Clarington Digital Newspaper Collections

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Dec 1922, p. 6

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Tak t -Nqw! I why anycoe Shoud hesitte ti take oed..iver OiL Td I iporantfactor An the Ujelth record of thmmsadb. 0listhwe esY and effective way OPDS PHOSPHODINE., The Great English Preparation- Tones and invigorates the ýwhole nervous system. makes new Biood in old Veins. Used for Neri'ou wý'jDebilfty, Mental and Brain Wory, Despondlen Loss of Energy, Palpitation o the Hleart, ailing Memory. Price $2 pe. box, for,5.? Sold by all druggists, or mai!ed in plain plc. an eceitoaipricç. New pmplt maled 'i-e.TNE WOOD RMEDICNE CO.ORONTO.oNT. 4 afe, r iiale rermi1r1iný ofiedicne. %Soîd utrcd grnesa of strenth-No. 1, SI- No 2, $3; No. 3, $5 per box. p~Soldà by &Il druggists, or OD ps'pdo6n reccipt of rric-. k'Ee,' - patnpIi1ot, Address: For Fascina ting Eyes M Make the Useof Murine a Daily Habit. This Refteshjng Eye . Lotio oo akes E es Clear, Radint, eaudul!Harmless. Enjoylable. So d by AU liruggists. '7ZLRINEe Keep you it -Zutoo, RH4EUMATIlSM? 1 wy.u , - a Sufferer, Heed Thia Advice ClnodOnt.-"It is wth pleas- ire that 1 write this note of coM- mendation. I su!- fered with mnuscu- lar rheumatlsm ~ for three years 1P., and -have -beea completely curedi ___ of same by tak- ing a !ew pack- ages of D r. Pierce's Anurie -Tablets and Dr. a ié Prn ' nden BOWMANVILLE, DEC. 28th, 1922. Ex.Sehool Inspector Albert Odeil, Cobourg, is spending- the winter with bis sisters, Mrs. Frank ýStutt and Mrs. Alin, at Redlands, Cal. The Last Asthma, Attack may really be the last"'o-ne if prompt measuree are taken. Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy will safe- guard you. It will penetrate ta the smallest bronchial passage and bring about a healthy condition. It always relieves and its continued use often bas a permanent effect. Why not get 'this long-famous rem- edy to-day and commence its use? Inhaled- as smoke or vapor it is equaily eff ective. D-0 notSsUifer Sanother day with * ItehingBeea m îIng, or i14tru1 P. LE Ing Piles. 140 LES surgi1ai D)r. chsses Ontment vil relleve ycu ao and afford lasting beaeflt. 6Mr- 8 bDu- af dealerî% or EdnmnOI, Bates &CI.Lft4tO Toronto. SmpeBax free if YOu mDISCi rnaoer and ecloe . S1flPto 15 goey B«%A NF F .4,1 Had Billous 4ttacks and SWîuàch Weakness," Mnk. WM. Robinson, Yoei- lier, Sask., writea:. -l suffered 'from stomach and liver- trouble, and tued ta have biljous attacks sa bad that 1 could My boting for weeks at a time. Mystomach would be so weak that not even a drink of water would stay an it.' On mylister's advice, 1 began to use Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pilla, and must say that they bave made me feel like a new woman." DR. CHASOE'S KII)NTEY-LJ VEIRPILLS one pli a dose, _ý5 Cents a box, ai dealers;- or Ednmnson, %ates & Co., Lti., Toronto. IN Fs......* B nff w' THE EUROPEAN SITUATION By Chas, M. Bice, B. A., LI.B. Denver, Colorado. It would secin from a view of the facts, that the critical heur has, ar- rived at Lausanne-the questIon of the disposition of the Corridor be- tween the two worlds of the East and the West. For more than a century to ail of1 the Western maratime powers, poi-s session or contrai of the Dardanelles was the prize aimed at. To secure possession was a legacy left to'Rus- sia by the founder of that Empire. Seventy years ago Britain and France joîned to prevent Russia from gaining possession. Forty years ago in the Russo-Turkish war, Brîtain threatened Russia as the lat- ter was about to seize them. At the beginning of the world war, Russia was in position ta make dlaimi to Constantinople, and the two straits that separate two continents, Her allies were nat in position-to re- fuse assent, and se it wft5 given out, as part of the redistribution follow-ý ing victory and peace, Russia would attain hier century aid desire. There was no other alternative. .Instinctively Turkish diplomacy knew what would came fromn the -al- liance of. Russia, England and France,ý and this was the reason why Turkey in the war deserted hier former friends and joined with Ger- many ta defeat them. But Destiny had, another pro- gramme pre pared-at variance with the little schemes of mnice and men. ,The Russian Revolution came. In time the Soviet Governmnent took full possession-withdrew from the world War and made.peace with the former enemy, and renaunced al dlaims which had been put- forward by the Monarchist Government. Now at Lausanne, Russia and emies. are wrking together. The Turkish government refuses -to give up its dlaims to control of the B osphorus and Dardanelles, and the [bussian Soviet representatives stand byTurkey. Shades of Peter and ICatharine! A question crisis of whether the Soviet rulers -are in earnest in their renunciations. To Russian Commerce with the world, Girl H-ockey Te&irs at B anf f N ATURE has made Banff, Abr ta, one of the f inest sun'mer and winter resorts in the world. Hereto- fore most of the visitors came ini the summer.