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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Mar 1923, p. 8

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FINANCIAL STATEM ENT Township of Darlington Receipts and Expenditures for 1922 (Conitinucd from iFebruery tI.) OCTOBER i!L.J. Souc, gravl...... J.Hi. \Wiicox, gedrrepairs . W. . rag, rtdingcuer W.-H. Mobre, gravel and stne Il. Wilcox, taiglumlber, etc. John riAilini, gravel........... E. C. Floy n ouMW orme cuvet W. G. Hoît, teaimng graveS .. ]H. Wiicox et al, filing culvert W. Hl. -Moore, teamin)g gravel etc Elar Peope LUd, culvert tube Tru. Powers et ai, llng AMWr culvet ......... >.............. MeCielln & (M., cernent. . A.E. Jeanings, hardware siup- p)lies....... .................. lectors cf Jurors for, 1923 Eý. V. Scobeil, B3ondi for, collector M\usicoka Hlospïti, cire of J. J. Hiuntir ....................... John Colwill, land reforeýstrationi NOVEMBER 6.87, 8.335 11.25 11.50 11.87, 12. 60 13.7 5 16.25 21.65 2,1.6 5 316.50 4n.63 45.25 47.50, 84.351 15.00) 'Î6.80 30o. 00 5 5 70 0 25 0 5 o0 2 23 75 25 gi 5 1 C1. W. Ha,,siings, repir punp ... F. w. Run1die, graiyel.ý.............1.21 mrs. E. . Burk<I5, LNavli............1, Sid j. Teishjoveling snow 2. W., J eask, gravel ................ Chajýs. Aýldworth, grand1, etc...... 3.7 Mrs. 'Wm1. Jfergravel ..., 3.7V Art. Beliim,:tlgraveS ..............4.0 C. . oodlley, cedar -.... 4.2, Bowv. Foundry Co., sharpenlng kýif ... .... ... .... .... . - 5.2ý C. W. ode, gravel........... 7.2M W.-H. Moore, gravel.......... 9.17 Jas, Gibson, grading cuîvert .. 1 5.0 Steve Sabufilk, grevel............ 21.2, Mrlis. WVým. Jeffery, grave......... 2Z.5( East Witbyý, work town bne 46.2. Ont. Bridlge Co., re-infor1cing iron,etc . .......................56M9 Sid. Nichoils, work o oad,),Ls .. 70.0C K. E. Courtice, work on roeds 75.0( MuisicokaHospital, care J. J. Hlunter..... ....................45.15 Miss J. A. Poilird, registration deed.................... .........2.65 Counties Trees., Counties Rates 25,712.5U DECEMBER Bank of Montreài, revenue stemrps 4.6' Bank of Montreal, exchange counties rates ................ 5.00 Baink of Montrea;,. interest .. .115.4n John E. Sonley. grave ..... 1.12 Fred Honey, gravel .... . 1.87 J. W,.ICnaf<p, road to gravel pit z'.50 Arthur Mýilison, tetaming tube.. 3.00 1Carl Wýilbur, teemning tube .... 3.00 Hlarold enitt, teamiag tube 1.0() t W. Leask, grave ................ 3.00 Walter Vice, work in !)it, etc 5.00 E. E. Stapfles, road to pi .. 5.00 J, L'orne Stevens, statuite labor .5.00 Jas. A. Werry, gravel........... 5.2 5 David Ciarice, statute labor, 1921 6.00 A. H-. Allun, gravel.............. 6.50 Rice & . Co., bridge matriah, 6.58 W. R. Greenawýay, temig. ., 7.0 Mrs. E. J. Burle, granci 9...... 30 24. W Blackbhurn, teamning gr.aves 1.00 Ale.,. Wight, gravel............. i0.62 East Whitby, work Town Tine. 14.65 Gcrald Talcolt. siatute labor 21.00 Sid NichoUls,' gravelbing.......... 25.00 K. E. Cýotitice, gravelling....... 25.00 L. C. Snowden, t glavej and work *30.50 C. Wlbur, worim on cuvers. 31.75 Clark Tp. work Town Line 5.6 Ped.lar- ?eofte Ltdl,, îliveni? tubes 70.7i N FP cacin costs tend sale 4. 10 J. W. Rnight, lvery hire ........10.00 1Banlc Montreal, ofilce reat, 1922 30.00J: Mlrs. C. Stephens, caretaker, 1922 ? 