FER. 22, 1923.11 TALK WITH Value of aW Dùring oui pportnityto -with newa ower tchan yoi store anly furniture ar -Sale is yo'ur. ý-every room re at prices diay. to go into detlails here. this month and see the values being offered. &lZ Embalmer Visit Our attractiveI Furniture Dealers' Ontario ýdren Like Bread When the chi you clan rest eni are fed wi, Tod's Bread, yull grow into petitor iitarlo, tirougîî the £N îU4î mu i e-ntering that busineýss college und he countryr te-ac hers in ndan.ce mainly ,,ta learn Double I Bo Baok Kee-ping te a comçp ively ew syttaCoauntiry tesq s, ex-ept ta recent students of1 rýmal Scha ai. lHere is the po aur nara 1e: 'e of aurf w teac!hers tkighe ba-e~ (uss asMr, Robert Mc-Queen rwl.Ont,.. JiIno'the tt7aehbr tifavo n tlat me [es of the vsee3ions, we sainie course iatif eP1erei iwe bad to w to.nly in co ýheni7 too. * aur studlent Iý e benefit of cc McQueen was ftitnnr, At t FUI1ERAL DllRECTORS STATS F. F. MORRIS CO. SComplete M-otor or Hlorse Equipmenti Denv.r, Al cali promptly attended to. Unj§4Private Ami-bulance. eUbiteidll5owmianville phones .10 and 34 supplies Branch Stores-Orono & Newcastle- mnailily% he great, WILLIîAMS & CANIS vies, thru Emi-balmierýs and Funeral Directors. s, hlave Calîs given proiiinpt auad personal at- )r the de- tentian. NTo extra echarge for dlis-1 this vast t anc e. Phiones 58 or 159, Bow- Iiyi ailan7ille, Onlt. - - ied at a~ r o~n'hh , --t n, ane of the --s, Upan his re- ish1ingtocn, pres-1 ticý view aI -rthe )urpos--e in viewv, ýpare lhis eol o s cncerning [e the Amen1rý- Sput up a yery [eading ane ta mencrt Was f ar Caitinust Il the tinie thel rm--s submittcd ht coniinssi,n ý .V OLB . IBAPRISTE'R, SOLICITOR, NOTAR'Y m-oney to Joan on Fanm and Towni Property Royal Bank Buildinig,l l3owmianville. Phone 351. W. F. WARD, B. A. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARýY Mo!ney ta Joan. Bonds for ;ale. offices: Bleakley Block, Kîngi Street, Bowniknville Ontario. 'hanes: Office 102, flouse 1_79j. MEDICAL B. J. HAZLEWOOD, M. D. C. M. Gold Medlaiis- of Tinity Ujniversity Toronto. Four years attending Phy- ician and Surgeon at Mt. Carmel ilospital, Pittsburg, Ks. Oece and Residence, Wellington Street, Bw manville. Phone 108. ýy anad C. W. SLE MON, M. D., C. M. ~ aGraduate of Trinity Medical College, .'S the Toronto, formely of Ennikillen. Dn ane Office and residence, Dr. Beith's, ith a former resi*dence on Church-st., Bow- m tisnanville. Phone 259. 44-t as 'o the DR. S M. JONES future Osteopath and Chiropractor 'uope 86 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa, over 14 r less tion Free at office. Phone 224. 2-tf :ehe yers' suc es f- pactce. Exa ia .re, and we ig, crusty every day, and between-meals or mai-malade. ere re'vivcd Treading la of February TOD )nfectioner Doin DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE ýor- Hlonor graduat i n D entistry Toronto msUniversity. Gdut of the Royal Coilege of Dentýl Surgeons of On- ,er- zrio. Office Kihg-st., Bownianviile. ree Office phone 40. House phone 22.l Lca DR. J. C. DEVITT Bowrnanvîlle, manville. ovmc SP. ni. daiiy exc 90a. Hôuse ph D R. R. E. Honor Graduat versitv and meni "A Financial A ittle booklet whicbi tells in- an inter esting Waso simple ýhi its lagugethta school- Sgirl couid understand it, ail about invîestmuents of al kndbonds, mort- gages and stocks. Even ta experieneed investors this littie story, woven inito' a charming rmaneconi- tains m-,ary valuable painters oan invest- mients. The baookiet oil be maibed fi-ee Io a-y oeo01 5 & Co. Li, Ami1iusJarvis 8.? Cri Es~abwh4L IMITED ottawa 293 Bay St. Mnra NewYork TGronto Londoring Total A-sets oiead Office: Mnrs C. W. 140DB i Dental College, King-st. East, Bpw- hours 9 a. m. to 6 ýt Sunday. Phonej ie 90b. )INNIWELL of Toronto Uni-1 LcCouflt Too Sm- ilJ 0 accourit is too small for this Bank to wel- corne and n-ione too large for it to handeC. Brainches inail Imp(ortant Centres in Cane Savings Depdrtmerits ia ail Branches iada Bank et Montrea. r i Estahlisbed Over 100 Yeairs, complete assortment of n y here just whateýVer your its fresh meat we have it young, tender its cooked meat, town from which YOU'L GA. 1 One door one 21 1 5ycars. In polities he was a p erai.1 or ta USINESSAS ISMPROVING fee ey is the amimunition of bus-1 Within the last few weeks mi- been inecasing in ense of slIp-pr irough the