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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Dec 1922, p. 8

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TI The Secret of Good Health ss, st When Nature requires assistance, she Assst will flot be slow in conveying to you NaIture an intimation of the fact. Decline of back energy, inability to sleep well,, head- to. ache, biliousness, constipation, a gen- niormal eral sluggishness of mind and body and any sign of digestive "unrest" should action impel you to seek the aid of a reliable medicine without delay. There is no T ake better-no surer-no safer-than this proven remedy. Sold everywhere in boxes OD'ý0 'S PMOSPHOOINE.1 The Great English Preparation. .~Tones and invigorates the whoie nervous systemn. makes new Bood in old Veins. Used for, Ners'ous zý1Debillty, Mental and Brain Wory, Desponidency, Loss of Energy, Palpitation of the Heari, Paiting Memzory. Price $2 pee'box, 3. for £5A Sold by ail druggists, or maited in pa pkg. on receipt of pricç. New pamphlit m=ie eree. TUE WOOD MEDICINE CO..TORONTO,ONT. .A afe,'w'eUable re piscat ing medtne. ýSoId in threc de- - greee ài strength---No. 1, $1; - -- -- -- -No.,2,4S3: 1;. 3, $5 per box. Sold by ail druggists, or sent; prel)aed o0 receept of prieo. ) ree pamphlet. Ades THE COOK MEDICINE CO.. Would flot b. Wglhout Zutuo Tablets AtAny? Cost gr. . O. Morts, the mililoudre Xaufaarcg, o oto%, ".oru-. ~ 4is~, a eat "boo fSr mered in"mheadaces um chne& and wben ho baud Zut.. Tabictu ~eudagilium y hi. ilvnuýn mwhen ever aeedd twi& eqaf i ast. 1have - ý qUenlYgieU heMÏMbledswho vere 'tLag4frtu Eadlwâe and they never toW e qlekrelef.I always carry 18u±9Ooblets lu my ei on thc road ~4WOULD NOT Be WITH0U= nid Ar ANY COST..» wi cents per box--at ail deleru How'S YourSio mach?! Vlan, Vigor and Health Folcw This Advice Theodore, SaBk. -««It is a pleasure S to me te write a few Unes about -~ Dr. Pierce's Gold- en Mefdical Dis- this ntediclne and can say it la itiat wbat I wanted and needed. The .~- ~. our stomacli, heartburn after teat'.ffg and the gas are gone and 1 aun ele to take cold water again. Before Zhad to take the water bot on ad- icount of the stomach trouble. I rée- ommend 'Golden Medîcal Discovery' to every one wbo lknows what a weak otomacb is."-W. E. Waugh. Need a Tonie? I.lealth la Your Most Valuabie Asset. Do Net Noglect Iti Hattonford, Alta-"Being rundown after the flu, 1 was in a weakened condition, had dizzy spelîs ani short breatbing, followed by faintiless. It seemed as tbougb 'd never f eel wel again, but 1 was ceterinilned flot to give up. Ilearing of Dr. Pierce's famousi 'Golden Medînal Discovery' I ment for a bottie, followed the direc- tions, and soon feit less tired and faint, and finally 1 got back to my normal state. 1 have thanked God many times for restoring my health, and 1 gladly recommend tbis 'Medicai Diseovery,' for it is so pure, and worth a trial to anyone wbo la run- dow."-Mrs. Gertrude White, Crys- tal Springs Farm. Golden Medcal Discovery la put up ln Dr. Pierce's Laboratory lu Brlageburg, Ont., and sold by aU druggists ln both 'tablets and liquid. Wite Dr. Plerce, President Inva- 114.' Hotel lu Buffalo, N. Y., fer fr.e modical advlo, 25c-40 PIl 50c-90 »ille We have seen some men who might be termed bachelor girls. Cuts and ,Bruises Disappear.- When suffering £rom cuts, scratches, bruises, sprains, sore throat or chest and any similar ailment, use Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Ou, Its healing power is swell-known in every section of the community. A bottie of Dr. Thomas' Ecletrie Oul should he in every medicine chest ready. for the. emergencies that may always be an- ticipated. Few women have the stamina to keep from crying for something that can ho gotten from hubby by a few judiciously shed tears. TYou are nc Aexperi ei ing wl lu CZEM A se O ment for Eczema and S11Irrita- tions. It relieves at once and gralu- al beals th. ski. Salnple box Dr* ILnIted.Tont HORSE AILMENTS of many kinids CLquickly remedied with E DOUGLAS $' I EGYPTIAN LINIMENT D STOPS BLgeDING INSTANTLY. , PREVENTS BLOOD POISONING. CUIRES