JLTURAL SC g Largely Awt LElected Pre' easur'er R. F. THURSDAY, JANXJARY 25th, 1923 NEWCASTLE iuces Gibson is homne fromn ek.l ebe Lake is suf ering- froni ld.1 y McEachern is home i MAPLE L rs are: ina outs veîngi -Mi 11 represent .eeting of Pairs ýociaLions. iMrs. L. A. W. Pollard as Di- ai sd filed. sd the au- ýssed for a se a verbal e an sug- 19231 liott, Bownian-1 -Alau dariij-1 inilîle. -R. J. GiîI, -Johin Bakcer, A. H. AI- 4aughlii, G. F. Anuis, l, H. Skinner, H.,E air, J. F. Osborne. Osbornue, N. Richard, Dl. J .Gibson, P. AI- en. ý-Mrs. J. A. McClel- encsr, J. iNoke, ,E. F. *N. Tburston, Nii Cawker, R. P. A'itchis- cary Directers Quinn, W. J. Brugg-, ~James, D. B. Simp- A. McCIlIliuH.W. -orsJ. A. MCellan, iing use of grounids phlcatiou ta the Sa- J. Gi and E. F.ý ýre appointed ta wait le flncil fonr îsual id West Dur- ivifle aon Tues- September 18 Apýponted- P. Butty, ýtephens. J. Muher,'. o- E. P. Weather- ý-W A Dryden, Brook- ewell. Le--M . E. Maybee, Ale Metcaif. de Toole, O. A. C., ". Annis. G. Puscos, Taunton; 1. 1Oke, Loudoii; Geo. Apary-Jobu iLyie1 J., rton, ihèli sud Mrs. idji' sud Mrs. C. INSTALLATION 0F SONS OF ENGLAND QFFICERS. On, Tuesday, Jan. 16th NIr. Ed- muund Thackaray, District Deputy, P.! P., officially visited Lodge Welling- ton, No. 19, S. 0. E., for the purpose o f ini$taIinig the follwýýing- officers: P. P.-W. J. Berry W. P.-Wm. Mitchell V. P.-Sherwoodl Rundie Chaplain-Samiuel Leggott Sertary-Robt. Holmes Treasurer-dlarry Pye Slst Comni-Vernon Westawayv 2nd Commi-George Meadows 3rd Commii-Normain Alliswn 4th Comm-Thos. Heighton )th Commn-Herbert Richards 6th Com-W H. Thickson Inside Guardl-Russefl MeDonald Outside Guard-Jesse Hjunt Ater the installation ceremonyl Mr. W. J. Bragg, on heàaIf of the Lodge, in a very fitting addr'ess pre- sýeited an electric tïIble lamp to Mr. Jas. -Eliott, the retiring treasurer after thirty-six years of f aithful ser-1 vice. Mr. Eliott in a very p1esin manner responded, tha" h mempiibers for their gift. Several, of the miembers in short addresses al1so eulagized Mr, Elliott's faithful ser- vice. After the luncheon which ail seemed to enjoy, a free and easyl mi-eeting was iield of whilch mnost of1 the miembers took,part either telling stories, singing sangs, reciting or speaking until thie wee smiall hours which endfed another happy eveningi in this order. Mrs. John Sparling who died atl Orillia- on Jan, 13, aged 82 years, was born la Ireland. Her first hue- baud was Charles Miner of Calt- wright. They lived in Port Hope for'a time. Her second hushband1 John Sparin.g passed awayr 12 years ago. and report nt a meeting called by the Presidieut. FINANCIAL STATEMENT Receipts Balance ou baud ..ý......$ Legilative sud Municipal Grants .~. . Fedèsud donations. Feesafor 1923......... Admission fees, etc.... G'rand Stand receipta . Mouiey borrowed ........ Fîeid Crop Competitions PAthîstie Association rent. Ilterest $11.25, hay $10.. Hars e tries ......... Pouitry dutnies........ 5 4.6 6 579.00 400M0 129.00 1627.00 247.451 800.00 300.00 250.00 21.25 76.00n SExpenditures $55 Cash prizes 1922......$1456. G7ash prizes 1921... ...10. Pieldi Crop Competition 3,50. Delegates expenses .... 18ý Departmnt Judg .... 