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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Dec 1922, p. 4

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Taylor's Rink , BOWMANVILLE (BAND Tuesday Thuraday Saturday eveflings ICE IS FIRST CLASS LONG SAULT Th e concert at No, 13, Sebool House wèas a grand SUCCs-anie af the best kuown in that Lschüel. The Èeacher, Miss E. Doble dleserves great credit for the very efficient manner in whicb she had tbem train-1 ed.1, The orchestra Messrs. W. Vii'- tue, D. B. Farr'ell, Otto Virtue and Mrs. W. Hooey certainly did theur part, axcelleutlr. P4stoi' W. T. Wickett acted as Chainnan in bis iuimicabhe, witty and intelligent man- neir. Miss E. Doble bas since gane to ber home at Uxbi'idge for the Xmas halidays wbicb we ail hope she will thoroly enjoy. We Tender Our Thank s To' those who gave their support to our store d'uringo the past year. The very liberal patronage we consider is an endorsement of :our business in- tegrity, and un acceptance of the fact that the high class of goods whiceh, we show is no t exceelled by any. Wo' shall endeavor to maintain this enviable position and the entry of thé New Year will find us better stocked and better equipped than ever to cater to the requirements of our patrons. WE EXTEND TO ALL A HAPPY NEW YEAR OPPOSITF POST OFFICE BEST WISHLES BOWMAN VILLE May ail the joys -of this Festive Season be ýshared by our friends in the fuilest mensure and ma'y-1923 hold for each abundant Prosperity and Happiness. F. J. MITC'Hw EL L SALES AGENT Mitchell Building Phone 92 or 105 Bowmanville A Wordof, Appreciation As we stand on- thée threshold of a New Year we gladl"y pause.for a momentto express to our, friends our hope that the coming year will be one ~of Greater Happiness, Contentment and Prosper- ity for ail. And we also wish to voice our most grateful ap- preciation of the co-op.eration of our, customers darhug the year just closing-co-operation which has ena bled us to make 1922 a most successful one As wb enter- into the New Year, we shall do so with a resolve te, aVail ourselves of every oppor- -tunity to ernent morefirmly the friendsh'Ïp that -has existed between our customers and ourselves. S. W,. MASON &SO Dry Goods and Ready-to-Wear Phone 106 Bowmanville -i BOWMANVILLE, DEC. 28th, 1922. DARLINCGTON Miss Margaret Abernethy and Mr'. Ferguson Abernethy are holidaying with friends in Kingston. Mr. and Mms. W. W. Allun, Mr' and Mrn. Albert Gilders, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Burns, daughiters Lily, Ina and Meloria and son Harold, Town, spent Xmas at W. H. Woods' ...Base Line Christmas entertain- ment was a greatsucces..,. Missl Ina Burns, Town, is holidaying with Miss. Mary Wood. Vote for A. L. Pascoe. ENNISKILLEN The New Year's Anniversary of Enni8killen Union Churcb will be hel 'd as follows: On Sunday, De- cember 31, Pev. Mr. Walker, Janet- ville, will preach at 7 p. m. Bow- manville Methodist Maie quartet and Enniskillen Choir will furnish mus- ic. On Tuesday, January 2, at 8 p. m., s play "Sweet Lgvender" will be presented by Blackstock Young People. Abundance of piano duetsi and orchestra music. Admission: Adulte 40c; children 20c. Vote for A. L. Pascoe. EBENEZER Christmas visitors: Mr. and Mrn. W. Howard Courtice, Ottawa, Mr.~ and Mrs. Clarence Rundie and fam-1 ily, Toronto, at Mr. W. _E. Court- ice's; Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Rundie, Toronto, with his sister, Mrs. S. Pen-, found; Mr'. E1ni-_r Rundie, Tor-. onto, with bis parents; Mr.