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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Jan 1923, p. 8

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the .. pLQD¶JUNeg1ecte id - --' 71*"'$ .09"' oodnigfl_ sjeeP and a'rises tfl said lie ould do no1hiiz for nie. My hu.s- Duk tQHun Steet 28 j Culien............1096.2,as .gainst $9875.00 for the nlorning with clear braip,, band's mother advised me to take the thCindlers on Albert St. frov'n Breach of Crearnery's Act 1 the year 1921, and ,ve have to-day at bright eye, Il appetitée. and full Vegetable Comp~ound and 1 started it at ln't last, Du oadH.............23.0 House-breakçing ai.nd Theft4 our credit in the Bank of Montreal of'energy for work and play. oncxe. 1 was alie to do my work once arade Ditching on Albert St. frornBekigitoBxCas dTheft 2fTity $1925.69. . more and it was a pleasure, not a bur- 1Duke to Hunt Street .... 24.00 1 eto uky........ ______It is nowv just 80 years sice den. Now 1 have a fine bouneing baby Y e spade, Storm Sewýer on Ontario and i kshe ......... Beecham's Pills lrst began cor- n mal onrs9e n no o madeteSteets.........72.0 Iland Revenue Act. .7 AINT KNOWS CHILDREN' rectïng disordered stomachis andi nd amyaie o rse brand enjoy o- A-et inhtile..s......... . Trlespass............1_____ tirrirog slîuggilh livers and 1ioweîs mîng wrk ch a nnot ielpnrecom-n 3Ceinh wal on........n 4,6j Theft of Bieyc1es.............. 4 Our very dlear old Aunt is not to natural activity - and feeling mnigsc eiié n n n wer Cdrk, oîbr wln 7teeo360Tbf f uonoiand... 1î ~ sexi ebefore 1 took it, and seeing C in èr w al o M a v e s R . î.0 B e ae h o f Mu torob i le 's A 1 8 k b a ch elo r w ô nin - sh e la s a ise d "ik e a fig blti i g o k s a s c a e n y t o p e s d f r y u t s n C«ndr al o .Cv:sRd 3.01 pm yof twelve-so can very-w ell as-nseaaby thBeha' n onl ow, ease what it doesufor me Insannty .... esret advise her niece how to Pulis, as the puý*Is are with good tsioil-Ms iiiyDvs 2 Cind r w lk oncesio St 18.t _u Pre-a maI a ýc wib r îtt 1g2 ed ni e tiown a. e.eMwat i L D AV frIlle 21 08lasgaefo iln n aw ully poFSessi',Fire-ra,1dh ihcidrn nlerMc e- helh .IGee Street, Wininipeg, Maxi. l a n d w h i n e 1 0 8 l o a erv e o r f i l x ie a w o f T r a j s i e n t ' T r a d e r s ' B y - t e r b e f o r e C h r i s t m a s s h e g a v e t h st U. d i t 2ý a S cL d i E P k h m s P i t e T t . ie, esr..g............. .41-49.0 Law .. 1 timnely and sensible bdvice': tAl ggiss2 adSc Book upoxi -Ailments Peculiar to leNew gjgsrets.4 as..770 Escapixig fro'I law,f«ui ustody. 2 MWoS-' will be sent you free upon Ne1unmber for sidewalks . 155,. Shootixig withnintent ta -o bodily M y Dear Niece: if 'ou would not - eu~.~Wiet h yi .Pzka r .G~tGrading Tabb's Road . ....14,00 Poinjng ary........ .............aan icteen' an wmoroseo Medicine Co., Cobourg, Ont. This book Grading Middle Ro-d and oxtn dd revi ot encourage them to be bad tem- ENNTS contains valuable informiation. c Police offilcer .... reayxg........ ..... 17,00 How dispoosed of- - peredl and fretful over little things THREE PIECE DANCE ORCHESTRA Gradin- eide road ..........8.00 Fines -. ...... 5 ee5 i f . Whnti g o - On for ongagen.