banks. taeuo tsj :rest, as soon as, w 1 .h lita oi ivijabL ca, i.none âuiv OPTOMETRY R. M. MITCHELJ, egistered By Examinationi ng in errors of Refractio uscular Imbalances. Latesl Is, Modemn Equiprnent. a Office-R. M. ls d( 1Bowmanville narvest, cxcess ai-iionif iiie atum i iu 11- jthe principal factor in iaf boans an thie anc the ather, in the larg-est savings deposits thatr in two years. tion that set in during- well advanced, if not 1 bank reserves are ne- is not improbable too, nt- hnnrovenn+t inhbus- Tnere in and ta be -Fr om ýERS LBS.25C ILB. TU BAKING 19C TO STOP ADVERTISING ieve:ýmanha s become sol ly a creature of habit that ertainly buy this year where t last ycar.1 youngcr, fresher and concerlIs in your line cease up and using the printed eiing the people h.ow niuch hcy can do for theni thaa nobody cisc thinks it paysý tise. population ceases ta mul- : the generations that crowdl you stop caming on. you have convinced every- ose life xiii touch yours, jhave better goods than ever get elsewhere. you perceive it ta be the tmen who neyer do, and d, advertise arc outstnip- ir neighbors in' the sanie usiness. men stop makiag fortunes your sight, solely by a dis- :eat vvar ,an the joint per- e of bathi be- DEVON 1$ CALLING ME A vague unrest is stiming niy breast, As the twiI¶ght falîs to-night, Then over the seas on the ocean breeze; Remembrance wings its flight. Wherc heather and ling thieir purpie fling, 1 wander in ecstasy, [As in days of yore the furze fleck-d or, ias ever a e1harm for mie. The poplars high 'gainst thc even- ing sky The surge osf the rcstless tide; The guils' swift flight 'er the billows white, And a thausand things beside. The ivicd hedgc and the f ern deckcd ledge,. The niarigold's torch of gol.d;- The river's sang as it mealndersa long Those trcasunes niy nicnory hold. The lambs new bora on a dcwy nioma, Are claimiag their niqthcr's cane, Meadow iarks. a-wing, soar skyward and sing, OfE the world they' have fotund so f air. its wîeuîung 1 SOAP Mitchell Store &Col AUCTIONEERS THEO M. SLEMON Auction*êer I'arm and kiause Sales a Specialty Ternis moderate. Enniskillen P. 3. Phone 197-r3. 1-tf JAMES BENNETT Auctioneer 10 years' expenience in farm, fumni- ture and nouse auction sales. Ad- dress Jas. Bennett, Hardware Mer- chant, King-st., Bowmanviiie, phone .131, box 33. JAS. BISHOP Auctioneer All kinds o~f sàles attended tain- cluding farms, farm stock and imi- plements, real estate and furniture. Néarly 30 years' expýerience as suc- ccsf'ul aucetioneer. Al sales at- tended to promptly. *No extra charge for distance. Appiy ta Jas. Bishop, phone 287, Osh'awa P. O. 'or Tom Perey. Bowawn#vîlle. 40-t WM. J. CHALLIS Licensed Auctioneer Iamn prepared ta take a Iimited number of auctian sales of farm stock, fumnituüre. etc. Terms reas- onable. Phone 290w, Bownianville. -VETERINARY DR. F. T. TIGHIE VETERIN.ARY SURGEON. tpay or Night Cal1s Promptly Attende'd te. Bowinanville. phone 248. GENERAL CONTRACTOIR & ENGINEER Spcciaiist ia reinfonccd concrete. Estimates fulrnished. George Chenery Ring-st. Bowinanville 49-tf offije SMALL UNSOLD BALANCE Opposite11 Ganada Flour MiIis Company 8%Cumulative Preferred Shares I This Company 's business ha8 bee n established at Chatham, Ont., for Specal- It's cour) m""e ilin plant is the laýrgest li Canada. Capacity 400 bar- Specal- rels per day. Thie four m'Iilihas a capacity of 750 barrels per' day. ýon and The' Cmpany,, alsa own's and ape rates thiree grain elevatars, capacity St Meth- 200,000 busheis. Total capitailization, includJing bonds, is 500, as against total assets of $607,604. This sho'ws the -onmnl stock, given as a bonus, ta 's. Drug be covered over, dollar for dollar, by aoersasfomeltAsjt The anaemen isin the iiands af W.D.RbrsnfmelAsit ant General Mngrof the Mxipfle Leaf I',illing Company. Ontario As there is onily a smnall portion unsold, we advise the immnedlate purchase of this attractive Issue. Price: $100 ver share. carrvinm a bonus of two shares of cosumon stock (var value $10 ver share) Write for further particulars. RICE, GIflSON.ýJ & COMPANY TORONTO McKinnon Bldg., ONT. ro gt th7îý Just mail tiS 1 Royal Seçcuritie, TYPEWRITING I 58 King Si EEPING Please send me "Inivest yau cer read it. an inivestor ily oughlta d us your dress an this and we will latest issue. other teÏature i 'j WILLIAMS & CANN TH, -I ~s. ~ COURMIP C'r, 7ý1mu Il