THRUsH, PISTULA, SPRAINS AND BRUISES. The hept-alilaround, Liniment for thc le IT HANDY. At al lDealers and flruggit,. Manufaetured only by IDOUiGLAS & CO., NAPANER, Ont.t REVITAUIZE!e There aie thousands who Iare ailig just a litti., who need a tonic to energize andI Irevitalize, who should util, ize the nourishing benefitso Î tir body does not re- le Yoquire powerful drugs o r stimulants, b u t <oes need nourish- ment vitafized witli I heaith-building vit a- store nora rTstn e- & onToronto. Ont. 22 j ID N lt ad Iloraln& H'- ave Claao.Heeithy -7/' Eyeo. Ifthey Tire, FOR -j*> Itch, Smart or Bun, ~~UR ifES~Lore, rritatýed, In- YOURËy-sflmcd OrGranulated, useMurineoften. SoodisRésies.Safefor Infant or Adult. At ail Druggiats Write' ,1I1 Can Now Do My Work 1Without Feeling Tired" Mr*. A. ýMGffttP Rornton Falli, Que., write.: I suffered from a run-down'systema and nervous debility. I could not sleep or rest at night, and feit so weak I could flot M, walk any distance. 1 took several tonics, but they only' helped me while 1 was taking them. Mother advised me to take Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, and I feit great bene- fit from the first box, and con- tinued taking several boxes. o- - day I feel like a new woman, and arn able to do my work without that dreadful tired feeling." DR. CHASE'S NIEUVE FOOD 50 Cents a box, ail dealers, or Edianon, Bates & Co., Ltd., Toronto der te nutiu odsryi, that tise just party being tisus aband- oued by those that are capable of giving eomie weight, authority and strengthý to it hy their union sud concurrence, becomies unable -to cou- tend with tise audacious sud violent enterprises of s few darnug inno- vâtons1. The mostdaugerous indivàdual or rïational coudition iB Wheu a perbnl p 1 BOWMANVILLE, DEC. 2let, 1922. THE BUILIDERS By Lt.-Col. Charles R. McCuliough (Continued from Ist page.) This greatuess of soul-this char- acter of a people-this spirit of Canada-didu't corne by chance. Long aud 'painfully tisnough thse ages bas it been in thse building. David showed it in thse long ago, Leonidas displayed it at thse Pass, Dollard desOrmeaux behind hie rot- ten palisades, Guy Drummond at Ypres, Edits Cavell before thse firing squad, Talbot Papineau at Pass- chaendaele, and a multitude of men, and wamen, too, in bloodstaned France and Fanders, and wherever cisc men fought and wrought for four years and more againet the Teuton and ail hi. works. Wc can neyer be as we were. Forward and upward muet be our motto and purpose and effort. Par- ochialism muef give away to the broader aud bigger spirit of uatiou- slity and internationality. Anyane of a thoughtful mind must. have been busy at times examining Uic foundations of his faith during thc fateful montlh) foiowing thse close of tise wnr. After staking ail and holding ail were eventually to lose all through the release of the evil spirits of anarchy, of isate, of envy, and varied forms of social in- sanity. In the circumstauces in which the warring nations tound themeel- ves after exhaustiton of soul and body, was tise peu of thse propogan- dist to prove more rnighty than tise sword of thse soldier? It i. cote- paratively easy to kill men, but it i. exceedingly hard to kill insidious lies and false doctrines of goverument and of industrial cconomy. If there is one thing our race should ho profoundly thaiqkful for ,it i. sanity. This after all rare quality ha. saved us from the fateý of poor, mystical, pootical, misled Russia, whoise performances in the great World War at one period were magnificent. With her morale lowered at -home, by the sale of her soul hy traitors within and punchase by conspirators without, by thse pernicious preaching and the insîdiotis whisperings of un- balanced mon, Russia Se1l into the pit and had almost dragged thse whole world with ber. Thse true test of manisood' is Character, not Culture. Culture may thrive for a season and gloss over many a wcak spot in individual and national character but the end of tisat alone is destruction. 