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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Dec 1922, p. 8

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SOLD IN BOWMANVILLE BY F. R. KERSLAKE Long Standing Asthma. Many have suffered so long ftom asthma and have tried so many so-calledl remedies. they think that there Ws no real help for them. They should read the letters received by the man- ufacturers of Dr. J. D. Kellogg's As- 1 thma Remedy from- hundreds of cases once as desperate as theirownM Even in Icing-ie4eted cases this famous prepanation brings prompt help. BOUNSALL'S MONUMENTAL ART WORKS il Y' ESTABLISHEID 1857 Importer direct of SCOTCH AND SWEDE GRANITES anmd only the best grades of àVERMONT BLUE MARBLE 1 employ no camtary caretakerei ssagen ts prafarring to oeil my own Igoods thus savlng the purchaser Sthe agent'. commission. -A eaul i ollclted. S F. il. Proprietor. BOUNSALL Bowmail ll Bo. e- -.Perk Up and Smile rBlues and Backache Vanieh I Toronto, Ont.- lLéees tian a year ago I was laa s. Yy Spoor state of health; mny, back ached .. dreadfuily and I coeuld scarcely drag mypelf around to ýd yh0use'k. I started to take Dr. j Plerce's F'nvorto Prescription and I cZanot piaise Ittou h1ghly for the gr"it beneflt 1I re- ooived, Thé backRç4e andI palus disè appeared entlrely R4iéd 1e w wse- stre-d to perfect h4é?th. Iklnow that Dr. PIerce's Favorite Prescription la the best woman's medicine, for noth- Ing 4'rer helped me as much as this Prescription.' 1 have ne hesitancy In recommendin it to othor womea who sufer as I dId."-Mrs. Kathleeni Whilhans, 18 Brookfield St. Reap the Reward of Perfect Health Oýrillia, Ont.-"I had a bati case of wonmen's trouble, suffaredfrom back- achdé-, narvousness, and disordered di- gesýtion. 1 had great pain ahl the' tinte, sometimes I wouhd fint et my work. I hati oaa physicien aftar an- other but'they did me no gooti. I thenè took nine botties of Dr. PiWee'a Favorite Prescription and it flxad me Up ail rlght, 1 look much better'and leel fine, I wilh recommenti the 'Pre- scription' to ail sufferlng as I dld."-- Mmm. Mayballe B. Giatrlx, Box 940. H.ealth is most important toe evry -Woman, You cannot afford 1-o neglect It when your nelghborhood druggist man suppiy you wlth Favorite Pré- scmptlon In tabiets or llquid. This Prescription Is madIe in Dr. Pierces Leboretomy ln Brldgeburg, Ont. Send 1 Oc there If you wlsh a trial pli, Recause Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg etab le Compo0und Re- stored My Health Hornaîl1, N. Y.-"11 was in badhaalth but there didn't seemto be any one thing the mattar with me. I was tirad out al over anditwas anef- fort for me to move. I was irritable andi eouldnotsleepriights and heti troubla with, zy bowels and at my - pe.tids. It seemed thtearlyevemyone liii arounti me knew of IW antedà ein ryit Bo at lest1 tool Lydia L. Pinkham's Vegetable nom- 1on Tablats and Lydia E. Pinkham's Bloodà Medicine and improvad evary day. I do ali my own work now excapt the washing and do it with anse. I can ac- comp lish as much in a de y now as it would have taken me a wea.k to do lest winter and I try to get evary ona I knj-W to taka your medicine to builti thein Up. You ara welcome to use this latter as a testimonial ie yoit like. "-Mrs. CHAS. BAKER. 21 Spencer Ave., Homnaîl, N. Y. In almoat every naighk.orhood there ara women who know of thé value of Lydia e. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pc und. Thay know bacause thay have ilaken it and have been halpeti. Why .o'you give it a trial? HORSE AILMENTS of many kinds quickly ,remediedwith ]DOUGLAS' EGYPTIAN LINIMENT STOPS BLEDFî)TG INSTANTLY PREVE$TS BLOOD POISONING. CURES TBRUSTI, PiSTULA, SPRAINS AND BRUMSES. The bcst l stounul L'niment -for, the stable as well as fror household use, KEEP IT HANDY. At ahl Dealers and Druggisto. Manufactured only by SDOUGLAS & CO. NAPANBE, Ont.- IN FRONT1 RANKlf ICod-liver oil is different from other fats because of its great rickness of! vitamines iand isso readily absorbed by Scott sEmIlsion 0 Iis an effective agent in im- proving nutrition and Isistive-powers -of the I body. Scott's Emul- io is Norwegian eoI oweTootOnt. n3 a à a ouç, 10 ùrà Dinan is a wonderful ol d town, Iwhat amused us was to see every- body with a chair sitting out on the They scorn windows, and like to get close to the'object of their attention. 