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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Dec 1922, p. 9

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HOW ABOUT THAT AUCTION the better the bidding the better the S SALE? price. Now, having a sale ig your busi- Go ig to have a farin auction'salei ness. Getting a crowd la our busi- watott bo gooe ness. Our interests are mutual, and Well, yuwnti o eagodoe right here we want to say that an ad- don't you vertisement of your sale in The Yousrl o James Papers wil be seen by many Iýusixelydo!hundreds of people. If you have Now listen, About this Auction the goods. that will drawth crowd. Sale Business. An extra bld on the brindie cow Did you ever stop to think ho orth bay mare will cover the f ew much conditions have changed the d1]ars spent. last few years. Pople-you- and To, be sure, get out bils, because your neighbrs-travel lu autos low-, many look at^ them alone. The ma- adays and theyr go down the cOnCe:- jority of farmers nowadays are hav- sions so fast that they don't always~ ing both bis and the list lu 'the see auctior. sale bill tacked on the paper. But remember this, the es. corner fence post. sential thing nowadays is the sale Oh, well, thfey might- see àt but list lu the paper. they ýdon't stop) to read t-they are Come lunud sec us. We wi11 help golng somewhere -and they haven't you arrange the advertisement and time to stop. Isn't that true? -Sure help you on the whole deal, it le, You pass 'em yourself. We are also prepared to print sale But youare goiug to have a sale. bis lu the best shape. You want a big crowd, for the larger The James Papers go into most oi the crowd the better the biddiug, andI the homes ini Durham County. BURNED ONTARIO NEEDS HELP Many weeks after the big fire the people slept on boards and lu a few cases maattresses were available. The picture shows the first bed to be given out at one of the Relief Committee's stations. H1uudreds of familles -in Northern Ontaro needs beds, clothng and food. PRIZE BACON, Gunn's Famous, Wiltshire B5acon which won Second Prize in world competition re- cently is sold jr Bowmanville at my'store. You neyer tastthd bacon quite so appetizing as this WTViltshire Bacon-try some with your next order. WATCH OUR WINDOWS FOR SPECIALS G. A. Edmondstone One door east of F. F. Morris Co. Dominion Stores Ltd. WHERE YOUR DOLLAR GOES FARTHER, EVERYTHING GUARANTEED NEW MIXED' NUTS, 19e lb Shelled Nuts ....55c lb Chase & Sanborn Lemon Peel -....... 35,c lb, Coffee............ 39c lb. Orange Peel .......35c lb 'Finest Currants..23e lb Freh Cconut. .. 23clb 8 oz. bottie Vanilila .... .25c Dominion Baking Bulk Cocoa .. 2 lbs. 29e Powder, llb size .... .19c Mince Meat...... 19c lb New large Prunes 2 lb 29c OUR NUTS, FRUITS, ETC., ARE JUST WHAT YOU NEED FOR THATCAKE OUR PRICES, THE LOWEST IN TOWN Canada's Standard Remedy for Paik T HE smpletact le tiis : there je ntigq uite s0 good for pczins and aches as Templetofi's Rheumatic Capsules. The medi- cinai power tliey contaîn je absorbed by the bloodand so carried te theseat Of the pain. T. R. C.'s contais ino babit-torîning drugs. Their-action le te reniove the cause oi the pain, U 1SING T.R.C.'s les' ot an experi- Sment, inany thousande 0f Can- adians have proved theefetvns et T.R.C.'s. The best test yen a make le te get a dollar box tram your drnggist, Cr for free sample write J. G. Templetos & Co., Toronto. A postal card wlill brlng It. LOVELL The Newývcaâkqte n ~~ie- THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1922 