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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Mar 1923, p. 4

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Auct ion Sales .Monday, Mai-ci 5-Thoinas Sergent, lot 2, con. 8, Darlington, will seli ail of his f arre stock, implements, etc. Sale at 1 P. M. Sec list in this paper or- bills, Theo. M. Slenion, Auctioneer. Wednesday, March 14-Gea. de La Mare, Duke Street, (near G. T. R. Station), Bowmanville, will salI lis friUrlousahiolcf effacts, etc., iacluding player piano. Se complate list in next week's pap- an. Sale at 1 o'clock. Jamesi Bennett, Auctionieen. 9-i- Moiday, Mai-eh l9th-Waiter Fer- guson, lot 28, con. 9, Darliagton, wîll seli by auction, 6 liorses andi about 25 head of cattia, 50 pigs,I etc. Sale et i P. M. Theo M. Slemon, Auctioneer. Tuesday, March 20,-Mr. W. B. floar, lot 5, con. 2, Darlington, will salI ail of lis fanm stock, im- plemants, etc. Sale at 1 p. m. See it in next ek' aper. Thie o. M. Siamon, Auctionear. BOWMANVILLE, MARCH 1, 1923j TYRONE Miss Breta Hwkey, Toronto, spent the week-end with lier cousin, Miss Romia Phare. . .. Miss Lola Rich- ards, Oshawa, is liolidaying et her father's, Mr. Thos. Ricards... . Miss Enmily Atkinson bas returned to Hamilton after a pleesant two -\weeks' visit with friends her .... Mr. Thos. Curtis lad a sucýessful wood bee on Tuesdlay aftlernoon .... Mn. Ar-thur Hugohes lbas purcbased Mr. Thos. Ser- gents farm where lie iatends movirg next week. Mr. Sargent le having a sale on Mondlay, Marci 5th.. Mr. Gordon Farrel libas returned from visiting fiends in Hamilto.. .Mr. and MNrs;. T. Findley and Ole left Mnaylast for Unionville whiere tliey are again , goîng ijito business. Mr. and MIrs. Findley have won mnany warmi friends la this vicýinity and will be greatly missed es- pecially by the young people ... . The funeral of the lat eWilliani Trewin of Haydon, passed throughli hne on Moadfay last on the way to Bethesada, Cenietery. A uction Sale ___ MIiss Mre Penfound has return-1 Theo. M. Siemon, Auctioneer, has ed from a pleasant visit with friends' received instructions froia in the city, where she and Miss Louise Osborne have been taking ad- THOJMAS SARGENT vautàge of the Winter Short Course to seil by publie auction at at the University of wýhich they --peak Lot 2, Con. 8, Darlington 'very, favorably.... The church er on held under the auspices of the Wyon- ensMissionary Society brough-t to- MONDA ,MAR H5TH getler a large audience. A spletcidid Th~e ollow-ing farm stock, impie- programn of mnusic included 'hymln8 ients, etc. and choruses; solos by Mrs. W. R. HORSES-1 horse, il years oid, 1 Courtice and Miss Annie Parsýons; mare, 9 years, supposed to bcei 'al duet hy Misses Frances llancock and 1 black colt, coming 2 years, 1 black Hazel Rundie; and a short addrass colt, coming 1 year. by'Pastor W. S. Boycýe on the woxk and merits of thie W. M. S.,well sat- CATTLE-1 cow, due April 25,1 isfied an attentive audience .... At a 1 cow, due June 15, 3 young catt e, el attended meeting of South Da)r- comning 2 years, 2 young cattie, com lington U. F. O. Club on Monday af- ing 1 year. ternoon, MNr. John Baker, Solina, PICS-i Sow Pig. President of the Ontario Experimen- HENS-60O Iaying hiens. tai Union, gave a good address oiý IMPLEMENTS, ETC-1 Bain1 the privileges, and advantag-es of this Wagoni, Rack eand Springs compiete