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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Feb 1923, p. 2

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___________________________________________________ ~3. ST. VALENTI~IE FUNERAL DIRECTORS ~AILWAY TIME TABI.ES R Canadian Pa~ifiç RaiIway Values FUI 'MANVILLE, FEB. 15th., 192 BANKING IN CANADA rhnsthreisnobuinsswi JIE DURING February You save money by buying now. ,while assortmaent is at -its best. Corne in WILLIAMS & CANN Enibalmer Furniture Dealers Ontario COReeNED. 1BEEF Since Geo. MeManu7s an-d his famous characters "Jiggs and M-aggie" have visited Toronto CQRNED BEEF HAS BECOME A REAL JDELICACY The craze for this choice dish lias now reached BowmpanviI1e and we are prepared to MI l al orders promptly. TRY CORNED BEEF TO-DAY Wî1bert J. Dudley ,Horsey Block Phone 225,,House 272 Bowmanville value ito all'î,wuo aesre tL e ve 11,r. d. This la the year for the ri ision of the BaLiJting Act as tý harters of Capaian banks expii 01n July 1, 19,28. They are grante for a period of ten years by tý Dominion Parliainent and renewe it the enid of that period. The A( ias been revised five times sinc ,onfederation in 1867, andl in ever ýnstaince the amiendments have sougf ýecuritv for depositors and not( iolders. The author of this booa et says the study of banking ma ot be a fascinating pursui4 but s at least an înteresting one andh eals broadly with the functionso -aoney, the basis of credit and th ;cope and operations of Canadia anks. The circulating notes of bank vhich constitutes the largest par )f the curý'ency of~ the country a. Lfirst charge on aIl the assets ai ýach bank la respoÎisible for the re ieption of the notes of every othi aniik; while depositors are protet ,d by the liabil'ity of s4iareholders fo loubie the amdhùnt of fie par valu )f their shares in the event of th nsoIvency of' the bank. Banks a: mitecl by law to certain classes o ans, the purpose of restrictions bc n"- te prevent emiploynient of re ources in whnt are terme.d "frozei redits". The making- of boans ýowever, must necessarily be a mnt r of judgment of bankers, sinc >arliament can neither passa mdg ient upon the value of commnercia ýor direct the disposai of boanab'1 inds. In this Dominion about 4, 00 banks cater te the publie, afford ig in every city and '4town and ii îanyA' villages the saine facilities , re enjeyed in the iargest commie: ai~ ~ comnt. It is consolilg t( riow that ne iess can now be sus .ined by the holder of a Canadiai anknote, and oniy in renmote con. ingency by a &lpositor under th( tisting law. It is net anticipateý at this Parliamient wil make aný dical change in the present pro isiens. Some anmendm-ents may be emned advisable just as iniprove enta ln previous revisions-%ve rE iae te make the Act a more peiý cet instrumnent, aitho in its preseri rin it la adnirably adapted te tIic eeds of commnerce. 1 - ~~~~~~BOWMAN VILLE CtainPcfr ala 7- By Molly Bevan, HamilIton F. F. MORRIS CO. Going East Goig West Hdwman hndrd ear IfveroledComplete I44tor or Horse Equîp-ment Grand Trunk Ra4Iway. Express 10.18 a. m. Express 5.47 a. m Ht w awanyhrdy eas1faerll ýAllcails promptly attended to. g Esat co2.0 P. m.*Local 8.20 a. m* î Snc Vwalen, apis fa~e~Private Ambulance. Gîgst a. n. Expess .22 s. mP. M.* Eipre 4.38 p m Iv ornelnin,1 pistoBowmn Bwanilephns 10ad14 Exres8.2a.m.dExrss4.2a.mE,:Orsi12.0n.m.Lca 743p4 Tdd thme, r i *atExpres 10.38 a. ni. d Expr e4.4, 'y eept Sunday. 