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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Mar 1923, p. 1

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Vol. LXIX. M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, M AI R 193 $2.00 a Year In Advane 5c a Copy I _________________________ Il Pre-Sock-aking 'Sale This annual event is looked upon by many as the best time to buy in the year. Here are some of the savings that await you. FUR-COLLARED COATS Ail Fur-Collared Coats now marked down to haif price. This has been our biggest coat season. SPECIAL SALE 0OF BLOUSES Georgette and crepe de chene Up to $11.00, now clearing at $3.00 and $4.50 BARGAINS IN REMNANTS Wonderful bargains in Dress Goods and Silks. ONE-THIRD OFF KNITTED GOODS Another saving in Pull-overs, Sweaters, Scarfs and Knitted -sets One-Third Off MEN'S WINTER OVERCOATS A few Men's and Boys' Heavy Overcoats clearing at One-Third Off MEN'S SUITS AT SPECIAL VALUES Ail Men's Suits in the store during'this sale marked down ê 10 per cent. Côuch, Jô'huston& Cryderman, Bowmanville Phone 104 Limitea p J i k jThe Shop That Leadsl thEVERY DETAIL ththelps to make a man's appearance a success is given muich thought in our seiection~ of up-to date MEN'S FURNI$HINGS We can satisfy young men wfio want the very latest as well as men of conservative tastes. JUST ARRIIVED A few of our Spring Shirts in new and novelty patterns including that new Shirting Balloon Cloth. They are specially priced at... . -$3.Oo CALL~ AND LET US ýSHOW YOU THESE G. N. T-ÉH u'-3R S T-0 --N Bownianville's Up-to-dlate Haberdiashery and Fur shQp. MINISTERS AND CHURCHES Rev. J. H-. McBain, B. A., of Sin- coe street CucOshawa, took the Sunday School services in Vampbell- foord Metbodist Church on Sunday. Rev. H-. B. Renny, took the work in Oshawa. Rev. C. C. Washingtvon, 13. A., Bat boe as received and acçcepted an invitation to becone pastor Of Courtice circuit at thie beginning of the next conferenice year subjeet to approvaýl of Stationing Con-m1ittee. Rev. J. S. 1. Wilson, B. A., B. D., pastor of Cobourg Methodist Church received an unainmous invitation fromn the officiai board of the Bright- on Methodist Church to be their pastor for the next conference term. St. Paul's Chureh, Rev. D. W. Best, minister. il a. mi.-"Tellinig the Good News in Rone", 7 p. m. -Fading Flowers and the Chivalry of God. 2.30 p. miý.-Sunday School and Bible Chasses. Methodist Church, Rev. S. i C. Moore, B. A., B. D., pas3tor. Sun- day School Anniversary services wil be conducted by Rev. L. S. Wig-ht, Tweed, at il a. mi. and 7 p. m. Open session of Sundiay School at 2.30 p. M. Children's Choir at even- ing service. Rev. F. J. Horwood,- Mus. Bac., pastor of the Camborne IMethodist Circuit, was in Peterboroughi for two or three days iast week maling ar- rangemnents for the Bay of Quinte Summer School, which is to be held thiere this year, însteàd of at Belle- ville. Mr. Hor-woo.d is the business manager of the School.-Peterboro Examiner. Bowmanville Methodist Sunday School will hold anniversary services on Sunday, March 4, 'when Rev. L.* S. Wight, Tweed, wili preach miorii- ing and evening and address the Sun- day School at the open session in the afteirnoon, when a program wPii be given by the school. A children's choir under direction of "'. T. W. Stanley wili furnish music for the evening service. A generous thank- offiering is asked for the needs of the~ DURHAM CLUB TORONTO Celeberates Twenty-Fifth Anniversary. Dear Edlitor,-Twenity-five years ag-o the Dutrhamý Club of Toronto, was formied. It bias been decided to celebratte the anniversary of the happy and progressive organization at the close of its first quarter cen- tury byv a special meeting in Central Young- Men's Christianl Association, Coliege Street, necar Yonge Street, on Thursday, Marcb l5th, Ail nmen and ,voiien now living in Tfoonto -who at any time lived in Durham, are cordialiy invited to cornie to the aniniversairy meeting. So are friends in Durhami who knew us, and whIose hecarts hav7e an affectilon- aite, spot for us. We w\ýouid lIike ail to corne at 8 o'ciock, and to ho sure that their watches have the correct timie-8 not 8. 