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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Mar 1923, p. 6

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* Look to Your Eyes - Beautifuil Eyes, like fine « Tee h, are the resuit of Constant Care. The daily use of MUrine 1 il nipies Eyes Clear and Radiant Enjoyabie. H-armiess. SolcV and PRecomnended by Ail Druggists. ) Vie rr.ît nglsshPrepaato '" sd grtntie whcqle eros yt, n.'makes new Bloodi i niaid Veïis. ljsed for iNerr'us flebditv Mental aand Brain Worry, Dpondency, Lo' of nes-gv, Palpitation if thse lir, Fading Memory. 'Price $2 pe., box, 3 ~ for Z .-3 ojd by ail1 druggista, or ,nailed in pl aiii Mk. on receqpt of priçe. New pamphhit mailed 'ree.TIi OO EICN ro.TooToOT Çeôk'? CôfEtoi Root Coinpouil. A afreliable s'epsati lmedicîne. Sold in threa de.. grees of strength-No. 1i'Si; No. 2, e3; No. 3, $5 per'box. Sold by ail druggiata, or sent repaid on receipis of price. Fr, a mphlet. A ddress: THE COOK MEDIMIE Co, YO'UNOG bAUGITR MADlE WELL MVother Tells How Her Daughter Suffered and Wa8 Made Weil by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compouad Vancouver, B. C.-" My daughter is a young girl who has been having severe( pains and weak and dizzy feelings for some time and had lst lher appetite. Through an, older dallghter who hiad heard of a woman 9who was 'taldng it for the sanie trouble, we were told of Lydia E. Pir.kham's Vegetab1e Coni- pound. My daughter has beehi taking iît for several months and is quite ail ri»ght now. It has done al it was represented to do and we have told a number of eends about i.t. I arn neyer wîthout a bottle of it ini the house, for 1 myseif take it for that weakc, tired, worn-out feling which sometimes cornes to us ahl. 1 flnd it is building me up and 1Istrongly s ecomnfend it to 'çwomen who are suffer- ing as -1 and my daughter have. "-Mrs.1 J. McDONALD, 2947 26th Ave. East, Vancouver, B. C. Front the age of twelve a girl needs ahl the care a thoughtful molther can giv-e. ïMany a woman has suffered years of pairn and msery-tbe victim of thoÈjght1- essness or ignorance of themteih should have guided ber during thistme If she complains of headaches, painis in the back and loeer limls, or if you notice a slowness of thouglht, nervous- resa or irritability on the part of your daughter, make hife easier for bier. Ly&ýga E. Pinkham'ns Vegetable Comn- po~uid is especially adapted for sucb conditions. 11 e THEY CAL,LED HIM AN "OLiýD PILL".e T HAT wasyar ago when lie packed a terrible groucb, 'a mighty irritable stomnacb aud a liver that relfused 10o do the tbinigs that ail good ivers -shioldC. No wonder i-s frieuds called irn an "odpili" and stayed sway. But that ws Pea . g-,ou -before lie dico-vered Bececham's PiNls and iearned tha two at bed. lime can bring sunshia n mbi man's life. Today, b&'s an uu mist, a hero 1 ins wife, and a stauucb beiever in Beecham's Pills. -The chter tbat Beecbami-'s Pills bring int a ma's disposition, is the incomparable chieer of sound digestion, active liver, and the- reguIar habits tha± inake godi bealt1h. At AIl Druàgists-25c and 50c SCOTTISH CURLERS MAKE PRESENTATION Duîiug thetrtip of tht Royal Cale- dorna Curling Club lhrough Canada from- Halifax bo Winnipeg, extend- ing tbrough tht mi-ouths of January ed February, sixteen cilles weîe visited. Thte retum ttip is bein-g made .Lkroug~h tht United States sud the Curlers will sail for home, on