1 Wheu Canadians became, convinc- cd that tise boundaries of Belgium were in very trutis the boundarice of Canada and indeed of the Common- wealth of Britiss Nations, Canada broadened ber international mental- ity. Wheu our represeutatives at the peace table put us among the signa- tories to.,the covenant of the League of Nations. Canada assumed her share of the responsibility for en- suring the world's welfare. So you sce that whilst we'called ourselves National in thse yeans pre- cediug the great European confiet we became not only fully national, but international after the stress' and strif c of the world's worst war. Canada is pnofoundly interestcd in tise priceless possessions of the human race won thnough f cars aud tests, through sacrifices and ser- vices, through revolutions and evolu- tions by m 'any races and many na- tions of men lu whose coul. glîmmer- cd and grew sud burned at length the sacred fiame of liberty. Yes, sansty saved aur race too af- ter thse French Revolution of the l8ts century. It ought to be uuderstood by us ail that general unrest, social strif e, sometimes even revolution follow periods of prolonged war. Wit tise best figisters weakeued by sustaicd effort; and awful de- privations, i. there anythiug to greatly wondcr at that tise social elackcr, the harebrained recouetruet- or, thse wily demagogue and Uic enemy to ail industry sud thrift, and good gavernmcut, corne out of their 'hiding sud ply their craft with an energy worthy of a better cause. There will alwsys be those in fair number willing aud anxiotis ta get samething for nothini., Indced, tise indifferecce or wcakness, or bliud- rieas of otherwisc excellenit citizensi or a people ie constrained to I "What's the use?", Thespread of this gospel ofd pair se more dangerous to a st than the projection of tlworiesà practices calculated to underni Society itacîf . At a certain stage the eratwl mad theorist is likely to be met physical for-ce wheu he endeavo, to Put in practice bis mad plu But this agreement in a policy drift carnies the ship of state only toward the precipice but « the very brink -of Niagara.. "To prevent this misfortune, wl May be attended by most fatal e sequeuces to a state, Solon jud. it Poer to force the well-affe- byfar of greater inconvenieuces, themeselves, to declare for thej îparty at the very begiuuing of ditions, and to animate the spii aud* courage of the beet citizens, engagiug them in the common dý ger. 44By this method of accu3toni the raiud& of the people to look u that Man alMOdt as an euemy an( traitor, Who would apPear indiff cnt to and unconcerned at the n fortunes of the pubic he provi the state with'a quick aued sure source agaiust thc sudden enterpri of wicked and profligate citizen The future student of thé hiet( of the eightics and nineties of1 nineteenth century with a mind: analysis, discrimination and fi values will not refuse to the h: priet of 'political union' Dr. Go Win Smith a measure of thanks thse service doue to Canadian1 tionality in Ieudiug hie gifted 1 and great persouality to procure absorption into the American1 public. Hie advacaey of anne: tion condueted with uncommon a] ity and rare courage produced1 necessary reaction in thse Canad mmid and temper that carried country out of its indifference a 'drift into a Positive determinati with regard to its future, TI course was, not thse 'Manifest D tiny' planned, propounded and p: moted with, zeal by 'The Seer, of1 Grange' and his colleagues Wiu and Glen. The Oxf ord Protesý had, us many a greaý, nentality the past had done, mi 'idged*1 character of a people, roý overgiv to demonstrativenpss.'T' ý mmnd Canada was, notwithstan i - peri( ical outburstS Of patriot-m sn,_Stijl Colonial mind after two ', ades polîtical nationality since ( i ,fedei tion. Nevei-theless it wï - a mi and that mind was Cana ':an a British. No one eau doubt1 sineerity of the Englishman Who h made Canada the home of hi. ad( tion. In a great meeting in N, York he frankly and fearlesý stated "I am flot disloyal to Cana( but if I could bring about aune: tion 1 should regard it as the greý est boon ever conferrcd uponi country". A countryman of Dr. Smith h said of us that "Canadfians WE neither fie8h, fish nor good red h4 