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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Mar 1923, p. 9

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NEWCAS'TLE HORTICULTURAL E DEUCATION FJ.OWERSHOW0OLord, Thou freely givest Li.-t of Prize Winners 1923 The gift of life divine, _______'And in ail those Thou livest Calla Lily-Mrs. Floyd Butler,' Whomn Thou dost own as Thilne. Mrs. J. A. Smith, M16. J. E.ý Mat- Saved with They great Galvation, chett. To Thee Thy peoplecling Shanroek-Mrs,. W(aatheral, is.iAnd prize tha±, educatioù' J. A. Butler, Mrs. J. E. Matchett._ Which bas in Thee its Spring. Prirnrose-Mrs, E. C. Bem-ian 1 and 2. tPr.ixula-Mrs. E. C. Beman., Mrs.' Dudley, Mis. J. A. Smith. Rex Begonia-Mdrs. Frank Branton, Mrs. Dudiley, Mrs. George Eilbeck. Begonia, A. 0. v.-Mrs. Cbris. Law, Mis. Floyd Butler, Mrs. J. E.! Matchett.i Tulip-Mrs. Matbew Brown, Mis.' J. A. -Smith, Mrs. Fligg. Tulips, collection 4 bloom:s-Mrs. Matbew Brown, Mrs, J. A. Smith, Airs. M. Brown. .Hyacinth, White-Miss Annie Drummond, Mrs. J. R. Fisher, MIrs. J. E. Matcbett. Hyacintb, Cream--Mrs. M. Brown, Mis. Chris Law, MLIrs. John Cunning- hamn. Hyacin'th, Pink-Mrs. George Eul- E'beck; Mrs. E. C. Fisher, Mrs. M. Brown. Hyacintb, Bhie--Mrs. Fligg, I. J. E. Matchett, Mrs. Thomas Moffat. Hyacinth, Yeliow--Mrs. J. E. Mat-I chett 2 anid 3. Hyaeintb, Lavender-Mrs. J. E. Matchett, 2. Hyacintb, Purple-L'Mrs. M. Brown, Mrs. E. C. Fisher, Mrs. Job Cobble- dick. HyacintbE, coEUectqn 4 Bloomî-r. Mrs. Floyd Butler, Mrs. M. Brown, Mrs. George Eiibeck. Narcissus-Mrs. J. A. Smith, Mrs. M. Brown 2 and 3. Daffodl-1«rs. Floy~d Butler, Mrs, Figg, Mrs. E. C. Beman. Geranum-Mrs. Job Cobbledick, Mrs. J. E. Matchett, Mrs. FI,oyd But- ler. Aspedestral-Mrs. E. C. Bem-an, I'frs. J. E. Matehett 2 and 3. EPalmn-Mis.' Chris Law, Mis. J. E. Matchett, Mis. Dudle.y. Rubber Plat-Mis. E. C. Bemnan, M. A. JAMES Steamshilp Tickets To Europe-Cana<dian Pacifie, White Star Dominion, Cunard, Americani. Ask for information. Phone 68, Bowmaanville. We thank Thee for constraining Brave souls so long, ago To seek all needful training j For service here below. They sought througli various stages Foundations welJ to lay For those in coming ages Who would Thy cail obey. For ail t'he schools of learning Wbich flourish in this land, For ail whose hearts are yearning jThy wiil to understanrd; For ail the days of spiendou Which yet on earth shall be We join, 0 Lord, to render Unceasing praise to Thee. For what Thou art declaring By means of those who teach; For ail who are preparingE Themselves Thy word to preach;ý For those that power possessing LOCAL AND> OTHERWISE Advertise you, 'Wants' in the clas sified Coiumn of this paper. -Mrs. J. H. Ashley, Oshawa, is.vis iting her daughter, Mrs. Cecil \Vi liamns, Souris, Man. There are still a few subscribere who have not paid for their paper fci 1923. Are you one? Thank you Do it now. Miss Gladys Westaw,,ay, Port Hope will be soprano soloist -in the Eastel Monday Cantata in Lindsay Quer st. Church. Bowmianville Soldiers Club wil hold its regular monthl1y meeting on Saturday, March 31st. Social even. ing. Every meniber is expected to be present for roll eall. Lt.-Col. G. H. Gillispie, Kingston, jinspector of Cadet services in Milii tary District No. 3, bas been trans- lerred to Military District No. I., wit7l headquarters at London. $Sunday evening oveq, three inehes of snow fell and real winter weatbe: lias since prevaîled. Trufly "Win ter iingereth in the ilap of Spring". At- mospheric conditions have not. been favorabile for radio devotees.' In ecucation found, -Biho ninhscmltd5 Glad strains o! praise and blessing Biho-esgnbsemitd5 Sball unto Thee abound.1 years. n ast issue a review of the events of~ the past years was By that great ligbt wbich searcbe ie which was very interesting. We The minds and bearts of ahi es sh Mr. Gordon Lapp the youngest Make homes andi schocls and chiirehes1 editor in the Mîdfland District, much Obedient to Tby eall. success in the coming years. Witl deeper consecration Rev. Dr. J. A. Rutton of Glasgow, May, we Thy word proclaim I as been invited to succeed Rev. Dr. While Christiani education, J. H. Jowett as pastor of Westmin- Bnins glry o Tb nam.,,ter- Chapel, and it is beiieved he wili RidgeT. WaOnt.o 1923.accept tbe invitation. Dr. Jowett Ridgeown, nt., 923.resigned lhua charge at Westminster' Chapel twe months ago on account of -Mrs. Georgee Eilbeck. Mrs. FloydI But-lii halb Fein, Asparagus-MîýIs. George Eul- beck 1 and 2. Mrs. J. E. Matchiett. Fern, A. 0. v.