Dr. Pierce, President Invalida', Utel la Buffalo, N. Y., if You desire free màdical advice. How's Your Liver? flmlth la Kept, If You Observe This Sintalata, Sask.-"I have taken Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery for liver trouble and found it excel- lent and would. not be wthout it, I guffered from congestion of the Ilver *bout ix years ago and I always say that thia mediciné curoci,"Me. I have 8%9s0 given iît to'my f amilyfo colds kd It ared' thein In a very short timne."-Mrs. Enoch MitchelL Box ýP'OlS 25c-40 pilla SâSKATCHEWAN RECOUVRS Found Health by Takýing Lydia F. Pinkham's Vego- table Compound Melaval, Saskatchewan.-"I saw Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Coin- pound advertîsed fer women's trou- bles and -when a friend recommended it to me I tried it and it bas done me so much gond in the two years in which 1 hs4vo been -taking it that I find I amn a different woman since then. l' recommend your Vegetable Compound as much as 1 eaand you may use my letter as a testimonial." -Mau. ,T. J., TuomÂs, Melaval, Saskatchewan. These letters recommending Lydi a B. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound ought to convincewomen of the great worth of this medicine In the treatment of alliments to which they are often sub- Jet. Mrs. Thoma.s wrItes that she 15 a dIfferent woman now. If you are suf- fering from troubles women often have, or feel ail run down, without any ambition or energy for your regular work,'take Lydia B. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound. It is a natural restorative and should help you as lt has Mrs. Thomas and rnanY, many other womeu. This medicine as been helpIng aick wvomea nearly iMfy yiOm-eourely à long record O of eileêi TROUE LE SOMER COUGHS I ndic*te thatthe pOwIrs Of resistance, to disease are jwered. If yitake cold eaiyor the cough lingers, I ke rich, noqashng Sc yel':Erulsion oC ' pure -vitamine -bearing cod-Iiver oil. It helIPO baUld rp the body and sirength to overcome thre troubZespore con- Be sure Wt' Scott's! Scott & Bowne, 'lýoronto, Ont. Z2-35 The Double Trac Route betweeil Montrent Chicgt. ruank Ticket Agent or C. E. Hornine 'lastrict Pasmenger A4ent. oono 1j, . I . IL 'RY, P0hea 18wumvd Ï acta for wbich o)ur -r-a-ce d-ho'uld be Itruly, tbankful. making exact diagnosis of deep seated cancers, an 'd the prospect of eaýriy recognition of internal can- cors bas been greatly improved. The best advice at tbo preseni stage of discovery ie to "Blow oui -th4 match an-d avioid conflagration" I Here It is---mThe OId Favo itei1 CANCER WEEJC By Chai. M. Bic., B. A., LL. B., Denver, Colorado. This is what bas bee n aptly -des- ribed as "cancer week", in which the ihole medical profession of the ountry, including the ýentire laity, xo bendiag uaited efforts to, the tiology and cure of the greatest nemny of the human race, called can- er. There is cancer in the body litic, as there is cancer in the hum- m body. The week is gîven over othe education of the individual orson regarding cancer and how to t'event it and be prepared for it, td seize upon the disçase in time to )revent it, or hold it il abeyance un- i the services of a physician or sur- son can be secured. Cancer seems to be an evolution- try disease, due to the changes that iave taken place la the human sys- sm since the time man determined ,o walk erect on bis hind legs and ook up to the sun, and have some- oing greater ýthan himself to wor- ehip. It is one of the penalties maa bas had to pay for bis depart- re from the animal into the higlior ealm. of, the primate. Man's gre- gariousness bas brought with it its ff sets in diseases unknown to the lwer animals. It seems that no ooner does medical science learn to gain dominion over one dîsease than another springa up, equally baffling, and takes its tollinla uman life f or years almoat -without lirmit. Cancer is a deterioration of the human tissue, and that wbich causes it is going to be wiped out one, of these years. International science s now engaged in the struggle wîth t. Millions of dollars are at the lisposal of scientific research socie- Les and institutes, granted by those who were sufferers, or wbose famil- oes have been affiicted with the dis- ease. The medical profession will not rest content until it> bas pene- ;rated the secret, and science is tan- neling dloser to it every season. -One school of practîce believes it bas found the cause and the cure in electronic vibration. A1nother school feels that the solution will come tbrough radium. Radîo-act- ivity is a breaking