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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Dec 1922, p. 2

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Copeland Shoe Sto re EXTENDS TO YOU THEIR, GREETINGS AND BEST WISHES FOR THE COMJNG YEAR AND WJSH TO EX- PRESS APPRECIATION FOR YOUR PATRONAGE IN THE PAST. Phore 249 J. Bowmanville ANEW YEAR'S WISH We desire to extend to our maiiy frierds the sincere wÏsh tha t the New Year will hold for them and theirs health, happiness and pros- perity. We also wish to take this opportun- ity of tLanking them for their pat- ronagye extended to us in the ýpast. We look forward wuth pleasure to enoyingr the continued confidence aurd again serving them during 1923. F. F. MO 0R RIS àCO Boivmanv-ille - Newéastle Orono Battery, Charging Outfit We hiave instalIled a large, new up-to-date -Batteuy Charýg'Outfit which recharges__al makes of batteries. If you are laying up your car for winter let us look after your battery. We will keep it in first class condition and instali it again in the Sprin g. PRICES VERY MODERATE Lu ke, BOYSLimited Phone 1L88 Bowmanville iii BOWMANVILLE, DEC. 28th, 1922.1 THE EDITOR'S MESSAGE This is the last issue of this jour- ual for 1922. We desire to thank, every person-young, miiddle-aged and bld-who has& in an-.awy what- ever helped the editors to miake the paper newsy, interesting and at- tractivei. Every wýeekl1y issue has been representative of the combin- ed services of many persons. Fis- pecially have the regular country correspondents been our chief help- ers, and their editorial services have been much appreciate.d. For some reason the home news is most high- ly valued. People living in an out- lying village are more keenly inter- ested in the happenings of e~eir own village than any other part of, the paper. So we do flot want any one of our splendid staff of countryl editors to think it a matter of in- difference whether he or she sends in a news budget or not. If it is only one item send it. One matter we desire to impress upon everybody is th*àt we want the news while it is news-fresh and snappy. Items that are a week or more old are no longer news for after the folk ail round know about it. it is no longer news. It is, old. So send us only fresh, red-hot real news. About the qual- ity of news-anything fit to print and in which other people are inter- ested is the items we want for the paper. We want all the news of West Durham fit to print and we want itat the earliest possible min- ute. Some many not think that the Editor's Week begins on Thurs- day morning and ends abotW- nesday noon. In other words, as soon as one paper goes to press wZork 1 1 begîns on the next one. The lino- DAIRY PRODUCTS FOR' type-typesetting machine-oper- DAILY USE ators must be kept busy every day in ____ order to set the type necessary to Their Value ia Promoting Physical fill the paper, so this is why we and Mental Well-Being of Children want the news as early as possible. and Adults. One reason wby people are disap- "Whatsoeven a man soweth that pointed every week because certain shall he also reap", was the text a rticles do not appear-tbey are flot that Miss Helen G.,Campbell,'of the sent ia sufficiently eanly. The pap-1 Dominion Dairy and Cold Storage er 1s f ull when copy arrivas., Branch, selected on which to found Another featura about news ig a recent address la which sha under- took opoeta )iln this-editors are. not omnipresent t prv tht]a-yingw1ýs We do not know wbo ara guests aï Everybody's Business. The spaak- the homes or when our citizens go er explained that it was not hanr in- out of town to visit friands at their' tention to daliver a sermon, but, as homes. Wa want to record the a mattar of fact, she delivered a corning and going of ail the people homily sofull of truths calculated without distinction. Tharaf orae If to 'enefît and inspire the hearers you hava guests at your home ?ad that it migbt have been given voica the particulars-names and addres- inl any edifice, sacned or secular. se-to thîs office. One cent brngsi Readers of The James ?Papers have an unsaaled news latter to this office.'lan ovle ihyMs ap Don't ha modest about sending' bell's good services in han special us the news younself. We want Departinent. it and want it real badly. One of these truths that came out early in bier addrass, and which