ý H. Staff- ord of ýthe Geenera1 Motore Staff, Oshawa, at Mý% F. W. Rundle's; Messrs. Gordon and John Pickell, Detroit, Mich., Mr. Jack Brooks andi wife and many others at MrQDean Pickell's; Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Hezzle- wood, Toronto, wîth lier parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Pearce. .In view of the coal situation many- peoplel appreciate 'the weather man's gen- erosity with the quantity of mildi weatber we enjoy. .Mr. Thomast Bailey, Burketon, with bis clover tbreshing outfit bas well nighi comn- pleted the duat job in thisý section. ..The U. F. O. Club izarranging to send a carload of feed, grain, hay and straw to North Ontario to fire suff «rers. ... Sunday School is arranging to make their annual off- ering for the hospital for ýSick Cbild- ren next Sunday. A full 'attendance enjoyed "the splendid Cbristmas services at Churcb on Sunday. Pastor Boyce at the morningi service spoke on The formn of God and the form of Man ,much- to the edification of bis hearers. In the evenîng in addi- tion to a rich and full musical ser- vice by tbe choir assisted by M'.1 Frank Walter of Toronto; and the 1 orchestra with Miss Muriel Penfoundi at the piano. Rev. W. S. P. 'Boyce, B. A., B. ID., gave a short address on "The Prince of Peace" to an- other large and appreciative audi- ence., Oui' sincere congr'atulations to oui' worthy citizen, Mi'. W. R. Courtice on bis electîon by acclamation to the Reevesbip of Darlinigton, tbe higbest bonor in the gift of the eleet- ors. He will fil the office with crédit to bis honored family namne and to the municipality at large. Vote for A. L. Pascoe, SOLINA Eldad Christmas Tree entertain- ment on Friday evening, December 21, was very largely attended, the auditorium being packed to the doors. Mr., R. J. McKessock wasi chairman and a very excellent pro- i gzram was splendidly rendered by thel little folks- whose effortswere fullyj enjoyed. Mrs. -S. Edgar Werry3 and Mrs. Norman E. Wright deserve the warmest thanks of the parents for the training of the chiîdren for1: the singing; MisFrances Cryder- q man and M . Fred Crome for the recitations and Mise Lyda Taylor for tbe drill, for ail were splendid. Athol Street MisàMon, Oshawa, rend- ered a tableau "Hark the Herald Angels Sing"' which was also welli given and much appreciated. Thei decorations under the ableý direction of Mr. Fred Crome were exceeding- ly fi ne and showed good taste. Santa Claus was very generous with bis gifts and the little folks 'will he glad if' be will remember tbem again next year. The children Toronto, at Mi'., John' Reynolds'; Miss Lonie Annio, Toronto, and Mi'. Normnan VanNest, Oshawa, at their homes. Heai' "Swee t Lavender"' at Ennis.. niskillen next Tuesday evening. Vote for.A. L. Pascoe. solins News en Another page HAMPTON Mrs. A. C. Truil and Miss Made- lina. are spendng the Chiristmas holi- days in London. Mr'. sud Mrs. Charles Tillotson, Mrs. Edith Black, Miss Shirley Gay Mr'. Albert'Gay and Mr'. Clarenee Gay. Toronto, spent Xmas at home. Vote for A. L. Pascoe. BURKETON The Xmas eiitei'tainment last Tbumsday wa s a success and the children got through >the programn very well indeed. Tbe weathier was favorable and the proceeds satisfact- _ory. Santa Clanus was generous with bis -gifts ... . League to-night, Citizens night; at 7.30 p. m. Miss Tena McKnight in the chair. 