5.00 T .Baker, services as Reve 75.00 W.R. Courtice, ser. Dep. -Reeve 75.00 A.H. Breai, ser. Counillor 75.00 C, WSouch serCounillor., 5. C. A. Wighit, scr. Councillor 75.00 ,las. Curtis, salary Scbool Attend- ance Officer................ 80.60 J. Reynolds, salary ace collector 100.'0 Mkup5koa Hospital, care J. J. 4Hunter for Dec ............... 46.80 W. D. Agr. Society, grant.... -50.00 School Trustees, local and statu- tory Rates ................. 18,984.00 A. E. Jemiings, nails........ 6 Jos. Ilubbard, gravel......... 1.25 J. L.. Metcalf, lu nber 3.00... Blake Courtice, grevel .... 3.50 T. C. Bragg, use tank cernent bridges ............ ..............5.0 Mrs. J. A. McFaddlen, gravel and u'se of road.................... 9.00, lex. -Prout, statute labor 1922 19i.001 Jas. L. Pearce, statute labor 1922 241.00 (7. W. Souch, services ............2?.(00 A .H. Brent, services .............23 T. Baker, services................ 2.410 W. R. Courtice, services - ... .60 C. A. Wilht, services.......... 2.60 W. R. A~lln services GiUJ-Bragg water dispute ............._ 1.00 Mrs. B, V. Scobell, bond for Collector........................15.00 * W. R. Allun, salary 4th quarter 1201.(00 Wire Fence Bonus...............8M84 Sheep damnages.................. 68.5f0 Stationery an.d pining ... 335.50 Board of Health ....... .3S7 Leg. Grant, scools, salaries an~d 387 c(ý................**.............571575 Leg. and Conty Grant, scho,1i ac odation and equipnent.. 471.71 Âdvancee School Tru~stê, teaclh- Eýr's salaries ....... ........ 6914.0(0 Scl'ool Debentures, N. 3, 6 and 8...................... 860.27 Ba~nk loans retired.......... 11600.00 Roads and Bridges, No. 1 ...682,77j Roajds and Bridges, No. 2..._ 275.25 Roads and Bridges, No. 23...309.17 R oa ds an d Bridlges, No. 4 .... 341.81 Roeds and Bridges, ' No. 5 ...427.80g Balance on hend ...............1376.85 Total, 190356.12 DIVISION NO, 1 C. W. Souch, Road Commissioneg. JAýýNUARY Joh1n Shieckieton, work culvert.. nOb FEBRUARY Johr, Saowden, gravcIllag .. 25.00 APRIL ltobt. Burgess, work culveri '250 1-. Foiey, fluing in culve., 5.75 BC.Floreywoltonbridg-e (.50P er.Stainton, dragging road 10.00l W. TH. ÏMOore, "oad w .r . 1... Harry W-ilcoN, r"éair bridge ..... 20 MAY J. Selleorond w orks1.0 F. L. Robblns, work 1Enislc 1,11 37 JUNE WV.FH. Moore, wor lan pi 250 E. J. Clarke, work on ga r. 12. 75 1.Buirgess, Work on grader - 30 F.L. Robbiins, work on road1s .2 4.50ý Frank Orchardi, (rg. graývel .... .0 -K. ~JULYHil.0 K.Winitei'burn, work Brs'111 60 G e., \Wite, rep)air bridige . 7.00 1 ow1. g work sideroad ... 17,50 1-. Bradlley, work road............ 13.7, F. L. Robb'ins, worli road . ... 250 H. Stainton, gravellixig sideroad, 53.501 *AUGUST' H. Wilcox and otheors, work.... 35.871 B. Wilcox and others, worlt .... 