One thing more: Do flot send every parent should pay beed to, was busin ess letters to the editors. The that to train a child in good food correct address for ail business cor- habits %s one of the fundamentals respondenct is M. A. James & Sons; la' making- hi-inor lhan a success in naws lettars should ha- addressed if e.' Miàs Campbell than procead- simply The Statesman; M. A. James ed to -describe the various virtues' is Chief Editor but bas nothing to do that dairy products possess, not with the business now. The husi- alona la body-building and mental ness is controlled by bis two Sons. developinent, but also la promoting Ail cbecks,money orders, drafts, etc-, capability of accomplishing big should be made out to M. A. James things. & Sons and not to any individual Sha tnaced plant if e througb ah- mamber of the firm. Attention to sorption by the cow to the making the foregoîing wilI facilitate busi- of milk and creain and thence to ness in thiîs office, butter and chease, wbicb ail contain- Wa aIll unita in wisbing each and ed that alamant nacessary to avary ail of our customers and readers a forin of 1f e, namaly vitamines. Ia happy, baalthy, prosperous 1923. our climata whare homegrown green vegetables wara not obtainable at al seasons. wa must dapaad to a large THE EDITOR TALKS extant on our dairy products, and _______imiplied that tbe more wa ' do de- One tbougbt that necurs to us at pa.e> h bta alt esol the 1and of cycles of tima is the enjoy. Satrda niht abi ofthapeole She quoted Metchnikoff in proof ofura Engd abof ofetheng of ldof the assertion that milk promoted leaaingaup andcpetting inoff an longevity, and Dr. McýCdllum, the laayting upao u t hmeind shopwidêly knowa sciantist, as saying ila ovryhn o u tereorkhgolaeandTh advocacy of the greaten consump- o thers wekinof tha yaarT1922 an tion of dairy products, that their thxtensitonela usethes the 192staan no doubt almost everybody has som motesimotn tp nc la, ahnd rtatd tidyingiupotoado, bans to ratura, "th tdbts t p dy, cails to maka, cn- ,thebasis of preventive dentistry trats to copa.lta, enaeents of satisfactory nutrition during de- some sort to meat and several mat- vlpat;h t~ ~rtta ter t staihte ot.Som, may the consumng of dairy .1products owa some thing tb the church, a etis ts man tathatw sol small balance to the doctor, shoe- Sinit ananta esol man, tailor, dantist, grocer, butchari use at least a quart of milk af day or ercanttha shuldhavM benaither as a drink or in some form or arcanttha sbuldbav' bauof food. The ordinary Canadian paid. How splendid it will h aifi thesa obligations are squared and limeet as andt eillcîg nsfi the debtor can say what a man said cient lie madink suppliied this la our office the other day after pay- substance in greater quaatity than ing f or bis papers: "That is the any other common food. Lima was ast deht I owe any man". How important- to both mothar and child. deligbtful the feeling must ha to Haviag pointad out bow business "9owe no man anytbing but lova" men and women ptofited by the Wall. the end of the yaar is a quÎté plentiful use of dairy products la proper tima to round up al our oh- the promotion of thehi own health ligaionsand ay tem.and that of their employees, Miss _________and _______m Campbell declared that sha some- times thought that commer cial and WEDNESDAY HALF HOLIDAY professional men, la their down- ________town lunch at least, ane more faith- Liatof owmnvile MrchntsOh-ful followers of the doctrine "drink Li e of BgwMaiwe e Hiay.sOb milk" than any other class of people. ________ ek olda. n lber c>osing passages- the lady The followîng marchants and pro- refarred la tarins of praise to the fesionl aea f Bwninvila-have distribution of milk in scbools and busi- t theweltara wo*rko te orne agreed to close thaîr places of b aadt6 choo Clubs of the Border Cit- ness Wedaesday aftarnoons, durîng iedS. ho w.Ll> 44iffi . eycomtV}/ion4 flV.11 P es montb of Dacamber and wbaa, Wed- nasday pracades a holiday: Couch, Jobaston & Crydarman, Limited, F. J. Hionne, F. R. Kers- laka, Mrs. Edith V. Scohaîl, C. M. Cawker & Son, A. L. Nicholîs, Rica & Co.. R. M. Mitchell & Ce., W. H. Dustan, G. N. Thurston, G. A. Ed- mondstone, J. T. Mollon, Alex. El- lot, Mts N.AJI-Iarandea, Ma«ola & Dale, J. J. Mason & Son, The Hy- dro SheV, Jobnston's, Haddy & Co., Sam uel Allen, MeMurtry & Co. Ltd., Copelaând