ÇGood Lucli la thought to go a long way, but Good judgient goes farther. TO USE IS, GOOD JUDGMENT. H343 - ~The Tea that ije lways Reliable." A Wise JBulderz USES THE BEST MATERIALS Rogers Cernent makes the best foundation. Ontario Pine-B. C. Fir-and Quebec Spruce make the best superstructure. B. C. Cedar Shingles or Vulcanite Roofing make the best cov~ering. Beaver Brand Hardwooçl Flooring is more dur- able and sanitary than any other, therefore it is the best flooring. Beaver Board Plain or Beaver B3oard Grained *make handsome walls and ceiling. Pine Doors, Sash and inside trim make the best finish. The People's Fuel and Lumber Depot is the best place to buy. Prices reasonable and a square deat for every- body. Cali and see us. Mel'-ellan & Cof, Limited Bowmanville House Phonos 228, 274, 218 King St. East Office Poe1 The Newest Electric Range is, of course, a Moffat- the 1923 mnodel. It has inany improvements that will brjng joy ta women. Fait heating, indestruct- ible elements; a porcelain ,ena nled one-piece aven; -witches that tur'n either -Way; drip pans under thse- burners; finished in black or handiome grey porce- lain enarnel. See it or write for free particulars ta Moffats, Limited, Wes- tan, Ontario. E4 molATrs R>«L40 SOLD AT HYDRO SHOP, BOWMANVILLE BOWMANVILLE,. APRIL 5th, 1923 IHere and The rcfJ Vancouver as a grain port l'as gone over the top and is assured of aclieving thse i5,0@o,0,o bushel b-, jeetive set for thse 1922-1923 crep year, according te statistics issued at thse Vaneeuve,- Merch2nts Excliange. A Canadian Pacificeftailway train, over haff a maile long, lef t Oshïawa for New York recently. Thse train was' cem-rp&sed of 52 flat cars, each carry- ing from four tco six automriobiles, and was the first solid tra.in to lbave Oshawa fer New York. Making the h,ýtviest loading since the 14ig crep year of Ifl5, grain loaded on thse western lines of thse Canadian Pacific Railway fxem Sep- tember lst, 1922, to March 7t;W, 1923, inclusive, tetalled 119,565 cars. This is 16,000 more cars than were loaded 'during thse correspoending season of lait year. Whiîe in mid Pacifie, the wireless eperator of the Cariadian Pacifie Steamnship 'Empress ef Russia" was in touch wlth thse Leaifield wireless station in England, and received a number of news items. "The ether waves wert evidcntly carried across thse Norths Pole, as we were on the other side of thse world," said Cap- tain A. J. Hea5ken, commander of, the liner. An Ow~en Sound deputatien whicli recently 'interviewed Cania@ian Pa- cific, Railway officiais in Toronto, urged thse building of a uine from i Owen Seund, through Meaferd and on to Collingweod andi then on to Ta point on thse Sudbury line near Cold- 'water. Thse officiais are reported te have been interested by thse sug-ges- tions made by thse delegation. Captain A. J. Ilosken, R.N.R., of thse Canadian Pacifie Steamer "E-- press of Russia," has been awarded the Medaille d'Honneur de Sauvelage de première classe by thse Frencli Government, for tIse part taken by him as commzder of the liner 'Monteagle" in savlng thse crew of the French steamer "Hsin Tien", off teChina Coast. Th*Ise.l a geld rugIs en te Rouyn township, in nortbera tiebec, te Labra4or and now te thse Soo dis- triet. In fact, the whl. northern district has immenffe areas of rock bearmg Imore or less gold, and thse question is whether thse quantity is large enough 'te maIs. a real mine. Gold mini.ng will be oee&f Canada's greatest industries tw(enty-five ,ear3 frorn n*w.-"MaiI & Empire." Sttil another case of children travelling alone. Elmer Lana, five years o14, and Roland Callwell, seven years aid, both living on St. Denis street, Montreal, were iised by their parents whe difi net hear of themn after their disappeaYancoe until nitified by Canadian Pacific Rail- way officiaIs that thse chilfiren were In Quebec city, te which place they kad begged a ride. Thé initial shipmetnt of cattie since thse Embargo reipeval was recently inspected by the Hon. W. P. Mother- vrell, Minuster of Agriculture, in tho C. P. R. stock yards, Mentreal. Tbey were stall-fed Ontario cattle frorn along thse Canadian Pacifie west of Toronto, with thse exception of one car Joad ef Western cattie, thse lat- ter being In thse best condition de- epite the fact that they had Isad a 28ý heurs run frorn North Bay. The zninlster expreased thse opinion that the cattle being shipped wero of thse first quality. It has reiined for the Canadien racific experimental farmn, at Strath- more te deinenstrate beyonid thse pos- sible shadew of dofibt that thse in- expensive trench silo system cof pro- iwiîng winter fodder for cattle is, Iunder favorable conditions, quito equjal te tIsec cstly structures whirh have ln the paît Iseen utilized and that thse silage is in every sense ex- cellent. 