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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Feb 1923, p. 2

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' SAVE IFRANC ým id f as h .iee. rates ipclude Pers. IbM. A- both I~ubIishrs. apersoi or th( 'e c0n2 VMANVILLE, FER. lat, 1923. ean, 01i for $5 -o theb deposif d ~so, e, birthd, wayse Sa che( -bild h 1chiL two Y( and so ý7 checý ood fr Is parti iu th asavil '"n ou twentý yôing plan i thea- en savi timei sare ir ýy go to oys earii o the s the hoy dollart I the sai wouldb -sunday! ,tended te. and, 34, a ,th avi be that tcor ýake ard Fr anotber eff careful that only' worthy nrassenigar handie mail to aý Office. These me strictly eujoinad t the latter box or moval of the niail ý i . aly except J.UUaU4( . .ent, Towrn -Agenit ;senger 1.23 p. m. ýB.K ;s'ngr 3.09 p. m.. Fass'ngr 10.07 -al 7Pagg'ngr 2.02 P. M. clanadlian National Railway. a7.14 p. m. Pass'ngr 7.13 p. m~ West Bound Emat Bound )ress 9.58 p. m. d Express. 8.24 p.mj Tyrone Station oess 1229 a. m. d Pass'ngr 8.15 a.m. Passngr 7.34 p.m FOR THIIOSE Wv HO SAVE' I The housewife with an eye to economiy and unusù ihigh quality, will appreciate this store as huýr headouarters for good groceries. Here she, will find a qomplete selection of groceries at prices that will make trading here wothwhile. Iuci, UIh.UIIIin Iiis peUU J dent". The real head of tihe gon- " cUU ulau 1ý,wu especially since the war meti h rmemnse n ern going to "go plain" and th-ata ýn neyer spent. as much turn is subject to parliament-an ad iskdeirt was i hat - self -indulgence, amuse- advnrae vote in the Chamnber of 0 ayneo nwihe folies of one kind anc1'Deputies and out he goes-the faîl open Parliamient. in these times. of another governient, fari fromt u- But there just rmust be sorte co ino, the Gale lard. if lous germi or other abu .eavor to offset-this wiid PrcommonBilins essar wase of heirPoinc are, -who is the reai head of wickd aliaetBidns esy and oftenofaarnigstha oenet fr i rcia s what the U, F. 0. Cabinet iy ad opn.eredth purposes, were assured of a long wore at their fourth appeý nnyBolas oeblse terni of office the situation would be there: _Mrs. Drury wore a del bcoyl adgil sasked tni very different froim what it is now. charmeuse veiied' in rich Frenc oyn and gdelositat et Btfo hepvsu itb large black bat wreath ountanddepoit t last ut or he peset Fancemus ýwillow plume that fell to hers ir money. 0 orebe permîtted to make hQr gestures Ofcuser; Mrs. W. E. Ianey was i: many localities w\here ard blow off her sitparlwated steam. chiffon and lace with big gre enot started a penny We recail that à littie overb a pen- wvitb Frcnch flowers and cari such places there is one tury ago France opened the flood- f ani. Mrs. Manning Doherty1 which we recommend to gates, and now we have Russia ,d'i o encourage their chiid- tbreatening civilization wîtb her - ark blue crepe Roman embrc t. We refer to saving communistic doctrines and ber bol- w te ge be th bgoysee ches being operated in shevikism. The&French people bave aw ith greyvuvetat rey hued ered bank. Help the been damiandîng the action their anf big g r vaiet ba win open a savin-ga bank authorLties have taken, aud tbey can-of bt iuatMsh gslewas f bin Wýe shouid like to seca not ha igitored. The Frencb peop- velvet on itb sleevesof Nigon d for le have nleyer been satisfied since the hion Mr.1.C Nxo ount opened o every Amstc. hy lemeedwa velvet gown with sand bi -y failin uthis country tookmiplcea haîf merntury efoe rpead a t athMs cbiidraedbacanohatchaugrt chrown psand btuiess onkacia Facentuas be îtd Milîs, bandsome gown ofi gr0-vnuýs nd usiessâ1oarcialFrace as uiiied brown ,iibrocaded velvat ove? nia -iii