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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Mar 1923, p. 4

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-,Aucti*on Sale James Bennett, Auctieneer, bas, re- 1ceived instruc-tions tromn GEO. DE LAMARE Duke 'Street., *ear G. T. R,. Station, B'owmanville To seli b)y Publie Auction at 1 p. m., on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 14 The tolwuhousebeld goode, etc: Sonoas Gram-ýaphone sud Cabinet witb 40 recorde, Wilks Player Pianlo fumned oak finish, uearly nw Per- fection Coal Range, nesrly uew, Old Cook Steve and Pi-pes, 3 buruer Oul Steve, Oul Heater,' Quebec H-eater, Set Fiat Irons, Quarter Cut Oak Divanette, Nearly new Extension Table, Kitchen Cabinet, 12 Chairs, Drop Head Singer Machine, neariy new, White Enaimel Ires Bed, Steel Coucb Bed, Brase Bedl complete, Dresser srud Stand, Small Cabinet, 12 Pictures, 2 Wtasbiug Machines andi Wriuge-r, Tub Stand, 3 Tubs, Cross- cut Ssw, Hsnd Saw, Buck Saw, Pick Axoe, Spadie, Shovels, Hees, etc., Linoleum, Ca5rpete, Quantity Fruit Jars sud Fruit, Oak Diuing Suite, Dresser, Stand, Bureau, 2, Rockiug Chairs, Large Plstterm Scale, 2 Feed Boxes, Cembination Vise sud Emery Wbeel. TERMSr--Caýsb, exceptiug on Piano tevms will be given at sale. Farm iRel>ntedl Theo. M. Siemon, AuctIoneer, bas reçeived instructions treni W. B. HOAR To seli b>' Public Auction at Lot 5. Con. 2, lDarlington on TUESDAY,, MARCH 2Oth, The following farmn stock, impie- ments, etc: HORSES-1 herse, 9 years old; 1 herse, 14 yrs; 1 herse, aged; aise 1 Clyde filly, vling 5 years, snd 1 Clyde filly, rising 3Byearss ewned by C. A. Wight. CATTLE-1 Grade Durham, 5 year,ý renewed 1 iponth; 1 cow, 6 y ears, due April; 1 Grade Dur-ha---- 7yeavs, due April; 1 fat cow, 11 eais; 1 fat heiter; 1 fat steer; 1 eifer, milking; 3 Grade Durham heifers, rising 2 yeavs; 2 Gvade Dur- -4iani steers, rising 2 yeas; 4 yearling calves; 1 Durhami caîf, 4 mnouths; 1 Durham caif, 1i menth.. HENS-60 'Plymouth Rock bene, '5Black Minorcas. IMPLEMENTS, ETC-1 Haines wagon with box complete; 1 set Trucks; 1 set ,Bobsleighs (uew) ; 1 set Bobsleighs; Massey-Harris Bind- er, 6 ft; Massey-Ilaris Rake (searly uiew) ; Massey-Harris 12, Dise Han- row; F'rost sud Wood Mowev, 5 ft; Frost and Wood Dii, 12 Hoe; 1 set Harrows, 3 sections; Land Rlier; Ri'diug Plow; Walking Plow; Gang Plow; ,Verity Scuffler; Grave] Box; Stock Rack; Turuip Rack; 2000 ibe - Scales; Bavreu Pumýp Spvayer; Chaff Cutter; Gas Engine, 3 H. P; Ha>' Fovk, Rope, Sluge sud Car; Fanniug Mill; 2 Puipers; 2 sets Team Hlar- nese; 3 sets Single ilsrnees; Top Buggy; Open Buggy; Deinocrat; Cutter; DeLaval Separator, Ne. 12;j Cernent Mixer; Laddevs, Fonke, Hoes,i Shovels, Chains, 2 doz Grain Bage. FODDE R-600 bus. mixed grain; 15 toue Ha>'. HOUSEHO1LD EFFECTS-CJoek Steve, Box Steve, Ceai 011 Steve, Chairs, Tables, Bedsteads, Hamilton Irucubater, 2 Brooders, sud other art- icles tee numevous te mention. TERMS :-On Grain, sud Hay and all sums et $1 5.00 sud under cash; ôver that amount 7 menthe' eredit ou ~aproved note,% with 6% interest, 6 off for cash. 10-2 7 NESTLETON Miss Murchison, Tece, 1om ingtou, vîited the Misses Jacksoni over Sunday... Mr. aud Mvs. J-am-es Crossman, ilsydon, visited her sis- ter sud