-- Within the last f ev yee rs large numbers have been, attracted In winter when sporte' carnivals have been held with great success. The season 1922-1923 is iikely bo make a uew record lu the popularity of Banff as a witer sports centre. -Did vou-ever ski doWn a mhe-cng- "I Oîadsd the Coinn of Soripnt" 'Nea rly every' spring, until tva years ago, I have had bronchial trou- hile. It usually lasted for three weeks or a month. Atter ii passed, it left me in a conipletely run down condi- tion. As ail who have had bronchial trouble know, tihe difficulty in breath- îîig aiid-the dry, hacking cough whichi goes witli it, left nme- so tired and we'tkened that 1 wanted to rest al 1lise ime, It got sothat Idreadedthe Cossing of spring. As I escaped this bronchîi froubie'both in the spring of 1921 and 1922, 1 feel that I ans 00w compietelyr cured, thanks to Carnol. 1 ans sso>w takiîsg nsy sixth bottie and the great benefit that 1 have derived fronsit is wonderful. It certainlv does everything that s -lamd for it snd miore. Il s genuiine !busc and body bililder. Von are ai perfect lib- erlt uUSC this unsolicsted testimonial if y on wisi. " -Mrs. Lau-ira M. Mansonî, Toron to Iiny a today7.1.2 For Saleý by Jur-y& Lovel freedom -of the Straits la an indis-j alone ia their war adventurea. By pensable prerequisite. T h that act tbey bad alienated the na- Slavic dream of ages, possesio a itiens that 6efriended Greece so long Constantinoaple and tbe waters sur- as Venizelos was recognized by -the rounding it is alsa a first requisite. Greek people. Beore the Con- Itý is within the boundary of belief stantine governmeiit undertook ita that a change in the f orni of gavera- off ensive against Turkey, Lloyd ment in Rusasa has completely ait- George warned Goullaris nat ta ex- ered the national outlook? Or is pect any assistance fiom the Brit-ý Soviet Russia piaying with Europe, ish government. "King Constantine's and supporting Turkey because, for presence has ruined everytbing"l the the present, the latter is the "under British premier :told, the Gek dog"l and ieast dangerous? agent. The Greek debacle was But wbat is of great moment ta really responsible for the crisis la ail is the political realigaments that England that led ta the downfail of have taken place in recent tinies the Lloyd George government. It and wbat tbey protend for the :future created a most dangerous situation The revolutionary goverumnent of in Europe and the East that le far Greece, like that of Russia, bas un- from quieted yet. And Greece "'tis covered a lot of material needful te living Greece ne mare", and will net fil in. if the records of current bi$- be for many yeare, if at ail, due ta tory are ta be complete and impart- an infatuation of bier people for tbe ial. The discoveries of disioyalty symbol of monarcby. lin Greece and whicb led ta the execu-- But the West is bowing ta the tien and banishment of army and East at Lausanne. The Turk bas political leaders, and the exile of been given bis own way iargely.- the Monarcb and re latives, introduce the massacres -have been forgotten new edéments and factors in the by the diplomats at the conference. situation. At the samne time tbey Christendoin bas been crying out, place Lloyd, George and bis gaveru- againat it ail, but what good will ment in their dealings witb Greece that do? There seems ta be no in a better position than they bave place for the Cross where the Cres- been assigned of late by publie opin- cent floats. Prom? Constantinople ion that knew nothing of these -the Greek must move. Wby la Tur- documents in the recent English key able to bulîdoze the other pow- é lection. Tbey make a strong case ers at Lausanne? Its army is not against the criminality and crass powerful and it bas no navy wortb stupidity of the leaders under King mentioning.' Following the war Constantine. Former Premier Turkey. lat contrai of Constantin- Gounaris is deepiy involved in the ople and the straits, and it was glar- papers unearthed. ingly announced that the unspeak- The