1er Aendd hoe gardno simple raich Stores-Orlno & Newaste. . daily except MondeC.19 Kent, Towin Agent. je oPseneer 1.23 p.m. ng nsmiling, watphed the children WILLIAMS & I.A4N Passeg 3.09,. p. ni. Pass'ngr 1.0 7 Cn in at their plIay; Embalmers and Fiunera Directors. Pas'ngr 2.02 p. M: dCap 4* h 4iou1ntai iw.7y, to Each troubledhjeart, each lttle care, Calts given prompt and personal at- Locâl 7.14 p. m. Paas'ngr 7. 13Sp. in West B idEazt Bound iks he understood, tention. No extra charge for dis- Express 9.58 p. mi. d Express 9.24 p.m Tyroinp Station xgAnd people called hini, 4etietnce. Phones 58 or 159, Bow- Express 12,29 a., m.d-i Pass'rrgr 8.15 a. mi. P assngr 7.34 p.xm of~ the Good". manville, Ont. 3-t __________________________________ at - _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ nt So passed his life in helpfulness and let love, Tid Until one morning ini the fýountain LEGAL ,ni ouare, re- The children mi.ssed his smile, hïs M. G. V. GOULD, B. A., LL. D. ' E WO AE lie And eerfl air, B3ARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY 'A y m ir nquestioninpg, were told, "He money to loan on Fam and Town O R II"LH u r I TH ) ,.v .e dwells above. rpry RylBn Budig heLo r ail the city mourned the good Poperty oyal Ph nk Bu351n. e Divine,Bo anie. Poe81 ct And people said, "Let hlmi be called W. F. WARD, B. A. ice "Saint Valentine". »ARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTÂRY rySo fane b dedyears! an'd yet hie Money to ban. Bnsfor Tesale.e ihanèetoeoom n ÏHt a Offices: Bleakley Blck ,Kig aTeitha y oeon n Hslived in ancient custoins to this Street, Bowmanville On ., Ul'Usuall U r qaiy will prcaeti -day, Phones: Office 102, Hou~se 279J. h~ prcaeti ilFond messages and gifts of blossolus store as h(-rj headruarters for good groceries. he1 , galy ____________ --Here she vwill flnd a comlot 14.' 4? o of] l given in neinory of his golden cm~o eedno be ~name, aetldta MEDICAL groceries at prices that will niake trading anWharof 'he odta ipeB. j. HAZLEWOOD, M. D. C. M. hato hn ee;TrhwÂe Would so mucli love bequeath, Saint Gold Medalist 'of Trinity Universityheewrh hue Valentine!i Toronto. Four yrears attending Phy- ks s~~~~~~~~ician and Surgeon at Mt. Carmel1h hitlhueieby hr. W l o irt! Hospital, Pittsburg, Ks. Office and Tetrfy oswf ushr. WI o re THE CATTLE INDUSTRY Residence. 1Welington Street, Bow- jî-hr nd ____manville. 'Phone 108. fer ,oe-The prices being paid for high- :tgrade catl at the present tinie C. W. SLEMQN, M. D., C. M.ç M W K R 8.S N - wvould indicate that stock-raisers ani- Graduate cf Trinity Medical College, C.M -K R m 0'7 tciat abetterinent in the condi- Toronto, formerly of Enniskillen. ue tions affecting their industry. High- Office and residence, Dr. Beith's, B he class animals are in demand at p1res- 'former residence on Church-st., Bow- BUTCHERS and GROCERS BOWMANVILLE re eut to such an extent as to surprise manville. Phone 259. 44-t of those' who produce pedigreed stock. ,e- It would appear that a large number .e- of bredcers are looking forwa.rd te R M OE ", imipending- reftioval of the embargo Osteopath and Chiropractor tt] by Great Britain and the reduction 86 Simcoe St. N.. Oshawa, aver 14 ceof oeean freiglit cattle 'rates. Th.