brother, Mrs. Wni. $amells sud Mr. John Mouutjoy recetly.... Mvs. Wilton Cvead sud sou, Graven- burst, le spending s tew days witb ber brother, Mr, M. T. Emerson.,. .Mr. Arthur Wasington, Toronto, speut the week-end -with hie sisteur, Mvs. J. W. Emerson, Mv. Arthur, Swaiu, Valeutis, wassaise a Sunday' visiter at If.Emevsou's.Mr. sud Mra. Sidney Trewîn, Hsyýdon, visited bher sieter, Mvs. Staniley, H. Malcoum and brother Mv. Josepb Taylor wbo je very il. . . Mv. Austin Brown es a valualyle herse last wxeek with paralysie eft the tbroat sudi tonigue .... The play "Thie Village Scbool M'a"wbich was postponied twe weeks agIo ou ac'ceunt et badj rondeý, storm sud siekuese w-as given' lui teUnion CucSoutb Nestie-i t0Ion ouridiay eveniug. It v,--s -s goopay, escbparticipant doing'ý hie part weIl. Auction riSale Farm Stock, Implemnents sud Furnituré The Pvoperty of E. H. ANDERSON Lct 32, Con. 1, Darlington, 9. F.1 IMONDAY, MARC ij Ith Cemniencing at 1 p. m. TERMS: Ha>', poultry, fat catthe, potatoes, furniture sud ail ue etof fitteen dollars sud under, cash; over thait amnount seven menthe' credit on approved notee. Six per cent ai- iowed fer cash. 10-2 Jam-es Bihp, Auctioiee. soksuffered s relapse et the fis sud bas been homne from High Scbool f"or s few day . ... Mr. sud Mvs. W. T. Taylor sud Miss Lyda visited st Mv. Ernest Larmer's, Blackstock. , . Mfss Marjerie Annis, Duubarton, visited ber gran4tather, Mr. Jas. Carfat. .. . Mr. H.1'I. Pascoe sud son H~arvey, Taunton, visited bis father, Mv. Richard Pascoe, who le impvov- ing sic el>.... .Mr. Albert Wright, Biackstock, visited b~is uncle, Mr. N. E. Wright.... Mrs. T. Baker wbo bas been coufined te bed le able te' be up but net well . ... Mr., Stanley' Naylor paissed away ou Weduesday meruiug. Tbe sympathy et the neighboýFfiood is etne te the bereaved parents sud other relativs .... About 40 Ep- wovtb Leaguers tromn Maple Greve enjoyed a sleigb ide Monday uight îse suzad visited, Eldad Leskuers. The visýiting friends gave an excelle nt pregran"i sud ail]basreal 5genuine g(-ood Social time togethler, botb youuig sud old. Refreebureutns sud coffee were served. Theve were about 100 preseut..Word wass eceived bene etoL the death etf Mv. John Vice, Lore- hurn, Sask.. ou Satuvdn,- ayset. De- cessed moved West severafl years ago fvem thi's villag'e with bis aaiinsd engs, ged lu fsrming. fHe wasea vesident brefor maýnryyearssund lbe sud bis tather sud brotberýs built the stene work et nesvîy ail the big barns lu Darlington besidesimas>' in East W-bitby sd Clarke townships. fe leaves a Nwide-w and two sens Herman sud Aigernon, auçi two dsughters, Mre. N. Leach. Taunton, sud Mena wbo le married lu the West, te mouvw his leg-s. He was ver>' higbly vespected by ail, wae a good ueîghber sud friend and will be m;ucb mis-sed. The man>' tnieuds bere deeply ympathize with them in their hereavement. lFiday and Saturda>', Manjih 16 sud 17, is the date of the Openings at Diugmsn & Fdindtûee'. 1on't miss the fine uew display et mulfiner>' Auction Sales 1 Thursday, March 8,-Annual sale of' Durham County Shorthoin Asso- ciation at Beith' F'arrm, Bowman- ville. Consignment ineludes 10 buils and 24 fenales.' Sale at 1 P. M. L. E. Franklin snd Theo. M. Siemon, Auctioneers. Friday, March 9,-Mr. . Bytron J. McLaughlin, lot 17, con. 8,' Dar- lington, will seil ail of his farm stock, implements; etc. Sale at 12.30 p. m. See bills. The9. M. Slemnon, Auctioneer. 