7.751 H-. ý1o and otiters, work. / 7.9G (To be' continued.) OBITUARY Mrs. Chas. Coleman, Ottawa The remnains of the laVe Mmý. Chas. Coleman, -who lived here somie thirty- five years,,aýgo, but -who dlied at the home of, ber son, Major W. E. L. Colemnan in Ottaw,ýa on Wednesday hast were brought here for inter- ment in the family plot in Bowmian- ville cemnetery. ýA service was beld athe resýidence of Mr. Thos. Tod, Divsion St., on Friday afternooni, conducted by Rev. D. W. Best. Amýonii e relatives attending were ber two sons, Major Colemaun of Ot- tawa, Mn. Perry Colemian of Buffalo, N. Y., bier brother, Mr. Robt. Hawley, Mrs. Marshall Hawley, and Mr. D. G. M. Galbraith of Toronto. Mrs. W. Frank Worden, Ebenezer. Sorrow was brought to a large eircle of relatives and friends by the calliihg of the angel of death on Sat- urdayýýl nigbt to the earthly life o ),lice Maude Oke for 21 years th be- loved wife of Mr. Frank Woýrd en of Ebenezer, South Darling-ton. Afflictýcd for soee ears -witl asthrma" whielh"caused bler very mucb suif er- ing but was always borne with grent patience, fontitude and resignation. Shie was ahways a worthiy example as -well as n loving m nother to bier lit- tie famnily of tbree, Allie, Keithi aiýcd Elarry, whý-Io with the husband >ýandi brother, _Mn. Heley 01ke mourn the departure of a' kind and affectionate wif e, mother and sister. The fun- eral service at tbe homie on Tuesday was attended by a large and sympath- etic gathering, tIe intermient being ai the Union Ceni-etery, Oshawa. Pastor Rev. W. S. Boyce conducted t'be' funeral service. The sympatby of the entire commun ity is exten ded- ,to the bereavecb famnilies. Mrs. Thos. Shenin 13owmanville. Again we are called ujpon to re- cord the death of another old, and bighly respected resident who for tbe past 60 years bias resided in Bowm-raiivilhe in the person of Han- riet M.Norrow, widow of the late Thomas Sherin whio passed away on Friday'-,iglV in bier 85th year.. Tho', ailing for some years she bas been in he1 usual healtI uintil a few dlays ago when pneumionia set in and she passed Vo iest as above stated. She was born in H-ope township being the eldest daugîter' of the laVe Squire Morrow, a proinent residient of that, township, the only surviving memy- ber of the family being Mrs. Dick-son of Windsor, Ontario. 1The funeral took place Sunday afternoon from bier late residence,. Ontario Street, service being- con- ducted by bier pastor, Rer'. S. C. Moor'e, who paid a1 kindly tribute to tne 11f:e of one who bas been closelyl identified witl worle of the Metbodistj Churcb and one of the mnost faithfuil attendants as long as healtb perm-iit- ted. The pal-bearens -were Messr, G. W. Thexton, F. D. Mackay, Geo.1 A. Sherir, and Mr. R. J. Bruce. Thel fiower bearers were Messrs. J. A. MJc- Clellan, W. B. Tapson, Wm., Trewin and L. B. Tapson. She is survived by three daughter, Mrs. Egerton Washington, Morden,l Man.; Mrs. G. W. Thexton and Mrs. F. D. MacKay, Toronto, an oe soni, George A. Shierin, Toronto. Mrs. R. Douiglas Fraser, Toronto Many Bowmnanville friends and especially those of St. Paul's congre- g'ation wbere Rev. Mr. Fraser was tbe belove -d inister for many years,ý will leara with regret of the decath of Mrs. Elizabeth Sarah Fraser, wif e of Rev. Dr. R. Douglas Fraser, Toronto, whlo dlied Sunday after two days' iii- aess at bier residcence, 62'DA%.Spadînal avenue. The funenal took, plac.el Tuesday afternoon from tbe resi-P dence of bier son-in-law, David L.1 Keith, 166 Alexandra Blvd., to Mlount Pleasant Cemi-etery. service .vas conducted at the horne by Rev.1 D. N. Morden, Pastor cf St. Jamles'i Square Presbytenian Cburch, of1 which Mrs. Fraser was a anùemîber, as-' sdstedl by Rev. W. G. Back, Pastor