ogaiato to the Ontario Farmer aearly new, 1 Massey-Harris Seed adgree.. eygetda Drill,> 1 Massey-Harris Stiff Toothl of sickness has been experienced Cultivator, 1 set Harrows, 3 sections, I eebusrcnly whmshv iMassey-Harris Binder, 1.Ma se saped ... . The grimi renper-deathi Harrs Mweri Lnd Ruer ~ as* again been busy in our mîidst.1 Rake, 1 Massey-Harris Scuffler, j(OnThiursday*ý last after a short but Verity Plow, 1 Two-Furrow Plow, 1 severe attack of pneumonia and1 Cutting Box, 1 set Sieighis, 1 Buggy, pieurisy _Mr. James Allen Reid pas- 1 Fanning Mill, 1 Team Harness, ed away leaving a sorrowing and de- Chairs, lTables, Kitchea Cabinet, oted wif e and son Roy and daug-hter, Cook Stove, Co'al Stove, Box Stove, Ruby, to mourn the loss of a kîndl ~Maget epaato, Cain, Frks and loving husband and father .The Eoes, Shovels, and'other articles tool funeral took place on eau layt iiumerous to mention.0thie Ebenezer Cemietery., Rev. W. TERM-Oa il sms o $15 S. P. Boyce conductedthe service. and under, cash; over that amnouat i Everybody is doing it now--pay- -9 moriths credit on approved notes. îing cash and buying for less at S. 5% off for cash. W. Mason & Son's. Special Values In Furniture We are off ering some, very Special Bargains in Chesterfields and Chesterfield Suites. BUY A CHESTERFIELD) NOW See our Chesterfield at $90.00 in good spring Marshall Cushions. field w\ith two chairs at $140.00. splendid vaIueý. Tapestry with Also Chester- These are SOLID OAK DININGROOM SUITE $W A splendid Solid Oak Dining Room Suite in American Brown finish for ...-............. $100.00 It will pay you to buy furniture now as prices are very low. F. F. MORRIS CO FURNITURE DEALERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS BOWMAN VILLE'1 Phones 10, 34 Branches, Orono, Newcastle xin the Series of Addresses at the TOWN HALL AUDITORIUM -SUNDAY, MARCH 4,- 8 P. M.- "The Devil's 'Vacation" PROFESSOR K. L. GANT President of Oshawa Missionary Coîlege Music by Double Quartette The Bible and the Bible Only is our Pîatform w are promnptIy reiieved b 7HIIAT IT HAS BEEN SOLO FOR NEARLY FrFTY YEARS AND IS TO-DAY A GREATER SELLER THAN EVER BEFORE 15 A TESTIMONIAL THAT SPEAKS FOR IT3 tIUMEROL$S CURATIVE QUALITIEri, MAPLE GROVE Miss Eddie Taylor, Port Hope, vis- iting friends here ...Mrs. W. J. Snowden recently spent a few ýdays in Oshawa witli ler sister, Mrs. B. J. Gay, wbQ -was îIi... . A numbar from our League drove to Newcastle on Tuesday evening to sac the play "The Young Country Sclioolmia'am ..Dr. A. 'C. Crews, Toronto, lias been engagedi to preach annivarsary sermons on Sundlay, Juna l7th.... The W. M. S. of our churcli are visý- iting Bowmanville W. M. S. this (Thursday) .... Our Leagua intends visiting Eldad next Moaday evaning, Mardi th. HAMPTON Mn. Perey Clarke, Trenton, spent a fe-w deys witli bis sister, Mrs. L. Cryderm--an. . . .1t is expected that a Ladies' Chioir wil lcad the singing on Sunday evaning aext. ..The concert under thea'auspices of the Women's Instituta on Thursday even- ing last was weli aittended. Tbe humiorous thougli patbetic play "Mrs. Tubbs of Shantytown" was excced- ingly wall randered, aIl parforrning their parts wail. Those who missed tis- splendid play missed a rare treat. Music was providad by Miss Mary Souici.' '.' The sick of the vil- lage are improving. Ragular m--eeting of the Epwortli League wes bed r Fiday