6. ied-Joba McMurtry IKeep o! stock ........ ýone; W. J. Bragg. Sp sciai attractions ..... Bragg, Mý . P. ; R. Fixiug buildings, etc. Purchase o! grounds . 'ormaa iPlummer; F.Sece'y.-Tr-,as. Salary ..« weîî. vorkîing expenses .. e! Richard Jarvis; j. Baklanie pu b aud.... I * ~ $4 rt~~lment-.~aenetAst m-es J. A. Mecillan, J,'. Spencer, Â. B. î a -,ieou aud..... ekardl, J. L. Po-wier, ansdue....... - ,Elliott. .Moneys invested..... Val --11ueo! land....... emubers ta poitValus o! buildings..... ara Allen, Mrs. R. J. heep p) ena & pnouitry llouse 1 ence.-Mr. asud Mrs. Grand lStand........... E. R. Baunsail, Mrs. $ ,Ir. John Lyis. Uabilities orS Meeting own unote...., lueetunpaid..... folowing the geu&4Meuber fees 1923. .vel Rev. G. Graham spent a few days he lun Toronto this week. d-, Mrs Wmi. Hunter visited friends of lu tLown on Thursda1y. ýhe Mr. Artb ur Gray of Oshawa, speïit ,ed the we-n at home. of Mrs. Peter Geddes who bas been et, quite 111 la recoveriug. et Mr. R. G. Gibson was home from Toronto for the week-endi. Miss Frances Gibson of Oshawa, spent the week-end ut homle. Miss Amny Hunter, Toronto, visit- is ed wlth MUrs. Coulter last week. lt Miss Minnie Barrett is spending a at f ew days in the old homne town. veMr. Chas. Wude, G. T. R. Sectioni r I Forem-an, is under the dloctor's, care. rY Couch and Miss'Hazel Barrie spent the week-end iu Toron- t.Miss. Marie Davidson of Port H ope, visited at Mr. F. W. Cowan's on Su nduy. Mrs. T. W. Jackson entertaineda nunTber of friends on Thursday evening. Mr. Jack Cowau, Bowmianville, spent the week-end at Mr. F. W. Cowan's. ,Us Geo. Butchier, Port Sydney, Ont., is visiting lher cousin, Mr. W. H. Gibson. Mrs. Albert Brown of Port Hope, is visitiug wîthi her miother, MrS. Thos. Barrie. Mr. Bruce Cowan, Oshawa, speuit the week-end wvitb bhis p lits, Mr.. anud Mrs. W. H. Co wan i. 0_ Mr. snd Mrsý. Rex Wyau have re- -turned home after a visit with rela- tives lu Toronto and Niagara Fals. Mr. Murray Eilbeck wbo haýs been off dluty ~for the past week owing to illuess has- returuedl to hiis duties. Rev. J. E. Feuiug ýi,,is indisposed' aud Suuday evening service of St. George's Cburch was conducted byý Rev. Scott H~oward. Mr. E. Thackray, Distiýict Deputy S. O. E. S., was out to Blackstock installing new officers for Lodge Gr imsbyI on Thutrsdlay. Miss Kathleen Butchier and Mi'ss Collier of the Deacouess Trainingi Sehool, Toronto, spent the we-n at Mr. W. IL Gibson's. 1Mr. George Bonathan, Standard Bank Staff, Brsntford., speut the wýeek-endi4 with bis parents, Mr.au Mms. S. Bouaithan, King- Stree , East;ý _Mrs. Willoughby Brent returned to bier home in Buiffalo Thursday and, was sccompanied by Miss Kte Leel whio intends to spend the wiu.ter with Mrs. Brent.1 Mr. E. E. Middletou lhtends zýiny- iug his faillily andl bousesboldefct to Oshawa wbere hie has secured a' gýoao position wýitb one of the blgi concerus of that towTn.'