QUALITY- - PRICE-- SERVICE-- HIGHEST QUALITY-LOWEST PRIÇES- PROMPT AND COURTEOUS SERVICE These are some of the advantages you get when you patronize this store. A SQUARE DEAL TO ALL Is the poiicy on which this business has made such record increases in volume each year.ý 1We don't ask for ail your business, but a share wiIl be appreciated. WHEN ORDERING MEAT PHONE 225 Wilbert J. Dudley Horsey Block Phone 225, House 272'Bowmanville It Wouldn't Seem Like GQod Firiday If You Di*dn't Have HOT m+l BUNS> We xiii have lots of them. Better order early as they always go f ast. CHRlbITIE'S BAKERY T'ne Cash & Carry Bakery So They May Live Happily Man, truly, is selfish, if he faîls to provide for the future happiness of lis loved ones in the event death overtakes him. The devoted, indulgent father and husband takes pride in seeing his f amily contented during bis ifetime-and makes provision for their fut- ure should death intervene. Just a small allotment of one's regular income xii make things saf e and secure for those whom he leaves. Don't neglect it--don't put it off until to-morrow-for to-morrow may be too late. We believe you xiii be interested in our plan. J. J. MASODN & SON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers. Phone 50Bom.il SaitIary PÊ-lumb ing For the Hlome Health as well as cornfort and convenience urges that the home be equipped with sali- tary and efficient piumbing. We have ail the wanted styles at a wide range of prices-guaranteed to give satisfaction. SEE US FOR YOUR PLUMBING NEEDS Greenaway & Elliott Consuling Engineers Phoie 18 dlay or ffighit Bowmanviile --- --- -- --- -- arepmpyreivdb D~ Et.MA01CELECýT RI1C O THAT IT HAS' BEEN SOLO FOR NEARLY Fi FTY VEARS ANDis1 TO-DAY A GREATER SELLER THAN EVER BEFORE 18 A TESTIMONIAL THAT SPEAKS FOR MT NUMEROUS CURATIVE Q1UALITIES, BOWMANvILLE, MAROR 29, 1923 OBITUARIES Mrs. S. Walmaley, Toronto. Mr5. Sarah Walnsley, wif e of Walter Walmsley, an~ employee of the T. Eaton Co., dlied Thursday at the family residence, 178 Wright Ave., Toronto, f llowing a ingering ill- nless. Mis. Walmsley, who was born in Newcastle, Ont., 54 years ago, had resided in Toronto for the past five years. She was an adherent of the Methodist Cliurch. Her husband, two sons and four daughters sur- vive. The funeral service was held Sun-j day evening, the interment taking place fromi C. P. R. Station on Mlýon'- day afterinoon in Bowmanville Ceme-~ tory. J. P. Dunnett, Dundonald There pasedl away at Dunidonald1 on Monday, Mardi 12, a life long, resident and one of the mnost highly respected citizens of Crarnahe Town- ship, in the person of John P. Dun- n,aged 76 yeaîs, after a short ill 1ness in -which influenza developed into pneumnonia. The late Mr. Dun- nezttwaSa member of one of thie odest and best known families. A grand good man, a truc neighbor and friend to al, and for many years a pillar of the church and the Salein circuit. In relig-ion a Methodist, he had served capably on church boards; and in politics a Conýservative he had doue well his work in the Town- ship Council. He is survived by hisi wif e an-d two daughters and two brothers, George and Wallace. Mr. Duninett was a brother of Mrs. Wallace Diekinson and Mrs. Geo. [Dickinson of this town. Mrs. John Marrîs, Port Perry The late Eliza H. Harris died on February 21, 1923, andwa buriedi at Pine, Grove Cemetery, Prince Al- bert, be.side her husband, h ilt Rev. John R arris. She was the daughter of Mn. and Mrs. Williami Herand was bora in Jiarlington in' 18-47. Rew. and Mrs. RHais ]ivedI in Bowmianville for a time he being edi- tor of The Bible Christian Observer. After retiriug froms active wonk. they resided in Port Penry wherç'> Rev. Mi. Rarris pre-deceased his -wife by two years. Seven chîlidren survive-Mr. J. G. Harris of Toronto; Dr. R. B. Harris, Copper Cliff; Mr. W. R-.1Haris, Port Pe'rry, Port. Penny; Mis. A. Or- chard, -Mrs. W. A. Chisty, Miss Eunice ï-nd Miss Mrna al of Port Periy. Wilbert Hooey, Swansea. Wilbert Rooey, who died Manch 13 in Euis 66th yeai at his residence, 33 Ellis Avenue, Swansea, after an ill- ness of flive weeks of bnoncho-paeu- mionia, was fornmerly a well-knowu Toronto m--aniufaicturer, he having founide.d the Eureka Regfrigerator Comupany. The company sold out to Kennan Brothers of Owen Sound, and Mr. Rooey had been ýliving in re- tinemeriit for the past six years. He removed to Swansea about three years ago. B~orn in Cartwright, Durham County, Mvr. Hooey hadt lived in Toronto about 40 years, and for 30 v'ears or more was engaged in the manufacture of refrigerators. He was a Pieshyterian and a member of Wilson Lodge, A. F. & A. M. Sur- viving him a're his widowý, formierly Miss Anniie Bertha Wallace of Col- lingwood Township; ona son, Rubert R., of Toironto; an)d two sisters, Mis. Edgerton of Cartwright, and Mise Hooey of Meaford. The funeral took place to Prospect Cemetery. Mi-s. Sam Purse, Pense, Saslc. Mrs. Sam Puise passed away on Monday afternoon, March 12, at the home of Mis. Ed. Clark in' Pense. Mis. Puise was in Pense on Satuîday and attended Tom Kirk's sale. She was in her usual good spirits and while in Mi. Dey's store dolng her shopping