10-1w Mdonday, Mairch I 2th-John Dossett, lot 15, con. 9, Dsrlington, wdil seil of his farm stock, implements,ý etc. See buils. Sale at i p. mi. Theo. M. Slemon, Auctioneer. Wednesdaý', March 14,-Mr. Richard Gimblett, 539 King St. East., Osh- a-wa, will seli ail of his f armi stock, implements, etc. See bills. Sale at 1 p. m. James Bisop, Auction- eer. 10-1w Wednesday, March 14,-Mr. Gordon Wright, lot 32, con. 4, Clarke, one mile wet of Orono, who is giving up faring, will dfispose of his; ~splendidi herd of H4oîstein cows,' together -with horses, hogs. ahdj -larrn implements. Mr. WtightVs Holsteinis are -well known as a productive herd sund no better col-1 lection for its size could be f ound anywhere. Watch for posters for description and terms. A. J. Stsp- les, Clerk, Geo. Jackson & Son, Auctioneers. 01 Monday, March 19,-Mr. Myron Soper, lot 8, Broken Front, Dar- 'lington, will seli ail of his farmn stock, implements, etc. Sale at 12.30 Sharp. See bilîs. Geo. & Ted Jackson, Auctioseers. Mon-day, March 19tli-Wýalter Fer- guson, lot 28, con. 9, Darling-ton, wIll seil by. auctioin, 6 horses and 'about 295 head of cattie, 50 pigs, etc. Sale at 1 P. rm. Theo. M. Slemos, Auctioneer. BOWMANVILLE, MARCH 8, 1923.ý MAPLE GROVE Mrs. A. E. Cleniens, town, Miss SILVER WEDDING Elva Truil, Oshawa, ' spent Friday _________ ith the former's niece, Mis. C. Hl. Mr. andi Mre A. H. Brent, Pleasat- Snowde ... . Miss Gladys Allun, Osh- 1>' Surprised. awa, spent Sunday with hber cousin, Mrs. Noble Metcalf. .Miss L. Lowry, A pleasaut social gatheriug -Wa5 teacher, spent the week-end with rel- hel'd at the home of Mr. snd Mrs. A. atives in, Oshawa ... . Our League H. Rrent, near Tyrone, on Saturday, v-izited Eldsd League ou Mouday March 3, when a number of theiri lght. A gùod program iwas given relatives and friends assemibled inl after which thbe homeê League served their home to celebrate the twenty- refreshmeuts aud a very pleasant fifth auniversary of their weddiug time was enjoyed by sl. The manyl cay. friesds of Miss Idla Stevens will be tAfter a sumiptuous repsst the par- g ýad to knowý that shie is progressing "ty repaired to the drawing room nicely alter her operation. in Bow- 'wihere a short program ,vas enjoyed. mianville Hosý,pital .... Mr. sud Mrs. The chairmnan, Rev. W. T. Wickett, F. Swallow. attended the funeral of in hi% introductory remarks exteud- hlis uncle at Scarboro on Friday, al- ed congratulations to the bride and so visited friends in the city. . 1.. groomi upon reaching the quarter of M1r. Samuel Snowdeu spent Siuday a century milestone of their mat- with friends lu Cobourg... .Mr.u rinonial life, snd in a few, briefý Mrs, H. A. Farrow entertsîedth well-c!hosen words expressed his ap- M.issioin Baud of Bowmnanville Meth- precintion of the emineut faithful- odist Church at theïr residence on ness of Mr. and Mrs. Brent and Monday, evening, when they al had fasmily in their services to the chiurch a jolly good timie. sud lu the community enterprises. Replen-ish your chinta during Ar- This was followed by congratulatory chie Tait's big price reduction sale. speeches, inter6persed