0f course,, Sunday, in France is nQt observed as in England, and we found races being held and a stream of, motors end other vehicles goig <Continuad on page 11) "'NearlyLost Baby Wihroup" Ha's Depended, on Dr. Chase'Medicines for 25 Years ,BOWMANVILLE, DEC. 7th., 1922. A PLEASANT HOLIDAY IN BRITTANY, FRANCE Spent by a Lady of England with a Delightful Travel Party. Permission to publish this spien- didly written story of a holiday out- ing taken by an intelligent English travel company has bêengranted to The James Papers., It has been on the editor's desk awaiting its turn among other copy since September- Editor. The 5th of August, 1922, dawned, duil but dry and the 9.50 non-stop train to Southampton steamed out of North Road Station, Devonport, bearing my friend and me to a f ort- nigbit of fresh scenes and new faces among the orchards of Brittany. At 3 p. m., we met other friends at our port of, departure and after a 'look round embarked on the S. S. Lorina for a night passage across the Eng- lîsh Channel.- ,My friend -and I had been too late to' book berths, ail had been taken before our application was sent, so we had to look forward to a 'night out' on deck. About il p. m. the lucky people disappeared one by one, tili only the "sleepers, out" remain- ed. We rolled ourselves up in our rugs and lay down on, very hard seats. We had by this tîme passed through Southampton Water and were out of sight of land. One experienced rather an uncan- ny feeling as the vessai ploughed through the dark water and flot a star appeared in the darkness. Slaep came to us in fits and starts, for a hard bed is not conducive to 'rest. About 2 a. m. rain fell in torrents but the wrappad up heaps on. varlous spots on deck went on sleeping and about 5 a. m. as dawn was hreaking we came in sight of St. Malo. There, was a general stir and fetch- ing of luggaga for we had to disem- bark at this old Breton town in order to get to our destination further in- land. At 7 a. m. the Freneh Cus- tom Officials appaared and. we shouldarad avery man bis bag and made our way overe the gangway into the Custom Houe. Parsonally my secret prayer was that thay Wrouldn't ask me to unstrap my sùitcase f or goodness knows how 1 sbould repack if they did want to see I had' no to-bacco. Thinking, however, that we looked innocent of smoking pro- pensities, they took our word that we had no0 contraband and letus go. Next we were met by the Secretary of the Association under whose aus- pices our* holiday was to be spent, the Co-operative Holiday Associa- tion, whch has centres ail over the British Isies and, in France and Switzerland. There were 70 to be met altogether and it was heroe t St. Malo'that we became acquainted with. those. with whom we were to spend the next fortnight. 1Led by the secratary we âlh made' our way to the Hotel Banort whera ,we had breakfast., The party then dîspersad for an hour to look round St. Malo.i Lika many other old, Breton. towns its hunge rnmparts i still stand, its ovarhanging houses and massiv,- gataways spoke to one of the times 'iwhen Norman and Bre- ton were daadly enemies. In feet, one feit tha rai atmosphere of medioeval times as they walked along the ramparts and looked out at the harbour with its castled islands. The hour ovar the company mus- tared at the water side to embark on a vedette or ferry or a town across the river mouth caiied Dinard. This we discovered to ha a very fash- ionable- seaside resort' visited by wealthy English and Americans and resorted to by Parisinnes during the season. Wa were realiy too tired tbe very interested in the place of which mure latV, and made our way 'to the station where a train a waited us to ýtake us to Dinan which Iwàs to be ýour spot of abode. The distance from Dinard to Din- an was 14 miles and we wonderad whether it would not'have been just as well had we walkad for neyer had, we been in a tÈhini that crawled like that one did. It took 2 boum ,to gat to our destination but gave us a good opportunity of viewing the country. The characteristie tof the landscape seemied to be fantastic trees--treas which ha-d-no leavee foQr 4uite 20 