Shoe Store, Dominion Stores Ltd.. Dr. G. C. Bonnycastia, C. L. Bro-wn, T. H. Knigbt,. W. Claude Ives, A Diiick, W. J. Dudley, C. W. Datenbeck, A. Tait, Hanry Al- lin, F. C. Petbick, Dr. J. C. Davitt, Diagman & Edmondstsone, F. Knox, Dr. R. E. Dinniwall, John Babcock, P. C. Trebilcock, IH. C. Durgin, James Bennett, Williams & Cann, G W. Humpaga, W.' H. Densain, Jury & Lovaîl1. A iqew $920,000 Craig Kennedy mystèry story in Sundtay>s Herald and Examiner, Cicago's Bat.N-Iws- paper. Buy it at Nichoîla. CHIROPRACTIC Dr. Durwin E. Steckley, honor graduate of,- Toronto Chiropractie Collage, Temperanca Street, Bow- maavilla, Hours 2 to 5 , Tî-wsday, Tbursday and Saturday, 7 te 9 aven-- ings. Will ha in office at Mn. Bar- rie's bouse. King Street, Newcastle, 10 to 12 Monday, Wednesday an.d Friday. At Onono aftarnooas of sanie iays. Phones: Bowmanvilla, Office 141 j. Rasidence 141w. Through adjustinents of the spinal columa the causa, of the following1 diseuses canraradily bè removed: Appendicitis, Asthma, Hay f aven, Influnza, Tubarculosis; Deafnass, Rhbaumnatism, Sciatic« Lumbago, Lama. Back, Constipation, Piles, Female Troubles, Heart- Troubla, Goitre, Sunstroka, infantile and other f orms of Panalysis,, Locomotion Ataxia. Eczama and othar skia dis- easas. Epilapsy and narvous ýdis- orders of many fonins respond ex- ceptionally wall undar adjustments. Whan the cause is removed the af- fect cannot exist. (Consultation is free.). SUBSCRIBERS PROMPT RESPONSE It is always -of keen interest la James Publishing House every. year after the addressed envelope and an- nual remittance blank are sent out in the paper t o leara who are the first subscribers to send along tlbeir subscriptîon. Hre are the namnes of the first twalve-: James Curtis, Hampton; Mrs. W.ý J.' Langm)aid, Oshawa; Charles Bradley, Oshawa; Miss E. M. Werry, Ottawa; Mrs. Jabez Cleozier, Port Peny;, Prof. John7 Squair, M. A., Toronto; Dr. James L. H1ughes, Toronto; William Willard, Port Perry; Mrs. Chas. Hooper (of Tyf'one), Toronto. IN THE EDITOR'S MAIL The coming waekly of The States- man is very walcomne as it gives us a great variaty of interesting news that we do not ireceive la lettrs- Miss E. M. Werry, Ottawa. On of our oldest and most as- teamed subscribers is Mrs. Gracel Raworth who for saveral, years ra-ý sided hare and was a very davoted maember of the Methodist Church. In forwarding her 1923 subseription from Tamwortb, Ontario, she says: The good Lord is stili leaving me here and 1 should miss my weeklyý friend very much if it failed to come. I was pleasad to sea the Thank-Off ering was a success. I love the church yet. I spent three very pleasant weeks with Napane friands who brought me in their car. I send kind regards to aIl and wish you the compliments of the esn TO 'EXPRESS TO -OUR- YOU1 APPRECIATION1 0F THE BUSINESS EN- TRUSTED) TO-US DUR- ING THE PAST YEAR, AND WE MOST SIN-1 CERELY WJSH JNCREASING' PERITY, HAPI YOU PROS- PINESS AND SUCCESS FOR THE YEAR TO COME. W.. T. Allen BIG 20 Bookstore1 Bowmnanville i I. Il THE PENNY BANK For September and October Bow-1 manville Public Schools gave an, average of 48 cents each pupil, Port Hop0 e gave 35 cents each, Cedardale 50 cents eaceh. ýBow- m-anvilles total deposit or Septem- ber m'as $133.61, and for October $252,99. Ail'Canada total amounît deposited ia 1922 was $106,779-28. SCHOOL NURSE'S REPORT Bowmanville Public Schools.' Central School Visîts to school 5; children inspected 404; treatmýents given 1,, dressing applied to abra- sioei on finger; No. excluded fbr pediculosis 16; others with evidence of pediculosis 5; No. of defects found 241; vision 3; hearîng 1; eye disease 10; ear disease 2; def. nasal breathing 13; abnormal tonsils 64; anaemic appearance 16; defective teeth 99; cofgestive abnormality 1; enlarged glands 17; skin conditions -5; malnutrition 9; nervous disorders 1; consultations 8; home visits 5. South Ward School-Visits to school 2; children inspeeted' 138; both rooms inýspected twice; No. excluded for pediculosis 3; others with evidence 8; new defects found 41; defýective nasal breathing 5; abnormal tonsils 16; anaemic ap- pearhnce 2; defective perm teeth 15; enlarged glands 1; eye disease. 2; No. of home visits 8. January isssue of Rod and Gun ln Canada, the opening number for 1923, sets a high standard for sub- sequent issues to equal. 