T-ake, It Now! k important f acto t h bein S fen ulri n S t& Bowmfl. oront.nt. 2-69 Mother Graves' Worm Extermin-1 cause its action, while f Ulliy ffective, is nild.'ý Oshawa High School's oratorical contest was held on March 16, when A Slyfield won first prîze $10 and E. Henry second prize $5 in the senior contest. No entrants appeared- in the junior contest for the $10 off er- ed. OD' PHSPOORE~'Neuritis Lumbago ô The GreAt nts rprti Templeton's Rheimatjc Capsules *Teries anad nv grates the whole ,lervens ssem. mrakes new loed For Sale By. in ldVeina. Used fer Nervous F. R. Kersiake and Jury & Loveli ËUD.ebilty,, Mental and Brain Wiorry, .)sodency, Loss cf Ener ., Palpitation o t h H a r t F a i l n g e s n o r ) . r i c e $ p e . , o xý , for $. ,Sohidby ail druegists, or mailedan plai'n ik.o eept of priçe. New pamphiét maialed 111Nover Saw Sncb a Change' ;10 EXT ' fln' a few ears ago. I thioughit I was NT goîig to lose miy hnsbland(. Forwek ul evenl raîse his amii. The dlisease left En hl ii as hielpîcas as aninfrant. Before hi llness hlieweighied 195 pounda lsand, four weeks afteýrlhe took il, his weight A Letter from Mrs. Smith Tells11gW had goieto l48 pounids I ilevor saw Lydja E. Pinldiam's V ebe te have lest initereat in everythinig. Compound HelpedtaM lHe was weak, tired suid depressed al the limne. Hie had fie appetite. Hie constan1tly- suffered withlil pains ini Trentoni, Ont.-"- I am wrlting to you his iead(.' Feeling that hie needed a ini regard te Lydia E. PlnkbanîFs Vege- tonic, I gave hilm Camniol. In lesa thain table Ccmpounid. 1 four weeks hie was a changed iniani. would flot e wlth- If 1I badni't seenl the change miys;eit, I out it. I have taken coldni't have believ-ed sncb ian imi- it befome sncb ef My provemient could take place in sncb ia blîdren was hemn short tiinie. Today lie ja. as xell as he and aftemwards, and ever was." Nlrs. NI. D., Summiierside. fiud -t a great help. Buy a bottle today. 6-123 Before Myfirat baby For Sale by Jury & Loveil ness cf beath anti 1ringing ian years.CO' ~tnROCIIOU 1a felt as if I would A4 aafe, reliable s'eulatisag neyer pull, through. ,aediazae. Sold ia three de.. :~One day a friend cf grees of strength-No. 1, $1; MY hsban tod hi wht th Veetp-No.2, $3; No. 3, $5 per box. mnyhubandtoldbimwht th Vegta- d hi' ail drurgists, or sent ble Cempounti had doue fer bis wife and ýre'paid on recipt ef rie advised hlm to take a bottle home for aceepamphljet. Ad es.. nit.MAter the feurtb bottle 1 was a ' THE! COOK MIIEDICINE Co. different wonIn have four chlldreu TOIONT, ONT. (FomeIy WIdotj, now, and I alwaiys find the Vegetable Comipound a- great help as it seema ste J ohnSyrienton, O-nt r. EH, 20 MIN UTUS3 SMITkeconnemeTnton, O~.intomet That's ail. Tweaty inutes ater t5iking Lydia E. Pinklham's Vege,ýtable Cern- a ZU'OO tablet your headache will bc pound la an exeelkiitt medicine for ex- goue. pectant mothers, and should be taken One of theso littie taMlet&-safe, rellahis nduring~ the entire peilod. h bas a gen- and haniless as soda-wîli cure May eral effeet to eit andi tonu '>the headache in :2o Minutes. entireý system, so that ît may wort i Or, better still, taken wheii yeu feel the eilery respe-ct effe.etually ai nature in- headache coming oh, a 7ZUTOO tablet teuded. Thousanas et wc>nen testify wili ward it off-nip it ia the baîd. te this tact. cMo _________&GNo Iea^dach'e ------------_________7 -__IN_ THE "LIFTUP" (Patentedl The "Liftupl" a Patented in- venition with non-silp elastnlc lnside hailt, gently supporta the abdomen anid is ve-ry beefcalfo se tran operaion in-viig an ab- dominlai incision. 31oat ef- fective in reiievng those physicail aiilmenta f 1r o Il whicili manýy w'men suffer. Write for ï*t72e name eof oe Biarsrsetiee ner y1z. fljAS COiRSETS. LIMIITED 41 Bian tet Toronto COIRSETS BOUNSALL'SWRK ESTABILISHED 185 impi-ter direct of SCOTCH AND) SWEDE G'RAN àTES and only trie best grades 01 'VERMONT BLUE MARBLE ni employ ne cemnetery caretakeroi as tgenits preferring to ellou"y own gooda t'hus savlng the purchaseýr thie agea's ommxn-iss3ion- A cal!1 solicited. F. H.BOUNSALL P roprietoir. Bowmanville. P hons 526WvBx& Mil Eczenîa Covered Arms of Thîs llealthy ChiId Mrà. Alex. Mmh.all, Sprucedale, Ont., writes :- "When my hlte son was three inonths old lie broke