of Eglinton Preshyterian Chunch. Mrs. Fraser was born near Bond H{ead, Sim-coe County, over 70 years aIgo, and was a daugbter of Vhe laVe Charles Wilson, a pioncer of that district. She was a womian of rare spiritual insight and was a hielpmeet of bier husband, both in the miinistry and later whien hie undertookc the direction of Preshyterian Publica- tions. Survivinig are bier biusband i one son, Douglas, Los Angeles, Cal.,, and three daughiters, Mrs. D. L. CLUEBBNG LIST 1923 Thse Canadiani Statesman..$2.00 The Canadian Statesmnan wilh bel clubbed ; for 1923 wiVI the under na1ýMed 'publications at Vhe prices Go..................... $.50 Mail & Emtpire .........6.50 Tornto Star.........6.50 Weckly ,Witness ............4.00 Farmners' Advocate........... 3.50 Christian Guardian ...... 4.00 Farmiers' Magýazine ......3.00 Fam-i-ihy erald & Weekly Star 3.50 Far-mers' Sun............... 4.00 Canadien Homne Journal...... 4.00 Can'adian Countrymani.......3.50 Fermi & Dairy . ............. 2.501 Mcbean's Magrazine......... 5.00 11,,e co ton quilt REMNANTS $1 l bs. $2, 10 lbs. $3, 25 lbs. 15 11 lbsu or velvet pat- ehes$10 2 ibs. $2. 2 lbs-cot- to 1-11 em ais g00( 1,11g tfils fori, lde' ffresses, anronq shorts, etc. $ 1,5.Ilb, ingeri- y tn arn al shad-esi$1 À. MCCR RY & CO., lm- Porters, C5I4ATHAM, Ont. TheNecteIdepnet THURSDAY, MARCH 1, 19213 NEWCAST LE M1rs. Wmi.' Melntosh is M1. Mli-ss nRickard is'sic-k. Miss B>ertha Cowan is, indisposed c Mr. 0. A. Parker is on the sici list. Mr. George Gray is spending a fem dty,ýs at lhome.t Miss E. Sanderson is suffering fromn the grip. Mrý. James Smith spent the week- end41in Toronto. Miss Ida Hancock is visiting friends at Orono. Ml11r. A. Gray, Oshawa, spent the week,-endl at home. Clarke Council and Orono News appear onj page 6. M4iss Hazel Brown spent the week. end at ber home%~ere. Frank_1 Bennett, Jr., is visiting witl t is sisters in Toronto. 111 Mr. Charles Moise of Oshawa, spent the week-end at home. Mrs. J. A. Smith is spending a few days with friends in Toronto. MVr. Reginald Matchettspent a ferw 4ays with his parents recently. Miss J. E. Foster remains ina 1very critical condition of health. Rev. J. Scott Howard madea business trip to Toronto this week. -Mr. Hlerb. Trevethick of Melfort, Sask., visited bis cousin, Mr. Cliff Brown. Mr. F'rancis Liddle,' Peterbjoro, spent the week-end at Mrs. T. M. Gibson's. 1 Fred Graham is in receipt of a car o f coal .much to the satisfaction of the natives. Mr. Norman Tomis, Oshawa, is spending a few days with his mother, Mrs. M. E. Tomis. Mr. Joseph Hurd 'has returned boine fromn Coboconk where he speni the past few weeks. ,Mr. G;eorge Bonathan of Standard Bank Staff, Toronto, spent the week- end with his parents. Mr. Bruce Berry of lis Majesty's Customis, Bowmanville, had business in the village on Tuesday. Mn. Jack Cowan, B ow-a n ville, spent the week-end with bis parents;, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Cowan. Mr. Roy Holten of the J. Ander- son Smnitb Co., spent, the week-end at bisý old hiome in Little Britain. Misýs Estella Blackburn baving re- covered fromn the grip bas returned to her schiool dluties in Bowmianville. Drover Foster shipped a car ofý fine cattie last weefF and C. R. Car- veth shippeld a car of wbeat