'AUl are welcome. The' old-year is di'awing to, a close, rnay the new one bring joy and happineas to ail oui' citizens ...The ýC. GA,.I. T. Clans meets Monday evening-next at-the home of Mm: F. Waterhouse at 7.30 P. m. Sunday Sehool and Churcli at the usual bour Sunday. Rev. Mr'. Walker of, Janetville, is to pi'eacb., Vote for A. L. Pascoe. Hear "Sweet Lavender"ý at Ennis- niskillen next Tuesday evening. SHAWS Christmas report of S. S. 1, Dar'- lingtoa: Si'. IV-Dorothy Allin 88, Harry Cryderman 75. Jr. IV- Harold Carpenter, absent for some of bis- exams. Si'. lîl-Phyllis Clem- ence 88,--Marion Riekard 87, Stanley Riekard 84, Keir Lamb 69. Jr. 'III- Winnîfred Rickard 87, Ada Allun 78, Beatrice Cryderman 73, 'Clare Aluin 72. Allan Clemence 71, Lawr'ence Ashton 64, John Ashton 61. Si'. 11-Sadie Allun 88, Charles Clem- ence 76, Vivian Bntier 72, Newton Ashton 51. Jr. II-Granet Rick- ard, Stanley Allun. Jr. 1-Gordon Butler, Eddie Tennet. Si'. Pr.- RalphBuEtier. Jr. Pr.-Mary Clem- ence, Annie Allun. Florence Wal!,wrigto n, teacher, Vote for A. L. .0e MAPLE GROVE Miss Hjlda FQhay spe' t Tuesday with Miss Eva Lane attended tbeXmas concert at 5' Scbool. Mr. and Mrs. Ceeul J fLery spent Sunday at Mi'. Geo. VanDyke's, Base, Line...Mi'. Willard Stevens and family visited at Mi'. F. Swallow's.. .Miss Maud Ramsay, Town, visited Miss Viola Stevens and attended the Xmas tree and concert on Wednes- day ..,..Mr. Stewart Morten, Port Hope, visited at Mi'. Truman Power 's on Sunday ... . Mi'. and Mrs. James Burnett, Toronto, spent the wee- end witb ber sister, Mrs. F. Swallow .... Mr' and Mrs. Tueker and son Anson, Sterling, attended the Tuck- er Bros. Sale last w. ... Quite a crowd attended the Xmas tree andj concert Weduesday ...A large' crowd atte-ntisd lTiicker Bros. Sale I last week wbich went good., Vote for A. L. Pasëoe. Hear "'Sweet Laveuder" at Ennis- niskillen next Tnesdlay evening. TYRONE Christmas Day psssed off quîetly, Young people skating on the pond being chef anrsement.. Mrs. Otto Virtxe s vsitJng e, parents in Peck, Midi.'.Congratulations to Master Levi An~nis ou winning Prof., Squair's Prize 'f or highest standing in literature..._ Miss Lola Richards, Oshawa, visited lier parents, Mi'. and Mrs. Thoo. Richards .... Mies Hasel Weri'y, Oshawa,, was guest at Mr'. S. V. Hoar's.... Mr'. and Mm. Ed. Virtue, Mr'. and Mrs. T. Findley and Mi'. -Q. Virtue speut Chrlsttnas at Mi'. Jos. Byers', Bowmanville.. Miss Floreuce Gardiner., Toronto, sud Miss Elma Gardiner,, Smithfield, are at home .... Mi', and Mrs, Keeler and --ami--y are -with f riends in Oshawa. Mi'. Bruce Iloneywell aud Mrs. W. R. Clemens Sn.ndayed wlth Mrs. A. . leens, Bowmauville... Mi'r. Iarry -Smitb sud Miss Edythe Smith, Bowmanvilie, enjoyed Christ- mas with their mother, Mm, Thos. Smith .... Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Scott sud Florence, Oshawa, Mi'. and Mrs. Fred Moore, Bowmaânville, Miss Ethel Skinner. Torouîto, Mi'. and Mms.. N. Woodley, spent s pleasant Christmas at Mr'. Levi Skinner's..Mr. andj Ms.ý Herb. Scott, Mr'. and Mmr. Ron-1 ald Scott were holiday guests at Mi'. home here; Mi'. Willie and Wesley Little -witb their gran-dmother, Mms. Little; Miss Grace Virtue,- Orono, -witb ber parents; Miss, Virtue aud Mi'. Will Staples witb eampton friands; Mi'. and Mrs. Earle-Couiter, Haydon, âab Mi'. Wm. 1ari'ell'à; Mi'. Irving Clemens, Camipbellfard, at home; Rev. and Mm.ý W. T. Wickett witb Oshawa fius Vote for A. L. Paeo. U. F. O. MEETING, Ennîskillen Farmers' Club will meet on Thursday, Jannary 4 at 2 p. m.. in Orange Hall. Mi'. Charles Simpson, delegate ta U. F. O. Con- vention lu Toronto, will give a re- port. AIl memberssud others in- vited ta attend. W. G. Smïth, W. J.