appeai to thair sense and beaten to the ground b y Ger- crepe with brown velvot bat. .ence if proper3iy pTe- any, bacausa France wvas then Peter Smith, bad blue beaded cul. without heart. Garmany entered gtewt i ryhtwt -Paris, and dictated ternis without gtewt i ryhtwt of several cases w,,here outside interference and France bad colored flowersý. Mrs. Paruf make a rule of opening! to and did give in to wbatever was wýore a grey chiff on veivet ,untforeachchid son dmaned.trimmed at the wide sieaves unt or achchid son dmaned.amethyst, amail grey bat withs tbi. We wondar bow But rapublican France was a diff amethyst, peari and amiethyst t. who read this articlei erent France in the récent war, withi ments, and cari-eeid a 'huge eplan into action? You the sainie antagoniat, and she g-ainad feather fan. father and' niother, to a deatbless fame. France was Though the vogue for black chid whan very young vicetor, not. singly it is true, but she n akbon aetef ife's great lasson-the contributed more thanl any other the house, somnewbat sombre at1 lesson of saif-deniai. pow-er to victory. Why not, tben,targefrjds nd ed your cbild been helped 'asks France, a victory such as theathe ae for jiadbiesad to m nrfav ouin t~hasPenyurenemy laid down in 1L870? gay- NÔw that afternoon dr oa con ntePny But I think it wiii. soon be ap- 'the reoftedyspigh savinga bank? if prapt to the bot beads that are taodro h aarn ~ratuatthn opening now steal a marc e in-teesyou sincareiy. laading tbis assaunthte Ruhr, that Eastar. Many of the new1 ,ou to help ofyour cbild rn ant c loeihéWr hair models were seen. Plume~ yor hid o sdifferentiyý situated fromr what it feathers of ail sorts remain a1 business career as soon waas fifty yaears ago. internation- ile trimiming and the va--c A nman -who 'is on a alism is now a coinimerciai, indluat- fIowerý bandinga were seen on lary talla bow he bagan rial, bankingl, reality, and France Paria modela. A womnan note hblidren to inveat the rmuat take cognizance of the situationI 'ber smart toilettes was iu blacl asn son at s oldianougb 1!andact accordîn'ly. .i vet and ermina withblback bat untof t i ths:Sanator Reed introduced a resolu- awe 1-n vulture plumes at tbe I you of tbe practice in tion in the U. S. 5enate to request Another miodish wonian had ao nily? We have fouri the preaicient to wvithdraw Americati cockade of tulle that bad the youngest eleven yearsosiders froin the Rhine briclgebead, -Lf an exquisite gourabt mount. me bas bis own personnl wbicb was almnoat unianiimiüsly car-ý Particularly effective were thE nt. We began early. riad, and the Anrarican troops~ are tumes of the tbree Govern ild waa one y ear old, I honiawardl bound. It is said this move House ladies. Mrs» Cocksa avîngs bank and deposit- was mrade as a warning to the Poin- ,rown costtume was the la8t .'s nanie $ 1.00. Whan care Cabinet, tba>L the U. S. doesnfot fromi Paris of dark brown vý ýs tW.o years old, I de- loo0k %wth favor on the Frencli oc-the long hodice of brown and Wben the cbild was cupation of the Ruhr. These men em-broidered net bad tbe coat oi d, 1 deposited $3. Wben bad beau ieft thare at the reqileat eff ect. With it was worn ab sfour yeprs old, I de- Of theic allies and the Gernians are velvt hat with sweeping Wbeu the cbild was sort of monitors or a guarauty of across the crown and a fisher Id, I gave the child a neutrality, a kind of "big brother" naeckpieca and bronze shoas and aud, accormpanying the movement.i iery completed a striking- cost bank, sbowed the chilid The, U. S. did not use this iittie Miss Cocksbutt was in grey geor it the irioiiey. armiy as a collecting agencyr as wej witb black bat and cross fox ,acb child in our home, had uothing to coile(et. Thea U. S. ian'd wore grey bosiary with lay, amongl other pres- bas a saparata treatSý witb GerinyISos.