15. We hope to hiave a very bappy timei( sociaily, an'd we are go- ing to have ai delightfui program. Mrs. Boweil, formeriy of Newcastle, Miss Rose, now of Belleville own- er and mianager of the Be2llevilIe, n- telligencer. a paper estahiished byj hier father-in-law, Hon. Sir McKen- zig- Bowell one of Canada's Primie Ministers, wili delivor a short ad- dress. Mr. Horace Lapp formeriy a Port Hope boy, now one of thej great miùsicai artists ifi Canada, and one who gives promise of being Canada's leadling Musical Compos- er, will play somie of his own comu- positions; songs will be sung by Mrs. T. E. Knowlton, (Miss Ethel Kin-g), Miss May Kimiber, Miss Hiilda Bonny-, castie, Miss Marion VanNest and Mr. ýJ. D. Keachie-, and Mr. George C. MýcIIntyre and Miss wîll sing duets. CANON CODY'S ADDRESS Joint Banquet of Canadian Clubs Enjoyable Occasion. One of the most succossfui and pleasant evening's of the ceason, and One which m1-ade everyone pre2sent feel proud that they were, British, was ejoye-d in tbe lMethodist Scbool- roomn on Tuesdlay evening when the miembers of the Men's and Women's Canadjian Clubs assemibled to hear Rev. C'anoni Cody of Toronto, Re'ctor of St. Paul's Anglican Church, and one of the most prominent educat- ionists and travellers of the presont dlay. Previous to the address a banquet was, serve.d by M rs. A. T. Chrîstie and ber staff of heipers. Thie supper was well-cooked, woll-sorved and of very tomipting variety and a meai that everyonie greatiy enjoyed. The taffbles -were mnost attra0tiveiy laid and decorated with cut flowers and fiowering plants. Mr. W. B. Couch, Presidont, in opening the program, called for a toast to "The King". The comipany responded heartiiy by joining- in the National Anthern. In introducîng tbe speaker of the, evnnthe chairmnan rocalied a former visit of Rev. Dr. Cocly to tho Club here. He regrette.d bis resig- nation as Minister of Education, re- I feerred to his refusai of the splenidid position ofi'ered hinm in Australia and of his recent trip to England. Ail tbese honors, the chairmnan wittily remnarked may not have corn e h- cause of his visit to Bowmanville, but they ha.d, at least, corne to bim since hi s visit here, and ho boped greater bonors might corne to Dr. Cody in the fut~ure. ý Memories of Durham-t- will be re- Dr. Cody in bis operiing remnarks called by.ý Mr. Thomas Yello-wlee5s, tated that he thougbt Bowmanville and other young hearted boys. AI was sîtuated in one of the lovoliest great programi, so be in timie. parts of the Province of Ontario. "A Canadlian in England" was bis James L. Hughes, President. subi ect and in opening said wben the invitation camie from the Arch- bishop of Can-teivbury to preacil in St. MUSICAL EXAMS. Paul's Cathedral in London, England, Do-last year he feît it a great priviiego Pupils of Miss Lephia N.Do- and decided to accept. One of the caster, A. T. C. M., who passed'first invitations he, rPo,?ivp(l 2fteri schooL. tbeir 1Toronto Conservatoryexamas Primary Theory--MissMe ad Tbemonhl meeting of the Mis- iner, Tyrone, honors, Miss Dorothy sion Circle was hold on Tuesday Bonnycastle, honors, Miss Florenrei evening, Pebruary 20, at the home Morri s, pass. of iss Marion ~Morris. Scripture Lesson wvas- road ts Vesta '~ Congratulations toe Vl oiwn Spargo. "The top ie "In Factory pupils who passed successfully TheI and Field", from tbe Study B3ook Toronto Conservatory of Music Ex- was well pxresented by M,ýiss Rilda aminations held at Bishop Bethuneý Siemon. Miss lone Quinn favored College, Oshawa~Ms Gertrude1 wýith an instrumental solo. Miss H-amley, Elemientary Piano. Mis MNarg-retta Adamrs gave an interest- Berta Cole, Introductory Piano, firsti ing missionary reading. Quarterly class bonors. Miss Agnes Vanstone, tea was served. The pleasant oven- rudiments of Tbeory, first class hon- ing was brougbt to a close with a fow ors. Pupils of Miss Rta R. Colo,I kind remarks from Rev. S. C. Moore A.Tý.C. M., F. C.C. M. who also pronaunced the Benedic-1 League Monday evening in the JHNBKRS HOTO S Methodist Churcil was in charge of ~~Wl rdHiest .Pae Citizenship Departmnent with Mr. SxWi rdHiest ePaa Jack Brooks