evaning, Mr. lHarold Salten la charge. After devotional exercises Miss Laura Vîr- tue gýave a reading and thc duet rcndened by Mr. and Mrs. TP. Salter "Cut Loose froin the Shora-Line" 'was mnudl enjoyed by ail. The, panable of The Good Semiaritan founid in Luke 10: 25-37 was rend by Mr. Wili White. Everyone was ex- ceptionally intarasted la the topîc so splenididly deait with by our pas- tor, Rev. W. W .Jones, "Ani' I muy Brotbier's Keeper". Aftan the singing, of the last hyma the lilpful meeting, was closed witb tbe Mizpah Benadiction. SOLINA Mr. Rus salliParkine attcnded thai funeral of biis gradmother et Cen- nington... Mn. Fred Cromae, Osh- awa, clied on old friands here Sun- day. lHe bas taken up piumibingi ...Mn, and Mrs. H. E. TPink xisited1 bis nuint it Brooklin, ýMrs. Ed(l\vi n Tink, who bas been jîl for somel yeaas...Congratulations to Missi Annie Williams on passing lier ex- ainiations in Primany Thaoe0ny witb honore ... .Mr. and Mrs. L. C'. Ps tc, Enfiald, and Mn. Harvaynd Master Waiton Pascoa, Taunton, vis- itedl Mr. Richard Pescoe whio keeps in rather poon beaitb. .Mr. Stanley Nayior wlo bas been home for some timie conitinues very week ...Miss Elsia Leingmaid, H amptoni, visi4tad et lien brotbar's, Mr. Roy Langnid.. .Maffle Grove Epworth League ex- paects, to visit our Langue on Mondey ni....... The young people of the naîgliborbood met et the homne of Mn. end M1rs. Walter Vice on Fridayl n-igbt and presentad Mr. and Mns. Geo. Gi bson, Jr., wýho wera necantly iie-rried with a beif dozen silver' kaives and forks, mnet fork, butter' kaif e and fruit spoon. The young couple lava taken up residence in 0O3liawa. Mr. Gibson -works in the I Mc-Laugblin works. Tbey have bean iiseful membars in chuncli wonk icre and will be missed. The young1 people lied n very anjoyable tim. . 1The Fermner' Club ad Woman's Institute met together Tbursday af-1 ternoon lest and had an interasting meeting. A debate was heid "Re- solved thet it is in the best interest of Caniada to liow only Anglo Sax-l on inigrants in our country. The affirmative wvas uaphaid by J. Baker an'dtChas. Shortridge and the nega-' tive by A. L. Pnscoe and R. J. Mc- Kessock. The judg-es A. J. Rcy- noldiss and Rev. W. W. Jones dccid- ed( in fevor of the affirmnative. Mnny good points were brouglit out on botb ides la an bour wiich wns very intanesting to thq listeners. Thle lndie furnislied refnesbmnýts and lied a social tima togetber. ENNISKILLEN Mn. Francis Wcnry spent- a few deys witb fiends neanr Bis ckstock. . ..Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Staples visltcd with friands la Manvers ...The sympethy of the commiunity is ex- tendcd to the femily of the laeaWm,. Trcwin wlio passcid eway et the home of bis son Silas, on Fnîdtey lst .... Mn. and Mns. N. Byars have the sym- patby of the community in tbe 'deeth Iof ban brother, tlie lete George Hayes of Colubus .... Miss Aima Warry is visiting friends et Ottawa.. Dn'tmiss;the. Boys'1Choir-on-Su- sel Ormiston Enfield, visited bar miothen, Mrs. H. J. Werry. ... Mrs. G .Preston lias returned home from lier siter's la Lindsay, wlio is veny sidl.. . Mrs. John Orchard is at lier deughter's, Mrs. F. Heddon, Columi- bus. (More Ennisklillen Newi on page 6) ENFiELD Miss B. Sargent has been visiting at Peterboro, .. . Mr. and Mrs. Rus-1 sel Ormiston were a1 FEnniskilen..1 .Doctor is a frequent visitor te our