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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Jan 1923, p. 5

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GOLDEN WEDDING On Jaauaîy 13, 1923ý, a 'happy eyant; took plac'é at the hiome oý mr. and Mms Thomas J. Ney, Port e Nie oh, it being the fitiet anier saîy of their weddinh. Mr. and Mrs. Ney were married al. Williams-, burg (aow Backstock), Ont., by the' Rev. Mr. Johnston. John Ney ofI Minesing, the gioomsnian at thel wedding, %vas the only one of the 0riginal Wedding group, to be pires- ent, After living ten yea-s in the tounhip. of Cartwright, County ofi DraMi, and Mis. Ney mroved toi h - tIISvicînity, wlhere they brouglit up their family. The mnembers of the, family î,re:--Robertan Clarence of1 Toronto; Mis. Jamres Wilson, Wmn. 6. and Edgar of Port MeNicol; Mis. R . Dalton and Mis. M. /Hopkins of Victoria Hiarbor; Mis. H. Russell] a-id Mrs. D. C. ICelso of Fort Wil- liam, and Vera at hoine. Othe - FURNIT FF. MO'ý Bowmanville Newi mnediate friends and relatives of the famify were preseat, also Rev, and Mis, M. C. Gandier and Rev. and Mrs. A. B. Caldwelhl. The table was; deioiated with fifty daffodils,ý the gfft of the ladies of the Port. 1An address wias rend by Rev. A. B. 'Caldwell from the fam ily. After 'the addiess the Rev. Mr. Gandlier presented the happy couple each with a gold hande umbrella, M±r, Ney with a tie pin and Mis. Ney ;v1th Sa bîooeb. Mir, and Mis, Ney re: eeived other gifts also from ..ýmem-bers of tihe family. Port Elgin Turnes: With the New Yeai's issue, the Bruce Peninsular INewvs, piinted at Lions Head, wihI suspend publication, w-hich is an- other la the growing list of papeis that have suspended" publication within thse past four or five years. )ABLE '*ABLY RRIS CO rcastle Orono To Sehool Trus tees We have two only, Piano Case Organs- late1y tàken as part payment on Dominion Pianos 1 -whichhave been placed in flrst class workîing eohdiGn, an'd for school pwrposes are as good as now. The-% instruments will be sold 'àt bargain picos to clear.r F. J. MITCHIELL , SALES AGENT Mitchell Building Phone 92 or 105 Bow-manville SILVER WEDDING 1 Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Plummer Pleasantly Surprised. About 85 friendls and relatives o Mr. and Mis. Norman S. Plummne gave thetn a pleasant surprise oi Friday even-ing, January 19, in hono of the tSventy-fifth anniversary o their wedding whicIý should havE [ taken place on January .5, but ow%,inl to the illness of Mr, Plummer wa postporied until the above date. Bý [previous arrangement, Mr. and Mrs [Pluimer wvere invited to ta'ke te: Iwith Mis. J. N. McDougail, and oi being called home %was greeted wit] a jolly crowd of relatives and friends Mr. J. J. Bas.-kerville of Newcastle was elected chairman, Land called or Mr. John C. Stacey to read the f ol lowing a'ddîess: Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Plummer Dear Friends-Repîesenting youý large circle of relatives and immne dtiate friends in your homne town arn throughout the conimunity, ive hav( met together this evening in honoý of the 25t1h anniveisary of youi Wedding Day, and we assure yoi that we are glad to find you at thhý stage on the'journey of life in thE enjoymnent of such a state of physièca heailth and of such a degree of tem* poîal prýosperity. As wlll, no douibt be a