'It should please every sportsman, as an as- sortment of splendid features greets the reader. Bonnycastle Dale ex- cels himself in "A. Christmnas Day's Duck Hunting". -"A trip up the Taku River" is another article that is almost sure to please. Harry M. Moore, the gîfted Canadian writery. has neyer written a better %tory than "Bones". which is anothýer big attraction in this issue. The van- bous departments, the diversîty of features, the fine illustrations--al these help to make up a magazine of quality and excellence. This maga- zine is published monthly at Wood- stock, Ontario, by W. J. Taylor, Limited. CLUBBING LIST 1923 The Canadian Stateïsman or- The Bowmnanville News,,per year. .$2.00 The Canadian Statesman or The Bowinanville News will be clubbed with theundernamed publications et the prices stated. iGlobe..............****.... $6.50 Mail & Empire.......... .... 6.50 Toronto Star............ .... 6.50 Weekly Witness............ 4.00 Farmers' Advocate ........... 3.50 Christian Guardian........... 4.00 Farmers' Magazine ......3.00 Family Herald & Weekly Star 3.50 Farmers' Sun................ 4.00 Canadian Home Journal. .. ....4.00 Canadian Countryman........ 3.50 Farm & Dairy.............. 2.50 McLean's Magazine......5.00 Christian Henald............. 4.00 Wýe will pay 'your railway fare to Toronto MEN WA NTED $6 to $12, Per Day Men wanted at once, both city and prairies; the present demand,,in aut- omobile mechanics and çlriving, tra- etor operatillg, tire vulcanizing, oxy- acetylene welding, storage' battery and electrical work; we teach these trades, practical trainin 'g, only a f ew weeks required,_ day and night clas- ses; write for free catalogue; big wages, steady employment. Hemp- hill Auto Gas Tractor Schools, 163 King West, Toronto. Visitors wel- come. 50-4 B EN NETTS THREE PIECE DANCE ORCHESTRA Open for engag emente. Real énappy music. Apply box 327, Bowmanvllle. 41-tf Nobodv pays in a modemn for an improved cash system store. It pays for itself in econiorny of human time.. Nobody pays for well planned and 'written NewsD)aper advertising. It pays for itself by reducing the cost of sales and by in- creasing production. And it often re- ceipts old bis for follieswith advertising labels. The adývertisements in The James Papers tel yoit'ý the best things to buy and where to buy them. Every new purchase helps the whole community to command cheaper and better goods. Shop Where You Are Invited To Shop BES T WISHES Vie t'lke this opportunity, to wish our rniany friends and customers a Happy and Prosperous New Year. Greenaway & Elliott Consulting Engineers Phone 18 day or night Bowmanville FI RST I Want To Show Yôu "Dnres-S-well Speci ai"1 il that will make you as fine a Suit as any max. aven wore. Lt sounds like a "lblg statement," but 1 cau back it up "wlth the goods." It's an English cloth made at Bnamley, near Leeds, the home of the, world's finast serg~es, and the muakers are oàtlerîag thîls to the * pu'ý,lic la Canada ONLY IN Dres-S-well Hand- Tailored Cloches. the yard, and axery thread of it made fnom the * VLIIY FINEST AUTSTRALIAN WOOL. It has M a wonderfully sof t, yat firm, feal. You can tel * tho. quity the moment you hold it la your hand. * The color is absolutely guaranteed. The dur- ahility ofthe clotli is warrantad for two seasoas. * Uts ona of the typical "Ai" QUALITY FALI{ICS I can 011-un you la Dres-S-welI Clotho&. * Cocae lnanad see kt.M * Guarn ceed, of CourseM * -yet Prices are Reasonableu * J. T. MLO * Ladies' and Gents'Cleaning and Press- * ing, Opposite Goodyear Hotel. * Phone 255 a MadeWt NO 1AMERICAN TAILORS Linted Twnt unuua u,,,,uu*uu,, nob ai HIAPP Y NEW YEA R Kindliest greetings -to our host of friends and customers." We wish them the comnpliments of the season and every sucoess in the New Year. Ouir sincere thanks are also extended tb Our customers and we shall do every- thing within our power to again menit their patronage during 1923. G. A. Edmondstone One door east of F. F. Morris Co. Who Pays Fo r Adverti*sing? This is a direct and reasonable questionï; and ini the case of Newspajýer advertising, intel1iggntly used, the answer is .simple: Nobody.' It pays its ow~n way. Nobody pays for the new carburator that gives added mileage to your motor car. It pays for itself in the' gasoline it saves. Bowmanville Phone 21

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