h BOWMANVILLE, DEC. l4th, 1922. The engagement is announced of _________________________Hilda Louise, only daughter of Mr. and M rs. Lewis R. Luke, Oshawa, to Milbrook bas a curling club. Mr. Scbofield ATr. Irwin, son of %Mr. Talk cf fickle weather-we've had and Mrs. John Irwin, Edmonton, Ai. in th is ý -,,ith--rain, snow, wind, warm berta. Marriage to take place as AprÏi,Ç cold as February, windy as quietly the third week in December. March, duil mornings, and brigbt j Noah Thomas, a former resident days. off Bowmnanville, but for the past 62 If your feet ache badly bathe them years a resident of Lindsay passed in mwater to which add a table- away Saturday, November 25 in his sp iof Epsm Sats to every, 98th year. He was a brick-layer two, p)intx 1hs sats in yourlby trade. H1e is survived by bis bath are also very cleansing and re-1 wife and six children. Mr. Geo. freshing, about one cup to four gai- Thomas editor of the Bracebridge Ions of warm water.i Gazette is a son. Onl 40 ays to hristmas Have you made your Christmas selectons? and. see if we can- help you. We bave lines of a. family. If not, look over our lists suitable for every member IToys for the children, and useful ones, too-those which last the year Ithrough. Then for those' older,'we have ma ny useful gifts and even up to Father Sanid Mother what i-s more useful than i~ nice comfortable chair, a sweeper or, ci eaner or a nice picture. We mention below a few lines we are showing. Trays Book Cases Book Stands Work Tables Card Tables Folding Tables Den Tables Library, Tables Tea Tables Easy Chairs Smokers Stands )Lainps Fodt Stools Pedestals* China Cabinets Couches Umbrella Stands Hall Seats and Mirrors Cedar Chests Dinner Wagons Writing Desks Toy Furniture Reed Flower Stands Reed Chairs Jardinere Stands Music Cabinets Kitchen Cabinets Record Cabinets Pictures Framed Victrolas. Children's Tricycles Go Carts Kiddie Cars Walk-Aways Ride-Aways Wheel-Aways All steet for Children Vacuum Sweepers Bisseli Carpet Sweepers Victrola Records Book'Ends ~< P. F'. NIORRIS Go., Newcastle Orono Bowianvîl1e Millbrook may have a new school bui1ding-badly needed. Mr. Alex W. Young is the new acting town treasurer in Cobourg. Capt. Ricbard Cla rke, Port Hope's oldest citizen, was 101 years old on December tb. More new subscriptions this week. One of The James Papers makes a popular gift for 1923. I Miss Durrant, Mitchell, who bas been visiting, ber, cousin, Mrs.il. Brock, bas returned home. Mrs J. J. Mason and Miss Ander- son bave returned from two weeks' visit witb relatives in Toronto. Mrs. James Mlligan bas return- ed to lier home in North Bay after spending, a inontb visiting ber par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Dumas and re- newing old acquaintances. The Women's Hospital Auxiliary wisb to announce that the collection in aid of the Hospital will not be taken at Cbristmas time as in past years. but will be asked for at E aster. Mr. and Mrs. R. U. Irwin, Mr. Ure and Miss Helen Irwin, 'Osbawa, and Mrs. E. Ormiston 'and brother Mr. W. Riggs. Enniskillen, were Sunday guests at Mr. S. J. Henry's and at- tended St. Paul'& An niversary. Port Perry bas a live curling club i n wbicb a former Bowmanville mnan i s Hon. President. Officefa are: Hon. Pres.-W. H. Letcher; Pres.- E. B. Walker; Vice-Pres.-M. Let- cher; Treas.-Fred Taggart; Sec'y. --J. Nasmitb. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur E. Apted, Toronto, announce engagement of Màud Eliza Marsball, daugbter of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Marshall of Barrie, to George Willia'm Weekes of Bowmanville, the marriage to take place December l6th. We are very sure that many read- ers besides High Scbool students and ex-students would read the interest- i ng letter written to the H. S. Liter- ary Society- and published in tbis journal last weeký If yon failed to read it turn up the paper and do it -it's too good to m:isa. Mrs. R. F. Richards and daughter, Mrs. H. N. Hag-erman, Oshawa, were in town Tuesday callîng on friends. Mrs. Richards renewed bier 8ubscrip- tion to The Statesman previeus to leaving for Norfolk, Va., where she expects to spend the winter with bier daughter, Mrs. J. S. Felton. Mrs. William F. Mountain of Windsor, Que., announces the en- gagement of bier eider daugbter, Catherine Agnes, to Mr. James ~'rederick Donly, eider son of Mr. and Mrs. Hal. B. Donly of Simcoe, Ont., The marriage will take place in the Preasbyterian Churcb, Wind- sor, Que., -on *December 14th. Wben requiring an experlenced auctioneer secure Jas. Bisbop, 0mb-, a*a. Phone 287. 