Newcastle Methodist Church, Rev. 1Mi. and Mis. George Wilson, E. B. Cooke, pastor. 11.00 a. m.-m Franklin, announce engagement o Muorning Worship. 2.30 p. m.-'their daughtei, Blanche, Alda, to Mvr. Sunday Sehool. '7.00 p. m.-Sub- Delbert W. Armstrong, Toronto, son ject-"In the Coal Business". of Mr. and Mis. David Armstrong,! __________________________ B ailieboro, marriage to take place'z latter paît of December. Sale Mi. and Mis. Frederick Patté, II~UC 1OflOshawa, Ont., anounce the engage- ment of their daughteî, Daisy, to Geo.and ed Jckso, Ai Mr. Horace Needham. Springeî of Geo an Te Jakso, Action- Toronto, f ormeîly of St. John New' eers, have îeceived instructions fiom Brunswick. The wedding wili takeý' TCKRF'I ..BROTHEFRS--p!lac-e-th-e-latter--part of Decembeî. 1 The Ný ea tte Inrîdepqendiri' TRîURSDAY, DECEMBER l4th., 1922 NEWCASTLE LADIES' AID Bazaar a Magnificent Succez-s. tiansfoîmed into an ice cream par- loi wheîe notwithstanding thie win- tîy weatheî outside, business was brisk and snow and wind weîe ai- ' -m o t forirotten . N umitb er tw o ca r- NEWCASTLE Mi. Arthur Allin is visiting Port Hope. NEWCASTLE MEDICAL ALFRED FARNCOMB, M. D., C. IWL Mi. Fred Lake went to Toronto Graduate of Tîinity Uniirersiýv, aise last week. of Royal College- Physician2 Edin- Mis. G. Eilbeck îecently visitedj burg. Specialty-Diseases of wom- fîiends in Toronto. en and children. Office-Paîker's Rev. J. E. Fenning spent a few Block, Newcastle. days inToronto îecently.i - Mrs. Frank Branton, Jr., has been J. A. BUTLER, M. D., C. M. visiting fîiends in Oshiawa. Honor graduate of Trinity Univeiiy, Miss Nettie Caswell is visiting Fellow of Tiinity Medical College, in witli fîiends in Newtonville. Licentiate of the State University of Mis. Robt. Gîay visited relatives Gadat e"clPoat ad f.. .4 -4- .4' ~ .! - ___ __________~444~4~ r' -t- 4 -.'- - f 4-. 1- t j K il ~.....--...........................~ ~ ~ .-.------ "J' ,.,..,.. -.-...-. 4 t 4-44' .4 -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-- -. ---- --~-~~-.- - -- -~*. -----_ -~~ -__-.4.~4~----.' ~ - - 444ýý ------- ----