The Iinest Green Te& a8udubel Y-' It îs pu're fresh and who1esome and the flavor is that of the true greenleaf.H 349 A Wi9s e B uider USES THE BEST MATERIALS Rogers Cernent makes the best foundation. Ontario Pine-B. C. Fir-and Quebec Spruce make the best superstructure. B. C. Cedar Shingles or Vulcanite Roofing make the best covering. Beaver Brand Hardwood Flooring is more dur- able and sanitary than any other, therefore it is the best flooring. Beaver Board Plain or Beaver Board Grained make handsome walls and ceillng. Pine Doors, Sash and inside trim make the best finish. The People's Fuiel and Lumber Depot is the best place to buy, Prices reasonable and àa square deal for every- body. Cali and see us. McCl"elIain & Co., Limited Kiug St. East Bowmanville Office Phone 16 Hous Phones 228, 274, '218 SOLD AT HYDRO SHOP, BOWMANVILLE B3OWMANVILLE, MARCH 29, 19283 CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT Rev. D. Bruce Macdonald, M. A., LL. D., of St. Andrew's College, Toronto. (Concluded From Last Week.) Editor's Note.-Our purpose was to publieli Dr. Macdonald's excellent address to the Bowmanville Caadiani Club in its entirety în our last is- sue but found to our regret that available space would not permit uas to do so. That character building is the essentiai objective in ail edu- cation hie ci early'shows, and Dr. Mac- donald's adidress should be thoûght- fully rend over and over by paxeCite and teachers and ail others interested in the education of children. The miere routine text book teacher has no place in any Canadien public or hig-h sc'hool. In an enlightened com--munity, then, there must always be an effort to develop the child, as well as to in- truet hlm in those rudiments of knowledge, the possession of which will make if e more comfortable for hlm; and there miust ha a sincere search for wisdomi in rightly diec- ing the efforts put forth. Neyer cani a progressive people weakly imagine that the perfection of yesterday is necessarily applicable to the affairs of to-day. The child, then, is sent to school to learn something of how to live. Thoughtful mambers of the commun- ity are con.cerned not only that lie should acquira kuowledge of stated subjects but that hie should steadily d'evelop. For such le the principle pf education. Mere knowledge of itself is of littie value-the real test ie in the use which le made of it. This procese which we caîl Educa, tion is a 1f e long process and, while no emall part if it takes place in school it certeinly should neither be- gin~ nor en'd there. These are the days of infency at home, before the school days come along; and after echool le over there follows the in- fluence of life in the world of men. But we must rememberthat the attitude towards if e which the child develops at school will exercise nü mean influence upon his future pe- formances; and in thosa performan- ces we, as, citizens, ehould be undoubt- edly interested. The attitude wieih the boy is goiug te take to- wards the affairs of life whan lhe reeches manhood le of vital moment, vital for himself and vital for those with whom ha ie going to live.> H1e may kuow a great deal about any problem which life may presant to him, but the question of moment is not the extent of his knowledge so much as the use Leie j going to make ~of such knowledge as hie hec. It is his attitude towards the duty con-1 fronting him that becomnes import- ent for bis own happinese; and for the comfort of those with whom lie lives as well as for the well-being ofý the state; for the welfare of the State je dapeudent, in the long run,1 on the attitude of its individual citi- zens toward the responsibilities of lif e. Efficiency in daily occupation there must be on the, part of the in- dividuelJ, if there is to be inateriýql progre8s in the etete as a -whole; but it je equally true that the individual must displey an uneelfieh attitude to- werd public and social questions la a demkocratic country, if sanity end spiritual happinees are to prevail in a national sense. Since.the quality of a man's per- formances in private an'd in public life depende in the lest analysis upon hie cheaerter, je becomes "evdeût that in seeking to develop, the pos- sibilities of, the persoual equation, the' wise educator will neyer lose siglit of the truth that character moulding should be the d'ontrolling objective at ail times. Hie object will be the develop- ment of cheracter in oriler that through right living the individual mnay be happiez in himiself, more per- fect lu the performances of hie eall- ing in if e, more acceptable to hie fellow-, and more efficient in the dis- charge of those duties which the State has a right to, expect from lier citizens. In all the ecquirement of know- ledge, in all the preparation for life then, the really vital question le, what manuer of character are envir- onmient, circumstances, counsel and example elowly, yet inevitably, form- ing and establishing la the boy or girl coneerned? FPor it je character that will determine the use of al aIse. t le flot my purpoce to treat you to a lecture on cheracter or to et- equation le the ouly real asset with which the