with solos,_________ readingesua-d a huimorous quartet. TRN At the conclusion of the program iTRN Mrs. Wm. Breut preseuted the bride1 [and groom with~ a beautiful Chinal MNrs. N. Woodley and -Miss Olive Tea Set and Mrs. A. W. Allnis readI Skinner -visited lasst week with their the- followiug address: 1sister, MvIs. G. Scott, North Oshaws, STo Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Brout 1 . ... A niumber froni here at;,esded the play "As you like It,, given by Our Ver>' Dear Friends,-Iu the lite the Bowmiauville Hig-h School on Fr1- of each of us there are days aud day nighbt, and speak very ighly of experiences that stand ou t very it .... Mr. Davidd Hooper visited hie, promînently before us, anud no doubt, miother in Toronto last week.. the greatest day to each of you was Mr. W. S. Staples bas mlovedl into the the 'day when you stood before the bouse -which hie purchased tromi Mr. mnatrimonial sItar sud pledged your T. Finla .... Rev. sud Mrs. W. T. lo-ve, faith sud fidelîty, each to the Wickett, Mvýi. sud Mrs. A. W. Aunis other aud to eherish honouir and sud Mrs. W. R. Clemeus attended perhaps promnised to obey each other. Mr. suad Mrs. A. H. Brent's Silver Tliat wss certainly a gr~eat day Wedding ou Saturday.., The U. F. sud most of us preseriutn a0rca 0-.yser Supper and concert was witb great joy that auspkclous occa-1 wellstteuded ou Wednesdlay even- sion when .you began your mnatri- 1ing. There was an abundant supply! mrouial career, amnid showers of besti of oysters, a good Concert sujd every- w"isýhes for your future happiness and! body1 seeiîedl to eujoy themnselves.. prosperity-two facts of which we, Miss Laura Virtue, Hii-impton, le vis- are glad to know have been realized i ti ng ber aunt, Mrs. F. J. Virtue. to a very mavked degree, sud we Mrs. Jabez Moore, Enniskillen, audc congratulate you lu that thus f ar youi Mrs,. Robins recently visited friends, have rus well. avounýd here. ,. . Miss -Mary Richards, To-dJay, no doubt, has been osle of isiiig friesds lu Osh1wal. . .. We morse or less reflectios uposl the past wlcmeM ansd Mrs. Thos. Sargent resulting iu heartfelt thanks givîug to ourvilg this ...k.... Conugrat- to Almighlty God, the iver of al ulations to Mr. sud Mrs. Fred Part-ý ~good and the beýstowýer of ev,,ry bleus- ner-it's a g-irl. . . .. Mrs. Viola Smithi 1 ug, for His Continuai mercies thru is liiîn er brother-in-law at !ife, but more especislly during the MIila-nd wvho is very criticslly i!H. la st quarter of a cenitury of hsppy, Miss Eý<ith Smith of Bov, 11111villt, is and imutuaL 1com-panionsbip tog-ether kepigbouse durîug her ohe' Hence, we, a few of your une- asne iste relations aud friendsemrc_______ this opportunity of meeting you luý your lovely Joine anrd take veLry ENNISKILLEN z.reat pleasure indeed in cong-ratu- lating ,you on this the tweuty-flfth Visitors: Mrs. S. Auniger an'ld two. anniversary of your wedding. 