[=That's'a Big Reduction, This ie very frequently heard in our store these days of XMAS SHOPPING People are surely confronted with values much better than they have been offered for a long time. MARY ANNE CHOCOLATES For in-tarce Mary Anne 'Chocolates last Xmas were 75e a pound, now they are 50e a pound, and the quality isas good or better. FRENCH IVORYÏ, EBONY Is reduced rnaterially in price, but quality was neyer better, and Pur stock waa zever more complete. If it's Ebony you want we have that also and at prices which will suit the caref id biyer. OUR. PERFUMES. In neat packages and ia bulk -are gathered from the best Canadian, American anid French Makers. Then the prices are very maoderate for the extra good quality.we are ofering. IIOT WA TER B'OTTLES In choosing Xmas Giftz do flot over]ook our Guaraateed Hot Water Botties. They make Ideal Gifts and are useful in every home. And they are not expensive either. They' are priced from.................................. $1.50 to $3.00 each STARR RECORDS For nmusie loyers we have the Starr Records at 65c, the equal of any retord made. And if you want to give the whole family a pleasant sur- prise, and îmake a Xmas present which will last and be apprecia- ted for years we have for hlm, "GERHARD HEINTZMAN PHONOGRAPH" Recognized as a "Real Musical Instrument", not a mere machine. We sel! them oni ternis to suit the purcliaser. Store Open Evenings Until Xmas Kerslake's Drug Store Phone 49 Bowrnanvîlle * a IDurant Cars .1-ý ENFIELD ,HAYDON Mr. C. Sirnpson is attending Ti. F. 0. Miss Helen Johns, Hampton, visited Convention.... Mrs. Russell Ormiston lias at Mr. Milton Slernon. ... Mrs. Richard been visiting at Enniskillen. . . Messrs. Semon vlited lier sister, Mrs. J. E. Geo. Ormiston and W. J. Ormiston are E1IIott, Bcwran-vile.... .Mrt, and Mrs. attending Guelphi Winter Fair..Mr. Arthur Beecli entertained a number of Rtussell Ormiston lias a new piano in hie friends at their home on Wednesday home. evening... .Our Christmas Tree enter- The Christmas Tree and entertajament tainnment will be held on Wednesday, wili be held lihere on Friday, December December 20. 20 at 8 p. m,. An excellent program _________ consisting of a drill, antata and a dia- logue "Aunt Susan Jones" wil l e given.B Admission 25e and 15c. 50-1w BURKETON ]Jon't forget the Christmnas Tree and1 ZION entertaianent Thursday niglit, 21et inst. Everyone corne...League to-nig4t at Ladies'Aid ad vey sucesful7.30 'p. mn., missionary niglit.' Master Ladis' ld ad ver sucesfulGordon Averyv in tlie chair. AIl are quiiting at Mr§, James Cameron's on weîcome. S. S. and churcli as ustial Wednesday. ..Congratulations to Mr. next Sunday ... . Several of our citizenà and Mrs. Deibert Flintoif on the arrivai are sick . . ..Mrs. F. Waterliouse lias ar- of a baby boy and to Mr. and Mrs. John rived safely froin Engiand. Welèome Balson on the arrivai of a baby giyl.... horne. Mr. Beford Cameron, and Miss Doris Chant visited lier -sister, Mrs. Chas. Vivian, ýBrookil... . Messrs. Alfred Ayre and F. B. Giaspeil are exhibitors at BLACKSTOCK Guelpli Fair . . . . Mr and Mrs. S. G. Chant, Doris and Tlieodore recently Mise Anale Swain lias accepted a gcod motored to Toronto. ... .Mr. and Mrs. P. position la Oshiawa. ..League meeting A. Langrnaid and daughter Sundayed at in the Union Cliurch was ia charge cf Tyrone . . ..Mrs. Ayre ftell frein a step Mise S. Madden... .Mr. and Mrs. A. ladder -and wns liadly liruised ...Mr. VanCamp and Mr. and Mre. F. Bailey, and Mrs. N. Edgar and Joyce, Oshiawa, Burketon, visited at Mr. A. Balley's., visited lier sisters.... .Rev. W. S. P. . Cadrnus Young People presentad "One Boyce, Courtice, exclianged work Sun- Girl la a Thousand" on Thursday... day witli Bey. W. W. Jones . . ..Mrs. A. Miss Elva 'Wright lias returned frorn a T. Stainton Sbpent a f ew days witli ler pleasant visit in Bancroft. sister ,Mrs, Edgar, Oshiawa. HAMPTO MAPL GROV League meeting la charge of Miss Miss Dundas, Base Line, recently vis- Marion Stevens, 2nd Vice-President, was ited Mrs. Cecil Jeffery.... Misses Rata welattended. Sripiture Lasson was and Vera Power recantly vlsited their