--Mrs. W. E. Be- man, Mis, George Eilbeck, Mis. J. E. Matchett. Coleus-Mrs. Wm. Jackson, Mrs. J. E. Matchett, Mrs. Wetberah., Coleus, Collection 4 plants--Mis. Win. Jackson, Mrs. George Butler, -Mis. J. E. -Matchett. Any other variety-Mrs. E. C. Be-1 man, Cyleamen; Mrs. George Eilbeek,j Norfolk Pin e; Mis. Chris Law, Ivy Geranium; Mis. Job Cobblelck, Cen- tury Plant; Mis. W. E. Rei~man, Cordyhine. Speciai cbiýldren's Prie, is Masoni's Clas, Isabel Lumscden 2 and! 13.t Penny Bank deposits by childien of Bowmianville. Public Sceliois for January aM'ounted to $157.37 and f or February $147.68, largest for som-e years. Average per pupil was iOnly 38 Cents. Port Hope pupîls averaged 33 cents eacb. Parents sbould encourage their eildien to tbrift in this way. Death occurred at- the Home for the Aged, Cobourg, onl Sunday last of Mis. Mary Ann1 Burns, a form- er resi:dent of HoDpe township, aged 91 years. She bad been at the Home for 14 y'ears. On March 6tb Mis.! Evans, n formier resident of Smith2' field, ag-ed 82 years, passed away,ý and on the 8th of Marcb, Mis. Scrim-,, ag-ed 79 years, a form-er resi- dent of Campbeliford, passed away. It is announeed that a new ca' the cxtent of whicli can only surmised, has been dîacovered sei rmiles frgm Glacier House, Glacà Thbe Yukon7Teritqvly is rapid losing its inhabitants. In 1911,t] r population was 27,217, and in le, it had dwin.dled down to 4,157. In an address to the Ro)tarianis Mlontreal Iast week, E. W. Beati resident of the Canadian Pacli >Railway, made a pointed statemle] to the. eff oct that Canada neec mlore capital for its development a:r mulre men for the sanie purpose.. An i d-tume stampede will b. heý LIn Calgary, Alta., between July 61 and July 14tb, 1923. The prograniti wJil, as usual, inelude -'-aI1f repli contesta, bronche busting, and fan< riding and roping, etc. Res-umption of direct steamnshi service this spring between Mon real and the prinicipal Norwegia ports, with tiie object of furtiierir the expansion of tradte between Car ada and Norway, îs9' announced b the Can.adian Pacifie traffic agent for the Norwe;gian-Armerican Liný The, Canadian Pacific stearahi "Metagama>' oeently brought ove to Canada 400 moen and womnen c th-, Hlebrides-the first migratio of young Hebrides fanmera tW Car ada under tih. Ontario immnigratio schie. A 1)1ihbas been intro&iced into th Chanilior of Deputies, Paria, autioz izing the. Governient toepe 8,750,000 francs on the\' Canadia travelling exhibition. At leait tirt French towns wili b. visited by th~ train this sunmer. As gtueats of President Beatty 0 the Canadian Paciie ailway, ,Iou boy mnembers of the yeung farmier clubs of Great Britain will cross thi Atlantic and tour the Eastern ani Western P'rovinces of' Canada. Canada's exports,. to the. Unit. Kingdomi in 1922 were more thai $34,000,000higiie r h value than ex ports of Canadian '-oods te thi UnitedStatEs. othe. United King dom, Canada somo1e ondstte ivalu: of $374,751,894, and t. the Uniteý Stabes $340,156,247. e«1923 Models and Prices OLDS5MOB ilE These are the Lowest Prices at which Oldsmobile lias been sold în Eighteen Years. FOUR CYLINDER -LIGHT EIGHT 1151 Wheelbase Model,-47 ""The MVost Car for thte Money" e -$1375 a ~,e 1375 * a 1545 a Pt a a1895 4 Pass. Super-Sport Touring - * a2065 4 PassCoupe *2245 5SPais. Sedan 1151 Wheelbase OnIy Eight of its Kind or -Price., '2395 2595 2795 Ail Prices F.O.B. Oshaw4, Governmnot Tax Extra OLDS MOTOR WORKS 0F CANADA, LIMITED S9sbidiar-Y of General Mloars o Canada, Ltmfted - s Oshawa, Ontario 4' Pen ily Lho ý21i in' tic fit nd Here and There WEATHER COMPARISONS F or the week March 26 te April 1, 19ý , the weatber was: Sunday--Forenoon, cloudy anid mild with squells of raim. Afternoon, fine. Moiiday-Mild, ramn at noon and at intervals through the afternoon and night.anmid Wednesday-Fine and warm. Thursday--Cloudy, N. E, gale, snow at noon, blizzard al afternoon turning' to seet and ramn at night, 5 in. snow and sicet. Fridlay-Ra-in mnost of the day and night. N. E., E., and S. E. gales. 