\ Beautify Bowmanville, Yoir vote and influence respect- fully solicited for the election of CART %LE S ROSS As Councillor for 1923 BOWMANVILLE, DEC. 28th, 1922. CHRISTMAS VISITORS ,Mr. Clemens Perey, Newburg, at home. -Miss Clara Robbins, Toronto, at home. Mr. Howard Plummer, Toronto, at home. Miss Marion Moorcraft, Odessa, at home. Miss Margaret Crossey, North Bay, at home. 'Mr. Gilbert Jones with friends -in Toronto. Miss Neilie L. Pattinson, Toronto, at home. Mr .and Mrs. Lawry Cryderman in Oshawa. Miss Theressa Murphy at her home in Lindsay. Mre. Jos. Fletcher with relatives in Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Boyd, at Campbellf ord. Miss Leta'Turner with relatives in Newtonville. SMiss Medora Nokes, Toronto, at Mr. Merle Nokesa. 1Miss Barbara Yellowlees, Toronto, with Mrs. L. Jollow. CHRISTMAS VISITORS Mr. W. Veale. Toronto, at home. Miss Elva Andrus, Toronto, at home. Miss Carrie I. Painton, Whitby, at home. Miss Burkwith lier sister, Lady Hughes. Lindsay. Miss Beatrice Devitt, Toronto Uni- yersity, at home.: 1Mr. and Mrs. W-. A. Bain, Toronto, at Mr. Win. Trewin's. Mr. and Mrs. Beverly Brown, Osh- awa, at Mrs. Ramsay's. Misses Clara and Margaret Allen with relatives in Toronto. Mrs. J. T. Colwill with her son, Mr. W. J. Colwill, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Eh Wilson, Liberty Place, with relatives in Oshawa. The Misses Brimacombe-with their sister, Mrs, Rd. Snowden, Oshawa. Mr. Roy Candler, Toronto, with his parents, Mr. -and Mrs. S. Candier. Misa Vida Worden, Haileybury, with her mothËr and other relatives here,' ,,Mr. and Mrs. R.N'arren and Ken- neth, Toronto, at Mr. F. W. Kirken- dall's. Miss Thresa Morrow, Os hawa, with Mrs. Chas. Williams and M&rs. Chas. Brown. t I BQWMANVILLE HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY The Annual Meeti ng, of_ the above So- ciety will be held in thç Council Room In the Municipal Building at 8 py.m., on Thursday, January 11, 1923, for election of, officers for ensuing year and for general business. Mrs. J. J. Lord, Mrs. E V. Scobeil, President. Secretary. 51-3w ARTICLES FOR SALE FOR SALE-Cow just renewed, Dur- ham and Ayrshirè, second caif. Apply T. Wesley Cawker, Bowmanville. 50-tf FOR SALE-Floor Lamp, neyer been tied, anld a billiard boavrd and kit. Ap- ply to Mrs. J. B. Mitchell, Division St., Bowmanville. 51-tf. FOR SA LE-Brown Clyde Mare, 6 years old, sound. Also a 1919 Ford Car in good condition., Apply to W. J. Martin, R. R. 1, Enniskillen. 52-tf FOR SALE-Whie Wicker Baby Car- niage, iron cot, mattress and springs. No reasonable offer refused. .Apply to J. T. B. Box 444, Bowmanville. 50-tf FOR SALE-i Bay Mare, 12 years old; 1 sorrel mare, 9 years b1d; 1 colt, this year, a good one; i heifer, 18 nionths' old. Mrs. Ândrew Reichra;h, Clarke, P. 0. Ontario. 49-tf FOR SALE-Power Makers-just the thing for fanmers who have cars-will saw wood, grind feed, etc. Only 4 lef t, Words of Appreciation From, Alex. Elliot We- certainly hope that those îgfts which, we were -,o happy in helping mhany citizens to choose have carried with them that trueChristmas spirit for which they were intended. May we take this opportunity, of thanking the buyingo public for their liberal 'patronage which. S±ahr~~ ILWJL'L~5 PAT FAN L pi ad, reu2l.-