or 30 feet, then put forth quite a bunch and resembled -a sweep's brush, or trees that had no tops et ail and iooked twisted andr deformed and in pain. We inter discovared gives you some idea cf why so many thousandi of people depend on Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine has a permanent place in the great majority of Canadian homes be- cause it is the most certain relief fromn Croup, Bronchitis, Whooping Cough and Asthma. Mrs. Alex. Thompson, Wbitla, Alta., wries:-"When My first baby was born. 1 tbink she wouid have died f rom croup before we coulti reacb a doctor, if it hati not been for n neighbor wbo had a boulie of Dr. Chase's Linseed anti Turpen- tine in the bouse, Tbis ralieveti ber almnost immediately. Tbat was 21 years ago, andi Dr. Cbase's Medicines have been friends of ours ever since." Asthma Mr. Thomas 14ond, Sheidrake, North Shore, Que., writes: --l' suffered for yeais witb astbma, sometimas being unable to lie in bei. but nfter a treatment of Dr. Cbase's Linseati and Turpentine, I arn now quite well and tbank this medicine for re- storing me." Dr. Chase's Syr.up of Linseed and Turpentine L~35C. a ttIe. Feily âmre, tbree times as much, 75c. AUl dealers or Edmanson, Bates & Co., Ltd., Toronto. MEN WANTED $6-$lO Daily At once-we want 100 men right now to train for big paying mechanical jobs. If, you are mechanically inclined and like working around automobiles a.nd trac ,ors, every day you put off coming to us you are cheating yourself. Neyer was there such a demand for trajned men. A f ew weeks of time invested no-w will give you a'trade thit will mean in - dependence for life. Learn automobilk and tracor operating and repairing, tir, vulranizing, battery building and oxy- acetylene wcilding by the -Hemphill prac- tical system. A free employment ser- vice it atl your disposai. Write for free catalogue. Don't delay. Get in Une for.big paýy and steady work. Do it now. 1{emphill Auto and Tractor Schooc, 163 King We-,st, Toronto. 46-4 or stuttering overcomne positively. Our naturai methode permianentIy restore naturai specech. Graduate pupils every- where. - Free advice And literature. THE ARNOTT INSTITUTE KITCHENER, - CANADA GO OD POSITIONýS Shaw Sehools. Eleven schools ini To- ront--80 Yeats' record of proven sucees. An efficient Employrnent Burem u.Sat at an7 Urne. Write for prospectus te 4 PMNTO5WZI ChiotPrincipaL IÂW TOR0NT0 Any Ileadache lteieedby Zutoo Look to Your Eyes ~ Beautiful Eyes, like fine i T , .st he SsutofCstn C '.Te dily use of M=u;s Z makes Eyes Clear and Radiant. Eniovable. Harmiess. Sold and Recommended by Ail Dnsggisrs. W DSPHOSPI1ODINE.' , The Great Englisls Preparatian. .T ones and invigorates the whole nervous system. rnakes new Blood -'in old Veins. Used for Nervous Debility, Mental ard Brqin Worry, Lesponden, Loss of Enerp, Palpitation of theH Hert ailing Memory. Price $2,3 for $5.'-' SoId by ail druggists, or mailedl in plain pkg. on receipt of priççe New pamphli' aled ree.THZWO0D MEDICINE CO..TORONTO.ONT, -kit 7!- fottOfRoot CM- UI A ea fe, s'elable reaulatiag -11: medici ne. Sold in three de- grees ofsatrengthrNo.. 1, $1; k No. 2, $3; No. 3, $5 pet box. , ~Sol b y ail druggists, or sent ýadon 5eclpt of pries. Free pamphlet. Address: TUE COOK MEDICINE CO.. TORONTO. ONI. <ft-Aý Wfi.. CANADA Tha: grand, old woods of Canada, How cool and dim below The shade of their sweet rustling lenves, Swif t changing webs the. sunlight weavas Where ferns and mosses grow. The giant trees ofý Canada, Dark pineaend bîrch dropped low, 'he stataiy elm,, the mapla taîl, The sturdy beech, I love them all, And well their forms I know. The forest wealth of Canada, The choppers' blows resound, Thro' the criep air, whule cold and still The snow's deep cloak o'ar vaie and hill Lies white upon the ground. The crystal streams of Canada, Deep in whose murmnuring tide, 'Neath lenfy shades of living green, From pebbly caverns, dimly sean Grey trout end salmon gilde. The prairie wealth of Canada, Whose dark, abundant soil, rUnfurrowed yat, awaits the plough Who sows shahl have sure promise - now 0f rich reward for toil. What tho' the winter wind blow keen, When .daylight darkly wanas? A strong, true heart'is hard t-o chili When, seen afar, the home Jiglit still Shinas