source of sincer'e pleasure anc devout thankfLnIess to those nol privilel-ed to be present with us, Up. on being assured of the samne. Twenty-five years of maîried hlf e in this town p)reeeded by a, yout] spent in th2e same by both of you, places you amiong the prosperous citi- zens of this town. And ha'viùg knowrt yon to haive en- joyed a happy married life, we wisli that y.ou mi-ay enjoy miany more yearF of 4Iappin'estogether. And it is in recognition of the benefit wemay dlerive fromI- your exampdfe in things temnporal an.d spiritual coupled with a desire to mninister ln howýever smnal a degiee it may' be to your comfort and happinless ;11 the noon-tide of if e that *&e ask you to aecept this Silver Service and Tra 'y, and Pyrex. Wý7ith our heartiest good wshsin wihwe trust you miay live to enjoy themr in a very lerge measure. 1Sîgned on behaîf of youî many frien.d's. Mrs. L. C. Smnith, H-. P. plummrrerL. Plummer, J. J. Basker- vIle, Commnittee. .At the proper time Misses, Minnie Webber a ndý Irene Baskerville, M'essrs. Hlubeit Stncey and Alfred Smith lifted a cloth fîomn a table wvhich rçvealed a beautiful Silver Service and Tray, a Pyrex Casserole and a Pie Plate set in- Silver and a lovely wedding cake whichi were pie- sente d to the'bride and groom. A verýy haýppy reply was made by Mi. Plun-mer thankJing ail! for the kind woids and lovely gifts after which shoit speeches weîe made by Me,-srs. 1H. A. Fletcher, Robt. Green- Field, J. T. Hooper, W. B. Pinch, Mis. L. Smith, Mirs. D. Grigg, Mis. H. A. Fletcher and others. The Fletcher Orchestra fuînished ,a nurriber of selections, Miss Irene Baskeiville, a piano solo, Miv. Elmio Andeison, a vocal solo, aftei which a dainty lunch was seived by the lad- ies and the balance of the eveni ng pleasantly spent in gaînes and social chat, ahi exten.ding to Mr. and Mis.1 Plummer thei best wishes that they niay be spared to celebrate many moie wedding anniversaries. Among those attending froin out of town were-Mrs. Joe Tennant and daughter Mildîed , Orillia; Mis. L.ý Sm1ith, Messrs. Alfred Smith and Hloward Plummer, Toronto, Mi. and M'rs. M. Morrison, Mis. C. Knowles,ý Mr'I. H. Cox and Mis. A. Cox, Osh- awa; Mi. and Mis. J. J. Baskervilhe and famnily, Mis. S. Baskeiville, Mis. W. H. Pearce and family, Mis. J. Rý. Fisher and son, Mr. and 1Mis. J.ý 31iddIleton and Cecil of Newcastle. tiEnds 1 BOWMALNVILT.E, JAN. 25th, 192C.1 LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Mr. Harold Boys, Stouffville, was ln town Tuesday,. Mr. Everett Jackson, Oshawa, wasi recent guest of his unche, Mu, Thoa, C. Jackson, Mis. Samn Woodley, Tyrone, spenit the -week-endvti wsthieu.,coussai, Mis. S. Candler. Miss Mari orie Alison, Dunhaiton, is vîsiting Mile. G. A. Gillispie, Lib- erty Street. Mi. Hairy Foster who has been visiting fîiends heret has retuunied to bis homie near Pictoni. G. N. Thurston's Sensationial Fui Sale ends Wednesdey. Have youi made youî purchese yet? Miss Dorothy Johnston diessed asi an 'Italien Glu' won fluet prize at Orono Carnival Tuesday nighit. Oui stock of fot 01r enew-, and we offer 20 % dise oumt this week onlIy. Copeland Shoe Store. Reeve Geo. A. Smith of Port Hope, was ehected Warden of the United Counities of Northumnberland and Durhami for 1923. Messie. John H. and Frank A. Wakelin KwliQ have been spending1 somle weeks with their mother, have îeturned