in tbe chair. Miss in Consignnient Sale March Sth. Sparg-o led in the opening prayer and Onoftefdmta rnils Mr. 1Lewis Scott rend the Scripture n ftefdmetlpicpe Lesson, after which, Miss Mabel of successful business is toý buy we Jewel gve redingbeaingon he alues are low. Another is to cater Jewll avea eadng eaîngon heto tbe 'demnands of the buying pub- lesson. A vocal solo wvas nicely lc. Applying these to tbe Short- sung by7 Miss Mabel Challis. The br uies o sVl iet topic "The Master's Affection" by buy, as values wiil not ho lower. Mrs. Jack Brooks,wic was except-1 ionally good. A vocal duet was weîî Jack Baker's offering of six, sung iby Misses Marguerite Joness 1choice, weii bred- heifers to thle sale and Janey Mason; a readiag was at Bowmanvîlle on Marcil 8th pro-t given by Miss Mary Colo and a piano sents an opportunity to augillent orý solo by Miss Dorotby Plummiier con- establish a herd on right linos.- The cluded a mnost interesting and profit-, îndividluality of the diffor ent'lots as able evenîng. well as the fashionable brreeding ro- presented allows no dîsputing this St. John's Cburch, Rector, Rev. G. fact. S. Postlethwaite, M. A.,' Organist, Three of the heif ors, a Jennyt Lind,l Mrs. John A. Guna. Srd Sund'-ay in Lot S in catalogue, a Mysie, Lot Il, Lent March 4tb. il a. m.--Holy an'd a Mina, Lot 9, are ilred to one Communion aad sermon. 2.30 of the bost bulîs in Ontario to-day. p. .-Suinday-, Scilool. 7 p. m - His sire Browavdale ;was thle sire of Eveniing song and sermon. Preacber, more first prize and championship The Roctor. winners than perhaps any bull in re- Friday evening next Lenitçn Ser- cent imes. The first heifer named vice in the Parish Hall at 8 o'clock. is due araund sale ime and both sshe Choir practice to follow. and the Mysie heifer are fromi extra Thle Induction Service re Rev. good *mnilking 'damls while Vile Mina G. S. Postleth-waite, M. A., will e heifer bas a pedigree bard Vo excel. place on Friday evening, March 9 at The other tbree hieifers are yearl-1 8 o'clock. Blishoýp Ry. Right Reverend Jing hwpooiin-algtra C. ldigSnM., LL. D.,'asstdbyeina being a very thick showy heif-1 D. . .,LL.D. asisedbythe Ven. er and maternai sister Vo a heifer J. C. Davidson, M. A., Arcildeaeon that won 2nd prize at thle Dominion of Peterboro. Exhibition wben heid at Calgary, She also is from a good milking dam and will mnake a valuable breeding matron. COMINGThe dark red Lind heifer is -a sty- lisil heifer wlth beautiful head and front, and straight, thick fieched TUESDAY, MARCH 6th body. On fhrners fkmn tao T. W. Harding, Socretary of m T~ISIa ericagn Shorthorn Association, so A rthur Bngnt holnea s uqt ed lien ege is unhe ste.aristroc- ratie fromi every angle fis a beautiful Toronto's Popular red heifer, Lot. 13 in catalogue. She is a real show prospect and is fromn ]Baritone a show cow, that stood first in her class of seven cows thle last time shown at Bowmanville 'Fair. Silo îalso an irnported eow and three C o a eF e ofhler previous progeny soid for of $2,625.00, a record perhaps un- Elocutionist equalieçl by any other cow i a tho county. Tuis entirely Scotch bred offeririg METHODIST CHURCH representing the best product of the heird are Vile kind that sell and will BOW ANVLLE sou again. Come ta Vile sale and BOWMA VILLE appraise hemn and bring hs for re- ference with Vile catalogue. Admission:, Aduits 50c A sale of ilome-made cooking- Children 25c bread, huns, cake, pies, ict.-wflbeI on Saturday, IMarch 3, at 3 p. I _________________________under auspices of thle Mission iireo reaching the Oid Land wýas§ from Mr. -P. C. Larkin, Canadian 1{igh Comn- Y, nisioner, to a dlinner given in bonor eof Chief Justice W. H. Taft, ex- Preside'nt of the United States, sent by bis country to get a knowlodge of 1E'ngýlish 1 law ai-d iaw courts. Mr. Taft was given a-a magnificent recept- BOWMANVILLE HIGH SCHOOL DEBÂTERS WIN TROPHY Local Students Establish Record By Winning For Three Consecutî've Years. On Wednesday, Fehruary 21 , the Bowmianvilie Higb, School dlebating teami accomrpanied by, a g7oodly numn- ber of supporters, journoyed to Whitby Highi School for the final de- bate for the Jury & Loveli D)ebat- ing Trophy. Bowmuanville was ag ain the wirnor, tbus tbe trophýly re- mains, here for anotber year. The debaters were MHiss Ruth Grigg, daughter of Mrs. David Grigg, ndM.Maitlan.d Gould, son of Bar- rister M. G. V. Gould fo~r Bovm-ian- ville, and MViss Mary Howard,dag- ter of Rev. F. H. Howard and Mr. Will Crumimer for W*itby. Principal Maclean of Whitb;y, oc- cupied the chair and Principal W. J. .Morrison of Bowmianville, was tinie- keeper. The judgos were Dr. D. S. Hloig, Oshawa, Mr. W. H. Ken- nedy, Whitby, and Dr. G. C. Bon- nycastie, Bowvmanville. Miss Mary Howard was leader for the affirmnative. She announced the subject "Resolvod tbat the Canadlian Govornmnent shouid control and1 op- erate ail railways in the Dom inion" and based ber arguments upon the s tatement that what was bes:. for th-e Dom-iniion was what gave the greatest good to the greatest num- ber. Miss Howard said owniersbip by the Dominion would rnean ownýer- ship by ail Canadians and they\in operating the railways would oper- ate for themnselves, thus, ownruihip by ail would mean service for al It would be, also, financially profit able to the Dominion, and productivE of better an'd more efficient service The taking over of the C. P. P ms she said, practical and would ho financiall'y advantageous. Thený the evils of compotition would be elmiin- ated andi Canadians would have al the advantages of monopoly without its dîsadvantages. Governinont con- trol would bo in the interests of the common g-ood for tbe goverami--ent would be more enterprising, an,!,.Cap- ital, labor, and consumer would be united in owniersbip. Mr. Crummer follQwed up his col- leagues arguments and added to the. a statement that only tbe high- salaried officials wýould sufer b-. the governiment takîng over the C. P. R, Ho' conipared govorannt contr-i of ali railroads Vo the postal service. *tion la Eagland. Mr. Maitlaad Gould,. as leadler of Incidentaily hoiemakd tba h ie negative, statedi that they weror 3Great Britain -was fartbor away~ not opposed to government contrai from Canada now than in former but to goveramerint m-onopoly. It years because of the excessive rates would hoe impossible Vo operate ail an Vile steam-ships, anti if a greater railroads, radiais included, wbether tie was to be esta)blisiled an easier municipal, provincial or doion and cheaper transportation' betweea fromn Ottawa as efficiently as f'omn the two countries would have Vo ho headquarters in their own dlistricts. furnished. Governmeht control of ail raî-aiiways had been r e'd during Vile wrin For some minutes ho revelled la United States and Great BnVtain and Vile lovely scenery la England and had faid'ed signally. There i5ad 1Scotland and dwelt on the one speciai been less efficient service, pooerer thing eacil county hadl Vo offer in Vile miainVenance, and a great numb r of way of lakes, rivers, moors, glons, acciden-týs. Il had resulted, too, in etc . One attractive poster of Itftly United States, in increased taxatiîon, i-Vile boot-shaped country, hati Corai- and la Great Britain, in greatf y ln- r wall outlined and said "Why go to creased rates. Mr. Gould differed Italy? Go Vo Land's End". Ho was fromi bis opponeats la regard Vo Vilhe *greatly im-pressed witb Vile variety of C. p. R. The cost of taking il aver 1scenery. was â1tog-ether too great and u ould Amon Vie thngsbeatifu noic-result in a heavy increase of gavera- ed were: First, Vile afternoon Von,meidbt a ino st refresiing and delightfui Miss Grigg followed ber co'ieag- featre ilic mo an womn aikeue's excellent speech with an eqjually .enjoy. Second, Vile general polite- excellent one, supportiag bis pit aess of Vile Englisil people. Even and developing for ber part, Vileevs thVie street car conductor said "Tbank of goverament ownership especially you" when you paid your fane. Hoewitb regard Vo lack of compett ion. wasremnde ofthewordâ of Lord,1 Eech speaker was allowed fif'teen Gra "ivlit i aveny different! lntsandth leader of Vile affir- tiling from servility. - Politeness mative three minutes Vo reply. In does noV detnact but addis to ono's Vuis short lime aiiottedl, Miss Hwr dignity. Theo third