-ents. Reasappy Grading and drawing brick 0.. .. .1- ngwith you, check the impulse music. Âpply box 32, omiîe bats frorniBrick Yard ..92.00 Casfoedasaes nd ta inie thrs.Cb__uangr wmave Muxidy's ide onddeavres2500tct ion..............., and ahvnys. UgIy, growling tempers are 1~epirig brdgeon sme nd ommIt.....ihou .t. very quickly embedded i the child's YOUR FUTURE DEPENOS ON filling wash tout......36.00 jaul md. To be ever finding fault is YUSÈ Re~pîri~g bidg on aseoption of a fine ........... Lepii n dixg.........18.0 Cominmtted te jail for non-payteent bu!t to train the ch'Idren te do lie-Y RSL Filling approach Electrie of fines .................... sis\ A he rwupte illIr Light road ..........36.00 Corninitted for trial.......8 lii-'ok for blac los-ntthe m i -the Ditcliing on Victoria and Suspended senene............ 5 Ioh n n the l e th e dixhed Brwx Sret .. .. 6.0Sentenced te Mero:er Refornîatory 1road anannoChahelbsue sky overhead DBroiw n teetr. an.....Sextenced te. Reformatory for Ton ch them b ospeak of thixiga that YneadCalsSuTrno Dibaya...................... are illevitable, wvd1hý compalsa4c; Can qualify ypu for -thé position Brown Street.......9.00 '-. -cd oth ntro ef teach th1km 10 meet uncorrifortable higher up. Remerher that ex- CathBasin KingSt......30.00' 1Sesiuatoesncedendranet o b pOntyung xenorReform-e i Unloaing Cnde~s........ atory .......................2 stain t nuac eb otyui o rwmna- MnIa iig ro ndatR s a ax G. 6.0() i v r e -I s e to, C~l- brave in disasters. neer laid off. The business o0 ie2fthda metess ... 5.00 Terl'a Aid Society............ 7 Do net exaggerate troubles. If it niuat have theni. This achool is BUSL' 30tl ti imtr.I.7.0rains do net say it is pouring. 'i f oeadingour seirtraoinitngN andLAIT OR Dfcin ro ibrynt or edirfour sortrantxig anse- ALART W Dtc S.i og e o treLibe24y St. - Prperty timeh. are harci we rueed iWt rriak cure enipoyment m1uickly. if in- Vo t.Gerg Srèe....2400Tharelo ~Y-r- that sthrvation is threnfening, Týere st : ~.7.0 ported et 1bt4during the 1 are always extenuating chances tteretge. Etrît any t1e. Imorter «!re 1 of Baile oin t. 77,0dyer Catch De. 15was977.00 V-hOOtll things over. Ee from ctlgeInerJylmI~etr4ro th Carftiný away old sidewalks. .15.00edugi e. 1. waa I. gD-. SCOTC" ÂNr -Tile for Bownianville Folin- srwig tituyhn u a-L ÛOT vnjJ ay ar~te dry Co. . . ... . .. 1. 00An 9nt of P operty recoer- 'py 19 hear a frowning cild speakingân Fçi a 4 ieg to M5.001 - bjttery>qgaist the eléments; agaî t GRANITES ownerhbymaie, olce 4riiig srnai duties, or of a dis poeitmexit. -- o~~a~e streets ...... ..... 24 t e meperiod ...$2.0Bte h po4narne toe very- VROTBU AL Sidhsalks to Goodyear, Cav- n es ga thing, and especially to ali tingsin un ery's and Crsings .... 481.92 A~on li ne 20o u httehomnen Do tr 4Ctî mio n emtrycaeak 90000.. yu hiik n he~tl~ funda- a gents-,DreferrnZ te oeil Imy o'wnaq illi city výnd Teaming ' -l, 'as arwo $-977.00 aflw chu1fren to eàk totel ho e n-t;heroujzli tgeointhua aavlngthe.S92rM.,ae aii i nl-,do~ n ecétbr -22.~~468Arount of Dog Taxes 1co1Ieet- ltllien o h iéie but- àlwas ins-. 'W '*ifleteaA~ers ili the agsn' emflo. Âc; ira- Stormi Sewer oui Iing-st. .. 584.30 ed up te Dec. lSth,. --..$24,3.00 ini ligh1 prhise. T1kii it will grbéI- -sh(Ithand, Typewitiag, Fiing, and 6oI1cIted. niiing, o,çy- Labor te Dec, 15th for Amunxt of Statxite Labor col- ripou tiiem .toe blie-ve that at - leàst BfiBnes -Suietu. t1ven rnchcs; ig battery bridge on sideroad and o - ail! gr'oxum; i1teive trainng- teaci thse ~uch' Mii.......... 2.10lected up te Dec. 15h. .