to Boston, Mass. 0 Mi. Robt. Alan,. Cobourg, and son Mu. Chas. Allan of Moose3aw, Sask.,1 spent the week-end with the foun- er's daughter, Mrs. W. J. Chemience, Kiagston Road, East. <Mi. J. H. Gundy, Toronto, who addressed the Methodist congiega- tions in town on Sunday wvas guest of 1Mr. and Mus. F. C. Vanstone, "Ceder Cii over the week-end. Mi. L. F. Raffauf lef t on Mon- dIay for -Atlantic City, N. J., to at- tend( the Canners' Convention ue- pîeseating the Ross Can Co. Professai H[Tackensav.'s secret for mnaking gohd(! See Sunday's Herahd and Examnineî, tJhicago's best news- papeî. Bu, it ea. L. Nichoils'. Regular meeting of -Bowmit-anville Womeni's institute wili be held ait the home of Mis. Harry Allia on Fîiday, Jani. 26 at 1)p. m. Let eveuy mnii- ber tîy to be present and brin- a friend. Union jack on Post Office wvas at hajý f-miast out of respect to thse late Hon. W. C. Kennedy, Minister of Railways and Canais, who dlied ati Naples, Florida, and was buîied atl Windsor on Monday. Before hit s too ljate look over the local merchants advts and see the exceptional- values beîng offered the final week of their Januay Sales. No need to buyý out of town these days or any other days. Mr. Andrew Welch, Broadiew, Man., is visiting bis cousisa, Mi, Thios C. Jackson and Lis numnerous ot)ser relatives !,.- this viciaity after thîrty yens-s' absence Mi, Wehch bas made a great success of fauasing, being pioprietor of several hundred acres ia Manitoba. "Tise Maiple Lef",,of Januanxy la. su 'e the official mýagazin-,e ofthtie As- sociatipis of Canadian Clubs con- teins a splendid 3-page write up of the re-organization meeting of Bow- Saisvihe Canadiin Club and the ad- dess delivere4 by Lieut.-Col. C. R. MeCulougis an the miotiýves of this movement. BJRTHS CORDEN-In Bowanivile, January 14, to Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Cordon, aL son. DEATHS GOODWIN-In Powmanville, January 2,Frederick John Goodwin, aged 27 years Fuineral to-dlay (Thursdlay), frons St. Johin's Church at .0p m., ta Bowman- v'ille Zemetery. JOHNS-In Bowmainville, on Weýd- nesday, January 24, Elizabe)thj Vanstone, w'idow, of the late William Hl. Jobns, agd61 years. Funeral on Fridiay at 2.30 p. mn. f brlate residence, Quieen-st., ta0 Bow- manville Cemietery. OUMAS-In Bowmnanville, January 20, Rom11aine Dumnas, aged 64 ypars. COURTICE-In Darllngton, January 18, Robert Caurtice, aged 82 years. HAM LY-At Port Hlope, January 18, Edward Thomas H1amly, in hlis 7Oth year. ALLI N-mn Darlington, January 20th., Stella Irena, beloved wife off Mr. Roy Allin, aged 19 years. WATTS-AI Port Hlope, Jamnry 17.,j miartha Amny, belo)ved wife off John Waitts-, agod 68 years. YEO-On January 18, at Ma,,rip)osa,l William Yeo, in bis 90tbi year. Father ai ' rs. (Rev.) W. T. Wickett, Tyrone.1 GRANDY-In Newmarket, JTanuary22,ý Rev. Thos. rnd, aged 2 eas.Na- tive Of Lifrord, D-urham n-County. -SINCLA!R--At 659' Dovercoprt 1toad, Toronto,, Januai:ry 03 E Il wo o h late Robert Sinclair, I owrnlýnvifle,. in br 67tb year. PETRIE-Ti Hope, kintirr 23, Mar-, ,garen athre wd~of tile 1ate -Wil-[ aIl . Petrie, in lber S7tb year. Ia- DAVIDSON-At Carmiai, Man., Jan. PMr urnis, wi or 0the, lato Johin Davieon. Interedat Asbiburn Churcb- yadon Jainua:ry' v2thi. MOTLEY-In Winn-ipeý(g, Man., Januaryj 3, Ell Sophlia MtethiirI daugbtýer ofi thé, laIe MAr. atnd