NEWCASTLE Mrc. Fred Graham tripped to Tor- onto this week. Miss May McEnchern went to Tor- onto on Sunday. Miss Frances Gibson, Oshawa, wns home for the week-end. Mr. Cocul Cobbledick, Toronto, is visiting friends in town. Mrs. Liddie, Grimsby, viited friends lu town lnct week. Mr. Robert Gibson was horne from Toronto for the weekeud. Mr. D. J. Galbraith had businecc lu, Toronto on Tuesday iast Miss Catharine Mc-Eachern, Osh- awa, wns home for the weekend. ,Mr. W. G. Hay, Toronto, spent Sunday at Mrs. Frank Bennett's. George Jamieson unionded a car of coke and a car of coal this week. Mrs. M. McGuire and daughterl Audrey, visited lu Toronto on Fr1- day.1 Mrs. cently llenry. Mrs. visited ORONO (From The News) Geo. Staples, Newcastle, re- visited her niece, Mrc. A. E. Bruniskill, Toronto, who at her hrother-,in-inw's, Mr.1 A. Mnrr has returned home. 1Mrs. J. lý. Cooper and Mrs. Harry Hooper were delegates to, the Wom- en's Institute Convention at Toronto. The new engine purchnsed by the Police Trustees from the Wnterous Co., Brnntford, is a 48 h. p. gasoline and cost $2500.00. No matter how deep-rooted the corn rnay be, it muet yield to Hello- wny's Cern Remover is used as di- rected. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Walter, Or- ono. announce the engagement of, theirdnughter Hazel F., te Calvin L. Myles, the marriage te take place lu December., Mrs. Johus nnd fnrnily hav ee Mise Dora, Langler, Toronto, j to Bzroklin, wtiere tliey wîiI mrn the visiting with Mr. and'Mrs. C. iîl- Tempemance House. 1Mr, J. A.1 son. Honeyweil will occupylthe esidence .Mr. Norman Toms, ,Oshawa, visit- on Mill St. ed hic mother, Mrs. M. E. Toms over As a vermicide an excellent pre- Sunday. paration is Mother Graves' Worm M\rs. G. L. Sheriock entertained a Exterminator, It has caved the number of her friands at bridge on lives of countiese children.» Friday eveuiug. Mm. C. J. Thoruton gave a very Mr. and Mrc. Mercer and famlly, interestiug and exhaustive report of Port Hope, were Sunday visitors at the, Worldl Wide Temperance Cou- Mr.andMrs F.Banton'c. vention heid 'lu Toronto, at the Mm. ad Mr. F.Methodiet Church Sunday .morning Mr. Reginald Matchett, Toronto, week. spent the weekend with hic parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Matchett. Mr. and Mmc. W. J. Walter and D. J. Galbraith shpped two car Mm. and Mrs, A. Robbinc, Leekard, loade of very fine beef cattle te the attended the funemal of their cousin,I Toronto market ou Saturday last. Mrc. A. E. Hancock who passed away iu Rocs Mernoriai Hospital, Lindsay, Mr. and Mrc. SamuelBragg and on November 28th iu her 45th year. daughter Rowena, Providence, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrc, E. . The narrow and dangerous piece Hoar, King-st. of rond kuown as -Maharry's hilI, Miss Betty Mackenzie Who has eouth end of village, is te be widenad beau visisting at hem eister's, Mrs. H. eut te 70,ft and rnised filling in the S. Britton went to Port Hope on enet sida. Provincial and Couuty Mondy tovisi frinds.officiaIs ctarted Mr. Frank Hall on Monaytevîst rind . . the work. The sympathy of the comrnunity is, extended te Mm. and Mre. P. J. G ad-1 Simple and Sure.-m.