1agherBeruie sud Lily, Rimi- Aud ais a slight teken ofÏ our affec- b)ey-,, Alta , at hler fathlev's, Mr. Jo-hn tion for you sud as s souveni*r of Virtue,'s; Mvý. sud iVrs. Earl Coulter, that miemorable event we present toi Haydýon, at Mr. sud Mrs. Cecil you this Tea Set., Couter's; Mrs. Nathan Byers athe With it; we tender our very best bohe',Mr- (G. Haye, 'Columbus, wishes for your contiuued happiness IMi,,ss Mosa- Preston w;ithi frieud l sud prosperity sudi pray that God's Burketou; Mr, sud Mrs. Fred AdlamsI richest blessing m.ay rest upon you, sud family sud Mrs. G. Shack(.Iletou,1 great joy sud comfort to us'ail. E .' Staples spent the week-endi withi Signed on behaîf of Your relýa-ý friends in Linday .... Gadte see tives-G. F. Annis, B .Pollard, A. W. MI. Frank Robbins sud Mr. James1 Ani.Bvadleyv out agaisi..Sorry te beari Mr. Brent made a very fitting re- Mijrs. Jamnes Staiston sud Mr.J.A puy and on behaîf of Mrs. Brent and Wevri aej ,... r.W. _rià himself thanked the people for the*igot bis band ba*dly jammyed between beautiul git andfor t eir kid ei-to logs on Saturday .... Lealgue oui tieuts expressead.forheijokind e luWaesday eveuing in chiarge of lct siuiug "For They are Jolly Good, Vice, 1'ifss Aimia W........ W. M. S. F e Fiow s". i in the basemeut of the chuvclh Wed- Letters of congratulations sud nesdayaferooni- , nube io good wishes were read fronxý Mrs. L., our Leaguers hiad a good timie tob- Aninis and Mr. sud Mrs. L. T. Court-, bo-ggniug alter thie meeting os ice, Calgary, Mr, sud Mrs. W. A. Weýduesdaîy eveig .... The' True Wilson, Haileybury, Mr. and Mdrs. B-lue Class gave the mnissionary pro- S. J. Courtice, Leamiugton, Mr. sudi gramn Sunday mloruing. A duet was Mns. O. Pollard, Toronto, Mr. and nicelyv reudered by the Misses Gladys Mrs. J. Fergusos sud Mv. sud Mrs. Stajuton sud Maud Ashton; -reudinges W. Brent, UJxbridge, Mr. sud Mrs. by Mmjjr. (Dr.) Fergusos sud Ethel W. T. Robson, Motreal. V7annatto. Two boys' classes are As a further remnemrbranrce of their giving the music sext Suudsy even- wvedding day they were presented ing. The sermon is to be especially with beautiful bouquets otfifowers fýor boys. This choir service wasi from their children and from Dr. sud postponed froin last Suuday os ac- Mrs, Ferguson, Enuxekillen. The -ouit of bad weather. bride was also the recipient of a_________ handsomie piece of silver, the gifti ot the groom. SOLINA The rest et the eveuiug was spent in games snd music. Shortly before Councillor Williams atteuided the 1midnight the happy gatheriug lett sale on, Monday of his sepbew, Mr. for their homes wisbing Mr. sud Mrs. Tayl,]D-njear Cesaea ... . Sm-all at- Brent mauy more years et continued tendance at Church aud Suuday happinessa sud prosperity. School on account of the condition of the roads .... -MisM'ayiu'pt Mces- vr. sud Mrs;. Eclward Darch, Salem, desire to take thiis oppertunity te tbank the ueighhl-.. sud friendc for the kinduesse-,-'nled te them durîing the briet îllnî, s d death et the late Darch. Mr- E. Wýoodward au ±-mily wïsi te tbsyk their îmany f .ds udý1 psric(ularly the Superiri - -dent sud 1Uu"'es et Bewmanville !Ho it--l, for kiu1dn1e:ses adsymnpatby ,shows -ndur- ing , teillnessud deatb et ofMrs. H4AYDON Visitors: Mr. Wm Gree'naway, Littie Britain, at Mr. Silaýs Trewiu's; Mv. and Mrs. Russell Gilbert sud babe ait Mr. Rd. Slemion's; M1Tis Mets Asýhtou receutlyvîsited e paetMr. and Mrs. 1H. Ah n Mlrs. Theron, Moutjey hbe 1",UtE be-r me1the-r's tst alem urngt sik eve-ral areuu3d hxeae0 covalescisg atter la gripp.... Lealgue sud sunday suehool !bace ,bees clsdfer a wa or tue ou account et thle