this week. Mr. and Mirs. Jenning-s have re- turned homne froin Shannionville wvhere they 'have been spending the past nmonth. Mns. F. L. Culley anid daughter Betty, have returnedi to Toronito af- ter visiting witb ber mnother, Mrs. Frank Benn'ýett. Miss Marjonie Cowan eentertainedj alarge nuimber of fniends on Thurs- day evening to a skating party and a m*-ost enpjoyable time was spent. MIr. Frank Gibson entertained one of the noble five hundred clubs on Tuesday evening and a very enjoy- able evening was spent. Keeping up with the Jones' eh Franik? Friends in thevilla ge are in re- ceipt of the glad inews that Mvrs. Win Rickard is making satisfactory imi- provement to complete recovery from bher recentcritical, illness. Motor traffic on the higfrýý'ay is atl a stand still this week,, this is the, first time in three years that the j miotor bugs have not been in evi- I dence f or more l±an a day or so at' a time, however with the prevailingi mild weather we may look for an early iýetUTn of the "gas wagon".- Mn1. Arthur Gibson, propnietor of Willowbrook Dairy, bas found it necessary, owing to increased de- mnand for bis dairy products to add to bis already large herd of cattie, and Iast-,week hie completedI a dleal where-, by ne addis eight head of pure bred Hstisto bis berd, and included in the'lot are somre highi record in- (dividluals of choice breeding. Bravo for the independent spirit shown by three of Newtopivie'a fair sex,, when on Sunday nigbt last they dfrove themsi-elves home from New- castle with Ellsworth's horse leaving be and Roy to walk. Another time these baughty 'young gentlemnen wil'l show a little more consideration for our fair maidens' and not leave themi in tbe Iurch while they pay their re- spects to the girls of' Newucastle.* A linik with the pioneer days was severed with the passing of Mrs.1 LIBERAL MEETING ORANGE LODGES FLOURISHING A mêeting of tIc Liberals of Ne-- Crieghton Devi1tt, County Secretary, castle -wil be eld in Town Hall, Fnl-1 Gives Fine Review of School Issue day, March 2nd at S p. m., for thel -Stanford Swain Elected purpose of electinglegats1t at- County Master ktend tIc Convention to be beld iný Bowmlaniville. Ladies especially in-1 The Orange County Lodge of West ,V vited. Full attendan'èe reque stcd. D)unbham meit in thie Orange Hall, W. . Rckrc~ Prsient Backstock, on Feb. 6t1. In the ab- 9________ sence of the Counity Master, Bro. Stanford Swain, D. C. MI., presided, -- FINE L.EAGUE DEBATE and B3ro. J. H. Devitt, P. C. ML, actcd as D). C. M. There was a g-ood] at- The meeting of the Yociuniig Peop- te2ndance. The reports showIed VIe 9 l's League on M\,oniday nigîit was a county Vo be inaý flourishing con- f ourfold characýter. It was devotional, dition. emusical, e ducational and beneficial., The devoti onal exercises were con- County Master's Report -s dücted by thc President, MIr. Ernest The County Mlaster, W. Bro. Fred Gilbenk, singing, prayer by Mr. Hler- Graham, in lis eddrcFs whicî was1 bert Hancock and bible reading by read by tIc County Secrýtary, seid Miss Mar joie Luxon. Miss Elize- that VIe Roman system lhad neyer buVh ilancocli, Litcery Vice Presi- been more activelyv seeking specil Sdent, who Was responsible for VIe pivileges Vlan at the present time. next phase of Vhe