Fridsy, February 23rd frorn New York. On theirtrip over the lises of tht Canadian National Railways, they were accompanied frorn Halifax fo Quebe by Mr. A. H. Lindsay, A'dvtrtising Agent, Moncton, and from Quebec to Wiunipeg ,>by Mi. Neil McDougaîl, Sportsmen's Repres- entative, Canadian Na-iouaI Rail- ways, Port Arthur. On completion of tht Canadian Tour aI Winnipeg, iu addition togiv- ing bearty expression of appttciation of services rendered by tht rsilway, tliey presented Mu. McDougall -with a sterling silver cigarette case, with tht f clh1wing inscriptiou' t,titon: " Preseuted 10 Neil McDougall with tht tbanks sud best wishes of tht Scots Curlers in Canada, 1923". A simihar presentation was ma-de 10 Mi. Lindsay at Quebe.- Rheumatism.ý, Sclaticci "Neuitis -- Lum&jtso Tesnpletons Rhetumatic Capsules" For Sale By:. F. R. Kerslake and Jury & Loveil "SoinepthjngEer Parent 'SholddKn»w" "rmthe tinie sliEe wàs an infanit, niy little girl was always weak aiand (lé 1icate. If she attempilted 1 toplay with other chlildr.en, any exertioni wçoiild make lher tired and ill. Often fo)lmow iigithese weak aittacks she woiild lie ini bed1 for dlays at a timie. Iw1 comlpletely dlisconiraged withi lier Coni- i Lin. iused 10 wondler whiether h woul alaysbe weaksud delicate. She had. no appetite and0 no11k,1d(o l00(1 temupted hler, If we raised our ices or nsam i(-Ïe least noise, shie 01o1(d become highly nervous. We trîe1d a numbiiier ot tonies ut noue of u1,113 ii lier anly good unltil Carnlol ~va reonnîeded Ians giad to beable ho peak10 ny prenit audexplin toL( jtlýIserncareully that u;y lutIle girl lias b, iln estorFe(l to perfect healiltb1hy ,lie iise of Carno]. Carnolilasstrenigthi- eneld( a -11dlChan1gedl lier into a noriwial lsealtlîy cîld." Mrs.J_. W., H-iaifa-,. leid -;sir"Moniey I3ck'"garne vith eey bti.21 -z3 For S'ale by Jury & Jovell HOIRSE AILMENTS of iany kinds' i quickly remuedied witb DOUG LAS, E G YPT IA1N LINIMENT Are used by thousgnds of goed Canadians and relieve thousands of bad headaches. ZtJTOO stops aniy Heade-he in Umiitû. ~l5'box, atd.eirm Mrs. P. G. Murdoch, Box 433, Portage la Prairie, Man., writes: "I was troubied for years f >ith biliousnes, constipation. kidney and liver troubles. 1 te many different kinds of medicine, but nothing did me much good until 1 tried Dr. Chase's Kidziey-Liver Pilis. 1 now feel fine, but arn neyer "~t~ .~.- ithout these pis ini the bouse. y, . -. Dr. Chase's Ointment has e __ _ lieved rny husband of piles, -i from whic'h he used to suffer, K5INIEY-LIVER PILLS One 1):1 a dosec, 2,3 Cents a box, ail dealers, or Edmiansnil, Bates SoLtd., Toronto. BOWMANVILLE, MARCH 1, 1923 ORONO (From Tht News) Mu. F. J. Hall lias been reappolut- ed Assistaint Road Boss, under tht County systemi of whîch Mi. George Grier is Stiperinteudent. t. Mu. Edm-ond Cobbledi-ck accom- panied his dauglfter sud son-iri-law, Rev. sud Mis. C. Adnms, when tbey ~returned bo Toronto, sud will speurd a couple of mionths with them at their homie, 41 Galley Avenue. Mi. and Mis. James A. Staîker are making piprhratîoris, to rove tht latter part oftht comniug month 10 their uew bore ne uthe-ceity. There maybe other coin removers, but you -will noi 13ecornplettly satis- fled until you have used Holloway's Corn Remover. Rev. Wm. Tucker, sr., a former LBay of Quinte Conference, Clergy- man, now residiug in Torouto, had a stioke recently, lHt is 89 yeaus of agt. Rev. S. T. Tucker, >l- bîook, sud Rev. W. B. Tueker, Brigh- ton, once of Orono, are sons., Mr. John L. Rowýe bas left Calgary, Alta., wbere bie bas lived since leav- ing Orono, sud is 110w at 'Okotoks, Alta., wherp lbe has bougbt out s heritss shop. Mu. C. J. McKeeu hias purcbased >drug business previously couducted tht interest of Mi. Chitteuden in the under tht finm name of Chittender sund MeKeen, Penticton, B. C. ýCuil was a onetlime popular Orono boy, soui of tht Rev.