ý- A larg-e num.ber of the Stalwurts uttended the Conservative m-eetingý beld lui Oronio last week, and the nuantie of leadership fell on Mr. H. Ro-wland who was. elected President for the ensuiug year.1 Mr. Gordon P~. Ego has returned ta his duties as teaeher at- S. S. 3,1 Clarke, and is giving splendid satis-- faIction1 so mnuch Sa tbat the attenid-ý suce is increasing, and new seuts forý ffhe scbool hiad to be procured. Miss Hildla Gibson left on Mondsyi to visit hier sister, Mrs. Gilbert RÂy-J lier, Grimsby, açcompanied by her' niece, Anne Rayner, -Who bas been speuding somie weeks with bier grand-1 parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Gibson, "Hazel Dell" Puriin. Mr. Georg-e Honey is sp)ortiug a beautiful pair of black eyes,-Ihowever, it is not the resuit of f amily affaira, it was a block of wýood hie was split- ting that resenited blis efforts and struck hlmi a terrific blowý in the face. No permanent iujury is an- Licipated. Mr. John Cunnîingbam hbappenedl -with a, very painful accident whilel assisting with storilg bis ice suplply13. One of the large blocks feil on bisi leg, severely iujuring bis kniee and he bas sinee been' confiued ta the bouse. Jobni's numrerous friends wvisbhlmin a speedy reeovery. Rev. E. B. Cooke is under the' dloctor's care an-d as a consequelnce t.here was no m-oruing service ln theý Metbodist Churcbi, and lu the e-veniug Rev. Mr. Graham of the Presbyteran, Churcb occupied the pulpit , and hie d ths aud fo >el tru 6 501 498 812 125 721. congregation w ithb bis rceful expouudinig af iths. lerrin'siuok la a vsry bfan a large number people who gutherl ,ening Éta snjoy ts Usures o! a good skate. o be complimented oný nesla proviag the aucb an up-ta-derf- aderataad it is Mr. tion ta have a mare for neict yeal,. NEWCASTLE Mr. W. J. Ml"e rcently visited in Toronto. Rev. J.-E. Fenning has been lu Toronto for a f ew days. Mr, aud Mrs. W. H, Peurçe and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Basker- viile an-d famuly-, Mr. and Mrs. J. H.ý Mliddleton and Mrs. J. R. Fisher at- ~tended the Silver Wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Plummner, Bow- manville, Friday night. Buy your footwear this week and save 20"'. Copel-and Shoe Store., WON 0. A. C. COURSE Mvessrs. Harold Gibson aud Earr Osborne attended the Short Course at O. A. C. Guelph on Seed and Stock Judging. Earl was the first prize winner it thie past season's profit per-acre, miangel growipg comipetition, con- du~cted by Mr. F. C. Puterson, Dis- trict Repres4ntative, Port Hope aogthe Durham Junior Fariniers EarI raii;sed a c-rop of 2000 busheîs of m-angels on1 bis acre, a truly re- c'ord p)roduction-,- and was awarded a two weeks' short coursýe at the O. A. C. with ail expenses paid. CITIZENS PUBLIC MEETING Reeve J. A. Bufler is'calling a pub-1 lic mneeting o! the citîzeus ou Mon- day, Feb)rua:ry 5th. for the purpose of selecting two miemýers for the Trus- tee Boaýrd a! aur new Commnunity Hall, the Municipal Counceil bas ai- ready sppoiuted their qiuota (tbree miembers ') and lu order tao complyl vith _Mr. Massey's wisbi for un eurly formiation af thie Board, the Reeve is caliing the meeting as above stated and it is ta be boped that t)here will be a gaad attencdance as if lsa svery imiportant question as tbe future o! nur Hlall wiII ta a large exteut de- piend! on the personnel of the Board af Trustees,, so be on baud sud uhare iu the respausibiiity of s-lectiug twa, man or wamau, to represetit you on tiii,- new Board