'TIis was proved to the satisfaction of a large party of agrieultural and iihsiîne&s men, who recoatly visited Strathmeore as th. Vgueits of the Canadian Pacific De- partment of Natural Resourcos in An INVINCIBLE Treat Everyone ha the family wilî oajoy the douai ous vhers miade from IMeLARE N'S INVINCIBLË JeUly Pow- dors. Sixteen Fruit Flavoringu. Easy Jo make Ecossomical. 1 Package Serves Elzht People. A sk for MeLAREN'S' Mad IV e A LOCAL DOCTOR ASKS QUESTION Citizens Should be More than Inter- ested in Nurses' Answers. Ia a recent written examination given by a local physician to a las of nurses at Bowmnanville Hospital ai joker' s included in thse list of questions asked, as f ollows: "What imiprovements couid possibly be made- in the Nurses' Home? If more than 23, give the numiber, but do not describe more than 6". Citizens -who know the residence in question and are familiar with the conditions undar which these 'ang-els of mercy' are doiciled will appre- ciate the answers given by the nur- ses. It is high timie the Board and Womain',s Auxiliary took soute action ln this matter as there is more truth than fiction in the prose and poetry -which follows: Answer No. 1-I wauld suggest we invite tha poor, yet honorable mebrso the Hospital Board, 'to sleep in aur 50 called "H-ome" for just one moderately cold niglbt in the -winter. than again one night ini July, (we would aIl gladly vacate) than, asgk them ta suggest improvemnents. Answer No. 2-Personally, 1 thînk that there is only one sane and saf e improvemient that could be made in the Nurses' Home and that is a large charge of gun powder be put under il, rem-ove everyone ta a place of safety and than ligIsI the fuse. It miight be advisabla ta improve the cow stable in the sanie way, ia case the Hospital Board should thiak of canverting il into a Nurses' Home. That would nual ha much hetter than the present building. Auswer No. 3- Improvemeats are maay Improvements are great May we send la maay bef ore it's toa late. May aur (Newý) residence or home, have four brick wnl That wiii iot tumble or shako, When we walk across the floor and shake down 'the fire la the grate. Now lot us rnake aur living-raout, very radiant and -bright, That we wouid feel welcome on a frosty aiglst. May the sleeping routs be large enough, for one sutali bed, and a dressing stand or two, With a chair that we can sit in with- out goiug through This would make il just a littho homey, when we are tired and 1 feel blue, Sa that we can go ta bad and sleep the short aight through Then in the marniag we will feel raîted and be, bright, And be thankfui for the pleasant room and the bed we slept iu last alght. METHODIST EDUCATION SOCIETY Bowmanville District Largest Con-. tributors in Bay of Quinte Conf erence. Thse 38th annual report of the Edu- cational Society of tIse Methodist Church la Canada lias been distrlb- uted ta contributors of $2 and up- wards. As an evidence of the good work doue in collages thse report says that the total net enrolment of stu- dents last year was 6581 as compared with 6,968 the previaus year. We are la accord with the substance of this paragraph appaaring in the re- part: Thse home, thse church and the school are thse great institutions that go ta maka human character. 0f these the home trasiscendi ail others and Christian fathers and utothers are the greatest asiet of the nation. But aur children spend a large partj of the mail formnative period of their lives in school and collag-e, and un-1 der conditions that give the teacher, fsromthtIe very nature of his position, ain apportunity for farmiing thse char-1 acter of his students almosl witbaut îiutit,ý It follawvs that Christian people should use al their influence ta sacure for ýal kinds of schools teachers whio realize their rasponslb- ility and have courage e quaI ta their convictions. When Christian people use their influence ta keep up thel thoral and spiritual levai of ' the teach- ing staffs of stata schoals, and give thesa ichools tIsa finaucial support the stata requiros, have they fulfilled their obligations? Soute think they have, but thé Metliodist Churcb ta, Canada and tIsa United States ans- wers "no". The Churchi realizes that it muui kepl up Theological Collages and various training schools for tIsa pra- paration of ministars, missioniary warkers aad teachers, deacoinessaýs, 1ecCo.ntribuiiti n atounting ta tIse for raiung---e--u - miiters. FWorms sap thse strength and under- -mine the vtality of clhildraxs. Streag- then theut hv usin'g Mother Graves' Bef or. the wàr India importea $600,000,000 worth of commodities a year, of which Canada sent not