read by Mr. Upton Stevens and tlie top- sister Irma, at Peterboro Normal.. .Mrs. ic taken froin the Study Bock was weîî George Taylor, Hampton, receatly visit- given by Mr. T. Salter. Miss Ruthi ed lier cousin,,Mrs. H. G. Freeman.... Johns sang "MY Wask" and Miss Emma W. M. S. held their rncnthly meeting Niddery gave a reàding, after whicli Rev at the home cf Mrs. ClauSe Tucker. A W. W. Joues spoke a f ew words to thellgood prograin was given &fter whlch Leaue nd he eetng losd wththe Mesdames Wm. Webb, .Cecil Jeffery were Legean e etindcloeS wtli raceived into memhersiiip. A fareweli Don't forget car Christmnas Tree and was tendered, Mrs. Tucker biefore mový- entertaiameat on Tliursday, December ing froin our rnidst after whicli cake 21st. A gcod prograin is baing prepared and ice crearn were erved by the host- consisting or readinga, dialogues and ........ Mr. and Mrs. HN. G. Preernan and music. Corne and bring your friends. farnily visiteS lis brother ina Whitby on Admission 20e and 10c, 5072v Sunday.'..ReV. W. W. Jones, Hampton, preaclied very acceptably liera on Sun- Will Hor off ara gift suggestions day. in fancy odd china, ladfies' slipipera, fancy towels,' hosiery, boxed hand-1 LONG SAULT kerchiefs, .,paptries, toys, tiet-, sa dors. ete. aIse oranges, nuts and1 The Long Sault School will hold candies galore. 02 its Christmnas Concert on the nighit __________-of December 21, 1922. The pro- TYRONE grain will consist cf Christmas cher- By rquet By. . T.Wicettcif- Iuses, dialogues, dr'ills, recitations; By rquet R'v.W. . Wcket ofl-etc., losing with the Christmas tree ciated at the funeral of the laie William' and a visit from S:' Claus. Or- Aidread cf Scugog on Monday. It is chestra la attendance Admission said was the first white chiSd living on Scugog Isand 78 years ago... .Large at- 20c and 10c. Everybudy welcome. tendance at Salibaili School last week. _______ Room for more, corne and welcomne.... Good attendance at W. M S. meeting SHAWS Thursday and a good program. .Rev. _____ W. S. P. Boyce, B. A-. BD., Courtice, wili conduct missionary service at Ty Christmas Tree and Concert will rone and Salemn next Sunday. .God ha held on Tuesday, Deeco -ber 19 at -program -at--Junior -League- - ti ek.jsp .i h sho ois Po -Ma Caieron -presided. R aSig b Annie GarSiner and Biner Tliorpson, grain Of rt4c#ations, dialogues, quartet by Bernice Sheckleton, Edna drills, songs. Orchestra la at- THURSTON'S-THE SHOP THAT LEADS What Shall IGivîe Hlm? Here are a f ew answers to' the question' A hand picked list of the practical sort of things that men can always make good use of: Ties, of course, of, which a man c'an neyer have too ?many; Mufflers for the blustery days of winter; House Coats and Bathrobes SfGr leisure hours at home; and' Gloves, Socks, Handkerchiefs, Beits and other Accessories which are flot expensive, but are ail necessaryto the turning out ofa welI dressed man. BEAUTIFUL TIES New Neckwear-enough to make all the men in town feel happy on Christmas morning. Bright colors for tbe 3younger generations onily, and vert subdued color combinations for older Men Then it is intere-,ting to know that prices are very much lower than a year ago-75c to $2.00. One dollar will buy a pure silk tie, good enough for any man we know. SHIRTS There is no such thing as a surplus' of shirts.' Naturally ho wvi1l be pleased with a Silk or Madras Shirt -in newest--p--attern --and -deigns&-al sizes, price I from .....................$1.75 toý $7.50 'The Star' Car is a wonder at the price, being equipped wîth a Red Seal Continental Motor, disc clutch, Timken hear- ings thýroughouit, thrpe quarter floating rear axie 34 inch springs in front and 48 inch underslung on rear, giving it riding quai- tysecond to no car, regardless of price. Below is thie price of the different cars, tax and freight paid: Six Cylinder Touring .................$2335.00 Four Cylinder Touring ...................$1390.00 Four Cylinder Star Touring...................$ 69.5." ARTHUR MILLSO"N Phone 211-13 Enniskillen, R. R. I lY'S EASY TO CHOOSE GIFTS If you corne to our store. You'll find uýseful gifts for the whole family, and s0 reasonable in price, too,. Shop first at store. 