suddenly took ilI with her old malady, which she bas ýbeen suf- fering from for over two yeaîs. She was taken to the home of Mrm. Ed. Clark by Mi. Puise and remained couscious until late on Satuîday night wheu she took a turu for the wiorse becoming unconsclous until she passed peacefully away on Mon- day afteruoon. Mr. Puise neyer left her fro.m the time she took ili until the end. She has suffered from high blood pressure for a long tinie, and although she has been apparently la good health she was always in danig- er. Mis. Puise will be sorely miss- ed no only by hem family but hy The Canadian Statesman is $2.00 a year -and worth it Subscribe To-day SATURDAY NIGHT SHOPPERS ENJOY RADIO PROGRAM Radio houads ara eveiy naew and then springing something new on the unsu-pecting public which ahl goas to provethat radio entertainmientad possibilities àre stillinl their infancy. Saturdlay night whila shoppars were making their usual rounds of the stores on King Street their thoughts were suddlenly arrested by the strains of muisic being wafted through the chilly air. Upon. doser observation it was found that Don- ald MacKay was broadcasting the Toronto Daily Star Radio Prograni froni F. C. Pethick's shop where a Branston Radio Set is installed. A West -ern Electric Amplifier and LoucJ Speaker were used to broadcast the program to the streat. Although conditions were not at their best for such entertainmient many citizenis stopd to listen and eajoy the pro- gramn. The music was distinctly heard two blocks distant. Upon completion of the Star pro- gram Mr. MacKay 'listened in' for a few selections given byý the Bow- manville Radicio Club which was being broadcasted fromn the home of Reeve E. C. Rehder on Scugog Street. MISSION CIRCL~E MEETING A very pleasant evening was spant on Tuesday last, at the Methodist Pansonage, when the MýissionCircle,, met for its mnonthly meetinig. The lesson: Psalmn 16, was rend by Miss iMarion Morris. The followiag in- terestiflg piogram was iendeied:; vocal solo, MUiss Rilda Courtice; mis- sionary raading, Mns. Elmner Cox; ii- strumentalI solo, M iss Marjonie Moore; the topic, "Ini Factory and Fiel(!", (Agriculture), Miss Minnie jWebbeî; sulo, Miss Mildred F. Cole. The negulan se-wiug period followed an.d the meetinig closed wý,ith the Miz- pah Benediction. WEATHER COMPARISONS The weather for the week of March 19 to 25, 1922. Sunday-Fine, m-ild, easteriy winds, raja at niglit. Tuesay-A. M., sniowfall 3 lu. nooinifmild, night tuiuing colder. Wednessday-Clear, colder, fresh N. W. winds. Thusday-Fine, warmer, temper- ature 26 to 40 degrees. Friday-Fine, wanm, evening quitel spîinglike wîth robins and other birds singing in the trees. Saturday-Fine, mild, tempenature 34 to 40 diegrees, axoderate easter- ly winds. EASTER Revelations 19-4-7 To Thee, the Fathen, Soveneigu Lord, Rallelujah. To Thee, the Son, by ail adored, Rallelujahi. To Thee, the spirit, praise we give, Rall11elujah. To Thea, the One, imwJi we live, Halleuah To Thee say ahl in tume and space, Rallelujah. To Thee sing those who see Thy face, Rallelujah. To Thee cry ail the heavenly host, Raýlelujah. To Father, Son, sud Roly Ghost Rallelujah. To Thee, the iamib for sianeis siain, Rlallalujath. To Thee who art alive again, Rallelujah. To Thee by all creation ownied, Rallafujah. To Thee la highest heaven enthroued, Rallelujah. To Thee this glorious Easter time, Rallelujah. To Thee bc thanksansd praise sub- lime, Rallelujah. To Thee ail tribes and tongues this day, H1allelujah. To Fathen, Son, and Spirit say, Hallelujab. T. Watson. RidIgetowa, Ont., 1923. HAD KIDNEY TROUBLE AND FOUND RELIEFý That's Why Clovisse Bouch- ard Speaks So Highly of Dodd's Kidney Pilla. Sha Suffered With Pain& i her Kid- Prices Lower and Values'Greater Than Have Prevailed In Many Years Every day sees the arrivai of new Spring styles in footwear from the ieading and best knoxvn makers in America. Smart, fashionable models that are representative of what the dressed men and women are demand- ing when they buy shoes-styie and quaiity at a reasonable price. Copeland's Shoes are known and appreciated ing taste as the standard of dependable quality and soi d at prices that are within reach of ail. by peo ple of discriminat- style in, footwear, -and Specimens of the New Season's Styles are now on display in our show window. An inspection of our Spring Shoes is invited but you are flot urged to buy. Coâpelanld Shoe S tore Phone 249J Bowmanville Don't Be FoôlIed Easteir A'pril i st. You wifll ot be fooled on your Spring Cloth- ing and Haberdashery if you buy it at Hann's where you get satisf action guaranteed. Our Men' s and Boys' Departmeints Are off ering a wide range of exceptional val- ues in Suits for Spring. Come in and look them'over. It xiii be time weli spent.' Our Made-to-Measure Dept. Is offering the widest range in town. PRICED FROM $25.00 TO $60.00 Give us a cali before you buy. lln's Jiabé ,rdashery Quality Highest Phone 61 Opposite B'ank of Montreai Prices Lowest Bowmanvîlle Bowmanvlle Phone 97 Direct em IManufacturer% t. Con- 5 Lmer. Write le Fric.. Ti.Motaîlc R.flng Co. Ulted 400M U±94 King St. W., Toronto rit