o! Management. HORS E MARKET POOR A numnber o! farmiers in this section are complaiitg o! the, uîeso the horse nmarket, sud a ecsl District la well knowu as thie premiier i dlistrict lu the production of good' hiomes there must he somethiug ini the camiplaint. Mr. Johu Allia biasl as fine s pair of farn borses as yoti wvould wisb ta see and lie informa usi that bie ca't g-et a bld ou then, whiie fMr. Brunt is offeriug-' a Clydle gýel!ding that would gaffen te hieurt of anwy borsenian, sud he sayýs lie ca)n't get an offer th-at ýould 'puyý for the feed that it 'took Vo ralse! lm. Mn. W. A. Gibson is also o1ff enin- a very fine pair of mares, g2ood f arm chunks. that lu ordiaary tuiies would brng a good figure but to-day are practically unisaleable. ,urel'v this ila avery discouraging condition of tbings for aur, farand frieuds who spsnd their tuie sud mouey ta preppre their stock for the market ouily to find thut their titne and money is pratLicaI]y wasted. i G. T.M ue. Quite a large Inumiber atteuded lu spite of the bad roads and -weather ta pay their last respects ta the deceased. The inter- mient tool, place beside lier husbaud wbo predeceased bier several yeairs., Mrs. Knapp is survived by three sons-Daniel of Cartwright; Wesley of Darlingt on; aud Joseph of Miani- toba; sud five daughters-M'ýrs. Col- liua, Scugog; Mrs. H. Goodiian, -Man- itabýa; Mrs. Gea. Cochrane, Enfiel'd; Miss Lizzie and Mrs. John Avery at the former's aId home. Also a very large inmber of grandchildrep and great graudchildren. Mes. Jane F. Cochrane, Darlington The aid reaidlents o! Darlingtan are passin g away 'and nearly everyi weekwe are called upon ta chlroulicle the death of somte one who bas been conuected withi the eitrly bistory of the township. This week we record the deatb of Aune Jane Finniey, wid- ow o! the late Samuel Cachrane whoi passed away Piriday mairniug, Jan. 12, ut the home of ber daugbter, Mrs. i saac Sissans, 128 Albert St., Osh- awa. Deceased wus in ber eigbty-ý second yeur. She was baru and liv ed in Pickering . until bier Inýarr1Iiag9Ie after wbich shie with ber husband rnoved ta Northi Daýlingtonsu spent uearly sxyyears tl7ere. h always enjoyed gaod hea1ltb. Heir last îllness was of short duration sud death waa due ta heart failure. Mrs. Cochrane was, a friend af ail those about ber; s was active in lier own hoainsd asewýas ever reudy ta hielp a neighbor iu distresc. She was a mnember of St. George's churcb, (Anglican) and was f ailtful in bier utteudauce ut public worsbip. The funeral was bield Monduy, the sevcsbeing conducted by Rev. C. R. die Peneler. Tbree sons, Benjamlin of Darling- ton, Joseph o! Osaawa, Fred on the old Darli-ngtou. hiestead sud tbreei daughters, Mrs. Isaac Sissons, Osh-ý METHOIST ORKER PLA ýsud Mrs. Richard Peate, Toronto P90~GRESSIVE PROGRAM!sriebr A strauge co-iricideuce bappeneý iThe Board of Manag-emient o! the on Monday the day of the funiera Methodist Sunday Scbool held its wbeu Mrs. Wesley Kuapp receive( I irst mautbly meeting a! thýe year.onuj word th-at Mrs. Win. Kuapp, Mathe Wednèsda-y uigbt lat lin O netiou 1,o! ber husband, had psssed awa, withthfle »rsyer meeting se 1ie, and: that dlay. after a season o! Paipest