program lad cen- 1He referred to VIe deplonable state 1tainly comne wcll prepered and one of af airs in VIe South of Ircland, realized that the office of a league where Orangemen and Protestant V' vice president ivas no sinecure. Mrs. loyalists are being 'dnîven fromi E. B. Çboke spoke very clearhy and homes, robbed of thein property and veffectively on the topic "'Truth and persecuted in e'very possible way. A Falsebioodi". Mass Sadie Bennett state of anarchy re ailadPo contributedi a g-uitar solo and Miss testant loyalists are suffering, in the aBernice Coudh a piano solo. Misses bitter srggethat is going1- on le- Irene end Mlarion Baskenville sang a tween two factions of Roman CaVh- a duet accompanieçi on the piano by olics. 11le urged tbe nmembers Vo Mrs. E. B. Cooke and VIe maie quan- contnibute generoush-y thVe funld tet, Mlessrs. W. J. S. Rickand, W. D. for the relief of their bretîren who BrgMark Allun and Howard aýre in dlistness in Ireland. Cookeý favýoncd with two selections. H1e criticized VIe, policy of Vhe TIen tbere wes VIe debate. A de- present Goverement of Ont ,ario for baVe in~ Newcastle ebove everything baving paid into VIe court over $95,- cisc, neyer feuls Vo draw a crowd. 000), VIe unearned Ibalance of the This time tIc people fiihed VIe audi- Sepanate Scbool grant for 1922, rtoriumn of VIe S. S. Hall and- over- without authority rm I 'gslt <fiowved into the cless roonis. The une, and contended, thet iftîhe pJeople enjoy a verbal battle.: The Roman Catbiolic bishops think hey ,subject "Resolved that reediing is have a grievance they sbould Vk more beneficial Vo nmankind Vl' an is their case to court in Ie usual a traivel" w\as a broad one. -Mn. Ewart and pay theirown expenses. 1Clemience and Miss Florence Walk- The County Master visited five tington spoke in tIe affirmnative and lodges in VIe county and found tîem Mn. Eanl Osborne and Mliss Lilliani in good working order.t 1Colwill uphield the ne'-ative. JEach speaker reveeled a careful and A xelnkRve systemiatic studly of VIe subject in W. Brû. reigIton Devitt, County hand and sho-wed miarked abiiity in Secearwho bas-,held that offce presentetion and delivery. The for five years, reported a heavy judges, Rev. E. B. Cooke, Mnr. Hen- yean's wonk, owing arg-ely Vo tIe bent Hancock and Mn. W. F. Rick- aggnessive plans of the energetic ard foundï their aslc no easy one and Grand Organizer, Capt. M. J. after e considerable lapse of timie 0'Bricen. wbcn VIe Vice PresidenV and Presi- W. Bro. Devitt went on Vo discuss dlent lad elmrost exhustcd their the schooh question, ,and gave an ex- means of holding the intcrest of the, cellent revicw of botI the school texi audience, tIc Judgces rcappeened and agitation conducted by Vhe Roman nounced theirdcso n fevor of1 more necent "stated case" proposed tbose wbo spoke of tIc benefits ofanVepym titocutf$9, trevel. Befone .closing M r. Gil- and hew itbout isntonortof h 9 L'g bakpeid e sincere tnibute Vo the 0isha tttur h1e quatcdin ocdi VariaI wonk and fidelity of -Miss Ena Col- from VIe Sentinel showing "o n will, corrcspondling secretary of thel cfficiency is 'rewý\arded," tIc Public' League, and voiced tIc feelings of alsbol of Ontario g'etting elh hey 1in SIncere ,votrý1s cf appreciation of 1 carnn nd eerning aIl