Mrs. WillUa, .Matley, BROAD At thie re-siwlence of bis par- ents 617 MrhmSt., Torontýo, Jn. 18. William Maurce, h lovdson eof Mr.1 and Mrs. WVilliaým Herry ]Broa, aged 29 TLJRNBULL-In OtwJanuary 21, William Tuirnbu,ij! in bis 82 year. Ft ber off Rev. Dr, . JH. Turnbull, a former mninisteýr of St. P'als Prles byteria n Churchl, fBawmal,-nville. GIBSON-At psm January 1,«,, An- ni,ý Akney, widlow off the laIe Richlard Gi'bson. aged 75 years, 6 monthis, former- 1y Of Cartwright. Tilo0ther of Mrs.R.G Tbompson, Carlisle Avenue, P-omwian- vlleý IN MEMORIAM MARTI N-Ip loving rmemory off jensly Martin. Who dhed Januar1ly 20, 1919. In my bouse you are fon.dly reenibered Sweet memories dling round your narme, Mother that loved you wiîb trueat affection, Loves you in deatb mast the samne. Sadly mi.ssed by motiier. ASSESSO'R FOR DARLINGTON LOST OR FOUND Applications for position offAssr PARCEL 0F LAUNDRY LOSTlin for Towaship off Darlington for year tBwavii nJanuary 6thl. Finderl 1923 wiJl he received by the uadlersineuease leave- at Statesman Office and re-1 up 'a 2 o'clock p). m., on SaudY, Jn ev ead - uary 2 -7, 1923. Dities ta hegin not, laler' tban February 1, 1923, TH,-l4REE LAMeBS-Cante on lot 15, con.j W. R. Allun, Tf.. Glerýik Darlington, Jan. 16, parties may have Hampton.January 5, 1925.roving property and payingl TO LET TO RENT-Furinishied Roo . hon FARM F0OR RENT-liZ acres good land and balldings, immed1ate POsEsso iApply J. C. Montgomery, Oshawa. 15-tf, FOR RENT-Twýýo orthe unfurnishied rooms stifable for ighit ousýekeepjing., Private entranlc, -lit Iand warec Termis raoae. AIpplýy Mrs. E. Loue ks, Duký, 30owmanville. 2-tïf e.,p(nse. rana wuowlng Itallpton. f3w LOST-Between Nursey Corn~er and, C.P ". SttjIon on Thtl.sday, Januïary o8 ne sWngltg.Ftnder lease lev a'C Statesmnan Office and oblige W. H.1 GbnR. R. '2, wate 4-tf RUG LOST-Black Plush Cutter Rug wilth colored horse sbioe in cntrSe be,. twee Bomanvlleand Oshawa ,un Martyn's Sre om'nllad re- ceiv rewrd.4-1w5 WOOD FOR SALE Thie undersil ed off ers for private cut, or dry bardwood îIi quaflýtlle8 te suit purchaser. Colin Colville, lot Sa, con. 7, Clarite; Phone Ir17 Oi-Qno Tel. Ce,, Bowmanville R. Rt. i. 50-t WANTED, GIRLS WANTED-To trim and paclk ruberhees.Also ou'ýtln mn as en- ginee r hl per inpwê hue. A)pplyat ofieof Goye Tire & Rubber Co., HARDWOOD F'I.OORS PO LISHED--Th(3. undebrsignedI is lprepareýd tu polish bard- wood floors, andi to attend toall ordera for .painting, decorating and 1kalsomingz. Plamoe 363 J. Jas. H-. Abernietsy, OdieHi Streect, Bowmnvnile. Pý,RISIAN LADIES' AND GENTS' RESIDENCE FOR SALE ARILE ORSL (Formierly in BowmanvilIe>, now at 207 Frame, resideace for--sale on w%ýest sid1e1 FOR SA LE-Lairge qjuantiT y Cedar College-st., Toronto, Phone rilhity ,iel-w of Otaro $., owmnvileone 1oc Potsa~1ize. A H.veale, Cstitn We can still give yote aur best serviceî. norýh 0of South Wr eol One story phione - .4-.1W Guaranteed ta fit andwrkanhpa and a haif ontning 7 roomsce, hall. iv- DURHAM COW-Six ye1ars old, sprlng- pre-war prices. ing~~~~~~ ~~~ rg. iin on, tthnlre Appt'y to R. C.SoottTliampton R - pantry and bedirooro down stairs, 3 bed- n ponj 28-. -t roonts upstairs and large clothes closýet, FO4AE-Pr re okhieSw summer kitchen; electrie ligbiled tbruou ýfoFr sale du rto i abl otrch 0t. AVEYOJ OWSBSIES biard and soft water in bouse; out; slde oPgabu ac 2;. HVEYU WNBSNS verandah on side off bouse and ge dAly Oeo, .