* Staînton, Presideut, Secratary. THANK YOU I desire ta express my appreciation of the splendid business given my store duriug the past year by oui' mauy patrons sud friands. It also gives me pleasure ta wish you ail a very Prosperous sundHappy New Year. Generai- Store, Hampton. BOWMANVILLE ZION Mr. Alf. Ayre lias pold hi$ faiM,' formerly owned by Mr. John Trull, ta a Mr'. Green of Peterboro who takes possession in the Spring... Christmas gatherings were held and a happy time was enjoyed at them. . ..Mi'. George Sonley, Toronto, wss home aver the week-end... Mi'. and Mrs. Garnet Beekel visited Bowman- ville friend ... . Miss Helen Middle- ton vioited lier home in Peterboro.. .Mr. A. T. Stainton held the Xnias reunion for the Stainton family... Christmas service was held at churcb on Sunday, choir rendei'ing special music. Mr. and MmrsQieenwood helped with, -the siaging ...Mr'. Frank and Misses Ada and Irene Paecoe, Mr., Reford Cameron, Miss Doris Chant visited at Oshawa.... Christmas concert Wednesday even- ing was given mostly by the ehild- ren who took their parts very well. Santa Clans amrved in time and gave presents to neai'ly ahl, and candy was passed ta every ana from the Ladies' Aid Funds... Mr. John Balson and baby girl are home from Bow- manville Hospital . . ý. . and Mrs. James Staintan and Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Stainton visited Oshawa friends also Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Ayre and daughter and Mi'. and Mi's. A. D. Langmaid..Mi'. and Mm. Russel Robins visited at Bowmanville.... Mr'. and Mrs. Walter Armour and May andf Ruby were guests at Geo. Armnour's ... . Mr!. Bowen- visited bis mother Mrs. Bowen .... Misses Vera, Maud and May Bail, Oshawa, are at their home .... Mr. and Mm. Hilts' at ber mothei"s, Mrs. Wes. GlaspelI. è:*Miss Tennant, Toronto, Miss Fiee, Oshawa, visited ber parents, Mi'. and Mrs. Fiee. Vote for A. L. Pascoe. U. F. 0. MEETING The annual meeting of Providence! Farmers' Club wili be beld in Sbaws 1 Scbool House on Tuesday, Jan uary 2nd at 8 p. M. Mr. Otto Bragg, i delegate to tbe Convrention at Toi'- onto, will give a report. Ladies welcome.1 S. C. Allun, C. A. Wight, President. Secretary.1 SALL-In Clarke, Decembe-r 5, ta Mr'. sud 'Mra. Edwbiu Bs.ll; a soýn *RIMACOMSE -Dec. 2th, i ' Port Hope Hospital, to Mr. asud e RI Brimacambe, E 0 Oacaï, Ont-, son. (Keuneth Loveil) ADVANCE ANNOUNCEMENTr Stop! Lookil!ListenI!! Oui' local householde% particu lar- iy an the uy ublic ingeneral in DurhamCouy are advised to be on the look out for next week's issue of The James Papers. «Bever-,1 1al Bowmanville merchants have ai- ready reserved extra space ta make spacial announcements of their an- nual Jauuary Clearance Sales whicb' are looked upou by xnany thrifty shoppers as the economy buy- Sing event of the year. CHILDREN'S XMAS MATINEE Fi',. Hundred Chul-dren Enjoy Free Performance.11 A noisy happy throng of cildren gathered in front of the Rayai Theatre Saturday afternoon long before the boni' of openiug tûa s- cept of the ganerous h9spitality, annouuced lu The. Stateaà4n hs week, that Manager C. T.IRoss was oiug ta play the p art of Sauta ~laus by gxvmng a free performance to the chihdren of Bawmanville. The play sehected for the occasion was particnlarly pleasiang ta childreu being that sparkling comedy "Suds" lu which Mary Pickford is featured. The five bundred cbîldreu wbo an- joyed the performance were eacli given s bag of csndy as they left this popular amusement bouse sud ,iow the genial "Tommy":is voted by the childrau the most popular man lu town. Mi'. Ross wisbes ta tbsank the mer- chanta who contributed in- cash or! candy in makiug this avent sncb Fn enjoyable occasion. i E NFlE LD Visitoms: Mr'. Frank Page sud