individual faces 1f e, and upon its value dependse mucli of hïc happinese and that of 'hoee wlth whom ha cornes lacon at O'ur boys an'd gir]s have a riglit to expect that la their days of iplAstic youth those responsihie foôr their esur- roundings and influences w*Ill heave 'nothinc undon@ te ielp tharn *em- ble an equetion which will be au as-' set of real value. Do we net deliglit te observe ia our dhilîçren the development of sucli qualities as courage, steadfeet- naeses, determination, truthfulnees, ýsinglenese of purpose, t1uhfl nieýs, unselfishinese and faith lu God?, These are the plus; quentities wrhich! our ination nedn u ler indlividue-ll citizeus to-day and they comne by de- veÏopmient. Tendencies may ha bora in the child, but the possession of virile and uoble qua lities of character came as the gift of uafolding 1f e. Slowly, and ofteni painfully aud iaboriously, they becomie the possession of the individuel as ha weuds hie way lu 1f e tlirough sunnshine anud storm. Even as the beautiful statue taýüs on shape under the hammner sud Ichisel of the, sculptor, se does the character of value emerge under the pressure and rafluemeat of life's vicissitudes sud experiances. La this procese enviroameut, coun- sel sud iustructionî play no meau part but the Iargest amnounit of train- ing for mrauhood muet be interuel. In thie particular we, wbho are older, are inclined to practice to underes- timate the importance of exemple. The eyes of the younger generationi are on those of us who walk befome and ever to themn exemple will ha more powerful than precept. There are lu our midet three or- gauized agencias wliere the eiders are in contact with the younger ex- ercising authority sud leadership and redieting influence of corne kind or aniother-the Home, the School ,and the Churcli. As to the value whieli the honme sliouid have lu the education of the child it is dîfficuit to speak la terme of exaggeration. 1 know of no agancy or organization which cen taka the place of a well reguiated home iu the developm-rent in the child of those quelities of mauhood which carry lu their train achiavement, staadfaetness sud readinees to serve. With this statemeut, I1çloubt not, you will readily agrea; but msy I me- mind you that the ideal home le oue where father and mother not mnerely exercice authority sud restreint but where elsb they take the trouble to liva with the children an.d familiarise themeelves with the child point of viety. 0f the echool I have said, par- bepc, sufficieut, for I muet not weary you wiith detail. But 1 do think sometinies that the taxpayers of our public and higli ecliols are not ai- ways f air te tlie tedîchars employed by the com-muuity. t le uot our teudency to judge too mi-uci of the. efficiency of the echool by the record attained in examination tests? t goas without saying that one hec a riglit te expect a faim aumber of successful candidates; but, sureiy, the eal test lies iu the auswer to the query: "Wliat le the elaracter of tie instruction given te the average pupil? Has le beau ehowu- the way? Have his capabilities as a leamner been subjected to the influenice of a life-g-ivi-,g impulse, eoýon -thfaugh t he may net have passead çxaiina'tions?" The reai test of auy echool is net te be fouud la examinatian esults. but rather lu the ability of its aver- ae boy or girl, te measura up to the responeibilities of 1f e wheu in due course they etep f orth to face the duties of mauhood and womanhood. As ~te the influence of the Churdli in the education of youth, 1 amn afraid too many of aur good eltizent have beau som'ewhat apethetie. No momality is secure or la the true ceuise aven possible whirh le not rooted lu religion. Tiare le neces- sit-v for faith lu God andl for religious baief. There is necessity for a humble walk, with God if la the individuel tiare is te ha stability of character, nobilîty of purpose and readinees te serve. We are a Christian people. This le we are la the main a nation of Christ men. On those great triithsý of human melatieushipe enunciated by Jasus Christ are fouuded the lawc and customs of thie land, w,,,iih eu- able us te go our ways in compara- tive peace and security. Yat, bacause of differeuces of op- iniion la doctrines net basic wve have waakly robbad the chilidreu of relig- loue training la the only agency which le organizad lu s daily effort te educate the childiood of the land; sud wav have thmowu upon thea durci the duty that eheuid at least le shared by the school. One day lu cayeu ouly le raservedl for orgauized religions training. This condition is full of danger for theý well-leing of the State. For religioni lias te doe wltliaill ife and should net ha discociated from the deily taskes. But we hava doua it and lave left ourselves no choice lut to support the church la 1er gigantic taek. Children aud grown- ups always ag'ree an t'le p1easute of usiag @à ~F MOAF i~2' -i and womieu who ia mauy utatters are nutting forth coura.geous effort and yet f ailing before the eyee of the rîiugn- generetion in thinge uno les important. 