endcie rt ýSTLE j NDUCTI( ýc'ern is visiting Rev. Gïr icock is Visi ug The Preý n is visiting w ,ýith Newtonvill( at 2 P. ni., Girard Gra as visited friends Warsaw, 0 ek.1 charge of. ýerchants are eachl ville. A t Court, Com., Mitchell-- The MEDICAL ALFRED FARNCOMB, M. D., C. M 0. Graduate of Trinity Univeruity, 811< and Of Royal College Physicians, Edin i1e, buirg. Specialty-Diseases of wom of e~n and chidren. Offce-Parker', nto, Block, Newcastle. 'ay, 1 arn ff J. A. BUTLR.M. D. CiM i Sit ole] Jim .Smiith spent Friday in wil D. J. Gibson entertained a ni of her friends on Friday ai] of J. Lewis, Hamilton, is visit-I pit t lier parents, Mr. and Mrs. j. Paý Murray Eilbeck, Osha-wa, i heweek-end at home with f or ants. the Frank Jay, Canningto, î ed with bis daugbter, Mrs. S oitt nery. c1(ý Jorn-tan Toms, Oshawa, spent W. k-n wt is miother, Mrý, . M Tomis. nd Mrs. Albert Brown, Portbiw 'isited ber parents, Mr. and i os. Barrie. Aimedla Couchi, Buffalo, was village last -week renewing iaintances. Me1Laugb1în lbas gone to Tor- T ýere she intends to spend the oft Gilroy-Hüoey 1 a b s Loui 011, wý ATfl CP raduate 'med l coiadHoi pital Of New York and .Fellow Of -thJru so > Toronto Ademy of 'Medicine. Offict -Mrs. MNaughitoni's Reoidence *Newcastle.. H us-8to 1 .mN ew caistle Dto 3 D. in., and by appointiment. tW. F. NICKLEK.G., MeP.P r ~of Kirgzton. Ontario, will address a SPECIAL MEETN Lib-eral- Con servat ives of West Durham TOWN HALL, BOWMANVILLE FRIDAY, JANUARY 26, 1923 at 2p.nm. Everybody Welcome A. J. StaDies. W. F. ... BRAGG FAMILY RE-UNION ý M PSON, THEO SLEIl itor- for Eixecutors. Auci with ber parents, f. Gibson. ýer, Montreal, is days witb ber S Rowland. and Muriel Tobini after a pleasant Urs. Frank Bran.1 ipson, Manvers, .s dlaugblter, Mrs. P. R., for thezý William nother o' zson, Oshawa. old1 resienti Stock Must Be Reduced In order to reduce oui' stock before taking oui' anr. aal iný,ntory we are offering somne except- jonafl values in Hardware, Stoves, Heaters, etc. Core ne ra~nd look around. H. C.- BONÙ-"rqAT1rHAN HARDWARE NEWCASTLE cKsMiU lid on ie in in the 'e seil. rOCK YING MORRIS CO Newcastle Orono LAKE ,WE SELL G, hStoresIL-i IEST RETAIL GROCERS Bycevoting our time to oui' une we are able to keep our stock right up to the minute, give you prompt and efficient service and give you good valuec foi' every dollar you spend with us. Gc-t acquainted with oui' stock and prices. RWALTON Notice To Credito-s Grocer Our Price Was $ 3.50 Less A man fromn a nearby town was pricing small heaters in our. store the other day and he found that my price was $3.50 less than hie was CANNED GOODS Peaches ............ This sudde rmakes on Irs. Our .-......... many instances why you loading a car of i -~ 's Store of lot 25c ..14c Newcastle