out in seres on bis chest and 1rs eddalw could to heal those terrible sores, b~ut nothing did him much go.Fnl ly1ventured oni a box of Dr. Chases Ointment and kept on using it. At last we were rewarded by the steady healing of the Sares, and finally he was completely rehiev- 'cd of them. He is now three years old, and has had no re- Baby Marshall. turn cf the trouble since." DR, CHASE'S OINTMENT 60 icents a box, ail dealers or Edmanson, Bates& Co., Ltd., Toronto. BOWMANVILLE. ýMARCH 29, 1q23ý ORONO (Fromn The Orono News) Mrs. N. Harris is home from Tor- onto. Special Easter services in Method.. ist Church, War Veterans' dlance in Armories was a succes. Uncle Tom';s Cabin was played here recently. M\ethiodist W, M. S. At Home Easter Monday. Mr. J. R. Cooper bias completed 23 years in business in Orono. Mrs. Wmi. Staples is visiting hier son ,Mr .Elmo Staples,. Toronto. Miss Eva Mitchell is member of the Canavdiari Club at Tampa, Florida. Sunday services'have been resuma- ed in St. Saviour's Anglican Church, ,Miss Dorcthy Richards is home from Tolrnto, convalescing from quinsy. Mýrs. Wallace S. Jamiesoif', North Bay, is at bier father's, Mr. C. G. Armstrong. Orono Band is adding several val- uabde modern instruments to their equipmrent. Mrs. M. J. Tamnblyn is Secretary, of Orono Horticultural Society. Are you a member? Mr. and Mrs. Jamies ýStaîker are leaving for 'their new%ý home in Tor- onto. Their furniture sale was a success, Thos. Cowan at 'hammer, 239 items Were handled. Good attendance at Women's ln- stitute Friday. Mrs. 0. W. Rolph gave a splendid talk on music, giving an account cf the 'aorks of xnany composers. An instrumental was given by Mrs. R. H. Brown, and a vocal solo by Mr.,Rennie Foster. Rol Cail was anewered'by humerous short stories. Candy was supplied by Mrs. Rolph and Mrs. Dicl<son, Sores Fiee Before It.-There are many who have been afflicted wý,ith acres and have driven them away witb Dr. Thomas' Eclectric 011. Al simîlariy troubled, should lose ne time in applying this splendid rem- edy, as, there is notbing, like it te bec bad. It is cheap, but its power is ini no wayý expressed by its low price. Attend free Forestry Lecture in Town Hall, Friday, Marcb 30th, at 7.30 p). im, Mr. Aithiur H. Richard- son, M\. A., M. F., is weil quaiified to mnake the subject interesting. Mrs. L. Bellamy, former Orono laywas united in marriag-e -with Mr. Johni Kiveli, son cf the late Wmi. Kiveli, and is a progressive Darling- ton farmer. Mrs. Beliamy conducted a millinery buýýiness here for a few years. Congratulations. Miller's Wormn Powders act sol tboroughly that stomacbic and in- testinal wornms pass fromi the cbild without being noticed and without in convenience te the sufferer. They are painlesa and perfect in action, and at ahl times will be found a healthy mnedîcine, strengthening the infantile stomacb'h and maintaining it> in vig-oreus operation, so that, be- sides being an effective vermnifuge, they are tonical and bealth-giving in their effects. Mr. and Mrs. John Rickaby cele- braqted their golden w\,eddl(ing anniver- sary abt the home of their daugbter, Mrs. C. A. Chapman cf Orono. Mr. and Mrs. Rickaby -were married on March 18, 1873, and have resîded in the townsbip cf Ularke for the whole of their married life. Tbey have seven children, Mrs. C. A.Cap n and Mrs. H. J. South cf OrooM. J. W., cf Hamilton; Mr. R. P. cf De-' troit; Mr. A. F. and Mr. H .C., and Mrsý C. A. Cummiing cf Toronto. Cause of Asthma. No one can say with cetainty exactly what causes the establisbing cf asthmnatic conditions. Dust from the street, fromn flowers, from-,grain and various other irritants mnay set up a trouble1 impossible to irradicate except tbreugrh a sure preparation such as Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Astbmia Remedy. Uncertainty may exist as te cause, garding a remedy which bas freed a generation cf asthm-atic victims frcmi this scourge cf the bronchial tube. I lasold everywhere. BREEZE FROM FLORIDA Mr. an'd Mrs. John 1. Bell have spent the winter at the Anscnia Hotel, St. Petersburg, 'FIa. Writing from there on March 18, Mrs. Bel, rays: Dear Miss Haycraf t-As we are leaving St. Petersburg tomnorrew, for New Orleans on cur homeward. way., please Hend OUI Statesman to 303 E. State Street, Mar8halltewn in the future. We expect to spend Eaeter in Des Moines, Iowia, with Mr. J. W. Mc- Pherson-and family and from there IMirr. Wle J. Langm-i-aid, Osh- awa, wbo received a serieus injury te bier knee on Monday, la pregress- ing very favorably. lier miany friends hope for a speedy recoery. Comus are painful grôwtba.