-A DREAM 0F QUEEN, ESTIIER" TYRONE HAYDON Auctionn Sales Th steat~ r maï "A Miss Ettie Scott is home ,again Church service at 2 p. m. on Sun- A SM ALL THING BUT M UCH TAI4KED 0 Th'&daMach29Drhm ou-prsete y heEpothL bgersfroin-,Toronto. day. Th*sayMarh 29Duxam oun preentd b th EpwrthLeauer Mr. Thos. Mountjoy is visiting rel- ty Holstein-Friesian Club, consign- in the basement of their churcli at Mrs. Edgar Scott, Grant, la visit- Sment sale at Beithi's Waveriey Hampton on Friday evening, Mardi ing at Mr. Thos, Scott's. atives in Cartwright. Stables,. Bowmanville at 1,30 sharp. 30th. Admission 25c and 15c. This Ms velyn Brent, Tyrone, visite... 32 approved femnales and 4 younig dramna is in three aets, and. includes Sehool re-opened Monday with at Mr. Leslie Graham's. buils. L. E. Franklin and Theo. a flower drililsongs and several tab- Miss Wight .on duty after an attack, Mvrs. R. Slimon recenity visited M. Siemon, Auctioneers. ]eaux. It is interesting, instructive, o'f flu. lier daughter, Mrs. R. Gilbert, En- and also humiorous. Oriental cos- niskille Cj.od Fi~a Mach 0-Mesrs tunesarebein won b th chr-'Mr. Lorne Phare and Mr. Gordon en GoodFridy, Mrch 0-Mesrs.tun Coma e abing youbyte hr Farrell are leaving for their homes Mr. Sulas Trewin nd Mr. J. Avery Phare & Park, lot 5, con. 6, Dar- acters. Cm an rg yo InI the West. went to Toronto on Saturday witha ling'toni,, 'il1 seil their va4uable f.tiends and enJoy a rare treatt. calodfftcate farm stock, implements, etc. Comn- ______ Mr. Fred McRoberts has purchas-1 The play given here on Tuesday plete list. appea-red in last week's ed !Mr. Sain Henry's farm and 18: evening, March 20, by Tyrone young Sa ýle aL 12.30 sharp. MAPLE GROVE moving herdi. ncsplyrainjstc Geo. & Ted Jackson, Auctioneers. pol a uhejydb l h Wood cutting is the order of the Mr. Herbert Burgess, Bowmnan-totepr. Saturday, April 7-Mrs. J. R. Kiveli day. ville, was home over the week-end. willoffer fr sle al o lie hose-Several Liberals attended the Re- The funeral took palce on Thurs- will of rnforse alo e its- Ms li rmbrUbigi orm Convaition in Bowmanville on day of another of our membrs Mrs. hod uriur ad unihigsa vsiin iss Viola Stevens.ia. TedGfer.C lnwon. e wish o Elgin St., North. Also the franie MsFRe)Bye iltaeuiheGodowigwh asd wyo house, g-oodl barn, and % acre of ____(I___________on. We is t land, subject to reserve bld. Sale Sundlay School lesson next Sunday inexes ousnertsyphyo at 1 p. In. See Iiit of articles in the School. SHOOL Mr. Cowling and son Gordon and next week's paper. W. J. Challis, Miss Jean StevQns gave a birthdy MPE ROESH L other relatives in this community. Auctioneer. ~party to a few of her friends on School report for Easter of S. S. LagesrceoSudyvnng .....*., Tusa feuo.No. 6, Darlington, niames in order of was in ch.rg of.te.Forth Vice.. The many friends of Mr. Alfred menit: * H'onors; F, failed. Sr. President, Mr. Cecil Slemon. Bible GIVING uiFA1~MI NG Laird, Jr., will be pleaseed to know IV-JaA- Brown*, Nellie Snowden, Lesson was read by Mrs. Theron Nthcereothsgupsth that he is doing as well as could be Clarence Hochin, Fred Samis, Beaven; Mountjoy. Topic wlas given by Mrs. Imc icse u atrdb cxpected after his operation in B.ow- Snowden (absent for Gramimar andl A.Be ecl and Mrs. Theron Mountjoy. Tlieo. M. Slemon, Auctioneer, lias avleHsia.Hgee) J.I-ienHci ut eesetyrne yMss the British at Bunker 1Hl1 in 1775. received instructions from League meeting' Tuesday evening, James Armstrong, RussellGibt aelndMsrFed echRa- BukrHiisutotseBso, Mr. Ivison Munday, 4th Vice-presi- cf. S.IIEwr tre* i ngs were *iven by Miss M. Coultis adth engmntiwihth MR. CHAS. LOVVDEN dent, in the chair. Scripture rend- Vera Trimble*, Rose Sonierscales, and the Vice-President in charge. guni was captured began the War of ingwnsgivn y M. LwreceCorsina Samis, Willie Laird (f). Jr' Meeting closed witli the Mizpah Ben- independence. Bostonians have dis- To seIl by