BOWMANVILLE, DEC, 7th., 1922. AUTUMN WEDDING ______________________________________________ 1~. a,. I 1m~ a, p 1~. -,Give Slip pers This Christmas EveryhoO.y appreciates slippers for- Xmas, and you 1 * ill find the kind that everybody likes, at miy store. The immense variety is infinitely more than a miere dis'play. It represents the pract*ical afiswer to the f amily'gift problemn. Slip: a pair of slippers under the Christmas tree as a happy holiday remembrance. WOMEN'S AND MISSES' SLIPPERS Boudoir Slippers of smooth leather with silk~ pompo on vainp and padded soles; Juliet Slip- pers with leather soles, medium low heels, orna, ment on 'varopr and furlike binding. CHILDREN'S SLIPPERS IN GREAT VARIETY Cosy Slippers with soft chrome leather soles, every shape and style wvanted. MEN'S AND BOYS' SLIPPERS 're you wish to please a man give hirr- slip- pers. We have just what they like in Romeos, welt qewn iii Everett pattern, turnied sole s1ippers and others. GIVE PRACTICAL GIFTS What is More Acceptable Than Footwear?' Copeland Shoo Store "For Reliable Shoes at Popular Prices" Phore 249,J. Bowmanville a question as that"? "Because youî haven't saîd a nice thing about any- one to-day". The meal was finished in silence. DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS COMING TO ROYAL -THEATRE Monday and Tueeclay, December 11-12. Douglas Fairbanks ie one of the film stars who neyer loses sight of the importance of a strong supprte- ing cas t, and he made no exception in "One of the Blood", the first unit- ed Artiste production to be seen in this community, and which has been' booked for the Royal Theatre, for.: iiext Myondtay and Tuesdayv, Decem-l- ber 11-12. hI addition to the inimitable Fair- bankis "One of the Blood" -will pre- sent Marjorie Daw, wç,ho has played opposite Mr. Fairbanks in six of his. pictures. Others in the cast, are Frank Campeau, one of the best k-nown and most capable men in vil- tain ioles; Samn Sothern, a, younger brother of the famous E. H. Sothern, who made his debut in thwe creen dramna in this picture; Lilhanh Lang- don, who bas been with Mr. Fair- banks in sevýeralf of bis productions; 3ay Dwiggins, short, fat and happy- looking, and who ise cast for a par- tieularly happy part; and Albert Mc- Quarrie, also often seen with the Fairbanks Company. and with an im- portant part. "Bull Montana", Wil ilis and Phil Gastrox, character mnen and daring rîders, also stand out ithi- general! round-up of talent. Manager Rosannounces this pict- tire -will be show,,n et regular prices,: Aduts 20c; children 10c. FADING AS A LEAF Isiah 64:6 To ancient Israel'a prophet A living message came Whîch he was ,called to publîsh lie called ail men tû hasten In his great Maker's namae. To turn fromn sin away And seek His grace and favor Wblo lives in endless day. He said, earth'e joys are fleeting, And fleeting is its grief; For mortal strength is weakçness And fades as fades the leaf. As fade the leaves in Autun ASo fade our montai powers; And heaith and strength and vigor1 Depart like summner flowers. And no0 abiding treasure-, Do we on earth posse, And of t the' pilgrim's warfane ~is one of storm and stress. The days of earthly gladness At best are f ew and brief, The trongest