ring". The, estimate wasn't1 wide of the' true state of things th tie. We wtere not unpatrii ic, however, but nonpatriotic. Rad Dr. Smîith been horn and b, in Canada he had not erred so gre; ly in his analysis of the Canadi mind. What the 'Cotinental unionis witneesed was a recurrence of t unimaginative Colonialismi that Fý ter and bis followers of the Cana First Movement (partieipated in the way by Smith) sought Bo Who heartedly to replace with thse vivil ing sense of nationality. Extraordinsry enthusiasm had tended the ôutbreak, course a: conclusion ci the Second Riel Reb lion. Then the national spirit- Canada, waned until one would -Pardoned for believing it had depai ed altogether. The reaction frc action had once more produced, apatisy that vcxed thse patriot ai provîded the annexationist pror gandist with encouragement. Exhaustion follows sustaincd e ort-physical or mental. Thse ii placable, ever-recurring onemny of nation'. seeurity is weainues f1 war, indifference after sacrific Judge for yourself .the truth of t. in the light of experience after t] Great World War. But let a lot theorists plan and preach and final corne to the point where preachii cornes dangerously near ýpractis11 and the lethargy,'physical and spir' ual, of our race ie thrown aside quickly as a coverlet at a midui~ alarm.9 No man might number the cor panY of Canadiaus Who had le Canada to 'get on' in the Uniti States. One hundred yeare eti Miss Helen Gx. Campbell of Dom in- ion Dairy Branch, Ottawa, has placed Canadians under real obligation again by an address to which -we mnake ref erence In this issue. Moth- ers especially should read what she says on milk diet. Miller's Worm Powders will not ouly expel worms from the system but will induce healthful conditions of the system under which worms can no longer thrive. Worms keep a child in a continuai state, of rest- lessuess and pain, and there can be no comfort f or thé littie, oue untilI the cause of suffering be removed, which can be easily done by the Ue of these powders, which are veryI effective. WHA T more practical sud helpfulgiftfor> mother from ahl the famiîly tf -Cnr-st mas than a Royal Electnie Cleaner! Mother's days are long and often isard. Whly not ]et air sweop for hon, cdean for hon and, mako housekeeping easier for her through al thse day. to come! For tise Royal cleans by air alone-it is built. to give a life-time of faithful service, and it e so light, quick and handy that it's a joy for nny woman to use. Make it rnother's Christmas this yoar. Give ber a Royal as a daily reminder of tise family's love and thoughtfulness for ber v-elfare. It will measure up to every standard she couid, possibly desire in an electrie cleaner. Ask foday for a free Royal dem ,)f n.,t(tion and thse particulars of cicr deferrcd-paya ,uei plan, . SOLD BY WILLIAMS & CANN Bowmaniile ntarl ELECTRIC CLEANER A "R~y~( GIfe ,.edei'nCenede, ~ ~Je~s~yAù~zAIoy3eI EVERY MOTORIST YOU KNOW DRIVES A "USED" CAR We Wi*sh Ail Our Many Customers A Very' Merry Christmas, And Tak ThsOpportunity To Rmin You That Through The Coming Year, We Will1 Be Here To Sérve You. We Seli: OLDSMOBILE 4 & 8 CYLINDER MOTOR CARS McLAUGHLIN 6 & 4 CYLINDER MOTOR CARS OLDSMOBILE ONE TON ECONOMY TRUCKS SAMSON 3/ TON FARM TRUCKS SAMSON TRACTORS AND POWER PLOWS RELIABLE, USED CARS AT LOWEST PRICES PAPER DUST COVE1ÈS TESTED MOTOR'QILS WINDSHIELD WINGS RADIATOR METERS, GENERAL REPAIRS DUNLOP TIRES TIRE COVERS STOP LIGHTSý MIRRORS WINDSHIELD CLEANERS RADIATOR SHUTTERS BATTERY CHARCZERS GASOLINE SERVICE GOODYEAR TIRES S PARK PLUGS TIRE CHAINS ANTI-FREEZE BUMPERS Moffatt Motor Sales Limited, OLDSMAOBILE AND McLAUGHLIN DEALERS OSHAWA BOWMANVILLE of BOUNSALL'S MONUMENTAL ART WORKS ESTABLISHED 1857 j importer direct of SCOTCH AND SWEDE GRANITES and only the best grades Of VERMONT BLUE MARBLE I employ no cemetery caretakerrs ias agents preferring to, senl my own goods thus saving the purchaser- the agent's commission. A eaUl 4il solicited. --- ------- omrs G!Êfrom ail tlakmî4î -.. 1 F. H. Propri etor. Phone 826W BOUJNSALL Box 94 Bowmanville Ontario

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