- J. A. McKeeu, B. A., for mauy, years: belovtd pastor of tht Preshyterian Cburch here. Orouc boys extend congrat-ulations ou Ibis evidence of bis business -success. A Rernedy for Eýaraqhe.-To bave tht tarache i s btuedure torturt. The tai is a delicate org-an sud- few caît 10 deal witb it, consideiing it work for a doctor. Dr. Thomias' Ecleet- :ric Ou off ers a simple remedy. A 1few drops upon a piece of lint or »medlicated cotton sud plsced lu the e au wîll dIo much in relieving pain., 1.Mr. sud Mis. Ale;x Muir sud f arn Lily of two childien, wbo bave been toccupying tht George Butters' bouse ou Main Street, tre leaving for Toi. onto, wl;iere bielhas seeured s posi- tiou as 'checkiugl clerk in tht G. T. R,~ freight sheds. Orono Skating Riiik building is offertd foi sale, which gots b show tiat the healtbful ice gamnes are 'not taken up witli tht entliusiasmi of s f ew yeaîs ago, sud tht riuk is not înowv a psying coucen. _'Persistent Asthma. A most dis- tressiug clisracteristic of this debili- tating dises'se, is tht persistence with whicb rtcurring attacksý corne b sap away streugth sud leave tht suiferer lu s state of almost continual exhaus- tion. No wiser precaution cas be taken lb-au that of keepiug at baud s supply of Dr. J. D .Kellogg's At4- thia Rerne'dy, famious as'the most poteut rerniecy for. eradicating .the disease fromy thet«tnde'r air pas- sages. AUNT'S WEEKLY LETTER It ls an oid tale often repeateid that f ew womeu cas resist baugains- Mar ked down puices are certaiuly a soie temptation to most of us. Wheu we note the fasciuating jum-p froin 113e usuai 1ilcet10outneiust as uttle less (but how veîy mucb l-ess itý seerns) ! wý,e need a cool head, sound- judgment, and, 1i migbt add, au tmp- ty puise. I eau quite understaudý how anuoyed you feel on tht occla- sions whej. you - return frorn town sud are bacl in the fanifliar enviilO- mients, sud away from thtexcite- mient of tht bustling towc fe when you are seemningly jolted ba.,kn to things that are noinmala-gain-1 and look over your purchases. When you are îubbing shoulders witb other l4usy shoppers, seeing tht eucbanting disp'ly of' thingS you bhave always bad a longiug for, you seemi to lose voui owu ideutitv: then bef ore vou aie awsre of ii you have païd out your mnoney sud have taken up 'your parcels. Iu youî ittît hom tie glare ip gone, evtrytbing la, cool and calm n sd softeued in itýs plain1 ,aud homely garb. Then il la you ,are augry at yotir weakntss for buay-. ing ¶1ings that are, after aIl, super- lluous wben. you r!-teded thternoney f or soniething more important. If you cannot trust youîsehf you migbt guard against the temptation another lime by 4aking very 11111e m-oney with you, and also makiug out a list of what you rtally need. Tien do youî important shopping fiast. 