40-t f.Fancy Bath' Towels, pink, blue, white, great vaiety, 45C ta $1.95 .ach FINE LINENS Linen Damask 'and Napkins, in sno*whwite, satiny, pure' Irish linen priced from &5e each ta $12.50 dozen HANDKERCHIEFS Everybody gives Handkerchiefs and everyone gets tbem and if Santa is Ikind yen wili find at least a baîf dîzen or more in your stocking. Our stock embraces a wonderful array of gift baud- kercbiefs for meii., women and cbildren. Space will not permit .te, give more particulars. Corne in and make 5celectiors eariy while assortment is compiete. Put ina attractive gift boxes. SPECIAL SALE 0F DRESSES A wonderful, display -for quick selling in silk, satin, tricotine, serge, greatly reduced, now selling from $ 10.50 ta $50.00 COATS Orly a f ew left clearing very rapidly at 33,and a third per cent discount. This is your chance, Buy aow. SILK SCARFS In al colors -and combinations. ment fron' A beautiful'assort- 75c ta $2.50 CHRISTMAS HOSIERY Whoý.o values appeal to the recipients as mucb as tlbey appeal to the thougbtful donor. Give bosiery is good advîce. Popiýlar Heather Hosiery in Brown, Bine, Bronze and ail the favorite mixtures, rihbed or plain, per pair $1.25 ta $1.75. ,Heather Ribbed ýSilk Hose in bine and brown mixtures,. special at $1.50 tg $2.»O Ladies' Silk Hose. unusual qnality, ail colore ànd' Bhades, $1.25 tu $3.25 Ladics' and Children's Cashmere,, best qualities, any color and size, .65e tg $2.50 Al bosiery for preseats put la fancy gift boxes, BABY OUTFITS Wool Sets--toque, sweater, tigbts, any color desired $3.50 and $3.75 Bonnets in silk or wool Crib Bunny Biankets Wool Mitts, ail colors Puilovers in fine qnality wooi Leggings and Bootees soc ta $2.25 75c ta $2.25 50c and 75e 75c to $1.50 50c to $1.25 MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED'TO Do Y our Holiday Shopping at S ,ý W.~~ MAO Phono 106Bowmanvihîe SON'S$% &,- Gifts that are sweet and fragrant with friendship-gifts that breathe Iove-gifts that nmean service. It is a gigantic list we have to fil, *ýith something for father, mother, sisters and brothers, aunts* and cousins without number, to say nothing of the nephews and nieces, sweethearts a nd friends. But we take great joy in filling it-we like the old order with the spicy fragrance of the Christmas greens and the bayberry candles and the cheerful old custom of exchanging gifts..Perhaps that is why the atmosphere -of this store is the very essence of the Christmias spirit. ~uy Your Xmas Gifts AT Rice' Hardware Store There lia possibly no -place where one can spend money to sucb excellent advantage at Xmas Season as at this store, wbicb is just simply crammed full of the thinga that are useful everyday and confequentiv most acceptable as gifts. WE. INVITE YOU TO CALL AND LOOK OVER OUR STOCK In The Cutiery Departmont you will find Silved Knives and Pyrex Ware, that eanitary and beautiful oven ývare Tbermos Foirks, Carving Sets, Table Cutlery in stainless and Silver Plate, Bottles, Cold Meat Forks, Berry Spoons, Pie Knives, Sugar Spoons, etc. And For Men,, Safety Razors, Open Blade Razors, Brushes, Straps, Pocket Knives ail kinds of the best English makes. S In General Lines we suggest Aluminum Ware, Carpet Sweepers, Electric Reading Lamps, Electrie Heaters, Irons, ToasterÉs, etc. Skates for the Young f olks, also aleigbs and wag- goes. OPPOSITE POST OFFICE BOWMANVILLE A GIFT'0F GLOVES Has always been peculiarly appropriate, cbiefly be- cause no vwoman bas too many pairs. We have them for ail occasions. Kayser Silk Gloves, aIl colors and sizes, double tips- 90C ta $1.75 Chamoisettes. inIblack, browa, grey, mode 75c ta $1.50 G IFTS IN LINGERIE Gifts of perronal nature often prove most aèceptable froin one woiran to another, and in our Lingerie De- partaient will be fonnd many gift suggestions, A Siik Camisole is one of the most desîpable gifts one can make, we bave some extremely pretty ones from 60c ta $2.50O Corset Covers in band embroidered and wasb satin, trimming of wide lace, 75c to $6.25 Embroidered Chemises witb exquisite needlework, simple or'eiaborate designs. $1.25 ta $4.50 Drawers and Vests, sflk, wool and mixture, 50c to 4.50> She'il be deligbted te get a Brassiere in beavy pink satin, witi' ribbon or filet lace shoulder straps, d oc ta $1.25 Nigbtgowne with dainty embroideries and laces make very desirable gifts, wonderful values, $2.00 ta $5.50, Petticoats1 in silk, satin or sateen, spec!àýly priced at $.0ta $7.50) Dainty Boudoir Capis, a dellghtflil assortmnent ia styles, colors and quality, priced from 50C ta $2.25 SILK UMBRELLAS A nice silk umbrella from our attractive stock is an- othpr desirable gift for women, speciaily priced from $2.25 to $7.50 ISMONAS AND BATH ROBES A practical gift which a woman values particularly when styled and' finisbed as weli as these. Made from beavy wooi eiderdown, they bave care- fully fiihed seams, cieverly cnt shonîders that fit sng- iy, siik and cord trimmed, smart pockets, trim sieeves, variety of collars, iight or dark colora in attractive plaid and floral desigas, very reasonably priced from $6.50 and $6.75 Ltdie-e' and Cildren's Silk Quiited Kimonas from $2.00 ta $4.00 FANCY MADERIA WORK Fine Irish Linen- fine hand work in scallops and ein- broidered designs. The quaI ity is in the linent and work- ma nsip-the beanty in the pattera. Display includes centre pieces, runners, doylies, serviettes, priced -from 65c ta $12.50 Maderia Table Sets, 13 pi eces, different patterns 9.50 i li BATH TOWELS .Bowmanville 0 p. -- le %01 *%p