1 am efraid, men, that you and 1, readly as we are to ec- daim th'Le teachihgs of Christ, are rot so consistent in our adhiereuce to Hie priaciples in our dairy walk la Ilife. That the lapses of which we are guilty will drive us to hall or keep us froin heaven, 1 very nmucli 'doubt, for1 certain habita of 1f e whicli a f athful aud chureli-going race of fathers in- stilled into, us will neyer be without effect la our case, and our faith in God will remein. But I do fear for the rieing gen- eration. Their eyes are upon us for they ara incliued to follow; and they, heving little experience la ife, will go too far, only to acýquire too lete the kuowle-dge that there may be a golden mienu in life. No tempta- tiens w,111 be theirs that were not ours, though the form may differ, but you aud 1 hed fixed habits of churcli attendance and -weekly wor- slip to keep us steady until we ccuid seee the iight. This can not ha said of maay ablîdren growviug up to-day whose parents are not seeu lu the family pew as regularly as they should be ,aud who forget thnt to seud the chihdren to dhurci without father and mother le, to risk aIl. 1We sliould, remeinher tint churci- goiug is a habit and should be form- ed eerly. t le not oaly thnt the habit le a eheet-enchor in time of distres, but the reguler and stated worship of Cod le good for the coul and heing good for the coul is bound' to have excellent results la that edu- cati onal procese which, rigiVly un- deretood, le but development of cher- acter. Juet a year to an hour from The tia that Mr. John Coogau, foreman for many years of the Cobourg World, pessed away, bis devoted and well beloved mnother, Mrs. John Coo- gail, Sr., entered into reet et lier resiclence, Tweed Street, Cobourg. The 011 of the People.-Maay ails hava come sud gone, but Dr. Thom- as' Eclectric 011 continues to main- tain its position and increase its ephere of iisefulness each yeer. Its sterling quelities haeve bought it to the front and kept it there, sud it cen truly be called the oil of the people. Thousands hava beneftted by it sud would use no other prepar- ation. RAIT.WAY TIME TABLES FOR BOWMAN VILLE Grand Trunk Railway. Going East Going Wat Express 8.42 a. m, d Express 4.22 a. m Express 10.38 a. m. d Express 4.49 a. m. daily except Monday Passenger 1.23 p. m. Paes'ngr 3.09 p. mi. Pass'ngr 10.07 Pass'ngr 2.02 p. m~. Local 7.14 p. mi. Pass'ngr 7.13 p. m. Express 9.58 P. Tm. d Express 8.24 p.m Express 12.29 a. M. d Canadian Pacjfic Railway Goiug East' Coing West Express 10.18 a. m. Express 5.47 a. ni Pass'ngr 2.45 p. m.* Local 8.20 a. m*1 Express 10.08 P.rM.* Eproms 4.33 p mi Express 12.20 a. m. Local 7.42 p m* *l)aàily except Sùuday. 1 . B. Kent, Towr Agent Canadiazn Nmtional Reiwy West Bciund Eat Bound Tyrone Station Pass' ngr 8.15 a. m. Pass'ngm 7.34 p.m THE PARMER'S FRIEND Ilelieves caked bag, gar- get, spider or infection of'the teat, also thrush in horses' feet, fistula, etc. Stops bleeding at once. Reinoves proud flesh, soreness and swefl- ing. At all Dealer sud Druggists. Manufactured only by DOUGLAS & Ce., NAPANEE, Ont. A HIGH GRADE SCHOOL! SY ange and Charles St.., Toronto. O pan ail year. Courses given: Business, Stenography, Type- writing, Secretarial, Genera lIm- provemeat, etc. Demand for Our jgraduates during the lazt sixteen moaths more than double 0cr supply. Enter now, particulars W. J. ELLIOTT, ?rincipal. FOLLY 0F KNOCKING Everybody listes a kuocker. Lt dees net get a man auy-wheme te say mean thinge about his comipetitor. It hielpe the latter if aaythiug. People argue wlian you lit eut! et your neigîbor that the shoe pince-he you somnewiere, and niuety-aîne tîmres out of a lundred, tley are riglit. If you devoted haif the time you spaud knocking te catting your own house la order, you would ha a- lot better off. The mise oid Hebmew said, "H1e tiat despiseti hie neigibor sinneti". La the original the -word ciuneth means "misses the mnark." When. yeu draw a gun on youm com- petitor you are sure committing busi- ness suicide, Get' bucy sud nieudi your ways. Get the green out of your aye, sud the poison eut of your tonute, aud -people %vili give you credit for having et least seuse enougi to mind youm own busines.- Solomon la Shoe aild Leathar Journal 51 ~ EUR~ .You~ltba e scc,wit h FrLEMING'a SlOOboxotaidratyour d-1a-er,Ak f-r oux 1 'ckt FLEMINGB50.R"'426 WELLINGTON W. TORL- tO Double Track Route Between Montreal Toronto Detroit & Chicago Unexcelled dining car servce. Sleep- ing cars on night trains and parlor Casonteprnia da tan. Full information £rom any G rand Truuk Ticket Agent or C. E. Iorn- ing, District Pessenger Agent, Tor- onto. J. H. H. JURY, Agent Phane 78 Bowmanvill. Cream Wanted! Prices of Cream are high. We pay Good Prices for Good Cream. We Want Yours If we fait to cali on you we would appreciate a phone cati or write us. Orono Creamery Co., ORONO C HEwV'miRO 0ýL E T Are you thinking of a new, car this year? We have ail the niew model Chevrolet's on'i hand.and they are worth seeing. Cail or ring us up and we will arrange a demonstration., See our usecd cars for values. We have also the Hysîop Bicycles at' various prices. Repairs to all makes of cars. Luke, Bys Lmie SPhone 188 Bowmanviiie .. . . ......... .10.% 1 1, - 1 '. , '