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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Dec 1922, p. 10

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A RaIo Xmas? 'A present the ýwhole family can enjoy as weIl as your relatives and friends and that boy of yours in particular wil revel init l. Aý,k those who have Radio Sets what they think of Radio? The Empire Sales C;o., The Bungalow Bowmanville, Ont. Open Monday, Wednesday, Thursday night and Saturday afternoon -and night. BOWMÀ&NVILLE Dec. 18-19 .nrAfh.6iy redt l' Our p. i-ons MARY9 PICK FOPD THURSDAY Docember l4th "BEYOND THE RAINBOW" The most thrilling mystery story of the year ýin a picture that will neyer be forgotten. FRýDAY-SATURDAY December 15-16 Colleen Moore In "COME ON OVER" By Rupert Hughes iCorne on Over" is Irish Com- edy at its best. BOWMANVILLE, DEC. l4th, 1922. DARLINGTON ELECTIONS Darlington township municipal nominations will take place in Town Hail, Hampton, on Friday, December 22 at 12 o'clock, noon, and if a pol la necessary it will be held on Mon- day, January 1, at the usual polling glaces for which ýsee posters sent over the municipality by W. R. Al- Uin, Township Clerk. SOLINA Eldad League meeting on Mon- day evening opened, with President Elgin Taylor in chair. After devo- tional exercîses, Miss Frances Cry- dermran, second vice, took charge of program. Reading was given by Bruce McKessock; recitation by Ruby Dewell, "The Christmas Spir- it"; duet, Miss Aima Werry and Miss Lyda Taylor; and a good address on "A Christmas in China" by Howard Wonnacott. SAL.EM A'Christmas Tree and C oncert will be held in Salem -Church on Thursday evening, December 21et. Prograni to consist of dialogues, choruses, drills, recitations and or- chegtra music furnished by "The Bragg Quartette". Admission 25c and 10c. Report of ,S. S. No. 9 for Xrnas terni 1922. Sr. IV-*Pearl Davis, 5Elvira DPavis, *Josie Mclndoo, Edith Cator, Lois Welsh. Jr. IV-John Ctor, Nelson Wilkins, Bob Colla- cott. Sr. III-awrence Little, Laura Wilkins. Jr. III-*Elma Davis, Eari Fowler, Sidney Elcombe. Jr. Il-*William Cowling and *Les.. lie Welsh, *Nelson Davis and *Helen McDonald, Edgar Cato4 Mredith Little, Stanley Cowing (absent). Sr. 1-*Doris Collacott and *Olive Mor- den, *Gord5bn Davis, *Ross Richards and *Bert Foster. Sr. Pr.-*Lorne Footer. Jr. Pr.-Do1ris Bennett, *Beatrice Cator.-Jr. Pr. (b)-Aud- rey Cowling. * Honors. Ruby M. Bragg, teacher. WHITE LIGHT FROM OIL LAMP NOW Government Tests Pr<ove New Uights Beat Electric-Sensational Invention A new lamp has recently been in- vented which burns common kerosene où and produces a soft, white light said to be even better than electric or gas. Tests by the Governement and ieading Universities prove this new light is superior to ten ordinary oul lamps. It burns without odor, smoke or noise, is simple and econ-' orical, requires no pumping up and TYRONE The young people have been en- joying themselves skating on the pond this week. .. .Mr. Lorne Phare, Glidden, Sask., la visiting his mother, Mrs. G. Phare..Mr. Fred Moore and wif e, Bowmanvilie, spent Sun- day at Mr. W. H. Moores... .A number fromi bore attende& Mr. Richard Ashton's funeral at llaydon \which took plac.e on Saturday. The bereaved wif e and children have the sincere sympathy of this community in their $ad losa. ... Nurse Hanna of Bowmanville, spent ail day Friday at our public achool examining -the pup- ils.. MssMargaret Moore has been visîting at Mr. Fred Moore's, Bowmanvilie. .A nuinber of young people £rom here enjoyed the first skating of the season on Tayior's Rink, Bowmnanville, Saturday night. SUPERLATIVE VALUE How- a combination of three pap- ers in one, such as The Famuly Her- aid and Weekiy Star of Montreai, can be produced and deiivered to subscriberls at the iow price of two dollars a year, remains an unsloived mystery to the readîng public.' In each issue of this seventy-two page weekly there la at complete farm journal, a home magazine con.ýaining seven days' reading for >every memi- ber of the family, and a weekly digest of worid news. If this were not enough, we now read ani announcement by the pub- lishers of the Family Herald that for a limited period they are off er- ing each new subscriber a choice of five valuable booka, cost free. Pre- sent subscribers who send in one new subscription to The Family Her- aid in addition to their own renewai alzo qualify'for a book. Any one of the following books may be se- leeted: (1) "The New Farmer's ManualP compiled and published by The Family Heraid and Weekly Star, without question the best book of reference ever offered to the Cana- dian farmer; (2) "The Family Her- aid Cook Book" com-n'ete,,scientific but-non-technical; (3, "100 of the, Best Songs"; (4) "100 Singing Gaines"; (5) "Albuni of Sacred Songs". The fact la emiphasized that these' valuabie books 'wiil not be soid for cash at any prie, but can be obtain- only as a reward fer new subscrîp- tions at the rate of two dpliars per year. The supp1ý issaid to be linin- ited, but the publishers guarantee delivery provided the new subscrip- tien is received bv December 31. 'I Gifts For The, Home IF YOU WISH TO EXPRESS THE KINDLIEST SENTIMENT THIS CHRISTMAS Say It With Furniture One of uhe rnost decided trends of late years in Christmas-5iving has been towards GJFTS FOR THE HOME. Folks have corne to realize that only gifts of real beauty and lasting worth express the' Christmnas spirit in its truest sen ses. This store offer,9 legions of suggestions in gifts worth whil e-things to live with, to use, to enjoy; thingz of beauty, art, style, and above ail, PRAC- JCABJLJTY. Prices ýare moderate everywhere. Every memnber of your farnily may be remernbered well -within your means -here. A Furniture Christmas to Ygpou Here are a few gift suggestions talkean at random from our new goods: Fern Stands, Floor Lamps, Srnokers' Stands, Pedestals, Cedar Chests, Trays, Fancy and Upholstered Chairs, Library Tables, Reed and Willow Work Bas- kets, Kitchen Cabinets, Boudoir Lamp s, etc. BRINO THE CHILDREN IN TO SEE TIHE TOYS WILLIAMS & CNN Undertaker & Embalmer Bowmanville-1t Furniture Dealers Ontario

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