- Hol- loway'a Cern Remever will re6move tbemn., T __ ___ POLAND AND PADEREWSKI [By Chas. M. Bice, Lawyer, Dtuyer, Colorado. No country in the worid bas pre- sented a more interesting and p ath- etic histery than the little, virile, champion cf human riglits the in- extinguishabie municiplity cf Pol- and. It bas been almost quartered, and halved, andi divided between more pewerful states, still Poland has managed te preserve ber individ- uality and bier place in Europe, as well as a voice in her councils. We bave been bonored in havinig bier most distinguished citizen, and musical genius, Ignace Paderewski, amcng us in one of his inimitable concerts. This Polisb musician bas lived a 1f e that romanticists have sought to put on paper, but f ew have had the imagination to reacb the pinnacles and the deptbs te which lie attained ln reaiity. His life is ro- mance. He is a lçnigbtly minstrel. The diplomacy tha't more than ever saved bis beioved Poland from de- struction, or return te bondage, was in bis fingers, his rare power to take beavenly music frem the instrument. Througb bis genius as an interpreter cf music, hie was able te accomplish more than any other of bis country- men, a great deal more, in fact, than some statesmen wbese names are bousebolnd words. If on some night, in the mood and inspired by the memory, with the right atmiosphere surrounding hlm in a staely hall in an ancient castle on the beigbts, Paderewski should sit down te the keys of bis favorite piano, and, by illuprovision, relate the story in muisic cf bis part ia the great war and wbat it meant to him, sensitive te such things as the aeolian barp te a storm, wbat sym- phony ceuld be played and toid te those witb ears te listen! It wouid be 11 wrte rom the beart outward. Tbe 'oih musician bias lived a 11f e that romianticists bave sought to im- mortalîze. Time bas bealed the wevunds the war inflicted on this hero and his be- loved Peiand, whese tragie bistory has given te the -id world men and womnen of the bhî's-t genlus and power. Few nationsý o 'ts size bave given se miuch in mu- ,: literature and other divisions ef arts and scienc-es. At one tinie and in a 'i of de- spondency the great phini, declared te the l i e would net ug"ain play in public, ind at the tiie wvas net b.lamied fer hia, resolution; bout wben tbe sun camie eut again in il h hs warmntb, and the enemiy of human ,ilyerty wýas defeated and bis ceuntry saved te itself, naturally hie cbanged bis mid. He la bere again te con- jure frein the instrument the Seul cf Chopin, Debussy, Lizst, Beethoven an' te addreamy plaint of the New Rssiathat is soon te be hear,, in greater volume, perbaps, te intler- pret bis own compositions. Wh eni we have heard him this eveinrg we, will appreciate ýhow inuch woulet bave been lest if he liad hield te bis decision. -With the intensitv that Paderewski gave te bis muicad he bas given illustration that ffêius i$ ,.capacity fer takîng infini t aisb pug ed into the release ýof biscuny whenÀ the wý%ar came. He was worldý ambassador fer bis stmuggling people.1 Hie and his wilfe sacriflced preseiti an.d future comfort and berne for the cause. Poland suffered severaly from tbe struggleý because it wasaa fender betwýeen the two great forces. What this man did te relieve its physical nee'da can nieyer be apprec- iated. Ift is well fer Poland to have hlm, tne among a millien, te, plead for bier in language that is universal and understood in heaven. Peland and lier leaders were not ungrateful. Wben the timie came tbey heaped honera on bim. lie was the prime miniister of the new Pelisb atate, and guided it throughi the deep- est and meat dangerous shoala. A temprametal ianiat as a diplemat,i a leader, ani executive? Yes, ahl. lie aecured mere than the peliticians of bis country combined, at Paris. lie will live in histery as a savier of bis people. Hua musical genius it is unnecessary te dwell upon, and yet in wbat- strange way did lie acquire it, the