prsyr, Pas-, tor, Superluteudeut, Teachers aud! - - --- Officers dîiscussed wavs sud imeaus o!f KENDAL.. iakýiug the Suuiday School for 19238, b-etter1 sud betten lu every way Quite a few people are sufferna Saute o! the thin gs coming, up for front an epideumiico! cold... Mr cousideration were: An iuaproved John D. Fallis, our veteran mer library, a pictune projecting lunteru,I chant, althouglt, 85 years o! age iÉ aurhymoioy, te chr tuînng still doiug businiess ut the aid stand classansd a consecnated service. Rev. 1 and we cougratulate hlm on suci E. B. Cooke gave a splendid talk,j good bealth sud good spirit.. . Mi based ou the tabulated chant o! Kenneth Wannau was delegate t( Methodist Sunday Schoola of the Cobourg Winter Scboo fer onith( Bowninville District. prepared - b jiUited S. S. bers. IHe reports Rev. W. W. Joues, Hamipton. Mr. odatnac n odpopm ICoake iikened the 10 points 8of the 10 .dMiatteudancee ud good pnlrieram points 100% ceftlcieucy standard for oMisshaewa Getenw ek-sud ia- Sunday Scbools ta 10 posta or faun-i ber fatber's, Mr. Win. Greenwooc dation tones apon which wivth cure 6Gtb Lin .. .. We regret ta notice tha- sudi wonk sdpae sddvto ur friend, Mr. George Stewart. iý a perfect superstructure couid be ut preseut laid up witb An obtinat( bulit, Mrs. E. B. Cooke waa un-, uttack o! rheurmatisni. Always ai uuim-ously chosen ta conduct a teacil- ldstriasma-e ms er er training ciasa duriug the regular n(u lo be a tan, . ...mis r o afternoou session oa! the -Sunday we i s o ron....M.Jh Schooi. S. Smith spent a couple o! days wit! bis sou snd daugbiter iu Toronto lasi Mr. S. Jase, assaisted by Mn. Geo. ...k.... .Miss Marjory Wannan haý P. Richkard conducted the cburch-'ser- given up bier profession of teacnn v-ice ut Clarke, Sunday afteruoon suad is takiag a business course w relie-ring Rev. E. B. Cooke wbose illî Shaw's Business Colleg-1e, Toronto.. uesas we ail regret sud for wbos Rev. Thas. Wallace, the Pator, fla eurly necavery wle ail hope. Suaday preacbed au excellent mnis slonany sermon on the marching or - ders ta the churcb "Go ye intoala NEWTONVILLE the World". A liberai off ering b: subscription was given ta the causE Mn. Andrew TReicrath la homne on O! missions. a holiday frosu Montreal .... Mr. C. ______________ J. Mitchell atteuded a banquet la the- King Edward receutly given by ths Toronto Durant Ca., toa bout 200 o! their dealers. .Sorry toýhear that 1, ;o, d ial d er ty Baker & Giêocer - Ir WE SELL GROCERIES d is to kýeep o.ur stock riglit up to the minute, give you e )roip- n e~cet evc and give you good ýe value for eve-ry, dollar you spend with us. GetÈ acquain-ted with our stock and prices. Grocer RWALTON' Newcastle Our Price Was $3.50 Less A mnan frSii a nearby town was pricing small heaters in our store the other day and lhe found thlat my, price wa-,s $3.50 less than hle was asked there. Th*s is only one of many instances why you shlould buy fromn WMo q ,'q dN 'N L-1 EVEN THE CHILDREN are- interested in the good things we seil. There are other reasons why frugal housewives Quality Groceries They know we c4rry a wide variety of the best brands; that -we are careful to give full measure an-d we charge onfly fair prices. S. RfTOÜN Newcastle