-Tabb, R. R. 6, nBowmianviîîle. I OR NH M cellar. Hous e freshly painted insidel and out îlnrd, in good condition; new, ONE YORKSHIRE SOW-(Bacon To ,nyý mans or woiman able t. invest cernent walks; dýne quarter acre lot; good, type) third lttter due rebruiary 20, otbexr froro $150 to $250 in equippient, wýeWilhl vegectable garderi witb pluro, cherry, pearý litters 12 and 14 respectively. Chas. L, ouiîine ani opportunity to s tart a mîanu.- and apple trees, lot of black current1 Simpson, R. R * 2 BurketÈon, Ont. 4-2 facturing business, absoltxtely owned aund hulshes andi a grape vine, with! FOR SALE-Brown Clydeý Mare, 6 controlled iby themi and operated rlght enou0lgh lawn on south side Of iyear1Sold, souind. Aiso a 1919 Ford Car in 'tlelir owX homes. bouse to build another bo-use *ith ieg- tl oodt condition. Apply to W. J. This is not a mail order proposition, table garden. attached if desirewFr atn R. R. 1. Enniskýillen. 52"-tf1 but ai new idlea. A ready~ market exists particulars apply to Mrs. Susana HIowar, 590 Oxford St., London, Ont., or Tomý FOR SALE-Power Mak rs-itist thel in every city and town. Inivestors Dusan, Hardwýare Merchant, Bowma,,n- thiing for farmers who bave crs-willi mloney can be turned. every dcyat -ore vile, Onit. 3t saw -wood, grind feed, etc. On13i 4 left, than 1lo0 per cent profit on every opera- f eglr price -"37.50, earlng kaI 820.00 l ion. Lasteau 0 %savi onfoo- cshi. A. W. Pickard, Phone 15, Dow- weaîat opelnd' Sho Stre. anvllesi-i mhl5 opport'unity wîll be limited 10oe wearat opeands Soe Sore maviD, m0-ian or 7woran in each town. For par- Ail men's Oveicoats seling off at One third off the price of ail Lad- carades gîeatly reduced prices at C,'ouch.! les' Coats at Couch, Johaistonl & Cry- iel ie Johnston &z Cidyermani's. deîmanI's. 41 Rich-mond St. East, Toroi-sto, S. W. MASON & SON'S CLEARANCE SALE Real Hàarvest Time of 'Val-ues This is the last week of our record break ing Clearance Sale. finest values of the year these final days. We have made the bargains more tempt- ing than ever. You cannot resist these prices. KIDDIES COATS. AT COST PRICE Kiddies' Coats, som-e wîth fui collais, iined throughout, navy, copen, sand and lovat, sizes 3, 4. 6 and .14, marked do-wn to cost prîce, froi-m .CHILDREN'S KNITTED SUITS - 3 of themi, la a vaîiety of sizes and cohors, suit irc!udeýs toque, sweater and overalîs. They originally sold at 4 . 50, now îeduced to........... $2.95 ANY SUIT HALF PRICE A f ew left ln Tricotine and Serges, this Fall's styles, sizes 16 to 44. If you'ie going ta need a suit don't miss this grand opportunity to save real money. An eaîhy seleiition will be to êyoui adlvantage. DRESSES RELOW ÇOST BUT THEY MUST GO, 1 053 Navy Biue Canton Crepe Dress, aise 42, beautifùl quabity, Ecru, pleated yoke, button tiiTmed, reg. $39.25,...SALE PRICE $25.00 1 only, Navy Blue Canton Crepe Dress, best of mbitterial, smart styles, sizelS, This Week $22.50 ,1 onfly, Blaek, Canton Ciepe Dress, size 16, it's a b'.aut,,7 and clearing at ............$15.O00 1 onhy, Bîowr Canton Crepe Dress, noveity style, lhist cluality, Persian silk trimmings with sihk friîîge, clearlng at.......... . . 1. ........ $22.50 .ï 1 oily, Black Canton Crepe Dress, eontrastïng coioied tiimmings, sizo 18, This Weec Only $22.50 lonly, Navy Blue Velvet Dress, veîy pretty, was $22.50...............