1 agret 'with you thal tht instal- ment syste i laof PgrPat advantagqep re(-port foîi, etc.......8.00 M. Giaharh, 54 loads g-ravel at P. M'sý. ...................5.40 J. Samnis, 20 hosds g-ravel, W.' Bouudsry ................2.00 Council adjoumued 10 Tuesday, March 6, next, at 10 o'clock a. mx. Johtn Rickaby~, F. Allin, Clerk. Reeve. j ENNISKILLEN (Re-ceived too late for la-st we-eh) Mi. D. Vanuiatto and Ethel visiiued bhis motber at Kendalt-who bas been sick...Mr'. Theodore Foster, Bloomrfield, visited Mr. Go~rdon Wer- ry on bis retm'n '!rorn talçing short courses in Guelph aud Toronto. .. . Mr. Gordon Weriy sttended the fun- *eral of his aunt-, the labe iIrs. Johnr A. Charlton, Toronto,. on Tuesday.. . 7 . Mis. Edith Smart and son Ernest of Sutton West visited at Mr. J. A. *Werry's... Mr. Roy McGiIl enter- tained the Young Men's lass ou Tuesday evening .... Tbhe m~en bavel been busy drawing gravel f or a, ew enclosed shed wPlleh la to be built in tbe spring. If ca-ci ont dots his share no one need do more tbanýhis share. . .. Leaguen meeting on W d- -nesday evening was in charge of Zst Vice President. Afteî devýotiroual exercises Mi. Wilbèx't Smith gave a splendid-report froin Cobourg Win- ter Sehool continuing frein wbere Mi. Milton Sanderson Ieft off the pre.< vious week. Miss May Wer ' y fav- oîed witb a solo and a 'piano duet was nicely given by Misses Maudie Ashton anci IMons -Preston. Roll Cal nd severel1 new- rembers were received. Our pastor continuud with the question match taMing up the first three misionary *orny of Paul fromi the Bible Study which 1 bas been condueteçl. Corne prepared 1 next month to auswei questions on 3the remsining chapters iýi Acts. i Owing to the stormiy weather ou tWedinesday eveniug the' Valentine Party given at tht Parsonage wss the scane of a rnerry gatberiiu of fleaguers. The spacious rooms were Dprettîly 'decorated in harmouy vwith s Valentine Day. Ont interestiug , part of tht tvtnîng's piograni wai e tht Valentine Post Office.,Ahi kinds e1 of games and contests were engaged Sni. A bountiful lunch wàas served and tht wbole company joiued beart- ily lu singiug rnauy famniliai sougs. jAli l ad a joli-y eveninig wbicb is ont teb be iemtrnbered by thie Leaguers 'IVisitors: -Mis. Tbos. Gilders at bier son's, -Mi. Albett Clders, town, wýaitiug on bier daughter, Mis. B. iNesbitt; Mis. Georgeý Preston with h er sister iu Lindsay Mi. and 1Mus. fWmi. Griffu and bah iJ~ Miss Mai- ion spent Sunday arV and MiUs. JJavid Vannatto's; 1 Crowle, *Toronto, ait Mis. (Dr.) l.'rgsu, Mr. and Mrs. Ceci!L,~ut Soliina, switb bis parents ...i L Florence eBrunt is improving . . .. Wewelcomie to our burg XM iludMrsCeilout -er sud family wlho zara n in Mis. tJ. Cowliug',u iesidenc .... Mi. Jas. Bîadlîey 'las be-en il.. Teacher Train- -ig CIlass met at Dr. Fergusoui's -M uday evening...Somie of the ladies and genitlemen of oui vil- lage are enjoying tobboganig...C -G. I. TP. Clsss ne at tht borne of -their leader Mus. (Dr.) Ferguson, on Tuesdlay evýeniung, Childien suftriug from Worm-,ý soonI show tht syrnptorns, and auy Imotber eau detectth~e presence of(1' t-lime parasites ty tht writhiugs sud fretting of the child. Un til expel- tht cbild cannot regain its heait-l. Miller's Wortn Powd-ersa7ar prompt' sud efficient, not onily fo)r eP' dca tIon of Worms, but also asý a touier uip for childien that are run downi in cousequence. CLARKE COUNCIL îCouncil Chamber, Orouio, F-oh. 6, Council met out above date, Reeve, Allin pîesiding, altht members preseut. Minutes of last meetinig read sud adopted. - Commiiuni cations were rea'ýd fioni Nesbitt Thomnpson & Co.; C. P. R. Co.; Harris