42 miles per hour. Saturdany-Clear-., fresh westerly windis, temperature 32 te 42 degrees. Mueh slush on the ground. c Clothieri & Furnishers V "Men, Boys, Children kp Style Headquartersa Head to Foot" t Where Society Brand J ll~ Uj Where Hart Ciothes ,,iClothes Are SoId. Are Sold ng by 14. 'p f J 'a rn .1 HASHT OIEYBAD BYSSI PCA Ou e tc fM'sCOTE h w pcasi SpigHt r o p oysut detsdls enducmrsn a-Go peaac sawe e ihslni Lr nslts rain n diyastadiysts ucs. Ti ekw fEcin h an wi r oln opto n d l c i g a d c l r c o s s h s c o h e a e t e p c a f e i g a Sc em ....$ 5 ,t 60-ul e lzst a tl 89 Our NewrStckwerof - Mony en'soCLaTHES Theartwo tesecial in Sprerng Haire iareonowas- Bo s Sui advrase a eatned thupecompr sin as- Go od ane sa weekor m e ih sped daily assetoa daily satis-tsuccessseThiseweekewe Shemoto e.$ r0 os oo fin ly r alioethat stye $89e5peni vlus and finepetaiioringohasano conribtin nw mter susltitue andetaint uc Boys' twdadyorsted NECKWEA R won ptt r thuig godSeu tclkwofinthese t We ty atailtime toclothes. ood ltaecate sattyeadpten, ablep oour ekwèar nD e cos thl ew dllar's se oth eoo o tiewih as ad atsfac kmdor eo the e hav0 es- wh kloo ifr a ie part~iet te bet. hifonrhyou d s hldwerur fortFaserthme pring Fash75ion see 5s t o canying nelse. Theaes isar speddVaus hav oudQn hrsef inwoth far mrthfare e the'ndbe gods anf contrbutig newmate- Youslmar dye nsucTh hmart dweser pa yuto lais weaes ad paterS, ithe o' akecae iseeour stoc fthsesuitsf wefelsre yu Ili bpofthem; you'l ee n toyr lthwa abe ushos yurneen tem. Thdat'sdted.pten n aei Men's ad Boys'kindd o f ithe tnste have a e N'S SHIeRe nt tibe ithes ind aalthe- fosyand etha rts h eO Sit7ea~m tion from ourIf hoi prstockmtake pride in yffering new hads, Te bsietyaBad loheasur wanyer mrecmeten quaris fro 75cndodur-5sitthe ne.smatarins o eet gTh'rdmansof able ith he ne'aner nee weart stles.TheThe smrt essane rn i BAlookp oter thsampie have thnewyageofAIlk he at- iRer Beits iail the ish and ometic orostesaehr 'peetd an_._ o __en . , oIrelo pisn uliy cn 't s 1"' I. Model 43-A. '~ 3 Pass. Roadster 5 Pass. Touring 4 Pass. Semi-Sport 5 Pass. Brougham 4 Pass. Coupe 5 Pass. Sedan 5 Pass. Touringu $1895 3 Pass. Sport R oadster½9 M 77, CLUBBING LIST 19ý23 The Canadian Statesman..$2.00 The C 'anaclian Statesman will be clubbed for 1923 with thé under named publications at the prices stated:- Globe . . . . .. . .$6.50 Mail & Empire ............. 6.50 Toronto Star................ 6.50 Weekly Witness..... ........ 4.00 Faýrmers' Advocate ..........8.50 Christian Guardian........... 4.00 Farmers' Magazine.. .........00o Family Hernld & Weekly Star 3.50 Farmers' Sun............... 4.00 Canadin Horne Journal...... 4.00 Canadian Countryman........ 3.50 Farm & Dairy............. 2.50 McLean's Magazine.........500 BUILDING LOTS FOR SAL.E-Three of the finest buildilng lots ln Bowmanvlfle are being offered for sale at real bar- gains, situated at the eaat end of Love Lane on Liberty-at., 40 ft. front b>y 125 feet deep, handy connection te town sewer and water. Âpply te Normian S. B. Jamnes at Statesmnan OffIce, Bowmanvlfle. Ho Ho wyFLIIIs5 EWYSTOP tili hotrus. Ono JppiCtij 2 Ibs côtton quit REMNANTS $1, 5 lbs. $2, 10 lbs. $3, 25 Ibs. $5. 1 11b. eilk or velvet pat- ches $1.50, 2 lbs. $2. 2 ibs. cot- ton reynnants good lengt. for children's dresses, aiurons. shorts, etc. $1.50. i1 lb. finger- ing yarn ail shades $1. E'. vcCREERY 1 CO, Im 1 ý

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