Mrs. Branton at Mr'. S. Page's; Miss Myrtie llobbs, Toronto, at Mr'. J. Hobbs'; Mi'. Elmo snd Miss I'ana Ashton, Mr'. Densem sud Miss Dor- othy Davis, Toronto, at Mr'. F. T. Ashton's; Mi'. W. Ashton, Detroit, at Mi'-.Geo. Ormiston's sud F. T. Ashton's; Mi'. sud Mrs. EdwinOr- miston recenthy visited at Whitby; Mr'. sud Mrs. R. Ormiston at Orono; Wallace Pascoe at Taunton sud Sauina; Messrs. Gea. Ormiston and W. J. Ormiston were snccessfnl ex- hibitors at Guelph Fair lu the Can- adian Bred Clydesdaes ... One of .the best Christmas eutertaiumieuts given bere for some time was put, ou on Weduesday night, December 20. The lustructors deserve praise; it is a credit ta tbem forthe mauner the differeut parts were given. . .. Get your shot guns ready f or Thurs- day ... . Rev. Mi'. Wahker, Presbyter- ian minister, Jauetville, wihl be here next Suuday. Hear "Sweet Laveuder" at Enuis- uiskilleu next Tuesday eveuixig. Vote for A. L. Pasce. M. A. JAMES STEAMSHIP TICIKETS9 TO EUROYPE-Canadian PaesI*Ëe,1 White Star Doinon 'aar, er-' ican. Ask for inform-atîion. Phen 53, Bowmanvîlle. DARLINGTON Promotions aud resnîts of Christ- mas Examinations at S. S. 4, Darling- ton, names beiug in order of mernt -75% honors sud 60% pass. Si'. IV-Charles Cait*, Keitb Worden*. Jr.- IV-Paula Coit*, Gardon Os.- borne*~, May Wade*. Willie Wade. Si'. II-Irene Grills. Jr.,III-Ký'en- nieth Osbor'ne*, Nelson Osbr-zri 'Myi'tle Montgomiery, Charles Wae >Sr II-Florence Simpson*,-Frëd Os, borne, Byron Worden. Jr. Il- Gardon Vinson*, Louise 1out, , Norma Wade*, Pi'omotios-5ýr, Il t '0J1r.11 Florence Simpson, rIn . ta Sr* U' -Gardon Vinson, LouiseC sud Norma Wade. To Jr. leen Dudley. Jr. I ta Si'. han Coit, Annie Sabuliak-, Selaa- u1iak.,,-_Si'. Pr. ta Jr, 1-E-Fvelyn Wade, HaýroldOshorne. Jr. Pr. ta Sr-. Pr-d uGenPiekell, JeanVnn a ryWorden,_ Liillian *ulr, teacb'er. 'I PHONE 83 4 I t, We Wish, You And Yôurs, A Happy, And Prosperous New Yeàir. Saturday, January 6th, 1923 we start our big January Clear- ing Sale., It will pay -you to wait We will have our big b"il ready in a f ew days. McMurtry & Co. Ltde- 4 MARRIAGES PRFEsco-r-KELMAN-A4tth, odist Parsonage, Bowman-,mle,,Dçlý ber 22, 1922, by Rev. S. C. cr B. D., Wilfred 'N. Preseott (i nký,n and Ruby Keli.nan, daughter 0f Mr. Geo. N. Kelman, Bowmanville, HANNA-.COLWILL-At the reidence of the bride's parents, on Wedneedgy, December 20, by Rev. E. B.-CooI<e, Wil- liam H-anna and Ethel -RFee, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Colwill, both of Newcastle. DEATHS CURRELLEY-At Port Hope, Dec. 23, Frederlck Currelley, aged 74 years. H OGG-In flr=ssels. on Dsemý.ber 051b. 1922, David G. KoGg, f;rMrlýy 0C'FPort, Hope, aged, 77 years. REED-At Newark, N. J., December I21st, Thomas S. Reed,,son of the lateê S. S. Reed, Port Hope., HANSMAN-At Port Hope, December j12, Harriett Reynolds,'widow of the> lata Michael H-ansman, aged 88 yeaýr2. HOBBS--At Pickering, December i4e Elizabeth Anne Harris, beloved wife af Fred W. Hobbs, in. her 64th year. MeGII.L-In Oshawa ,Der. 14,>Lr Coxey, widow of hte Çaevilliaý; McGill. Interred at Prince Aý Iber Z .'" RUSK At Port Hope, Deceiner 211. Anna Maria Brenton, relictof> th,3 îl Isaiah Rusk, in her 79th year. Puneral service frdm the residenrce of her son-in-law, Mr. William ix, dgéeli, ta' Warkworth. IN MEMORIAM FICE-In loving memory of our deaýr mother, Annie Fice, who died December 28, 1921. The Heavenly gates were open wide A gentle volce said "come", And with farewell unspoken She gently entered homne. Sadly missed by Fred and Lillie.

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