epfidemlic. . . L gu service or sunday eveuisg was in-,charge et thei' let Vice-Presideut,Mv C. Avery. Bible lessen -was taken by Mr's. C. Garrard; topic was splendidýly given by Miss M. Coultis;'read'iug by Mas- ter HaFrvy Mille. Meeting closed with M,ýizpa.h Benedictin.... Once again bas the death angel visited ouri mijkst sud claim-ed ose et our oldeetý sud meost esteerned eitizens, in thel person et Mvr. Wmn. Trewiu. He bas1 been a resideut et Hayden sinc e hieÏ early years sund slways an interested sud reg-ular attendant eftnte cbur-ch.1 Hie tunleral was held at bis oîd home, now occupie'd by bhis eIder sou,Mr Silas Trewin, ou Mondsy, -where a large sumnber et triendesud vela- tiivýýes ,,ssembled te psy their las tre- well. Floral off eringe wvere numi- ravoesud very beautitul. Hie re mnains were iuterred at Beýtheeda. He' Ieavés thvee sens sud tbree daughýtere. BURKETON Thie sudden thsw spoiled the sleighing sud caused floods .... The fis le stili around .... League to-night at 7.30, Missiensry ulght. Master Gordon Avery lu the chair. D on't forget your collectionp...Sunday School at 10.15 a. mi., Ohurch at 11. s. m., S-uuday uext. Corse long te cburcb ... .The C. G. I. T. Class -will meet at the 1home et Mrs. F. Watevbeuse next Monday st 7.30 p. m. The class spent a vevy pleas- sut evening aset Fvida.y night with Mies Ruby MeDonald, at the home et 'ber sieter, Mrs. Thos. Baille. Missý McDouald le leaviug shertuy for Bowmauville. The girls spent the eveniug playing games sud lu social interceursýe. Just before lunch was served Miss Dorethy Sh ortvidg e' presented Ruby witb s Bible su-d Miss Floveu-ce Avread the follow- ing addrees: Miss Ruby McDonald Dear Ruiby,-As you are about te ]eave our clase we bave cone to-uigbt te spend s social evening with yeI. We shail miise youv cheert'ul kn bearted services lu the cases, Sunday School sud Cbuvch. We hope you wisot torget thie things that you bave lesrned a'nd that youi will con- tinuie lu other places wbat yeu bave hère begun. We ask you te accept this Bible as s remembrance et your connection with our cýlase. We hopYe tbat you- will read it dansd that it will gvuide yeu sateîy through lite. Ma-y God blessud keep you iîs the sîncere wi-sb et ail the ciass. 1Signed ou bebaît et the Clas- Mis. F. Waterhouse, L eader, Dorothy Sbortridge, Presilenit. Report et S. S. No. 7, Darlington, for February: IV-Teenie Me- Ksight, Dorethy Shortvidge, Dina McKnight. Sr. II,-Leona Mc- Laughlin, Lena Glennie, Rose Me- Kuig&ht, Robert Wilson. Jr. Hl- Erneet Perfect, Rets McKuight, Les-, lie Hopper. Sr. 1--Mabel 'Iusley, Charles Adams, Arthur Perfect.' Jr. 1 -May Adams, Edgar Wilson, Eil- een McKnight. Pr.-David Me- Kgt.Matgar.1t A. Reid, Teacher. 2Oth Century BrandClte The Clothes With a National Reputation Easter is just a month away and everyone is looking f orward to the' new styles and matèrials for Spring clothing.1 Thursday and Friday of this week Mr. Nevins of 2Oth Century Brand Clothes will be in Bowmanville at McMurtry & Co's Store with a. comrplete range of isamples and style creàtic>ns for the coxning season. Mr. Neviins is a Special Measuire Expert and every suit is strictly hand-tailored and especially made to your measureinents. Therefore, satisfaction is guarainteed in every detail. He