- Thomnas' des. on account of the death cf their' Eclectric 0111es so simple in applica- infant son on Sunday last. ýtien that a chiid can undarstand the .Mr. and Mmc. H. S. Britton mot- instructions. Used as a liniment the omad te Toronto on Tuesday, Mrs. only, direction le te r, and when Britton remainiug f or* a visit wlth usedYTas a dressing te apply. The her parents, Dr. and Mre. Mackenziej directions ara se plain and unmis- Miss Charlotte Hay who is visitug takable that,.they ara readily her- grandma Mme. Frank Bennett,' cteod by young or old.1 1. entertained about 25. httle friande at Thepaorcia ie in the a Bithday Party ou Satumday after- TownpHallou ridtal veuigb noon. pupile of Mrs. (Dr.) Colville wac a S Mrs. Mason sud daughtam Hattie c3plendid cuccese. 1Plano soles ware spenit Sunday with Mm. and Mrs. T. given by Misses Edra Beet,, Dorothy C. Jewell, Bowmaville, and attended Rowe, Elsie Rowe, Helený Powers, Thank-Offeming services lu the Meth. Bertha Cain, Messrs Calvin Hamm, odiet Church.. Rob Roy, Fred Henning, 'Miss Buch- Mrs. John Wickett, Port Hope, anan, I Gladys Cohhladîck,, Marion announces the engagement of her Green, Mary Smith, Mmc. N. Colville; daughtar, Olive Beatrice, te Mr. Ro- euphonium solo, Harold Aluin; songe, hart E. Sculthorp of Port Hope, the Hl9in Powers, Harold Aluin, Mar- marringe te talie place quietiy about jory Colville, Mr., Fenning, Dr. N. the rniddle of December.. Colville, Miss Buchanan, Mr. R. Mesors. R., B., Frank, Norman, Foster; Gipsy Dance and cong Mar- John, Mark and Dr. Ernest Allîn and garet Duckson, Roy Colville; duet, Mies Lizzie Allun were in Port Hp Misses Cehhledick and He.nry; Span- Satumday attanding the funeral of îsh Dance, Margarat Dickson; Mono- thair brethem-lu-law, the late James legue,- Calvin Hammn. Program S. Wnlkem. closed with the National Authern. Mr. John Caewell movad hic f ar- ily and household affecte up from Newtonville and is eccupying the Jose bouse on Northi Street. John is ne stanger te Newcastle. people and ail join lu extendink the haud of good felewship te John and hi% as- tirnable family sud trust that they will long remain citizeus of the fin- est towu lu Canda. The regular, weely meeting of the English- Club 'of N. P. S. was held in the senior room on Friday afterneon. Presîdent Miss N. Cowan lu the chair, After the completion cf the regular business, a vere* intaresting program of mnusic, eadinge, siugfing, etc., was prasented sud the gathering dispersed after singiug the National' Authern. The English Club le f ast the front as oua cf the real live institu- tions cf the yeung folk cf the village. REEVE RJCKARD, TO RETIRE I hereby give notice te the electers of the Village of Newcastle that -I arno nl the field for election te the Reeveship for 1923. I have epeut six years cf the hast part of rny me- tired 11f e lu the lutereet cf the vil- lage. I feal it le a duty, I owe te> mysaîf aud my family te retire frorn public life, Thankiug you for past support and wishiug yeu a Merry Christmnas and Happy New Yaar. 'I arn, Yours truiy, Geo. P. Rickard. PORT GRANBY A Basket Social wiIl be held at Port Granby School, S. S. No. 1, Clarke, on Fiday evaniug, Daceni- bar lSth. A geod pograrn ls ha- ing provided, iucludîng, oue-act play entitled, "Fun at Five Point SchQol". A prize. wil ha given for prattiest basket. Admission 10c, ladies with baskets free. Everybody cerne and have au auj oyahie 'evaning. 