Forbes Co.; Canadla lu- got lion Co.; Dyment Anderson &J Co.; A. E. Aines ;& Co.; C. N. R. Co. Filed. Fîomn Toronto Geutral Hospital ré accounts for maintenance of Mis. Folkhard sud Mis. Foubes. Laid over. By-law was passed appointiug >Pouud-keepers aud Fenict-vieweis for 1923. Com. Holian gave notice that at tht Mardi meeting of Council he ~woul'd introduce a' Ey-law to Comn- m -ute Statute Lahor at $1,00 per day. Following tenders were accepted foi supply of cedar, etc., viz: Keudil, 10 large at $3.50 ta. Mr. Tait Kepldal, 30 small at 5 Oc ta. Mr. Tait Dickson's, 10 large $4 ta A. Wraggi Dicksou's 39Q small 60e ea A Wragg Stairk's 10 l'arge $4 ea J, W. Stringer Staik's 20 smi-all 55e ta J. W . Stringeýr Leskard, 30 smlal45e W. W. Cornish 1O0O0O0 or more of bridge coveriuig at $3500 pr M.. ý--. .Mr. Tit The Largest Sale in America 7 OBITUARIES Mrs. Boyd Hopkins, Duncan, B. C. Deatb carme sud'denly February 2lst to Mrs.' Boyd Hopkins, aged 78, at her home, "~The Cliffs" in Duncan, )3. C. Mrs. Hopkins came of an old Englishi famiily of Huguenot extract-. Ion. She was the daughiter of the lat<e Rev. W. H. Heu-de-Bouxrck, who la his earier years hiad charge of Congregatioijal churches at Tiverton and Taunton in Englan'd, and later ceme to Canada, where hie buiît Up several churcheis of that denomin- ation, notably at Halifax, Bowman-. ville, Stratford and Quebec. On her m other's side Mrs. Hopkins was of the Rutherfo-rds of Edgerston, n well known farnilY of the Scotch border, and traced direct descent, £rom Sir Nigel 'de Rutherford of the days of Wallace and Bruce.- Mis. (Dr.) J. A. Temple and Mrs. R. H. Temple, both of Toronto, arel sisters of the decease.d. Mrs. Hop-' kins h'ad three married daughters living in the statesl, and four sons, J. Casteli Hopkins of Toronto, lunes Tlopkins, president of the B3ritish C oluimbia Marine Sbipping Comnpany, and Hlarry an'W. H. H-. Hopkins, both of Duncan, B. C. George Albert Hill, Oshawa Oui older xeidents wilI recal George' Albeit Hill wbo was born here 56 years ago. He bas been latteîly îesiding in Oshaiwa wheîe lhe was employed in the General Motors for the past six years. H-e had been in poor bealth for about two years, but on Tuesday, Feb. 2Oth went to workas usual and was appnrently in bis usual health but passe'd away sud- dénly in the afterno ôn fromi heurt failure. Fojr a number of years Mr. Hill resided in Waubaushene, whiere h-e was engaged in lumber mîlls. Hle and Mrs. Hill, who survives him, were marrie-( in 1896. Their borne wa completely destroyed by flue in 1913 and tbey lost everytbing. A son, a daughter and'c a niece also losIt teir lives in the flue. A brother of M4r. Hill's was so hadly buîned that he died two days afteî. Peeased 'is survived by Mrs. Hill one son, Louis,' agerd il years and one dnugbter, Mrs. Henry Meyers of Oshawa. A àister, Mis. Johnr Lam- bert resides in Toronto. A funeral §ervice wýas held Fridny evening. Bigadie-r Prescott of the Salvation Army; to whichl deceased' oelofiged conducting, assisterd hy Rev. J. S. MeMullen. On. Saturday tbe remains were taken to Waubnushene The pall-bearers -were: Messrs. Frank Everson, W. Penwrigbht, J. Burr, A)N. Morphy, J. Cro-welis and J. W. Fer- guson1ý FOUND RELIEF FOR HIS KIDNEY TROUBLE 'That's Why Another Man, Recommends Dodd's Kid- ney Pils to Other Sdfferers. Mr. Eugene Provencher Wants Everyone ta Know thse Benefit He Received From Dodd's Kildney Pil. - St. Julien, Wolfstown, Quebecj Februaîy 26 (Special).