will have one of the largest displays of exclu- sive patterns shown by any clothing firin in Canada. No one needs to be told about the quafity and workmanship of 2Oth Ceritury, Clothes. They are The Clothes With a National Reputation. We are not asking you to buy but we would like you to see this wonderful display of Style, Workmanship and Quality, MýcM'urtr-yr& Co"-., Ltd. PHONE 83 BOWMANVILLE WHAT TOWN COUNCIL DID Application of R. D. Davidson for position of Treasurer was laid on table. Collector's riesignation was held over for further consideration. Bridge near Brick Yard needs re- pairing. To Roads & Streets Com. Ontario Motor League want par- ticulars of Tourists Camping Grouud. T'o Public Pro.perty. J. N. Lawrie complaiued of assess- mient on frontage for pavement. To Roads and Streets. Deputation of ladies asked t1hat Town Hall be cleaned and put in sani- tary condit 'ion, Public Property Com. hiad already taken action. Granted $400 to Chamrber of Com'merce Band. Reeve Rehder read comments and recommendations from Auiditors' Report. To Finance Com, Jolin Lyle appointed Clerk, and year. Decided to advertise for a Town Treasurer.1 Water Works Corn. to report on miotor for pumping station.' Public- Property Com. will securei janitor for Town Hall. Notice of motion given to amend Building- By-law at next meeting. Question of $154.48 intet to Bowmanville Foundry Co., wsli over. Auditors' report will appear lu uext week's issue. CARD 0F THÂNKS Mr. and Mrs. Fred T. Ashton, En- field, desire to thauk their friendsý 'and neighbors for the very great kinduess showuv them dm,-ing the illness an'd death of Mr. Geo. Martin. Mrs. Alexander Taylor and farnily d,-esire to thank ail the friends for their kindness und sympathy iu the death of Mr. Taylor and for the beautiful floral off erings. Ir I~ MIN ISTERS AND CHJJRCIIEI tley were taken for a sleigh ride byi W. J. Suowden. A solo "'Walki)ng- Mr. H. A, Farrqow sud royally enter-! 'w-ltb Jesus" wae ably reudered by~ st. Pauli's Church, Rev. D. W. tained by Mrs. F'arvew at their home,1 Mrs. W. Lymner sud the meeting ws r3est, Mînieter. il a. ma.-"Fuuda- Kingston Road, West. The mieeting closed by singing "Blest be the tie~ mentaIs". 7 P. m.-"In the Land wasslu charge of President A«ra that Biuds", and Rev. S. C. Meore of Promuise-as in a Strange Coun-, Webber who also led in the Bible pronounced the benediction. The, try", 2.80 p. .--Sunday 8ceool reading. Atter the opeuîng exer- les of the home soeïety then ir- and Bihle Ciasses. cises, Secretary Hester Caverley sud vited the visiting friends te five, St. Johnus Church, Rector, PeI Treasurer Florence Ives reported; o'cîock tes lu the easet ooni. Neaily, G. S. Pestlethwaite, M. A., Organiet, the Watchi Tower was taken, twelve a hundred ladies were present aud Mrs. John A. Gunu. 4th Sunday lu girls respouding. Readinge were ail enjoyeci the good pregram sudî Lent March llth. il a. m.-Mat- given by Gertrude Allia, IKitty frien'dly visit et our Maple Grove tins Litany and Sermon. 2.30 p. ni. Kuowle.s, Elsie Yeo sud Ethel Cox. frieuds. .-4Sunday School. 7 p. n.