tleyeV, ' l lier fin~e personality týnd regrets for1 I RmnCe li coose gie ber deperture Vo langer fields of sr ting a proportionate grant from Vhe vice. Mlic Eva leaves for Torontopbi 1 asr hte te eni on MerchIlst., Vo take a full course .pulc rorryw noV.te erni ind nursinet heCule Hospital Bro. Dcvi Vt, whose report shows end Ic'GennalHosite. jathbe has made e close study of the slo question, commi-endc;d The WILL WBJ~OK D IRY Sentinel, which, le said, should be WILL WER OK D IRY read by every good Protestent, es- ________________ peccally Orangemenen as it is "VIe Notice to Peop'e of Newcastle. 1 only 'paper in -Caniadla that'gives a proper conception of the issues af- Having been induced by sorte of fectingz Protestenticnm." H1e elso the citizens Vo esteblisî a ihlk commllendcd the Truc Blue and route in Newcastle, wc -wish Vo as- Orange Orpbanege, and aske'd VIe sure VIe people that Willowbrook m,,embcns to, support VIls worthy in-ý miilk end creemn will be delivered stitution generously. 365 deays in thc year, except during The County Mraster and County winter wben Sundeay's milk will be Secrctery were appointed e commit- dclivered Seturdlay evening. tee Vo draft a resolution and forward Willowbrook. berd of Holstein- V o the Governmcent and local Fniesian cows bes been selectcd forM.PP, xrsiý tevw oth their individluel ebility Vo producel Co P Pn xpesinLVeoids f1I hig% testing- mihk. IV is entered in nV og ntcsho usin tIc Accredited Rend Systemn for T, Officers Elected B. conducted by Dominion Govern-, The following- offienrs vwere chcçt-I miien-t, and las' neyer show,ýn e ne-; ed: County 'Master, Stenford Sweîn; actor. The bord and 'buildings are1 D «C. MHertwell Lowery; Co. kept under senitary conditions, Iav-1 chep. A. A. Colwell; geV. Sec., ing elweys comiplicd with Toronto Crigîton Devitt; Fin. Sec., ErnesÉi Healtb Dcpt. 'eguhations.E Patterson; Treas., James Byers; D. - Willowbrook Dairy lowered tIe of Cî , William Farrell; Lect., Geo. price of milk la Newcastle by one-i Morton; Dep. Lect. for Clarke, RelpI thîrdi, and we desire Vo Vbank those StutV; Dep. LcV. for Cartwright Wml-. who have shown their appreciation Hoo0ey. of hs fect by patronizing us 1 fieswr nseld» .Bo TIc present prie,-will rqontinue ac- W A. Vanemp itP. C.b77M. end i cording wýiVI T oronto milk prices. cAeýýnanP .Madi Lower the cost of living by u was decid 'ed to, bld thc next annual mrore rmilk-thc wold's pèrfect food.f meeting ln Orono. Satisfaction lnaranteed. A. ARTHUR GiIBSQN Proprietor. A SIMPLE SERMON Phone Orono 4 ring 6 Orono P. O.' 7-t Tîere's only one metho'd1 of meetin' life's test; Jes' kcep on a-strivin' and hopefo NEWCASTLEthe best. NEWCSTLEDon't give up the game and retire in METHODIST CHURCH1 dismeyiT 'Cause ha mmrers, arc tbrowýn when Rev. E..B. Cooke, pastolr. 11.00 yowudhieebqet a. m.-Morning Worship. 2.'30' Tbis wold would be iresome; we'd p. m.-Sundey ScIool. 7.00 P. m. ahi geV the blues -Evening Service. The GospelofIf ail VIe fohks in it hielfi just Vhe Dr. Durwin E. Steckley, honor graduate of Toronto Chiropractic College', Bowmanville, will be in office at Mr. Barrie's house, Main Street,~ Newcastle, 10 to 12, Monday, Wed- nesday -nd Friday. M. A. JAMES *Steam hip Tickoet" To Europe-Cantadian Pacific, White Star Dominion, Cunard, Arerican.1 Ask for information. Phone 53, Bowmnanville. PARI SIAN' "LADIES' AND GENTS' TAILORS (FormierIy in Bowmanville>, now at 207 Coleg-atornto, Phone TrlnIty 9217w 'We 'cànst Ili give you our best services. Guarantee te fit and Workmanship et pro.war prloos. 