1Our Mason & Dale's Hardwarle Phone 145 Bowmanville THE GIFT 0F GOD 'S ETERNAL LIFE Have you received it? Gille.qpie and Nugent Evangelists are con- dlucting a spcifal series,of gospel meetings in th e Cospe3-lill-corner--of Lbryn i g-st- nighitly ex'cept Saturday at 8, Sunday at 7 p. m. jYou are cordially invited to these meetings. ceuight t all... Mre LyroJCnenws onj another page. SOLINA Mr. B. J. Smith attended the Bee- keepers' Convention in 'Toronto last wee..... Bey. W. S. P. Boyce, Courtice, preaclied a good missioaary sermon here Suada y.... .Mrs. H.T B. Tink entertained lier friands at a parîy Saturday niglt.. .Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mackey, Brook- lin, Mr. and Mrg. L. C. Pascoe, En- field, and Mr. H. L. Pasce, Taunton,' vis- itad thair father, Mr. Richard.ase who is suffering Proin an attack cfl bronchitis. . . Mr Jno. Baker and fain- ily visited at Bowmanvillea. Sunday.. Mr. H. G. Pascoa reprasents Farners'i Club at Convention in Toronto th! wek .... Mr. Haro]d ('a.coa !s at W.eph Winter Fair r'epreseating Durhiam County on the judgiug teain aioag wth Messrs. 30e Forder, Blackstock, and S. McGil cf Milbrook ... . Messrs. Geo. Fordar and son >Joe, Biackstock,, visiteS at Mr. A. I., Pascoe's .... Congratulations to Mr. -anS Mrs. Isaac Hardy on the arrivai cf a son in tie familv and to Mr. and Mrs. John Baker-a Saugliter. Eldad Sunday School will hold its Christinas oncer- on Frîday ievening, December 22. The pro- grain will conisist cf Christmas chor- uses, dialogues, drills, racitations, etc., closing with the Christmnas tree and a visit f rom Santa Claus. Or-1 chestra la attendance. Admission 25e and 10c. Everybody welcome. 50-2w ENNISKILLEN TheaILadies' Aid Concert- on December lst was a superli success, the churcli be- ing nicely filleS. The piayiet "The Bariy Bird" given by Salemn Young People was thoroughiy enjoyabie. Eacli actor taking lis or lier part in a verY efficient anS cred1itableý manner. The selactions by ou r home talent were good, Miss'Aima Werry favýoring witli twc fine solos. The hunuroas solos by Mr. H-oward Stevens received marnch applause. Our young elocutionisr Master Willie Wallace captivated ail with lis selec- tions. We welcome to or burg M. anS Mrs. Maplesdon anS faniiy whc are occupy- ing the property lataiy owned hy Mrs. Wallace. We ara glad to hava a biack- smith again lu our hurg ...Mrs. H. Rogers is under medical care, lier sis- ter Mrs. Sm!i' h of Brightron attendiag lier .... Mr. anS Mrs. John Siemnon spent a f ew fisys with their son, Dr. C. W. Siamon, Bowmaaville. ....Mrs. John Or- cliard is witli ler daughier, Mrs. Fred HeSSon whc is iii ... .Mrs. Silversidas, Zephyr, visiteS lier Saugliter, Mrs. (Dr.> H. Ferguson ... . Mrs. Ayirner Harmîng !i viiting Peterboro and Millbmook friandsi ...Mrt and Mrs. Theo Siemon ecentlyl spent a day la Toronto. .. .Mr. anS Mrs. Ed. Virtua, Tytone, visitaS at Mr. Na-, than Byers' .... Miss Winaie Ashton, Tom- onto, Bey. Harold Stainton anS Miss Beta Ashton, Scugog Island, visiteS at Mr. E. C. Ashto's and attendeS the funeral cf the late Mr. Richard Ashton.. .The sympathy cf our comnunity goas out to the familyof the late MrK Ash- ton of Haydon anS also to lis sister, Mrsl Thos. McGiil and brother, Mr, E. C. Ash-i ton la their bereavenent. Our annuai Christmnas entertalament %vill li e blS on Frîday evening, Decain- lier 22, whea the Christmnas Pageantý "The Liglit of the Worid" wi-1 -ep- senteS by the scol. Admission 25e anS 15c. 50-lw Beserve tlie date January Ist when the Epworth League are preseating a play "Box a Ccx". 