auction on the preises Hurst; a couple of selections were1 III-Etelka Trimble (f), Vernon ddin lydiichitrs ntelti trophy, so miucli so that they have a« North aif Lt 7, on. 8 sun g bSv Leaguers. Topic '"The Trinble (f), carl Gimblett (absent),!pooe httegnb eundt yTransformîng Powver of Godl's Hand" Ma-rion Snowden (absent). Sr. Il Darligtonwas wýell taken by Miss RaP oe;-lnGibtt, My Fean SOLINA thein as an evidence of Canada's 9 a istuiienalbyMis tela ef Droty omrsals, lse amsfnicndry feeling for the United . on a ntuetlb Miss Sel e-DrtySmncls li ai, M Vera Baker visited at Osh- States. For mnany- years th gu fery; n humorous reading, Mr. Lloyd Dorothy Stevens (absent). Jr. liIItod n-hepaa e gu n WEDNESDAY, APRIL 4th Sn-owdv(en. Our young people are --Lavonie Trimble, Wilf red Aldworth, awa-bssodo h aaegordi ratising for their play entitled, Alfred Laird (absent.) N~ote change of date for Solina the Citadel of Quebec. As the above sportînig facilities of Quebec during rooms, to accommodaetegs~, The following valuable f an stock,'Phr inse' Bie. Wac o Women's Institute meeting. photo shows it is net very big, and the latter part of January, just at nuinben of visitors t aaaeiot impemetsetc dte.Lilia N.Lovry tachr, Mr.andMr. R J Lue edrn, its death-dealing efficiency' asthe tine that the proposal a made historic city. Every er Qe HORSES-1 Mare, 7 years, draft, viited at Mr. A. L. Pascoe's.' probably not higli, altliough it most that the gun be returned to its bec growing more admr oua 1 gelding, rising 3 years, G. P., 1 ogauaiost r n Mrs. likely made a fair amnount of noise, original owriers. for both winter sotlyr n hors, G.P., 0 Yers. AMPTN N.C.ngralaonle-ugsot r n. American visitors to the ancient city Beyond the Citadel is seen the top summer sight-seerswofnnhr hose_._._1_____HMTO N . eloleareon sn _______ed__, enwe i DARL1NGTONar always keenly intereted in it. of the new tower of the Chateati a vast fund of inteneti iect' _________ Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Snowden and la, the abýove photo is seen a group Frontenac which bas been added aslricli store of histicpae an Marcli, 7 years, 1 Red Cow, renewed Mr. and Mrs. Win. Smrale visited is SraioeNecsl.famiily, Maple Grove, visited at Mr. of Knigh,ts Templ-,ar and the-ir lde a aiew crowýn to thtslni-x ulig. h te lutaini iee n arch, 5 years, 1 Rcre fni d i sbw.spent the week-end with Mrs. Brce . D. Hogartli's. foiBsoprt of a la'eparty amfple of Frencl'Cata ancitec- of th, famosnieu si .~ eWied iC Mc, 5 yers, 1 Red ad is Mril ruIBom vil, Metcalf. The Towaship S. S. Convention W1ýo enjoyci theexcellent inten ture, and to provide thre hiuaidnedi appejans witli its ne toýe Whew Co, i ag , ed Cow2,r-ckspent Sunday at homne. 1 -will be hçld at Eldad probably about and White Heifers, rising 2 years, 1 Miss Anaie Johns, Bowmianvilile, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Abernethy wereilth or i2th April. Red and White Heifer 2 years, 1 bull, spent the week-end at homne. .uda visitons at their son's, Mr. The Misses Crydlernian are home rising 2 years, 1 Bull, rising 2 years, Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Brock and'Jamnes Aberniethy, town. after a plènsanit visi t at Shaws and Red Caîf, 1 year, 3 Young Calves. children, Courtice, Sundayed at Jno. M.LiBrtetla rtundatten.ding the wýed d-ir..,, cf their cous- IMPLEMENTS-1 Masse-HarrisCare'. home after visiting with fniends at iMs oieCye n Binder, 6 ft. cut, Massey-HIarris Mn. Will Staples, Tyrone, and Enniskillen and Cartwright, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. ilailfacre, Ty- Mower, 5 ft., aearly new, Interna-1 brother, Mn1. Chas. Staples, Angus- rone, and Mr. andi Mrs "11l Nicliols, tional Seed Drill, Slvester ee ville, Man., visitedl at J. J. .Virtuels. Mn. and Mrs. W. E. Glbank, Ebenezer, visited at M3 Jon ey ase^peil Drill, 1 set Bain Osilating Sielghs,j Young f olks are busying lvorking Kingston Road