-Even- Mrs. Brookes gave a very esirneet________ soug sud Sermon. Preacher, The talk on "Our Master's Affection". Rector, The pianiet, Viola Callan, pveeidedl COURTICE Methedist Chiurch, Rev. S. C. at the piano sud meeting closed with Moore, B. A., B. D., Pastor. Mr. T. the Mizpah benediction. Atter ail Report of S. S. No. 8, flarlingtoni, W. Stanley, organiet sud choir direct: had doue ample justice te the lovely, for February: Sr. IV-Della Bal-~ or. Sunday services: Il s. m- eas provided by the hostese, s vote sonu, Elmer Walter, Willie Penber- Kieeping the Faith. 2.,30 p. m.__ of thauke was teudered Mr. sud Mrs. thy, Beth Gay, Ruby Phair, Bert Sunday Schoel sud Bible Classes.I Farrow, for t heir kind hospitsli ty, Nicluols. Jr. IV-James Haucock,. 7 p. mn.-The Other Fellow. Wel- moved by Ada Webber sud eeconded Madeline Courtîce, Alma Potter, Sad- Gertrude Allin. The nembere of le Muir, Keniieth Walter, Feru Oke, On Friday evening next, March kindness et host sud lheetese. Balson, Sam Cay-, Sceburu Essevy, 9, the Institution sud Induction et iJ Velm-a Gay, Roland Wenn, Fergu-z the ne-wly apýpointed Rector will bW The Womyen's Missionary Society Kinsmani, Jack Cornish, John Wilkins, beld iu St. John's Church at 8 o'r-lock; et Maple Grove visited the Mission- William Eve-.nson, Viola Welob, by the Lord Bishop et Toronto as- sry Auxiliary here etf Bowmnanville Ernest Brock, John Terry. Jr. 111 sisted by the Ven J. C. Davideon Methodist Cburch on Thuvsday after- -Harry Gay, Williè Biekle, Gordon Archdeaen of Peterbore. A he'artyi seen. The President, Mre. L. A. Brown, Mena Kinemnan, Bestrice AI. welceme te ahl. Tole, took the chair, sud aMter the, lin, Leonard Courtice, Mildred Brock, Cousecration service at League opeuing exercises, welcomed the vis- Gladys Brock. Sr. I--Gay ike Menday night in Methodiet Churcb, iting Society sud expressed the wisbi Hazel Oke, Norman Walter , Douglaes; with Mv. Wm. Pointilu the chair.I that both pleasure aud profit would 1 Courtice, Willie Konopachi, Arcbie Scrpt~e essn ws eadhy Jbe comi-binedl. The President of, Muir, Leonard Weuu, Kenneth Es- Alan McKessock. Solo -was sur, J Ma pIe Grove Auxiliary was called sery. Jr. ll-Clare Courtice, Wil- by Mrs. Rose Grant. Very beiptul te the plattovmn, asud atera short ad- lie Rizneck, Jack Gay, Annie Wilkins, a1ddess wss given by Rev. E. A. dress, Miss Abernethyvýend ered sa Verna Found, E'va Courtice. Tonkin. Sole was sung by Mis,, piano solo very eff ectively; Mrs. Laird C. E. Wi3liamson, L. J. Pierson, Mildred Souch. Consecration pray-1 gave a reading entitled "A Worid'e, teacbers, er by Mise Hickesud reception ser-j H-eartache" l a very clear voice;1 vice sud roll caîl conducted by Presi- Mrs. Tru Power then took un part et 'U, F. 0. MEETING dent, Mise Spargo. the chapter et the Study Book os Service sud Society very ably, atter1 Providence Farmevs' Club ,wlh Somne 2.5 girls, et the -Methodietl whnich Mvs. Bruce -Metcalt completed ihold its uiext meeting on Tuesdlay Mission Baud, under leadership Wt the chapter. Mrs. VanCamp sangi evlenin Mac 13 at the home ef Mrs. J. lE. Elliett assisteci by Mrs. J.1ý a beaýutiful solo "Abide WAith Me" Mr4. sud Mvs. W. S. B~ragg. Pro- L.Broksha sbapytie u er sweetly A readinig "Mvs. tgramii "A Study et Tennyson". Lsd- Meudsy atternoon, March 5th, wThen Mvorgan's Qurater" was given by Mvs. lies are requested te bving baskets.

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