50-1w CARD 0F THANKS killen, desire 1to thanký thair many friands and relatives for their kind- ness and sympathy during the ilînes and death of, thair littia daiighter Audrey, and for the beautiful floral off eringe. iîanville, msic oy -owrnrvie Methodist Male Quartet and others. Drills, dialoguesý, ec. y school. Ad- mission 25c and 15e. WEDDED FIFTEEN YEARS Mr. and Mrs. Norman E. Wright, Solina, Giyen a Surprise.' A large company cf the nearer rela- tives cf Mr. and Mrp, Norman E. Wrighit, Spruce Grove Farrn, Solîna, foregatliered at tlieir home no Monday evening De- cember il and gave them a pleasant surprise. Principal T. Franklin Wrighit cf St. Catharines Business Colege, was1 asked tc preside over a prcgrarn anSd after congratulating the bride' anS groom on reaching the l5th milepost in tlieir imarrieS if e calleS cn Master George Werry for a song. Then foli- lowed recitations by Edgar and Norma Wright, duet by Marguerite anS Norma Wrighit, witli their mother'accompany- ing, story by Edgar and Fred Wright, instrumental Suets by Mr. and Mrs. N. S. B. James. Between these numbers the cheirman calleS for speeches from ,Editor M. A. James, Messrs. Robert Philp, John, Jabez and William Wright, John Larmer, A. L. and H. L. Pascoe, B. J. Luke, Fletcher, Charles and Edgar Werry anS Norman James, Mesdames Arthur W. Wriglit and Mrs. S. Edgar Werry (the Commfttee), piano solos Miss Effile Wright and Mrs. Herman L. Pascoe. Mr. Arthur Wright naxt read a nicely wordedaddress cf congratulat- ion and appreciation and Mrs. Edgar Werry presented lie bride on behaif of the relatives witli a sun cf money. The kind expressions in the address and the gift were suitahly acknowledged by Mr. anS Mrs. Wright. Letters were read fron Mrs. Julia VanNest, Toronto,- and Miss Nora Werry, St. Catharines.- About Il o'clock choîce refreshinents and cof- fe werJ serveS,.anS another social hour enjoyed when the jolly company ispers- ed wishing bride and groom nmany happy retu.rns cf the day, MJNISTERS 'AND CHURCHES Methodist Church, Rev. S. ,C. Moore, B. A., B. D., pastor. Sunday subjects: il a. m.-The Joy cf Ser- vice; 2.30 p. m.-Sunday School aud Bible Classes. 7 p. m.-The Gifts, Christ Brought to the World. St. John's Church, Rector bey. C. P. Muirhead, Organist, Mrs. John A. Guna. 3rd Sunday in Advent Dec. 1l7th. il a. M.-Holy communion; 2.30 p. m.-Sunday School; 7 p. m. -..Evening Song. Preacher, The Rector. On Sunday, December 24 after the close cf evening service special music will be rendered by the choir. CHIROPRACTICe Dr. Durwin E. Steckley, honior graduate cf 1Toronto Çbiropractic Collage, Temperance Street, Bow- manville. Heurs 2 te 5, Tuesday, Thursday and SaÀturday, 7 to 9 aven- ings. Visiting Hamnpton, Enniskil- Ian and Burkaton, Tuasday, Thurs- day and Saturday foranoojis. At Newcastle Flote] Monday, Wednes- 1day and Friday fronÎ 10 fo 12. At ÎOroiw af>anoons cf saieadays. Millions cf people have euh-nor- mal narve force, and- consequently sufer froni.en4iess-0or .a-ni__-Al--- - sical troubles, which maa their lives miserable. Thousa"ds are daily getting back health and happiness through Chireactic, adjustmenta. Why: sufer? Consultation Je free. (t. J ~ 1Alwaysc comfortable, cosy ýnd warm, very sty- lish tao. It'-- an ideal way to say you are think- ing of hi-, comfort, priced Bathrobes to$1 Smol:ing Jackets ................$10.00 to $13.50 HOSJERY We have the English Hose of Pure Cashmere, heavy and Mnedium weight in the Most popular shades of Lovat and Ileathers. Priced 60c tq $1 .5 Silk Pure Thread in plain colorÉ and fancy check deýýigns and clox ...........$1.00 to $1.75 Hosiery 'Make A Most Useful Gifi 1J76Ï Î' j' BELTS Decide,-' as nîany others have, that Hickok Leather Belts and Buckles and Marathon (orig- inal) Rubber Belts and Buekies make a practical ift for a man, priced-Hickok $1 .00 to $2 boxed Marathon ............... 50c and $1.00 boxed FURS-The Gif t Supremne ARE YOU IN DOUBT WHAT TO GIVE HER? Purs will surely solve this problem. Favorite Furs in favorite styles added to our thorough and . . artistic worký-manship make our furs distinctly above theý average. A FEW SUGGESTIONS Chapelle dyed'skins the finest the world can - "f produce French Seal Coat, Ausbraîian Opposumn eoc~~ Coflar ar)d Cuifs, price ......6,............... $215.00 Australian Brushed Coon Coat will give goodservice, price .......$85.00 Also numerous Fur, Sets at prices to suit every-b'ody's pocket bqok. It always pays to buy furs from a practical'fur rier.e Our personal guarantee goes with every article. ~ C. N. THURSTON' Haberdashery and f urier Bowmanville il' ----------- L%, ;)