son cf a Poish farmer living lu the wilds ef Russia? Sufficient te know that the great spiritÙal en- dowmient was ured fer the benfit cf the people. A record breaking- audience beard this great miaste-r of the piano atth bign auditerium last night. Padme wsk;i--what a namne te conjure with, piariat, statesnian, poet, diplomat, and patriot! lits bas been a bouse-, bck!d name; One Of the tbree 11P> , on tbe lips of every miusic lever the world over- Paganini, Patb and Pademewsk-i. Iiq erosrqace a Getting-Ready For Spring Planting? Our new Spring Catalogue is now ready for distribution. No need of buying your plants and shrubs out of town. We have the best and can save you money. Birookdale Nurseries n Tree Surgean& Foresters Phone No. 7 Bowmanville A Slow oven will1 not spoil your baking when you use ORDER PROM YOUR NEIGHROPHOOD GROCER, The Rdded Iengtb of MAPLE LEAF MATCHES ileans greater sarety wlsen hightig ranges, stoyez or lanternz. Tlhey wilI siot glow pfter use- They are flot poisoItous. Rats worn't gngw theà. welwoThey witstand more moisture '1t'lworhia bOX They are Different and Better. Ask for them YLAPL LEMby mime, THE CANAIAN AWÇýC I? C eG UM1TED,MONTRAL Qualdity and Yield Are the. BIG RESULTS- of f ertili 'à~ A4 Tomate grower 1rte: Imust my that the retft in rhi@ce» are monS sSriking. The plot of Tomnatoe- on which the heavy appl4cati.n of fertîrzl , was made is 50% better than wh.ri ne fertilizer was applieoi; the planis aSe heahthy, show littli înjry from bliglt and are alnicst a perfe,ýt sard." "I 1ave used fertilizers for, the past 12 years w-ith my wheat, obtAining an increase of 5 to 7 bushels per acre on the average, and1 getting a better catch of clover." Use Ontario Fertil- izers ofl your crops 1 this spri 1ng. Cet the. big high- quality yields. J W ant Agents whBe eDot represented. Send for our Booklet " Prc)ven Inetets n rices ONTARIO FERTILIZERS, Limited St. Clair Street, Toronto. A WARNING, We have been informed that farm-1 ers lu varicua parts cf 1Darlingtonl Township bave been g-reatly inen- venienced and anneyed by persensl making A practice cf bunting witbl guna on Sundays and trespassiug' tbrough private property. Cases have aiseo been noted wbeme these luý- ,dividuals bave during the nigbt cut down valuable trees in search of coons. A warning should be suffi-l cient te stop this practice, otbemwise more stringent ipeans will be adopt- ed. Do otsuife-r another (day w IthnBieedng, or Pretruding l'lAor Itenorrholds. No surgical operation required. Dr. ,Chasce's Ointmnent wfi relieve you at once and affordi lasting benefit. 60c a box; al deaiers, or Edmnausen, Bates & Co., Limited, Toronto. Sml o re ABANK FOR THE FARMERS 0F CANADA -~-, ~*d2~n F ARMERS can consult with "hi Bank with the knowledge that their probes will be understood and their banking rqu- mnents efficiently handled. We have macle a spedial study of the fiinrcial neeels of fammcu, the clfficulties they encounter, and their wayâ of doing busiess. BAK OFMONrIREAL Establishaiov.vr 100 6& Bowrnanville Branch: J. ,A. McCLELLAN, Manager. C OCK-FIGHTTING Was boru %.,with the cocks. But it is only 80 yeara ago that the fiat nman feit "like a figbting cock!"e 1\,'ow be haas rtesasea nephewis, niecea, ail ovýe r thie wýorlti -ail feeling "like a fighLing cock!" It happens this way: A peracu hait sick with bad stomach, duli and hbeavy headache, talçes Beecham's Pilla just before geingd te bcd. Inmedliately the Pilla ha-, gin tebarninre the digestive sand eliminati've ergans. 1Conseqvently, thiis person bas a gcod nigbt's sleep and arises in the morning witb clear brain, brighit oye, keen aPpetite, and full et energy for wcrk and play. It is now juat 80 year.a since Beecham's P'Is firat began cor- recting diserdered ateniacha and stirri.ng sluggisýh livers and bowels te natural activity - and feeling "iýke a fighting cock" is associatedi as inseparably witb Beecham'a Pilla, as the. plls are witb good health.n At All Druggists-25c and SOc' SHAW BUJSINESS SCI16OLS have been training yng p, Ieople for resxsnsibJe, wei1l-paid pesitions since 1892. Shaw studeht., have won firat place in every competitive test in Toronto tor the paat tel, years. Write for prospectus, Of day or home- study courses. P. MeINTOSH, Chief Principa]l 21 SCHOOLS IN TORONTO