48-2 BAZAAR AND SUPPER Serne- fallowsa re nlwa ys-hollering about the chumch wantiug meney, hera le a chance te get aven with the Methodliet Church, Newcastle, on Thursday, Decamnbar 7. A M1am- moth Sala f banutiful and usafulý articles at bargain, prices, a-d1 grand supper to boot. Bring lots cf mouey, buy lots cf go d s, aundeati lots cf good stuif. Sale at 3. Sup- par at 5 p. nm., 48-21I CLARKE 1ËIONEER GONE TO REST Mr. Neil Stewart of Kendal. Neil Stewart came to Canada with Jhi s parents lu the year 1834 on the good ship "Hector", a sailiug vessel which about that date broug-ht out most of the Scottish familles who set- tled lu Clarke and Darlington. H1e was born on Refleuch Fnrm riear the, town of Campbelltown-the. home of the Stewartýs for centuries-on De- cember 16, 18,32, and was the son of the l1ate David Stewart who settled on lot 16, con. 4, Clarke, and who inter removed to Huron County with ail the farniiy except Jean-Mrs. J. W. Lovekin of Newcastle, and Neill who'. was a tenant of the farrn on1 con 4, then owned, by the late Mrýs Daniel Galbraith, Bowmanville. up1 to the yenr 1870 when he bought the John Hillen f arm on the 6th lin e where ha died on Snturday, Novem- i ber 26, 1922. Hic partuer in life wns formerly Miss Catherin'e.Renvie,i who lived near Shaw's School House east of Bowmanviile and they were united in marriage, on January 26,ý 1860 by 11ev. John Hugh MeKerras, of the, Old Kirk, -Bow-manvilie. Dr. McKerras was inter a pýofessor inI Queen's University, Kingston. Thieir family consisted of fouri boys and two girlc-David who diedi of typhoid fever in 1884; John andi George Lawvrence who died lu in-J fnncy, Margaret and John at homeý and Janet, MÊs. H. H. McKelvey.1 Mrs. Stewart died in the year 1900.1 Another brother. of Mr.- Stewart,' 'David of Leskard resided lu Clarkel until he and family removed to Mon'i- tana, U. S. Neil Stewartwas a Liberai in poli- tics and served the Prasbyterian Churcb, Kendal, as an Eider for about 45 years, and spoke intely with pardonabie pride of the fact that hic grandfather, father, hlm self and hic con held the carne office. H1e was a resfdent of Clarke for 88 years and rhould ha well known lu the community.ý Now many of those who knew hlmn best ail say of hlm "Neil Stewart wac a good man". He was probabiy eue of the iast per- sons lu this couuty who spoke the gaelic.,'î The funerai on Tuecday wac large- ly attended and the service wne con- ducted by 11ev. Thomas Wallace of the United Church and Rev. J. W. RaLe of Preshyterian Church, Orono. T1he -paii-bearerc were Messrs. Jas. Wannani, W. H. Henry, John Henry, Fred Brimacombe, John Lavery and Charles Cooper. SATISFYING THE PUBLIC By J. E. Middleton. When gas was first, produced for cale ln Toronto the price was $ 5.00 a thousaud cublc f eet. No one com- plained seriously at the price, be- cause the service was a noveity and the convenience it brought wac ap- preciated highly. To-day such aý price would ha impossible in auy! Canadian comrnitv. The people Cheapest of Ail OiIs.-Consider- h11av nf'aimly cèlear kuowledge of pro- iug the qualifies of Dr. Thomas' Ec- duction ceet aud would refuse te he lectric 011 it ie the cheapest of all "gougad" for the advautage of the preparatieus offered te the public. Company., Conveuleuce would bel It le te ha fouud lu every dmug store !et acide as a secoudary cousiderat- lu Canada from Cost toconet and aIl ion. country marchants keep it for sale.1 Se, heing easily procurable and ex- Eightcents per kilowatt heu'r wase trernely moderate un price, noeoe nnt ceunted an unreasonable price ehould ha without a hottie of it. for electmîc lighting iu the eamiy ________days of, the îndustry. It le still, a common price lu large Amemican BROWN'S SCHOOL CLARKE cities where private corporations contre] the distribution. But in A Basket Social is te be held lu Ontario the people have beau ohtain- Browu's Scheol, on' Friday eveuing, ing