bright across the plains. The, robust life, of Canada,_ In cheery homes I see, Tho' gold nor jewals fil the hand, 'Tis nnture's self hais blessed the land. Abundant, fair and free. AUNT'S TALK TO MOTHERS Every mother who lias raisad a fnmily will kaenly appraciate Aunt'e advice this week to e young mo thar, for it is sana, sound and sensible.] My dear niece, it is reallyrbetterto feai anxiety in the upbringing of your littie ones than to taka your rasponsibility as a miatter of coXrse, and care nothing of what their fut- ure may be. Yoiir friend's chiding you for making yourself a slave to tham may have some foundation for rebuke. You need to use reason in your caring for them nand not let anxiety govarn you. Giva the littie onas small taïks which wiil be much halp to you, and in the end a graat help to them also. 0f course, they must hava tima for frolie and piay. It is the hast time in thair lives. Little, dutias cnrefully imposad, on tham will do tham 'no hsfrm, and thay can ha teught to do them for lova of you, flot from fear. If you do not lika to insist upon obadienca you wil lose your influence with tham as thay grow up; you are on ly under- taking your own duty to ha firm. Evaryona must have n rular, and you are thairs just now. Your great love for tham will make you saa this for their own ýsakes in the future. Truly it is a vary great trust im- posed upon you in caring for thain and training theni. It is certainly a great trust, a wondarful and beaut- iful trust. The future of their life's happness-and may ha, the happi- nass of othar lives through, them-is realiy in your hands. I forget who wrota thase pretty linqs: "Not in antira forgetfulness, but in traiiing clouds 'of gloàry do they coma, from God, who is our home"l. Little chiidren are of a 1-mot ance, andi from littie chidren we may learn a grant deal. 'Al young things are happy, 'the world is a pleasant pînygrounti to thani, they ara full of trust and f aith; ail of which is too priacious to destroy; yat, at tha sama tima, they must graduaily learn to know that the world demands so"much from tham, andi that cloutis and main must min- gle with, the sunshina, Little. checks from you now will harden them to meet the rougliar biows in inter if e. -Y our Loving 'Aunt. Certain morbid conditions must exist in the stomach 'and intestines to encolirga worms, and thay wili exist as long ns thase morbîd condi- tiong permit them to. To be rid of tham and spare the chilti suif êr- ing. use Miller's Worm Powdars. Thay will correct,-tha digestive irre- gularitias by dastroying the worms, conditions favorable to worms wil disappear, andi the chilti will have no more suferinzg from that cause. Three Years "Over There" Two With "Trhe Mounties" Sitting astride a "Mountle's" horse ha was as fine a specimen of man- hoob as ont couhd meet. Six feet tai, bronzed, muscular ansd keýen. ha made an athiete of no mean ability. Three% years in the war had saamlnghy ma.df "a man out o! hlam," but It took. a bad cohd to show that tha wnr had' far-reaching and terrible affects. One day he playad and *orked hard, than went for a dlp in the lakae -A iittle cold camne on. then got worse and worse and -flnallY-.-consumption.J His three years "Over there," and twc spent iri the '"Mounties," have givany him a fighting spirit. Durlng these hast eight months the foe has not killad his hope, he's stll hoping tha-t God's tregh 'air and man'& sklhl at the Muskoka Hospital for Consumptives can ratai n something of hie aid zmanhood for active service yet. - Only wlth the help of snany warm friands can this great work be car- riad on. Money la urgentiy, needed. Contribution& may b. sent te, Hon. W. A, Charlton, 223 Collage Street Toronto. Real Good Soap -A Big Bar of Good Soap-Bright, solid'soap W ith. fine Iatherinig and cleansing qualitieà for the family wash and househoki use. FePo ý tte wîhmmabhin«s shavo orasilo. * pertb<oftho"SURPRISE- bar dfre.t l.e .bIe -I ii1 o wrk. Double actioi- Goes fartiers-TrY Îk and vou'll b. déliahted with th~e resuits, hkzin% Powder ORDER FROIM YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD GROCE32' -q 'Mis letter from Mns. Thmpson Dr. Chase in the heour cf sickneas. 9sup EMWJI

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