dowin of'ithe elect- ron througb vibration; radium is a rotten product of a metal that is ready for disintegration. Doubtless if the Inymnan would co- operate witb the doctor, tbe statis- tics on this disease would not be so formidable and ajarming as, they are. The medical profession bas already attained tbe point where it cnn prevent fatal resulte, if treazted in time; the trying obstacle in the way is the indifference and fear of the general public. At tbe present time, there is no certain cure dis- covered, after the disease bas reacb- ed the stage where the disorder is in the blood, or become so to speak coastitutional. It is not settled yet whether tbe disease iýs the resuit of a germ, or wbat is the exact predis- posîng cause, and until this is ascer- tained but little progress- towards a cure cnbýe expected. No doubt the Fear Thouglht bas much to do with encouragementt of the disease,, for fear bas its evîl influence on the blood celîs-fear and anger. But, while differenit cures are claimed to bave been discovered for this disease. the medical profession looks askance at ali such pretensions. It is, however, uaited in the belief that caneed must be attacked in its earliest stages, and there and thon only can it be era-dicated. Cancer is not a blood disoase from tbe, start, as many suppose, but is purely local. If it can ho removed beforo it "spreada", a cure will ro- suIt. Tbis bas been demoastrated la thousands of instances. Bat the trouble is, cancer la its firat stages is not paînfýul, and tho sufferer la not alarmed, but thinkÈ it ia only a sligbt lesion whIcb will soon disap- pear of itself. Cancer zel-dom appears before middle 11f e, but it may and often doos develop from pre-existing troubles such as warts, moles, chron- ic sores and irritations of various kinds, and sometimes from apparent- ly barmless tumors. This is par- tîcularly true in relation to tbe brest, lips, moutb and face. So aay one approaching f orty years of age and inter, these things shouid ro- ceive prompt attention, for "the best timo to cure cancer is bef ore it begins." If these blemiýsbes bhave not already beconie malignant their remnovat is gekeeally simple, saf e and painleas. Suirgery usually gives the hest and quiekest resaIts wbea it is possible to employ it. Radium and the X- It holds the confidenc-e of lief from Croup, Bronchitis, Asthma. Saved from Pneumonia, Mr. W. O. Kidder, R.R. No, 1 , Noyan, Que., writes :-"I think Dr. Chase's i Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine is just .\wonderful for coughs and colds. Two Sboutles entirely freed 'MY cough after 1 ý\had tried evory ocher cough medicine 1knew of. 1 foot sure it saved me from having pneumnonia, and 1 cannot re- conomend it too highly." MENWANTEDL $6-$1O Daily At once-we want 100 men right now to train for big paying mechanical jobs. If you are mechanically inclined and like working around automobiles and trac',ors, every day you put off coming to1 us you are cheating yourself. Neyer was there such a demand for trained men. A& few weeks of tîme invested flow 1i give you a trade that will mean in- dependence for life. Learn automobile and tractor operating and repairing, tire vulcanizing, battery building ani oxy- acetylene welding by the Hemphill prac- tical system. A free employirent ser- vice it at your disposal. Write for free catalogue. Don't delay. Get in line for big pay and steady work. Do it row f0. emphill Au to and Tractor School, 163 King West, Toronto. 46-4 eau w seeh.-tratnd Ov eer 50y wretinree ad Biess Subtetea Bupl rea. ar e auy tham.Tpe Write for Preepeetus te 4 r.KciNToS. , îlefPrlneipaL. SHAIW«'"RNTO * tewes Proof That Ends IlIeadache ogEditor of d» sCGme 0 aasai reoedy Ih" W&I sr A.C RnsoB. Â, FE "1 u Zeta.Tab~ ud lt.m s *S cnts pe box-Ma aml eirs vve ý ý> , î- arot BU7 *1ew Eyes Btyou con Proisote a Cla iesoioly Condillom De eu y anCeradBat Write for Free Eye Care Book. ~ D'S V 5P , G- P ïN E 7 ' ie Great Enli lsh Preparati on. f zones anîd invigorates the wholc ', nervouýs system. makes new Bood *n old Veins. Used for Nervous Debility, Mental an.d BraiiriWorry, Des1 pondIeny, Loss of Ener.ey, Palpitation o lhe HI-r,, ailin Memor>'. Pic pee box, 3.