euergy at rates far below aight Dacamber 8 at 8 o'clock., A good cents. They have n complate under- pregramn will ha pmovided. Admis- standingof the low production ceet sien adulte 15c, chîldren 10c. Lad- of energy gaented by hydraulie ias with baskets free., Everybedy rneas-sinca the service le erganiz- welcorne. Core nesd enjoy' your- ed on a, Ceet basic through The Hy- self. 49-1 dro-Electric Power Commission. Theme are thousauds of citizeus who would ha willing -te do without PONTYPOOL electric llght athar than pay for it on privata-company mta-echedules. Report of Public School for No- Thera are meu to-day lu tiuy villages vember. Sr. 1v-vera Kellet, Leon- who complain te high heaven bacauce ard ýKeliet., Jr.,1V-Olive Gray, heir Hydre rate le five cets-the Norman Caini, Jack Mailery. Jr. actual ceet of the service. (Natur- Il-Annie Bernstein, Morris May- aiy lu a commuuity with'a email load dauuick. Smý. IIl--Jessie Baker, and a scattered population the rate Margaret Ridge, Iys Shaw, Clifford Îs higher than lu a concentrated Richardson, Grace McMahon, Archie market). Yet they are beîng eerved Masters, Biliy Dune. Jr. TI-Lyod for las meuey than the house-holder [Webb, Ruth Richardeon ,Eric Russel of Buftalo orDatroit. Clieora Rsse, Pr~y MMaheon. S'r. I-Ralph Clark, Richard Rowan, Bannie Samuels.' Jr. 1-Grace Dune, Patricia Dune. ýSm. Primer- Arthur Rewan, Hermon Webb, Mer- ley Kellet, Hazel Baker, Annia Rornanuick. Florence Marlow. Pr. A-Ethei Msllery, Mary Romanuick, Catherine Chsny, Mika Chrsny, Lucy Maydanuick. F. Willianison, teachar.] Le-w rates and 'higrh-grade service have made the Hydro-Electric Sys- tam successful beyond the dreame of its meet anthusiastîc advecatac. Yet these ates, although, apparautly at rock-.bottom hava, beau ample te meat operating sud nmaintenauce charges both on tha local and the co-opema- tive plants. Thay hava paid interest sud eînking f£und on an investmant that le uothiug short cf anormous. They have pmovided n Renewals or Deprecitic assassinent year by ya whch lesfiieuttobuIld up n £und, equal to the full value cf the dabentume sud bond issues by the, time they mature. On an, aver- age thmoughout the systern thirty- thmee cents eut cf evemy dollar paîd by a consumer-for service appiies ou reserve acceunt ,and reduces by that much the hurden of the capital ex- penditure. Rates hava beau me- duced- again and- again. In mnany cases they ara uow 100 par cent. lowem than they wara wheu the firet Hydre echedules were pepared, sud 200 par cent lower than the private cernpnny's rates lu pte-Hydro times. The man who pays kuows these facte and hie convictions ccncemniug the advautages of the Hydro-Electric Systain for 'himseaf sud f or the Proa- vince are copper-rivatted sud un- shakeable.y 1 KENDAL Arnongst people frorncorne dis- tance at the funerai of the Inte Neil Stewartwe uoticed Mrs. Audrew Sharpe, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Samn Archer, Port Hope, Miss Agnes Stark of Bethany, and, Mr. Bert Berry, Brockville. Beauti±'ui floral offer- ings were presented by the Unitedi Church and other ýfriands and the Stewart family request that in The James Papers their sincere thanks be téndered to neighbors and friends for their heip, kindness and sym-1 pathy shown during the iilnecs and death of their father. At the 'reopening services in thej United Church on Sunday the preach- or was 11ev. John E. Griffith, B. A., a f ormer pastor here uow of Metro- politan Chureh, Toronto. The people here gave hlm a splendid