-"It isi wîtb great pleasure that I tell you~ how rnuch my bealth bas improve. since taking Dodd's Kidney 'Mills. They bave done me a great amount of good. For a year 1 suffered frorn kidneyaffection an'd now I amn quite well".« This c-taternent cornes £romn Mr. Provencher, a welI-knowu resident here. Doddl's Kidney Pilîs act directly on the kidneys, strengtbening thern s0 tbat tthey do their ful-work of straining 'aIl tbe imPurities, ahl the seeds of dise<ase, out of the bloo'd. Dodd's Kidney Pilis are known ail over Canada as a standard kid- ney remedy. Tbey bave ma-de their reputation by doing good to people who sufer from ,any form of kidney disease. Ask your neigbbors about Dodd's Kidney Puis. The Many-Purpose Oil.-Both in the bouse and stable'tbere are scores of uses for Dr. Thomias' Eclectric Oil. Use il for cuts, bruises, burns , scalds, the pains of ýrheunatism and sciatica, sore throat and chest. Hor- sts are hiable very largely to similar ailments and rnishaps as affiîct m~an- kind, and are equally amenable to tht healiug influence of tbis fine old remedy whicb bas made thousands of firmi friends during the pa-at fifty years. Subscrptions Received for Daily and Weekly Newspapers, and! aymagazine pubIiýhed at lowest rates. W. T. Allen Big 20 Bookstore, Bowmanville TROUB LESOME COUC3HSI indicate that the powers of Iresistance to disease are Iowered. If yoîr talce cold easily or the coUgh ingers, take rich, nouriihingI £Cott' s EinUlsion of,' pure vitamnine - bearing Mdeps build up the body and strength to ove rcomete troubles orne con- -dtion Be sure it's Scott"s'! RMILWAY TIP4E TA»LES FOR' BOWMANVILLE Grand Trunk Raulway. Going East Going Weist iExpress 8.42 a. m. d Express 4.22 a. m 1Express 10.38 a. m. d Express 4.49 > a. m. daily except Monday Passenger 1.2à p.,mý Pass'ngr 3.09 p. rn. Pass'n-gr 10.07 Pass'ngr 2.02 p. m. Local 7.14 p. m. Pass'ngr 7.18 p. rm. Express 9.58 p. m. d Express 8.24 p.mi Express 12.29 a. m. d Cainadian Pacific Railway Going East Goinig West Express 10.18 a. m. Express 5.47 a. m1 Pass'ngr 2.45 p. m.* Local 8.20 a. me, Express 10.08 p. m.* EpeuS 4.38 p m Express 12,20 a. m. Local 7.42 p m* t *!),àily except Sunday. C. B. Kent, Town . Agent Canaidian' N4tional Raulway> West Bound East Bouud Tyrone Station Pass'ngr 8.15 a. m. Pass'ngr 7.34 p.m Cýream Wanted! Prices of Cream are higli, We pay Good Prices for Good Cream, -We Want Yours If -we f ail to eall on you we would appreciate a. phone eall or write us. Orono Creamnery Co., ORONO Pieses the most exacting tasteso Quaiity - Economy - Purity -- Fiavor Alwayu Assured. - s mam tmporter direct of SCOTCH AND SWVEDE GRANàATES and only tne best grade& of 'IVERMONT BLUE IMARBLE 1' I mpioy no cemetery caretakers àas agents preferring taoselrny own ý goods thua saving the p)urchaB,,er _the agent's com3mission.ACFI oicited. F. 1-1.BOUNSAILL Proprletor. BoWmanvllle. IPhone 326V8Wox9 Taylor's' Rinký,, BOWMANVILLE BlAND Tuesday Thursclay Saturday evenings ICE IS FIRST CLASS Double Track Route Between Montreal Toronte~ Deeroit Chica.go Unexcelled dlinl ng car servce. Sleep- ing cars on night trains and parlle Cars on the principal day trains, Full information from an y Grand Trunk, Tielket Agent or C. E. HM)r- ing, District -Passenrger Agent, Tor- onto. J. H. H. JURY, Agent Phone 78 Bowmanville 21IE SCHOOLS TO8QNT BRQONC I;

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