EFast, were- Suniday nioldLs who is :Stijll confjine I to thee c 1 Rake, 1 Disk Hiarrow, Frost &J o their draina "The Dneami of visitors at their daughter's, Mrs. C. bouse, Wood, 1 Roller, 1 set 3-section Har- Queeni Esther" to be given on Good A. Proutt.J Mr. John Pascoe and Mrsl. J. W. rows, 1 Massey-Harris Cutivator, 1 Pniday evening which prom-ises to Mr. Lewis Power gave a party îast' Yellowlees and younigest son have AT Wagon, in goold condition, Stock & be good. Friday evening to a aumber of his been at Toronto f or several days for Hay Rack combined, 1 Verity Single We offer he-artiest congratulations frîends. The evening was spent in thep troeeto. h on o o Plow, No. 21, new, 1 National Gang and best wishes to Mn. and Mrs. miusic aud dancing.hitrue.1 J E S F iE I D-i I.JS Plow, i Chatliam Faaning Mil,(Gordon VanCamip (nee Marion Step-1 Sympathy is ex-,teadedi to Mus. Wm. Wheelbarrow, Creani Separator, hiens), who wene quietly narried at Congratulations to Mr. and M~rs. 'VanNest'on the receut deatli of lier T O D Y F H LD Y B R AN Ope BugyWhffltres, Nec th Pasoageon edesday last.Cordon VanCamp on their recent father, Mr. John Arnot. Mn. and Yokes, Forks, Hoes, etc., 1 heavy Ms Ruth Johins succeeds Miss St.ep-1 marriag-e. We welconie Mrs. Van- Mrs. VanNest attenided bis' funenal 'teain wagon, -1 scuffler, International, liens as assistant in Mr. W. W. Camp to our community. at Union Cemetery, OsMlaleC'1 1 I~~ new, '1 set 3-section harrows, new,i Horn's store. yug M.Jh ibe wola etd Mr. Ivan 'M. Law's sale wa arev - I RJK¶ LFA HARNES-2 ets nitchng popleand fniends of Miss Marion Ja houseaou e ise iefrmM.ner M.C.N ting nti ek re titon, Oshaw, ________________________________________________ Haraess, 1 set single harness. Stephens gathered at the home of J,. K. V jeui 6ia nti l. boughnt several of the pureb dA- FEE-7 buhes ixe M. nd rs W W.Hon nd re- rs.W.J.Trenoutli, Napanee, is gus and Herefords. The total sale MEN-DRESS UP FOR EASTER FE 5bushels uckheat grain, M.adMs .W oi n rs with lier parents helping them to get raie ery$00 nips, Quantity Potatoes, 4 tons of with a gasoline lamip and other use- Solina Woineni's Institulte wilî mecet We have in stock a few 2Oth Cetuy ens SrQ!Cas made froi h e inixed hay, Quantity sweet lover fui gifts, Marion was taken com- J in Sergesal Capsl 5 hiay. pletcl1y by surprise but in a f ew well GET READY FOR SPRING WORK Mrs. A. _Milison ,vill give a paper oný ut made from the finest of Sre cloths and in the flew shaps TERMS-Oa liay, grain, roots, sud, chosen words thankefi the young ___"_Influence of Thress on Character";- and Tweeds. Somie are young men's Thuraday and Saturday oI 16 ail sumis of $15 and under, cash; eople for their kindaess. The re- Now's the tune to get youn stock and Miss Edna Reynioidsç a paper on styles, so erglrmdlas 50r e' hk atgo on approved notes, 4% straiglit off antly spent han gaines of various kinds a1 spring toalic. A. E. Jeniings, codal nited.se -totTh susma -om aur quality, fine for factory -a,À for cash. 1 t~ cok after wýhicli refreshmneats were served Hampton, lias just receivelT a fresli Mn. and Mrs. Harvey Hardy were would value from $45.00 to $55. 00, $1.95ad 23 '#Sle t, o'loc. isupply of "Sprng pick-ups" which greatlY sliocked on Sunday niglit to lie is selling at following prices: 7 hean of the sudden deatli of lier step- Thursday and $aturday $3500 Men's Balbriggan Combinatosshr Baby, Chicks-Make your flock Ilis. Pratt's Conditioner 49c; 6 lbs. mother, Mrs. Jas. Reeson, Columbus. Men's Fine Grey or Brown Suede sleeves an-d ankle lengtho shr a pyin prpostin b adingnew 9Blabetr Saîts 25e; 5 lbs. Epsom Saîts Mr. and Mns. Reeson visited at Mn. Goe,"et" leeadke egh ENNISKILLENapyngpooiinbadngnw 25c;5 lbs. Sulphur 25c. You caa', Hardly's on Tuesday last and she was Goe,"et" leeadke egh owvstdvigorous, quality chicks. "Royal buy them- any cheaper and somne quite weii. Sympathy is pxtendedj Thursday and Saturday $1 .75 Thuirsday and Satura $ 2 Miss LvreGifn on iie Qulity" baby chicks are from lieavy places they charg-e more. Remember to theni la thein bereavement. y~, , at home. laying Canadian Stock, Rocks, Reds, this is fresh stock and full streagth. Mn. and Mrs. Donald Yellowlees For these two dyswe wl gi offer ML.ens Fine"pr hed 13-t W,ýho have live'd here for sorne years TT.Re Mis___________Hmptn,_____yadotes____nsBargain-De-s eg$1.25, Thursday and S.tra 8 the eekenLaura rT Hmpton, spent Wyaad otesAnconass Leaion ras e- having been la the employ of Mn. our wofluerIülîHat Brai any nat M"n," Plain White Cotto thewee-ed a M. T MGil's lierd t yur xpesssttio pe- --S.ý E. Wenry are mioving their house- in our store f or..._................. $3.48 LVIS.'ifl±au er Mn~ Roy McGili ententaiaed a numn-1 paid; 97%1ý safe anival guaraateed. FOR SALE-Fordson Tractor, Double liold effects to the f arm of Mr. Ray chiefs,.................2fo....5. berof is rieds atuda evain. Cnadan hic HtchnyLîr<te, Powand Oultivator, outfit complete, afl McLaughl;n, south of Columnbus. We Men's Fine Shirts-a wonderful rangeMe' Poie r Fn Lat r ed Special Easter service, and music in good running order. Must be sold at are sorry to ýlose them froin our mlids.t of are beiag prepared for Enster Sua- Deparnment C. N., 143 King St., E.,:ne for cash or reasonable ternis. ÂP- but wish tlim every success in their optens, and ahl colors "guaran- Su""'"rs Thursday &S da.Ham-ilton, Ont. Phone 0176-18. 11.2w niew home. fled, o matter htpie Mr. andlMrs. Frank Coulter ard______________________________________________ $1.50 to $3.50 BeitsP-Lie th solidlt Miss Vera, Ilaydon, spent Sunday at buckle, ......... ............. $15 Mr. Cecil Coulter's. ( Menis Balbriggaii Shlirtad Drawers, M«n's Ties, made from te nw s Mn oel atia las rtnnd"Zimmerknit" "Seconds", n olcee hywl home after speading a long and pleas- n olcee hywl o rs ant visit .witli lis sîster in Toronto. Tjhursday and Saturday 65c garment $15 We welcome to our burg Mr. Lamb ______________________________________________ and famiry, Fenelon Falls, who have purchnsed the fanin formerly owned DRY GOODS FOR SPRING byý Mn. Byron McLauglilin.. Mn. and Mrs. Theo Slemon enter- ýws~ 36 in. Mara cream ony, Reg. 50c, 40 in. Pillow Cotn very wehgh tained a aumber of their friends on o eo±ev the i4th anniversary of their wed- lflursclay and Saturc1ay 39e Thursday and Satuidy4cy ding, Saturday eveaiag, Marcli 24. L 36 in. Unbleached Cotton, very spe-48 .n League aext week la charge of the cial ................................23e yd. 48in. Madras i BlueBonRs n P 4tli Vice-Presideut, Mi. Har~veyMe Green, eua$2 5yrd Gill. A debate, resolved that "Ob- 38Rin.lar $2.25e yegrd, servation does more good for us than 38 iii.ÇurtainNet, egu 55 Bols Thursday adSaturday 4cyd TusayadStra$.9y The W. M. S. will bhld a concert - 8 n. uti eRg 5c 4x1 lahdC Tto ukTw papen for any room ia the house at 5resof tLr e ad mioleralian hav'e bnre1-laCndetondsthsexnediotegrt- 25% ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~F dicut o lswo va ,a. rawater powers have bee a rnessed(1 1eet rallwaY syýstem on this conti n,et its cnrbto ~i 'I Ii ' Y I thin yo alays ot o by aay t db the wllof!nian Teone exolord d he ito thedevelopment of Canada la the past was Incalicul- J'. . L E. JI L . Vqe from home orne in and sesths fne long inknowvn have benllked, uh!this Emp i re able, ts part la the Pro-gress of the futVre cannot be2 disla o wlipaeraa i wnr îthIîn an Empire oltukow itsel!f as, a land of me,,ýasured by the mind o! man. More than anything takeyoulon todecde o send PossIilîties beyonde drearnsof !ail thepnrele in the Dominion to-day It emphasizes the trulth PHONE 3B W AN I your liard eanned cash witli Bet- Who laid ts onainb failh and hýope. 'here is iftewrs'Teei oEs. a oWs:TE because you can get what you want no East, and no Wes T-EE1S JUST CANADA"1 IS JUST CANADA.- and save nloney, too. 13-t ffl 0