néighborhiood. ... Mr. Frank Martin,1 Guelph, has been visiting at Mr. F.1 T. Ashton's. ... Mr. George Martin, one of -the oldest residents of this com-munity, slept peacefully away on Friday niglit, February 23rd. He had pneumnonia from whicli he neyer recovered. Hiewas in his 83rd year1 and highly respected. lie spent his1 younger days in Whitby Townshijp but has mnade his hom e wlith his son-ia-law, Mr. F. T. Ashton, for a number of years. Mrs. Martin pre- deceased hlm about 4 months. He was a meinber of the Metbodiý;t Church, and also a member of the Orange Lodge of Enniskilleni. He is survive'd by one daughter, Mrs. F. Ashton, and two sons, Frank of Guelph and Herbert of Dryden, be- sides quite a nanmber of grand-chuldl- ren and great grandchildren. The funeral service was coadudted by Rev. G. T. McKeazie, interment tak- « ing place in Pine Grove Cemetery, prince Albert, on Monday, February '6th. A numTber of the members of t1he Orange Lodge of Enniskillen atteuded the funerai in regalia. The bearers Were Orange brethren... The Ladies', Aid intend meeting at the homne of Mts. Elmer Bradley on Wednesdlay, Mardi 7, at 2 p. m. Spring Fair has been postponed as a goodly number of the Ladies' A-'id have had the epidemic and have not been la shape to prepare for the gr1eat event. *MIore Community Silverware to be givea awny this week at McMurtry &co's. When requiring an experieneed auctioneer secure Jas. Bisliop, Osh- awa. phone 87. 40-t U. F. O. MEETING Regular meeting of South Dar- lington Cl',ub wiil be held on -Moaday, MUarch tl at :2 P. M., at MWaple Grove. Aa interesting programn is being ar- rang'ed. C. M. Penfound, W.' C. Parsons, President. Secretary,ý. *CANON CODY'S A- RES S (Continuied from pag' 1L) ýhe hieart of an English1mani. No nationi or people can build g-reat structures in thie future unilees they have reverence for the past and presenit. He cite.d instances such asý the customi in connection with tic "loving cup" at a banquet, the open- ing of the9 new County Counicil buildings in London, and the atten- dance of their Majesties in open car-ý niage at tie ceremiony, (somethý.ing lie said, no other sovereigas of Eu ope w-ould dare do). The eigïi'h anc last important thing mentioned 1 was the preserit international mind and tenon of the people. 11e spoke of business conditions, the excessive taxation, the unem-ploymeýnt situation' which can orflr.b e soived by. a reviv- ael of business- '-rid export trade, and the relationsbip betwýýeeni the United States and Great Britain in which Mr. Taft did such splendid work. Hie dwelt on the Anglo-Canadian re- lations; the remroval of the cattie emibargo ia which Mr. Larkin flgured sýo promi-inetiy and effectively; of the, spirited debates la the flouses of Commnons and Lords on this subject, and the prevailing thoughit that act- uated the members of Parliament to say we promised the Canadians to remove the emibargo after the war and we mnust keep our word. Trie speaker summed up the characterist-1 îcs of the British Empire in three words-Justice, Honor and Freedom. In losing his excellent addiress he referred toi the inscription on the tombin laWestmiinisten Abbey of the unknown aiarior who gave his hlf e for Cod, for King, for Co0untry, for homie and ioved ones, and the great multitudes- whomn he representd. ,A vote of thanks -%as tendered Dr. Cody, moved by Rev. S. C. Moore for