more than $30.000 worth, Lait year her imports were $ oQ,00 f which Canada sent $1.125,000. and it is row exnected that there will b. a furthi increase to bctween $3,- (0(),000 andi $5.000.000 this year. Thse Canadian Pacifie Railway bas arranged with a number of Eure- p ean ceuntries for thse emligration of farmens and domestics wbo are will- ing to corne to Canada for emiploy- ment on Canadian fartns. The ini- migrants will be brouzht to Canada at 'the joint expense of their home governments and thse railway cons- pany. The first successful radio exp)eri- ment on a movîngz long-distance rail- way train was recently carried out an a Canadian Pacific Railway C2am froni Winni*peg ta Vancouver. Mr. Raymond Wylie installed a receiving set in thse drawing rooni of thse through sleepiing car, and thse aerial was installed by tIse railway elec- trical departmient. Thse resualts wors all that could ho desired. tIse t train swayigasi oer while she was nirking wsthse reason why Mrs. 1Fred Mueller. o Branner, Ont.. would net take a ride on a train, but after se Isd returned to West Monkton frain Elmira she told W. C. Gowan. tIse Canadian Pacifie agent a'thtIe former -station, that she thoroughýly enioved thse sensation of travelling for the first tine on a train. which did not go fait enough for ber. RAILWAY TIME TABLES FOR BOWMANVILLE Grand Trunk Railway. Going East Going Wesft Express 8.42 a. ns. d Express 4.22 a. m Express 10.38 a. mn. d Express 4.49 a. ms. daily except Maaday Passenger 1.23 p. m. Pass'ngr 3.09 p. ms. Pass'ngr 10.07 Pans'ngr 2.02 p. m. Local 7.14 p. m?' Pass'ngr 7.13 p. m. Express 9.58 p. ms. d Express 8.24 p.m Express 12.29 a. m. d Canadian Pacific Railway Going East Going West Express 10.18 a. ms. Express 5.47 a. ns Pass'ngr 2.45 p. m.* Local 8.20 a. m* Express 10.08 p. m.* Eproms 4.83 p mI Express 12.20 a. ma. Local 7.42 p m* 0')aily except Sunday. C. B. Kent, Town Agent. Canadian National Railway. West Bound Eat Bound Tyrone Station Pass'ngr 8.15 a. ns. Pass'ngr 7.34 p.m "wMtaWlc" Celinge N.ver crack or flau off sgd for ourr"oe »oolat l.' The IVetallc Roofing Ce. LInitd401 1»4 Kin St. W., Toronto How to Inviest. WH!IEN you have saved enough money with which 'to buy a Canadian Government or Municipal Bond consuit this bank and obtain free information as to the particular offering best suited to your needs. Standard Service gives impartial investment intei- gence gladlly on request. TANDARD BANK, 0F GANA& TOTAL ASSETS OVER EIGHTY-THREE MILLIONS Bowmanville Branch, H. W- Lapp, Manager Blackstock Branch, . - . . E. A. Presion, WMnag-r aecsl nd Newtonvile Branches J. Scott Montgomery, ManIager Getting Ready For Spring Planting? Our new Spring Catalogue is now ready for distribution. No need of buying your plants and shrubs out of town. We have the best and can save you money. Brookçdale Nurseries Tree Surgeans Phone Ne. 7 Foresters Bowmanville Cream Wanted! Prices of Cream are high. We pay Good Prices for Good Cream. We Want Yours If we f ait to eall on you we woutd appreciate a phone cati or write us. Orono'Creamery CO., ORONO Ii~ Double Track Route Between Montreal Toronto Detroit Chicazo Unexcelled dinlng car servce. Sleep- ing cars on night trains and parlor Cars an' the principal day trains. Full information from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. Horn- iag, District Passenger Agent, Tor- onto. J. H. H. JURY, Agent Phone 78 Bowmanill. A HIGH GRADE SCHOOL! e ELLOTT, IYoage and Charleas fti., Toronto. Open nîl yaar. Courses givea: Business, Stenography,. Type- i writiag, Secretarial, General Im- provemant, etc. Dernand for aur graduates during thee last sixteen months more than double our supply. Enter now, particulars free. W. J'. ELLIOTT, Principal. TRAIN foir SUCCESS Prepare for a business career at 12 Schools in Torontio Inoure indivIdual instruction in ail business subjeet,at our Schools or by rnail. Write for ipros- Iectus to P. MCeINTOSB, ChIef Principal 'E stsrt you in 00210 Yeu make 1 to 2 dol spare time. No CHEVROLET Are you thinking of a niew éar this year? We have all the new model Chevrolet's on hanid and they are worth seeing. Caîl or ring us up and we will arrange a demonstration. See our used cars for values. We have also the Hyslop Bicycles at various prices. Repairs to all makes of cars. Luke, 1Bo y, Limited Phone 188 Bowm-anville Rumabout $405 Tourinî $445 Coupe $"95 Sedan $785 Chassw S"345 ASIDE from their low prices, the reason Ford cars are s,ý" popular is that the price of Genuine Ford Parts is propor- tionately as low as the price of the car. And labor charges are fixed. You know what a repair job will cost. Chadburn Motor Co. Oshawa Ont. 282 FORD MOTOR COMàPANY OF CANIADA, Li 1710. FORD, ONT.