> for $5.1,1 SoId by all druggists, or mailed in.plain pkg. on receipt of priçe. New pamphWt mnailed 're.TUE WOOD MEDICINE CO-.TORONTO 'ONT. .4se, ieable repuliîg rIzIdicî ne. Sold in threc de- ges of strength-No. 1, $1; No 2 3; No. 3, §5 per box. 1,, ld'al dru7zists, or sent i ,~~ nrepaid on rvcept of pie ,lFe. pamphlet. Addre THE COOK aSEntCIN Co, ÏTOOE . T.fFuïnidrWI., FATHERS AND THEIR SONS Two Notable Addresses Full of Sound Advice. At Toronto West End Y.' M. C. A. Friday evening at a '"Father and Son" entertainment the two prin- cipal taîka were given byMr. M. A. Sorsoliel ,M. A., of the Departient of, Ecucation, and Prof. Wilmott B, -ane, both of wbom addressed their ~rmarks partly to the father and -partly te the son. Prof. Lane' s advice to the fathers was summed up la the terse state- ment that the business of being a fatheri meant keepiag yoiing and keeping la touch witbi the thîngs ,wbich count with youth. H. -arg- ed fathers to get off the pe6estal and cease being "kinga of the bouse- hold". Rather sbould . they take the part of "primo ministor" and coasider their sons as members of the f amily cabinet. Ho also urged a retura to the practice of walking whicb, lho thought, was ho- coming sadly out of fashion la thisl motormad age, and hoe quoted an adage to the effeet that one sbould frequently go out and "mix one 's face with the iýandscape". This could scarcely ho done la an autom- obile. Another point which hoe urg- ed was that father and son alike sbouid cultivato the habit of botter readiag. They sbould tackle some- thing that challenges the mentality ho told them. Mr. Sorsoliel proaounced tbre clietume. The phrase that the boy is the. father of the man should ho generailly undesrstood as meaaing that the character of after 11f e la moulded, not on eaforced bonesty and respectfulaess so much as on the turninig of *tbe charactoristics of boys into the right channeis when they manif est themseives. IS second admonition to the fathers was on the theme of a siga hoe receatly saw wbich proclaimed: "Go slow: the childo-en of to-day are the citizons of to-morrow". The tubird dictum was the adage: "Spare the rod and spoil the child", wbich, ho consider- ed, was rathor a poor one. He gave several. instances of cases wberein kiadly advice bas bad an iafiaitely greater power for good. GIVE KIDDIES GOOD MILK Enquiries among miik distributors have resulted in proof that the con- sumption of milk in Canada is in- croasing. Children are being given more and aduîts are drinking more. Statistics also show that the people are consuming more dairy products generally than formerly. Miss Helen jG. Campbell, demonstrator in thel 'Uase of dairy 'products, connected] with the Dominion Dairy Branch, vo- cently addreýssed a Women's Inatit- ute convention on the value of dairy products and of the benefits accru- ing especially to chil-dren from a pflentîful consumption of miik. AI- luding to the fact that mothers some- timos argue that their offspring do flot like milk, she referred to the case of a little girl in Toronto who, siowîng a di3taste for milk, was induced aiong with other school children to take somo daily through a straw, with the resait th#t she gained in weight and now bas a great liking for it. Usefal in Camp.-Exporers, sur- veyors, prospecters and hantera will find Pr. Thomas' Eclectric 011 very aeful in camp. When the foot and legs arýe wet, and cold it is well to rab them freely with the 011 and the resait will bo the prevention of pains la the muscles, and shoald a cat, or contusion, or sprain ho sastained, nothing coald ho botter as a dressing or lotion. f ail as the most certain re- Whooping Cough and .Stubborn Cough Mrs. Jeremiah M. Bigelow, Bigelow, Ont., writes-'l had n výery stubborn cough for over f6ur years, and 1 triod doctors and almost everything without resuits. One day an old friend asked me to try Dr. Chase's Syrup of Liaseed anad Turpentine. 1 uscd five botiles, and it worked Ilke magic. I have nover been bothoed since, and that is smre years ago." A Big -Bar A fuil-size, full-weight, solid bar of good soap i8 " SUR PRISE-C." Best for any and all household use, No matter what You buy in kildien utemnsils, de- mand tha-t eaeh articeoey the Sf;MP trde-mark shown below. SM uiee Ware in safe to une; Mcisoiali wIInet afîect t; it cammet aberb odors4; cleam likA china; veaRa te ymTlu the storekeceper uwanmt êthe skyMueffl dwît fftMîf,,*b mo&wy white %ma hg«. Pesaar a edod eui wth t"wC"eat. "ulrigr-ey euame ld e ku et m&SmT ,rMITAL1 "MWrRAL ftNT Pftom~s@p DR. CHAýSE'S sruf LINSEED and TURPENTINE Leiv35c. a bottle. Famiily size, three thmme as imuuch, 76C. Ail derners or Edmanson, Bates, & Co., Lad, Toronto.J No Treatment for Coughs and Colds Was Ever So Satisfactory Ail these years Dr. Chase's Syrup of -Linseed and Turpentine has held its place in the f arnily medicine chest because there bas been nothing to equal it. 7- âm