- Miss Margaret Coc1k expects for ils saviugs i disnt arytot , esalls was in rohin's eg-g bine xith ck or s muy ollrstraaty, or the Leagua of Nations. ambroideries, a saaî black hai syaars old. The eleven- So the question is nîootad: is white fox f ur. Id gats $11. The France going to take hostle posses- aar old boy gats $221 sion of German tarritory as announ-ý ,o on. This particular' ced by the premier, on the failure HOW MAIL IS LOSTs k is neyer spent-it is of the receut Paris Conerence, wbeh ui-te'ntya net rom earli*est childhood bch must know that botb America Duigth pstya 9ivsi icular birthday present1 and England-tbe tw-o poweers which; of a considerable Dumnber of1 lie savings account and ha must depend upon for financial of mail matter addressed to ho .ngs account miust not aid in time of stress, are in opposi- of Post Office boxes bas resuit( t or spent until the tion ? the conclusion tbat a large per y-one or older. The British Governmeut lbas de- age was caused througb the tg chiid lîkes the plan clared opeitiy and publically its op- and irrespousibility of the me sticks. 'Train up a position to the proposed forced oc- gers aniployed.. It bas been f way e shlid-o.' cupation, of the Ru hr territory, ad that sucb messangers steal w4y ha bopd go' y anployers mnail and in niany ings are added from it bas believed it the solid sentiment selmalot foh, oe . Some Cbristinas of tha whole county. Diplimatically 1hra aienleft unlotked. bo n mnayandfreuen-1 the U. S. \bas informied Pojncare sae hr o the savinga account.- that it would view with regret suchl rsaren rfore specialjy 'wa n etramoeywhcbla tep ad Cngesa la behind the f'lot to antrust their box keys to( - etrawch a stoPrirp nd Congjthan respousible persons and t WilI you 1 C. M. CAWKtR & SON,- BUTCHERS and GROCERS BOWMAN VILLE NOW IS THE TIME To have your trees properly pruned WE KNOWV HOW And the charges are reàsonaL1e. Brookdale" Nrseries Tree Surgeans, Phone No. 7 Foresters Bowmanville plup sa l . 11 For the Growing- Boy There is nio such thing as eating too mucb bread, but there is, a drawback in not eati1ig enough- of, it. Especially for the growing (child it îà good and helps build thcir bodies more than. any other food. Bàked fre(-sh daily i our own bakéry, EA,&T MORE 0F CHRISTIE'S, BREAD' CHýjtRISTIE'S BAKERY T'he Cash & Carry Bakery Phone 97 ý3owmnanville tw.ean France andj are hoth hanginig or f aid ia not fortbe I f (înrrr orronn lUcII. -thair W.J. CHALLIS ~iesdAuctionoeer prepared to take a. limit of a.uction sales ýof ýI ýrniture, etc. Terms reà Phone 290w, Bowmnanvil dleed uauy to pay ti' d1 and eva SEVENY AGO o. daily papers ara now lui Reava G. N. Garrow of Uxbridgî was elected Warden of Ontaric Couuty for 1923, c4feating Reavi- George MTorris of Oshawa. Mr. E. A. Loveil, forinerly ol Bowmanviila, bas beau elected Presi- dent of Oshawa Board of Trade foi 1923. The mouintIii oosl-. of iaiin'ing !ciî rtl Winter Oelaln No-w thpf, the snow is heavy and roads almiost impassable for cars, why fot Ihave us put your car in~ shape reýady for the good roads again? We are giving speeial prices on work just now and guar- antee a first-class job. Don't take chances on spoiling your battery by keeping it doxvn cellar. We will look ~after it for you for the winter for $3.00 and you wiII be sue't is allr-ight in the~ Spring. ner, 1I Luke, BOYS, i'te 188 Bownianvî1le T'ne t-hîifty housewif e bûys here. join. her? actoo~ &Co's. Drug Ontario es a Spec rniskilien 1jAMIES- les, VY 1H erboro ai ormean to W. due. ýation 1~ K

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