ý. . . SALE PRICE $19.00 1 only, Navy BIle Canton Crepe Dress, trimmed wîth nail heads, size 40, ieduced to.....$22.50 ONE-THIRD OFF KNITTED GOODS During this sale Knittedt Goads, inchuding Toques, Scarfs, Tains and Sweaters have been ieduced ONE THIRD OFF REGULAR PRICES 1ALL DRESS GOODS REDUJCED 25% A FEW EXTRA SPECIALS 5 onhy, pieces of aUl wool serge, 52 to 54 hnch 'width, fia brown, niavy, black ',red, copen, delft, etc., ,7vre good values at $1.50 to $1.75. your cisoice durîng sale, peryh. .................. ....98 2 pieces of Silk Poplin, been selling at $ 1.95 yd., nc-w cle.uîing at per. yd.......... .....ý. ..69c 29 Pieces of wool serge, 40 inch wviiths, w\ere 85e and 1.O yd to cleai now at ............ 65c yd 2 only, Ladies' Natural Wool Côn-iinations, Mcrc:uiy Mille brand, reg. $ 4.25, Clearing Sale Price $2.75 1 doz only, Ladies' naturil union vests, regular $1 25, for..................... ....... 85c Girls' white waoh veste and drâwers, sizes '7 to 12, reg. $1.25 to$1-50, Sale Price 85c garmnent BIG SAVING IN STAPLE GOODS 1 end onfly, plain pink flannelette, special 25e yd 2pieces colored stripe fiannelette, regulai value 35c yd, Sale Price 27C d S1 piece only, bieached cantons flannel, Ai quality, regulair 40c, specialhy pîhced duîing sale- 32c yd 1 end heavy ali inen towelling, veîy service- able qisality~, special nt............. ... 25e y'd 1 end only, pink check tea towelling, 20 inchies wide................. SALE PRICE 23e yd H-oirickýs' Circulai Piihbw Cotton, 40, 42 and 44 inc1h, closely wovea and firee from fillng, çl-uing sale onhy et.......................... SOC >4 Fancy Cretonne and Art Sateen, suitable for cushions,. ovexdrapoe, curta$ns ind coverhns, quality iup to 75c yd., reduced foi sale to 39e yd Another line of Ait Cretonne, was 40e, very pret- ty patea, yardwide, clearîig sale only 25c yd la Us ltras igisahi kinde, there are trîlmngs- in *elot mhighas $1.25 a yd, your choicef A lot of women's and children's collais, assorted kinds, 1wýere priced as higis as $2,50, While they hast ....ý........... .............. 0 ac Spec~iu inq, of Ladies' Si1k Hose at ý* $1.25 pe Ladies' Cashinerette Hase, brown and black 25c pr Unbleskched Cotton, special at ...... ý.1î2% rd Speýcial lineoaf heavy Bath Towehs, very large seto chear et ................95e pair 2 pieces of light and daîk prints, closely woven, fast coloî)s, regular 35e yd., to clear at 23e >41 fievy Galatea and Shiirting, al combined for th;csaeat...................32* y4 EXCEPTIONAL VALUES IN I{OSIERY Pure English Woîsted Heethier Stockçings, flnest of pure wool, latest fancy coloîs, sold eveiywhere at $1,25, oui puice duiing -sale.............69 Positively no seconds in this lot Ladies' Fine Cashmierette Hase, lin black only, al sizes, seaàmless, elastie top, special at .. . 69e Ladies' Fleeece ineti cotton Hase, spliced toe and heel, ail sizes, 49c pair Ladiles' extra heavy sihk hose, breken lines, in niavy, bilack and white, were $2.50, now clearing al; $1,69 pair SPECIAL IN CHILDREN'$ HOSE Special extra off or of Children's Cashmere and woreted Hase, ahi sizes, regulai 745e ta $1.25 pair, duiistg sale.......ý ý................... 69e pifr S.,W. ,Mason, &,Son, A Pb"lll, 'DJ.VU -owma Iniiea - .7 1 You will find the

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