$325.00 there is one placé in Ibis world thAt ~Stat at axxy tinie. LEU$ *oniy a few Cuttixig Weed ,.....75.00 is very nearly perfect. - -it foxro8pectun tu 6 Proprletor, eowmnanvle. ni$~5984i$568.001 Make yiour home as inviting and P. eTlNT9rnt. "MChi Yli pricialPhone 326W aou;big$4598 t Heo 16 For your further infe~to n 1- <- m 'kf ehos , might say blinI an amouit cof $3,733.- - istors wel- 96 u'as epent on the County Rond P ....z f 50-4 Systeni, the chiot expençdiures in IL ainiad afl17fl *il'g 'î - 'n da tbis amt b hirîg for a new cuivei-t ~---.ou the- Lake Rond- and two culverts M in e n the Second Concession. Thisa ~ VLoeMd a indi.b f IYtics tothe Teý%n f Boaville, leès T in ed.cI' and-à necd e utto dvtieour torit te.riîtsii 0%. This account has aire9dy0a * . ood ep ýx as re tLted in ml1ifie a-& ýab% T " a :0 p a s s e d b y 'î h e C o u n t ie s G o u n c il T h e & D Ï ý td ko V O O$; ý @e' o n c o l t r p etfli g" C * s d a a n 3ï a Il,', -A ý UW d h ,To n wllr ci e h ore ni zi cuztd>uto k y Ou e- or t h r e a ,m Wa ne d au infant, 1ti~athe Corporation laid adeqtlat*- krb-1de o ' adîû Weaiý and 5,819 feet cf cernent aldewaik in *c4iVàd bàtu,ïi* by b«-, CW aY a -it pe0 ed te play idifférent' paltecf the town. at a cost a a iï Seid ,Cýéada ______ t . -' 1 K eyrtoef $,22.3. This work lits been M4 1e-, iIw beeu , M*tïà a aïx u twoiaaà1 a iii. Oftten don ide thebbcLocal i iQydIxtent in -_ý 1 t, c* pue in4ies a ~g Cet ~she wouid Act, with owpiers payîn-g670%of lt9atïwV of: atiret MoeWè0 *nil. *ýPrices of Creaiare ih Ie. 1 %vis cost'xand thé tewn 3 tar %. te ttctx»dj 'u mm fvro]Wed anti hê gîse ný GIOdj 'lj hr ýcou , Frorn the. aniunt of $4,549.84 i wÀ , né i , àm ts 01t l&>e d8 epyGo rcsLr ~ e er ýý1e nt ý of $4.549,8o4 a-tir gPadly aâeniNc anuaUv' v~ieu tht epyGodPie o Go ra heilxer hethrie vii1he, roturned and cr.edTed- uiport o( pfuhys ardwithmot 4-moeo dleh a t Iis Dopartment $115,00 fromtheii I7-cXrwntthe 1 >OrtanS of par vW" it oIdge- 0 v r nokn fBowxiviile Fouxidry Ce., feij- Il "iù at UfË Mu'ui md, zd he",t=o W.£ raised our <49 fe' tr axryfor aide- ,,%riitioi - hd a1sp,.ü frniýr.Cvelyf ia v aueraorba-to>fle hA u in ~ tci y pd<>a nY ourslu ei~ese Waks and $61.5~0 froni W. J. -Julley thàe <wy et soen-i'yard t rest, bute inaetr la butor.cthq imfixL cnt i ,n( s W ýe for cipders, hiaving a total anteunt cf th aofwe4Éy"inësbu a s oe ut n onue e money expended 'te be $4,322.42. exnphtaze partÏculaiP the value of placles t5> be deve1oped. Mount Robscl* ltil ýcarnet - tDtd*isttra've itit te'ation, and the Pýrk*, >ui &t4' mjlks vwstfonl'"P" id dabl -~ ty wO eW ow ieievesin Udeveloping statîlon, is another. Aside frool 4ount efitoclonyuw wud our tourist terrýiteýry--*0 te speak te Rob-son beir!g the ~highest pek in - fwefi thet nyo e oi hle iiast captalie tie sceqenry. Posiby -ne Gaxiadian Rockies (11, W68 fec , the park othr outr i te or ives up which is entirely within ~the provirce ,1 preieaphone callo rt us. gth te i:gtlpe9pll a greator axea of country British Columbia, is an Alpine kinglorni ýl ioriuilfo rïcreation purposes and these greait in itself, but iintil aicli time as it is Piangrovnds art net cônfined te any developed, the glory a.n i nieatyofeti-s guannee XPpticular section butf are -apread frÔim scenery la denied the tourist who doees the Àtlànï oe ~Pacdi. l'len again not choose to rideacy: oo Creamery Co and he 1,we St-Lawrncý, tothestated that teurist traYi nClfri "ljit * Pacific Conuýt the intoreasts are so varied alfone nts appisexiruatelY a iundred <I f 1l IL 1seidisî1n'f 1 different froni, one miffion dollars a yenr, andtI tuemore

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