-- years' successful practice. Examina- 9- ~new ocean rate will make it possible tion Free at office. Phone 224, 2-itÇ ,lnt es te the cf porte ortig tbrsit- NOW IS TH~TE 'IM E leaI toeun the caf te ea~tigbui-________________ d_ ain on an extensive seile, and those DNA . interested are 'now taking ative DNA To have your trees properly pruned 'n steps te adapt themseives to hle DRG.C ON ASL 9sI change in conditions. The business !D.G .JONCSL r-has been carried on onufitr-it onor graduate i Dentst rn tternitlv for some ye ars. The lower UJniversity. Gadq e e R~oyal WE iKNbjv HOW 's rates, coupled with the lifting of, the College of Dental Surgeons oý On- in embargo' on April lst inext, ]lave al- zario. Office King-st., Bowinanv ill,. n-, eady had sonie effeet on prices for Office phone 40. Hanse phoneo.,22 And the charges are reasonable. e Canadian cattle, which have steadied DR. 3. C. DEVITT cosclr l.Assitant-Dr. C. W. Lyons - ' u s re 0- ~~~~Graduate cf Royal DhaI Clle, BrooRclaleNusre e Toronto. Office, King-st. East, Bow- e 13EST YEAR IN manville. Office hours 9 a. mýt2o6 SÙ LFEHITOYp. mn. daily except Sunday. PkOIIe Tree Surgeans Foresters nt 90a. House phone~ 90b. le The Fînancial Statement iss ed by1 DR. R. E: DINNIWELL Phone No. 7 'B wmanvilie the Sun Lif e Assurance Company of Honor Graduate cf Toronto Uni-, i lCanada this week affords a demon- 1 versity and member of Royal College . tratlon of ati an d ataength 1ofDenalSurgeons. Liiese&toi- le hie wil b grtifingalie t ït 1 ýratïc inOntrioand the D)ominion.' 'S LARGEST RETAIL GROCERS Y' YOUR TEA NOW. PRICE ADVANCING Lnd they i EýL to make becmiriIi ans and un br isas rit by Goa DaIIa laAluLcs; n l)Z O, -1 id in 1921 ne less than 358 28 National îbanks. S 3da ie not 1 keiy ito adopt iat bas net provel effectivi are some thinge te leari nadian currency, too. Thi Ils us~ that the primary' es R. M. Registered By- izing in errers 'Muscular lmmba pdModernE, Office-R. M Bowmanville Farm 4i. I Terms ,JVALCIL of $1, represe ach hc of a 10 vt kt seth- For the Growing Boy There i,, no sucli thing as eating too much Iýread, but -there is a drawback ini. iot eatingr enougli of it. Especially for the growing chilld it is good and helps build thf jr bodies more than any other food. Ba'ked fresh daily in our own bakery. EA1ÉT MORE 0F CHRISTIE'S BREAD CIIRI.STIE'S ..BAKERY Th Cash & Carry Bakery Phone 97 Bowmanvil lie ýORDEN'S EAGLE.MILK.. ......................23cTI T. CHIARLES MILK........... Se AND 15c TID AR~E "GU teacai war iA soma1Vy u~. O. orur This statement les le says, but fact. 1 of currency in Ger tee much, ani yet aire run 2-4 heurs a the SIr,'nhr TNo le UJAIA't iey at pý gable ini -ks1 able for its progi itý inidicate that the ir- sensible of their d: anility,, for the largE o- which -we became is the artîficial prosl -- Four years ago ha-, rig tainied in a year of te ciai stringency. ev JAS. BISHOP Auctioneer Ail kinde of sales atteni cludi ng fanms, f an stock plemients, real estate and Nearly 30-years' experienc 'cesful auctioneer. Al iompari Produce of his 6fieldsAnd l WM. J. Licensd 1 ami preparet: number of auci stock, furniture, onahie. Phone owm~amj G~ENERAL CONTRACTOR &ENGINEER , Specialist in reinforced conce., EstiAmates furnished. s is reckonecl from are not well dresse( ,ting, you are not ioes are madle foi :yle' with quality an Best Stores Eivery'i Nom, thaý,t the snow is heavy and~ roads alnlost impassable for ibars, why not have us put your car in shape ready for the good roads again? We are giving special.prices o1n work just now and puar- antee a\I#cajob. Don't 'take chances on spoilixig your battery by keeping it diowýn ce1Iar. We wiil look after it for youL for the winter for $3.00 and you will Jbe it i$ alright in the Spring. Lu ke, £ýOyws, Lirnited Ph-one~ 188 Bowiùanville e td i a ser SHORTà rnia Prunes 2 Ibs SANTA CLARA VALLEY .1 e 4ý

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