4M Ifyou're leadin' an army, or buildin' a fence, Do the best that you cani with. your own common sense. One small wordl of praise in this journey of tears Outweigbs in the balance 'gainist cart- loads of sneers. The plants that we're passin' as com- monpLace weeds Oft prove to be jes8' what some suff- erer needs. So keep on a-goin'; don't stay stand- in' still; "Some folks woni't like it, but other folks wl The Canadian Statesman is $2.00 a year -and worth it Subscribe To-day HEALTH RESTS uipon tIc questilon of vertebral ad- justments. TlIc entire nervous sys- temn of VIe body is connected with VIe spine, and byr propenly adjustinig the vertebnne chiropractie bnlngs about relief and cure. Consult u:s to-day and learn of its wondexful benefi Vs. OFFICE HOURS Bewmanville Opposite Town Hall, Temperance St. Nours: 2 Vro 5, Tuesday, Tîursday, Satuardeqy andr Sunday; 7 Vo 9 even- ings, and by eppointment. Newcastle and Orone Wihl bc in office et Mr. Barrie's bouse, King Street, Newcastle, 10 Vo 12, Monday, Wcdncsday and Friday. At Orono efternoons of semne days.I Dr. Durwin E. Steckley Honor Greduete of Toronto Chiropractie Coll-ege Phopnes: Bowmeanvihle, Office 141Jl Cval ALFRED FARNCOMB, M.DC.h G;raduate of Trinity Uiestas of Royal College Physicians, Edin burg. Specialty-Diseases of woni en and children. Office-Parker'e B3lock, Newcastle. J. A. BUTLER, M. D., C. M. Honor graduat'e of Trinity Univeisity Fellow of Trinity Med ical College Licentiate of the State University ol New York, Matriculate of the Post- Graduate Medical Schooi and Hoâ- pital of New York and FelIow of the Toronto Academy of Medicine. Office -Mrs. McNaughton',s Rosidence, NTewcastie. Hours-8 to 10 a. m " i to 3 1). nm, and by appointmient. J. . B1radley Newcastle General Insuranco Agent Cierk of 2nd Division Court, Cou,~ missioner, etc. THE MOST COMFORTABLE PAIR regardiess of the style are uually the one that you wear out first. Someone has said that we can neither be good nor good-natur- ed in Shoea that hurt. OUR SHOE REPAIRING keeps ail Vhe stylej lengthensi VIe comfort, restorez and good looks and the life of your she. Try us. 6. W. Humpage The Repair Mani King-st. E. BowîuaivilU. Residence 141'W. WATCH MY W INDOWS. If it is bargains you are looking for watch MY Windows. You wilI see some. WM. JAMIESON Hardware Store, GOOD BI 'H.IL Bakier & Grocc Newcastle READ Wholesome ai-d nu- tritious, sanitarily made of the best ma- teriais, should be the foundation of every meaL, BREAD 0F OUR is sure to satisfy your If you are not already usinig it, why not try a loaf to-day? S. BilRIT TOeu" N er Newcastle GETT1NG READY FOR SPRING This is the first month of Spring and it's not too early to think of seeding time. We have a fulil lne of Garden Seeds, also Mangel and Turnip, Sugar Beets and Grass Seeds. No need of buying elsewhee-we have the quality and price. R. WALTON Newcastle Grocer V-7777MM SEE ME ABOUT YOUR SUPPLY 0F GOAL. Geo. JamiesQn Newcastle

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