soor. muet vaniaýh And fade as fades the leaf. But lie who knows our weakness Will al our needs suipply; lie gives to those who trust Hum, The 1f e whiich cannot die. They shall at length be made, And over death victonjous. As trpes of His own planting Thei r leaf shaîl neyer fade. T. Watsons. ~Ridgeto'wn, Ont., 1922. EBENEZER BREEZES The president Df the Ladies' A. B. C. Class, Mrs. John Found, wae greatly rmissed from their last regu- lar monthly meeting, owing to a severe injury sustained by a f ail. lier speedy ,recovery'je hoped for.. This community sympathizes with Mn. George Gore in ies ilinese in Oqhawa Hosptal. .. The- Epworth League Concert on December 1 was of splendid menit. While the antists were on this occasion making their first appeanance in this church, al of their niumrbere were well given and were entertaining and inetruct ive. Proceede $25 .... With the moving of the residence of M4r. A. J. Gay 80 feet to the south thie wid- eniiigprocess of the main street of Courtice is nearinig comrpletion, to the great improvement of the ap- pearanice of the bung and the great- er safety of the travelling public.* ..The manager of the Grange Poultry 'Ranch ie preparing to make extensive additidns to the plant in the near future. Prospects in the chicken business are promîisng.. . . With thle approach of Christmas wedding belle are being tuned, and the query is what will Dean dlo with the cows9. .Several Ebenezerites enjoyed the splendid Thank-i0ffe,ý- mng services in Bowmainville on~ Sun-. Recent visitors include Miss Elean- or Boyce, Rev. and Mrs. R. G. Car- ruthers, Rev. and Mrs. Harold Stain- ton at the Parsonagze; Prof. Staples, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Oke, Dr' and Mrs. Beaton, Toronto, ~at Mr. R. E. os- borne's; Mr. Frank, Ward, Toronto, at Mr. A. E. Rundle's for the week- endý Miss Lyla Osb orne and frîend Miss Bradock, at the home of Mrs. Eli Osborne JOIN OUR FAMILY Glad to have you join dur Succese Famfily. Here's who we ail are: The fathei- of success is work. The miother of succese je ambition. The oldest son is commion sense. Some of the boys are pensever- ence, enthusiasm1, co-operation. The oldest daughter ie character. Some of the sistere are cheerful- ness, loyalty, care, courtesy, econ- omy,, sincenity, harmony. Tbe baby is opportunity, Get acquainted with the "oId man"' and you will be able to get along pretty wvell -with the rest of the fam- ily. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ AUCTION SALE Oni Monday, Decenmber 11, 1922, commnencing at 1. 30 p. ni. of standing timnber 6 ft. iostly, Cedar very thicly wooded. Tree« very taîl anýd numerous 6 acres. Sold in ý/ -acre lots. Ottî lot 30, con- cession 4, Dalington, 1 mile north and 1,,Iile west of Courtice. Formierly owned by Ahf. Hardy. Present owner Wm. Brown. Terme 5 rmanths credit with interest at 6%1c' per annumi on approved notes. Purchaser will have until Apnil 1; 1924, to remove the wood. Jas. Bishop, Auctionoer. 