thilglho notîced made a very clever reply. was Vile good hum--or of Vile people. Wbile Vile judges were arrivîr g at Ho was la London wlilea Vhe Prince a dlecision Mr. Julian Beacroft play- of Wales rýturned from bis tour and ed a delightful piano solo and re- heard Vile people cheer for "i" sponded Vo a hearty encore. Miss as Vile Prince is called in A-i w ýIlison, Whitby, collected the ju Iges' famlily circle in Vile Royal ilousebold.' decisions and announcerd that theýy He laugbinglly told of Vile prediction bad decided la favar of Vile negative. of ani Isnaeiitisb friend of bis that The National Antilem, followed! by jwilen Vile Prince of Wales camne VoVile students' respective schaol yls Vile Vbnone Vilat hie would be known ciosed Vile meeting. as King, David and that Vile future Tile Jury k- Loveil Debating Trop- IQueen of Eaglland would ho Rachlel. l'y -as donated three years ago, for Fourtil thing that improssed hlm-t- was c!omipetition between the HighScos Vile remarkable sense of justice or of Bowmaavi'lle, Oshawa and Whî,tby. Vile Britisb passion for fair play. Bowmvnanvilie won ilthVie first -ear Ho gave an incident of travelling on andi bas held il ever since, a v ctor Vile Eng-isli bus wbich ho said we lnaal five debates in wbich B. il. S. knew hadl an upstairs and a down was represented. Thelo first -ear stairs. If Vlibre was noV room- Miss Edythe Clemens andi Perý-ivaI enougl- for ail whio wisbed Vo, ride Mufrileati defeateti Whitby in Vile upstaiirs-, wilen a vacancy occurred finst round, andi Miss Elizabeth Best Vile dowastairs passengers were given and Ross Tilley ývon Vile final frnm a chance Vo go up, even Via new Oshaw\a. atya Bwinil passepgers were anxious Vo go on. ibId Vile bye and wilen Osilawa- de- The fiftb important Ving wilich imn- feateti Whitby in Vile rtru1i pressed Dr. Cody was Vile Britisiler's1 tura, defeateti Oshawa ln thle final. love of play. The Englishman'si The debaters were Miss Helen Mc- gaine is cricket and Vile term "play Gregor andi Lawrence Mason. This cricket" is aecepteti by that counitry year, Bowmanville met Oshawa and as a erni meaning fair play. It bas ile same :debaters, Miss Helen -Me- been said that some of Vile greatesV Gregor and Lawrence Mason, again vicVoriesi on Vile batle field were won defeated Oshawa. Finaly Vile de- by, mon 4io were trained on Vile play bate won against Whitby by Miss' fieldis of Englisil scilools. The sîxtil Rutil Grigg andi Maitlanld Gculti, feature mentioneti wvas tilat Vile gives Bowmianville Scilool Vile rigbt Eaglisilmanv was apt to depreciate Vo hold thle trophy for Vile Viird suc- bim-self. There was a subtie pride cessive year. within hlm wilich was not boastfui. Tbey were apt ta underestimate theniselves and ho illustrate ti Vs by ANOTHER PAPER PASSES OUT Vile work clone by Vhe Britishl Army la Vile early dmnys of Vile war wilen Last week's issue of Vile Belleville the worid wondered whaV it was Weekiy Intellingencer markýs Vile doing- because no nows was being lasV issue of Vile publication as a given out. It was saving civiliza- weekly mressenger into the homes of lion. Thle seventh tiling mention- subscribers and iV is in'deed with eti was reverence for Vile past. On seme hesita.tion and oniy after con- every side are marks of anticjuity, siderable foretilought tilat Vthe main- historecal olticatîhetitals, churches, agemnent decided te discontinue Vhe customas, etc., wilich are se dear t" weklY PaPer. For eighty-xnine yearu, since 1834, Vhii, ewupaper habei (Continued on page 4.) pubised. - ,,--* No.9 Royal Theatre BOWMANVILLE j Friday-Saturday MARCH 2-3 Ethel Clayton In "IF 1 WERE QUEEN" From the story "The Three Co rnered Kiagdom" By Du'Vernet Rabeli Monday-Tuesday MARCH 5-6 Mabel1 Ballin In "MARRIED PEOPLE" From the story "Things Divine"e By Neil Marie Dace Wednesday-Thursday MARCH 7-8 Marie Prevost In "HER NIGHT 0F NIGHTS" From C. S. Montayne's Story ln Snappy Magazine Harry Carey ln a two reel Feature "THE WRONG MAN" COMING MARCH- 12-13 Ma. Murr.ay ïn "FASCINATION" Harold Lloyd in "I DO" MARCH 26-27 "WHEN KNIGHThOOD WAS IN FLOWER" No. 9 e ,e, It 1- lai

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