Stinson, PF at blis fath i them. Portage la 1Prair-1 A wise teachier's, influence her parents, M.Jr. good cannot bc o'verestimated i .derson. section. T. H. Allen andi! hildren will follow, admire, er 1and Mr~. Wnm. late andi defend a good teacher. le, recently vi's-I A teacher should studyj to be .îvile's. great moral force in his communi .Wilson, a f or- A teacher must be master of h. bool teacher, ex- self to the minutest detail. her arrige i Reati the best thoughts of etit nkf ord. ted men and good literature to Thm s'tron g t.-Dr. Tona' Sch.ool equipmient and surroul ýn on the marketi i7es , ni, 'nI zln Local ris. 3rd( PENDS ON CONCENTRATEJJ Prices of Cream are high. We pay Good Prices for Good Crearn. We Want Y ours If we fail to cali on yQu we woulId appreciate a phon~e cal or write us. Orono Creanieryi Co., Oig(0N0 f Canaa ........... .