the informing, inspiring and pieasing address, secondled by Mrs. A. L. Niiolîs and heartily eadorsed by aIl present. One verse of O Canada led by Miss Helen Morris at the piano was sung and the company dispersed feeling tint a most profitable evening had been enjoyed. Alex. Elliot Jeweler-Watchmaker-Engraver Phone f207 Bowmaiville ~tI BURKETON No shortagze of snow and snow- bnnks this winter. Whene are the prophets of a mild and open winter. . . uii(ay Scliool and Churdli as us-, ual next Sunday. .. .The C. G. r. T. Ciass wiii meet at the home of Mns. F. Watenhouse on Monday evaning at 7.30 .... League to-niglit et 7.30 p. M. Consecration niglit. First' Vice-President la the chirl. Ail com. . . Two fine horsas belonging to Mr. Byron Rahmiware kilicpd on the railroad last week. DARLINGTON COUNCIL Town Hall, Hampton, Pcb. 24, 1921. Regular meeting of Council hcld this day; members aIl present; Reeva Courtica, prcsiding. Minutes of lest meeting wara ±aad, apprpvcd and signcdl. G. T. R. presented plane for re- construiction of overliaad bridge et lots 13 and 14, B. F. Con., plans wene approved by Couacil and order pass- cd by Boardof Railway Commnission- ens for Canada for tic ne-construc- tion of bridge as par plan. By-lew No. 838 was givan its scv- eaa rcadings for appointinent of Pethimastars, Fancevie-wers and Poundikcepers for yaar 1923. Ondars wera drawn on Trensunar: Jonas Samis, gravai (1922). .$ 3.50 John Aldworth, gravel (1922 3.75 H. Cowling, shovaliing- snow. . 4.00 Municipal Wor]ld, supplias .. 22.08 Muskoka HoDspital for Consump- tives, cure J. J. Huntar. . 42.15 A. Milson, Adv.T. S. S. S.-14.100.00 J. J. Smith. Adv. T. S., S S 19.200.00 Council adjourned to Saturday, Merci 31, 1923, et the hour of i o'clock, P .M., W. R. Alliax, Township Clark Community GIVEN PHONE 83 SECOND ANNUAL SALE 0F SHORTHORN BY Durham County Shorthorn Ass,ýociation AT Bowmanville, Ontarîo (Waverley Stables Beith's Farm) TIIRSDY~MARCU 8th, 1923 WE ARE OFFERING 34 HEAD 10 BULLS 24 FEMALES Good Individuals of the Following Families Represented: Lavender, Duchess of Gloster, -Mina, Claret, Rosebuad, Miae Ramaden, Mysie, Jiit, Lind. Consigned by the Following Breeders: J. F. Osborne, John Baker, Thos. Baker & Son, W. J. Leask & Son, H. E. Tink, T. W. McCamus, J. L. McCanius, S. C. Allia, J.ý E. Allia, W. F. Rickard, Sami Rickard, A. P. Pollard, J. D. Hogarth, T. F. Armistrong, O. J. MeCulloch, Walter Vice & Sons. PRÉ~SIDENT SECRETARY J. Baker, R. R. 1, Hampton, Ont. F. C. Paterson, Port Hope, Ont, Auctioneers: L. E. Franklin and Thea M. Siemon. Apply to Secretary For Catalogue or at The Statesmani Office Silverware AWAY 1 /- Absolutely Free of Charge THE GREAT PROFIT-SHARING PLAN WHICH WE INAUGURATED LAST WEEK 15 MEETING WITH WONDERFUL SUCCESS. OLD CUSTOMERS HAVE SHOWN KEEN INTEREST AND NEW CUS- TOMERS ARE DELIGHTED WITH THE SERVICE AND VALUES OBTAINED AT THE WEST END HOUSE. SAVE THE 9lr COUPONS THEY ARE AS GOOD AS CASH EVERY CUSTOMER WHO MAKES A PUR- CHASE 0F 5c OR MORE RECEIVES A COUPON RE- PRESENTING THE AMOUNT 0F PURCHASE. THESE COUPONS WILL BE REDEEMED BY US AND YOU SELECT ABSOLUTELY FREE SILVER FORKS, KNIVES, SPOONS, ETC., MADE BY ONEIDA COMMUNITY CO. SEE WINDOW DISPLAY 0F THIS SILVERWARE See Hand Bis For Saturday Speciais at the West End House MýcMurtry &r Co., Ltd. BOWMANVILLE iMMM M., MlM

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