wel- corne hack to Kendal and he preacli- ed excellent sermons, morning and evening on "Faith's Venture" and "Faith's Triumph". The choir un- dae then ldierieo . SwaThe rck iiser, fetci. sonCurCen aveS. splenisrie. Tchu rhmîsnreec ind S. . romara yte mucinprovedus which was doue by Mr. Býert Hol- land and the woodwork hy Messrc. Bryson and Little. An oYster cup- r per was served ou Monday night and good programn rendered and a, goodQA crowd wns present at ail services. _____ The new pactor, Rev. Thomnas Wal- lace, (by the way a relation of the Owing to the terrible state Inte Sir William), eujoyé our confid-, ence as did hic predecessor lu dear 'of American,.Transportationt old cotlnd lng sue. t is almost impossible-to get Mies Win1nie Morris, Nurse, was delivery of coal and our ad- called te, Montreal te nuýrse h ler vice is, make someprvso cousin, Mies Blanche Morris Who isprvso very ili lu the Hospital. for winter by substituting Demaud has beau hayondý expect- for th sa spl fAn ations for our new fali and wiuter th usa sppyO contc for ladiehs, but stock ie now re-, thracite. pleniched. Choose uow. Couch Johuston & Cryderman. G e- a.e o Jas. Bishop, Oshawa, bas had nearly 30 years' experience as suc- G o a e o cessful auctioneer. He conduets ail kinds of cales, Local represent- Newcastle ative, Tom Percy. 40-t : 1 r Are You Ready For CoId Weather ? STOVES AND-FURNACES Quebec I-leaters with and without ovens, Im- perial Olxford Special, 9-20, with high closet $55 Moff at Cook Stove, white enamrel doors, higli closet, polished, top, 9-18, ..... ....... $80.00 Wood, Cook Stoves , wood heaters, base buru- ers at special low prices., Stove P;pes, Fpurnace Pipes, Elbows, Stove Boards, Cloa! Scutties and Coal Shovels at lowest prices. H. . BNATHr«rAN HARDWARE NEWCASTLE Read Walton's S pecials Besides the special service we give-our cus- tomers at ail teiles price is also a big considera- tion bîat makes it worth your Iwhile to deal here, for instance,: Tea, extra special, lb .............................. 49c 20Bans'-oap for ..............1O 5 ars Soin, and box -Pearline ................35c Fresh Bread, Buns and Cake'Daily Gro cer R.,WALTON .Newcastle New Idea Furnace' This furnace is built to give the'last dollar's worth of satisfaction that can be built into a fur- nace. Manuffictured by Hamilton Stove & Heat- er Co. Ltd., and sold by SWM. JAMIESON Hardware Store Newcast8t10 CHRISTMAS GROCERIES À-H 0 in great variety we offer. Sauta Claus himself could' nt ou stck. ig o d not Urgst aytig o d Order your supply ýearly, I and why not make corne less fortunate ones happy with a- few good-things from OUR GROCERY We will seud good meas- t iire and deliver promptiy. H.S. B RInlTOù«ÊN Baker & Grocer Newcastle1 Phn 21Bowmanville TeRzp, Made t. "flobt"Rheumaisss . ~ SMoset other paIns are easy. SOLD BY JURY & MEDICAL ALFRED FARNCOMB, M. -D., C. M Graduate of Trinity University, almo, of Royal College Physicians, Edin- burg. Specialty-Diseases of wom- en and childreu. Office-Parker'a Block, Newcastle. J. A. BUTLER, M. D., C. M. Fforior graduate of Trinity.Univez sity, Pellow of Triuity Medical College, Liceutiate of the State University of New York, Matriculate of the Post- Graduate Medicai School and Hom- pitai of New York and Feilow of the Toronto Acaderny of Mediceine. Office -Mrs. McNaughton'à Resldence, Newcastle. Hours-8 to, 10 a. m,1 to 3 r. rn., and b"y appoittirnant. J. W. B radleyx7 General Insurance Agent Phone 21

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