49-1 wHis atres Voice# DECEMBER RELEASE DANCE RECORDS l'Il Be il n my Di xie Horne Again To moro w- Fox Trot The Greýt WhbiteWVayO rrchetra Vou Gave Me Vour Heart-Fox Trot Th, GreatiteWaýyOrhtr Carolina ln thé Morning-Fox Trot Paul] Whi]teoia ud Bis, Orchestra Cowv Beil-Fox Trot Zez Confcey sud Ris Orchestra Biowieig Bubbles Ail Day Long -Fox Trot Paul WhitcmUan and ls Orchestra Just as Long as Yoeu Have Me-Mediey Foy. Trot Whiteman and Hie Orchestra Homnesick-Fox Trot Paul WM tea and Bis Orchestra Ail Over NOthing At Ail-Fox Trot The Greaet White Way Orchestra 1 Wish I Could Shimmy Like My Sister Rate-Fox Trot The Vir- dans 1Cee! But 1 Hate to GoHome Aone-Fox Trot The Virgniiaus Toot, Toot, Toorsie! (Goo'hye)-Fox Trot Tlhs Benson O rrchestra- of Chicago Do l? Fox Trot The 4ensn OheBtra' of Chicago Lovely Lucerne-Wsltz The Great White Wsy Orchestra Rgmany Love-Fox T'nt lPau! rtean 'Id ýis -Orchestra Lest You Forget-Fox Trot Hsrry Thnmm Trio In The'Land o! Sweet Slteen-Fox Trot Hïarr Thomas Trio Hoiiand, Moon-WaiýtZ Harry Thomias Trio Sleepy TonWltl arr-y Thomnas Trio VOCAL RECORDS Songefor Litti ole , Part 1. Harold Harvey Song& for Little ?ecple Part 2 Harold Harvey Mary, Dear 1Henr lur White theYeanRsfoU By ron-iiot Ba When Yois Long F'or a Pal Lewi2 James1 The Trailt toLong Âge Lewis JamesElt'I Shw Nellie Kelly I Love 'Vous kciZtean ua.rt Von Remind JMe of yMdgeHn Br 1-Igt Lipe isParcl Ail For the Love of Mike MiýsE Patrieoiýa Lest You Ferget ,IIarsJI Harvey Three O'Clock in the Meabiarold Mre Santa Glaise Tells of Mother Geeso Lend-FPact 1 004,-r# Oir&rxd Santa Glais Tells of Mcther Goose Latnd-Paryt 2 Gbrt Girard Christiana, Awoke, '-Ze.ute the Heappy Mora Triaity Mi Choir Watchmnan, Tl U1set the Nilht Trini' Male Choir When the Christas Ciziîme3 Are Flflngsgarold H&arVey1 Star of Faith Haroid IHarvey f Virginian Juidge-Soýuthecra Court Sceue-Part 5 M'alter C. Kellyl Virginian Judge--Sýouthein Court Scene--Part G6 wslter C. Kelly Tihe Creaton-With Verdure Clad (ilaydn) Lucey Isabelle Marsh tîlah-Hear Y., Isaul. <eneleoh> LeIsabelle Marsk INSTRUM&ENTAL RECORDS Magic Fiute--Orture, Part 1 Vitor Symaphoay Orehera Magie Fute-O-erturr, Part 2 Vieto S8 heny' rchetra Chimes of Liberty Match Te Golâimau B&nd Sagamovre Mardi The Goidman Baodf Hung4arian Fantasis, Part 1 (Lient) Piano wlth'Orchestra Accocopainient Arhrde Greef and Royal Albort HllOchetr Ilunaria&n Fnt,-asi, Part 2 Lisat) piano with Orchestra copaiei Hug~ia auase,~Arthur d ref and Roya1,rt Hall Orchestra? muagariase fantagie, Z 43 Lt',urde io e0f rhstrÀ a r,-rUani J Arthur de Gre! and RoyalAibeort I-alI rchestra RED. SEAL RECORDS Borin qGcdouinow-Tin the Towa of Ka2xàn (MYoussorgsky) Feodlor Chalispin Fond Recollections (Poppcr). Misha Elinan Don Cesar de.aa evlae(ln Freh) Mee) Neilie Melbap L'Etoile du Nord--(Priý,rc et Baccartolle) (eebe)neiaGalli-Curci Serenade (Rmpiato)(Silvestri-ToseIli) BnaioGigli Tell Her 1I'Love Her SanWetery-),ae>Oville 1srro1d Nocturne re Oga S'amaroff Go, PretyRose (BvryMrll)Mme L-ouise Homer end Mme LoUiseHme tie Secret of Suzanne--Overture (Wolf-Ferrari) ToSeanini snd La Scala Orchestra On the Rosd te Mandaiay (Kipling-,Speakcs> lecinaid Wcrrenirath Salut D'Amour (EIgar) Efrera ZirobaI;.t 189)64 18962 18963 18f63 18954 181)66 316369 216370 216379 18s55 18961 1895, 18%67 2"1$7 18955 1"958 216377 431" 515178 Mit51 t .70 747812 23.W 6,',149 10 1.50 66100910 L 50 74785 12 2.25 66102 10 1.0 66010 10 1.50 74785 12 2.25 66101 10 1.50