extof te dcumets ub-able Turk would be out of Europe. lished by the revoîutionary gavera- It is net Turkey, it je,' but a ment of Greece lu exténuation of its figure. bead. The reason for wbat exceptionaily severe punisbments of bas bappened et Lausanne, is that former beade, and as an answer ta Turkey is buttreised by an aggres- the condemnation of other gavera- sIVe, figbtiîsg religious organization ments, shows that Gounaris conceal- that le feared. ed from the Greek gaverument and Mobammedismn is winning the people the fact that -the returu te victories ýrecorded from day to day the throne of King Constantine bad et the Lausanne Conference. Hie -d-e-i4d---r.iain--to--wThra--s-ppre ragioôn- is-natUiet4 from Greece. It bas been assert- the heart. "Tere is but one ed that the British government God, and Mobammed.7is Hia Prophet". backed the nsonarchy of Greece in waving war on Turkey, and quit ita ilrsWr oweswl la support only when Turkey was gain- the stomacb and bowels of worms, ing ground.- The C' eek representa-sotatechdwilomreb tive at London tel'e, " nhed to Goun-setrouled yt b ir ravagn mes, Te gris the truth; nam-.1y, that when tobe yter rvgs h thepeole f Geec -ealld Cu-powders are eweet to the taste and the eope o Grecceolted Cond nochîidwill object ta takîng them. stantine tbey became -ioae n They are non-injurious in their composition, and wbile in se cases they may cause, vomiting,' that muet noV be aken as a sign that they are nahuseatng, but as an N T E R indication of their effective work. The comiing year will bring you and yours health and pros- perity a plenty. The Cash & Carry Bakery Phone 97 Bowmanville a;U ,, 't Ne. mater what v u b, n kitchen ueakde- 1 aad write for free confidcentiai med- Ical advlce. HAVE YOU A COUGH? This is of Vital' Interest to You -Woodstock,-. Ont.. "My -busband snow-shoes? Ail these thiags you can do la wiuter at Baff-famous Canadian niountain resort, 4,534 feet ab,'ep sea -leve1-lu the clear- Mracing -air -o1 Il I ~ BOUNSALL'S LiI~MONUMENTAL ART WORKS - ESTABLIS-HEDI1857 doctoreu anu tiîcuevery, remeuy recammended ta hlm. Some niglits ho would cough so bard 1 used ta be arrast ine mîigaht oe berare fmorang. Last fali bis mother advised hlm ta try the 'Golden Medîcal Discèvery' and f rom the first few doses he lim- proved. It le just a year now and he seems to be entirely cured a! al branchial allments." Mrs. S. M. Greer, 27 Sydenham St. (kt the Dscovory to-day at any wÀedîoi4,,dealors, tablets or Uiquld. are so warm that they are deightfui fully graded roadeý, flaný,ed by te for swimming. slender rans of the inount aiu pines. Ample nnnortunit3r is affortied for a,2-1 A-,. er wl i llkout of the every variety of winter sport. Down an the river is a rink wbere one may practise figure-skating, or watcb some acconsplisbed skaters waltzing ta music. One of the best'toboggan ruas cames down tbe side of Tunnel Mauntaini. -Skiing is aiea a popular spart bore and splendid opportunities are offered for jumps on the matin- tain nJbPeL The. litlMe azti woods just ahead of you and stand and gaze at yaou. Thjsisý becauýse Banff is lui a goverrument park wbere it is against the law to shoot wild animals. Any day walking down ,theimain, street, you mAy nieet a large mountain sbeep. But he is no langer a wiid one-he is the mascot of the mounted police sta tionbd here. Tbere is also the buf- range, and snow-covêreci peak be- youd peAk, tb.ey tover above one and streteh away into the -' distance. Againat thes snaw on their ides the dark mau-ntain pines stand out ln shbarp 4m relief, ia ln'bing one is teipted ta stop often,fo every ne .v ievel brings into view fresh peaks, endc hlitherto ung-uessed valleys. Biîrnff le easy of accesr beir- on the main lins of the Canadian Paci- fic Railway, three and a haîf hura' jaurney from Caigary. aI empioy no cemetery -caretakero as agénts preferrIng ta seli my ovn VA CI-,SR Cream Wanted! Prices of Cream are higli. We pay Good Prices for Good Cream. We Want Yours If we fail to eall on you we would appreciate a phone eali or write us. Orono Creamery Co., 1' wrwîNpaeS cýAeGAffre SMI MAqUiE Success and Prosperity in, the New, Year XVe exterid every good wish to our many friends andcustomers at'this festive season. We thank them for their splendid patronage and hope we may, again serve them,,during 1923, C. M. C"eA WKEIR &SO '"N, BUTCHERS and GROCERS, BOWMANVILLE 1 -- -- ---- - ---- -1 1 -- . -, - -t ý-r i 44 4Ta, k i n à [a S k i J u m at ia f f f

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