SOLD IN BOW-MANVILLE B Y F. R. KERSLAKE GOOD POSITIONS ln business go te those who have been weil-traîned, 0,cr 25,000 young people have erined Shorthand, Type- writing. and Business Subjerts at Shaw Scbools. Eleven sohools ln To- ronto-So year' reord of prnven succe.. An eliiepet Empidyment, BureaL tart a -ytime. Write fer Pr«osp es .4 P. meINyOSrE. ChiefPdelcpa1. 1922 Xmas Seals ------ The National Sanitarlum Associa- tio istobe con-, graulaedon the , handsome X ma s Seals-now on sale ln aid of the Mus- - koka, Hospital -for Consumnptlves. __ DËesiged as shown- above, worked out in g'old and red <s . 1t a touch of green and black, the seal is very at- tractive, ani-Ahouldt- bewidely-ns-ed PRICE 0F FOOD ÂDVANCES1 Average Price of Foodstuifs Advan- ces One..Third of One Per Cent .in November. The average wholesale prices of 32 leading -staple food commodities during the month of November show an increase as compared with the general average during October of .323 per cent, or about one-third of one per cent. The outstanding f eat- ure in the markets during the month of November was the steady increase in the price of flour, which showed an advance of from 10.e to 20e every week during the month, the average price on Manitoba hard wheat flouri being $'7.05 per barrel as against the average of $6.75 for October. Cer- eals also inclined upward, particular- ly rolled oats and cornrneal, the average price of the former being 15e per bag and the- latter 271/2c per hy 2é erlb.; %,h.TeTheesèiceae 4c per lb. The comparison of prices shows as well declines of a few cents- per dozen on canned to- matoes, corn and peaches, whlle aý shade reduction is noted la shelled almonds, walnuts and rice. ,BAY 0F QUINTE WINTER SCHOOL Second Annual Session at Coibkourg From January 8 to 15, 1923. The Bay of Quinte Winter School will hold its second annual session in the Methodist Sunday School Hall la Cobourg during the week of Jan- uary 8 to 15. The talent secured ought to arrest the attention of every lover of Young People and 'every leader--la Young -Peoples's -work.--- It is a ýschool for training in Christian Leadership! instructionla Bible St udy, Missions, Methods and Plans in Y. P's Work, Teacher BOWMANVILLE, DEC. 14th, 1922. AN OLD GIRL 0F MINE Ionce "rushed" a girl, in my young-1 er days, by the name of May Magee, And to tell the truth I was sweet on her, and 1 guess she w.1s sweet shook the iroom. And I thought to myself as I city- 1 ward rode, it's a chance that we 1 ail must take- A man neyer knows when he weds 1, a girl what kiad of a wif e she'Il make. on me ET TN I courted her regular every nightNET TN and on Sunday spent the day,1 The Women's Institute meeting in While with throbbing hearts we sengl the hall at Nestieton was well at- love-songs and spooned in a tended. Splendid report of con- calf-love way;.I vention given by one of our dele- Now, May was as cute as a kewpiel gates, Mrs. Crawford. It was de- doîl, and trim as a maid should cided to order goôds £rom Institute -be,, for Blind and hold a bazaar on Dec. And weighed but a hundred 'aad lSth in hall. Corne and help this fifteen pounds-a comfortable worthy institution. weight for the knee. SShe'd hold my hnnd while 1 told her ________________ t--ales-with a-worshipftul- look- i She'd never argue or contradict, or lead in a lover's quarrel, And I came to think, as the time went on. she hadn't a fault at ail. Then came the day,, when 1 went away, to join the city's throng, To search for the ladder of, quick success to the ýplace where the great belong. And as Time in its flgiht brought copstantly new faces before myl gaze, My thoughts were weaned fromthel girl back home to the maids with City ways. And if truth were told, my first love's time was spent on another's knee, While she worked the tricks of cup- - id%--art that-radve-such-a-hit with me. So in course of time we each chose a, mTate and married and settled, down, -W tl - +Si an.14 -the-+1, o - Got No Sleep But now the neuritis has gone, the -pains have ceased, the nervous system is - restored and- the writer of this letter pays a grateful tribute to the medicine which macle him well. Look for this Trade Mark w/ze Youa Buy Kitchen Utensils Would you buy à eau of salmon if it had no label? Or a bag of flourN%, certainly not! Then be just as careful when you are buying kitchen utensils. Purchase only those articles of Ena- meled Ware carrying the SMP trade- mark. It is your safegugrd and your guarantee of quality. Ask for Am- m f l..j..m..a. m iamona Ware îs a three-coated ena- mneled steel, sky blue and white outside with a snowy white lining. Pearl Ware Is a two-coated enameled steel, pead grey and white inaîde and oui. 5 TMwSKiE.E.rMurAi.PROouCc.f hIE MONTREAL Top#IO M 1po Wl, ~ ~ WI% hb A Charmîng Woman îs Healthy