sold at bargain FOOT WEAR This is ses ou t of tenï e ellarm of the( ou know juste ou have to pay p your mind to STAMP TAX ' n nf Pl. M. ered Bv ods, Moderri quipment Office-R. M. Mitchell BowmyanviIle Str Aucti mi and House ms mroderate. one 197-r3. M-en's,.Shoes in Astoria, SIlter, (ireb Com-npar)ison of style, quality and prices is ii V ited. SALE' È NDS SATUIRDAY, JANUARY 27th. Store I3owmianville Pe~rey. 139wm WM . J Licensed j For BDoy There isn ro such thing as eating, too much bread, but there is a drawback in not eating enoUgh< of It. Especially for the growing child it îs goôd and helps build tlwir bodfies more than ani otIer food, Ba'ked £resh daily lii Qur own ba4ery. RITI'SBREAD SPENI va'ioi occasioli ýeirc pare nf h 189 Dou1b ýL