S>ale of Secol ,Twenty-foui Cars must be to settie-, Marvelous opportunit' car cheap. Five differe icondition. Many of these painted. Don't delay. mèdiately. cars at the F irst corne Il shawa Cann- King St. W., Oshawa Dominion CANADA'S LARGES'I Week IEn( "PERFECTIOIN BREAD FLOU. GUARANTEED EQUI PURE CREAM OF TARTAR NONE EBETTER 39c lb WE EXPECT N wL THIS WEEK INewL "4ST. CHARLES" OR M "4CARNATION"' SMALL IF NOT SATISFIED WVl /YOUR MONEY CHEERI YRoyaI Theatre BOWMANVILLE Friday-Saturday APRIL 6-7 Viola Dana "TE LIKE 'EM ROUGH" Monday-Tuesday APRIL 9-10 Lon Chaney' "A BLIND BARGAIN" The year's greatest rmystery pict- ure. Another special at regula: admission prices. Wednesday-Thursday APRIL 11-12 Ed (Hoot) Gilbso, In "RIDIN' WILD" COMING SOON "THE PRISONER 0F ZENDA", NEWCASTLserveces -onhavundaa nert p..a.anesSh.. sugar tBeets and Grass Seedis. S îZE 1NWCS oatehvn g d er .es teveryiboc7y serns to be satisdled tohave ee hr-ehv tequit METHODIST CHURCH tie. he ae r. and give 'taace to Mlsrionof1lhr - e aete uIt ith More comlfy air and ba1lmy11vbree-zesl Rev. E. B. Cooke, pastor. 110 WOOD FOR SALE (feped d5ITeertm. 1 T r FH A Y P RCH SE . r.-Mtnig W ,s!p. 2.30 Trhe undlerslg-ned off(e~s for private Vaceo sairt'-.Reeve Cot]rtic~e al- P-. m-Sun.day Sehool. 7.0,0 sale allmlited amnount of either ýstanding,1 tended asp)eciai committee, meeting o . WL ~ REFUNDED -Evening Service, "The Chalngme eut, or dry hardwood In quantte o1h Pr tCbur hsie.....R tj. . vnn-suit purchaser. Corin Colvlle, 1lÈot, as, ~y o up appieciateadar .G ce Young Pýeople's League. Wednes- con. 7, Clarke; Plhone lr17 Orono Tel. Co., 'xa lng use of the n.ewyan-d rgular bus service on the I lay bretween day evening-Prayer Service, Bowmanville R. R. 4. 60-ti Whitby and 'Bowmanvilie. - FAREWELL PRESENTATION HYO Mr. and Mrs. Robt. J)uckNewcastle, TheN e11ca ~ epeiid~j r.AB:hnetieau A. large numiber of friends and re--nTipaor ickett elivered a nieighibors assembled at the horne of THURSDAY, P L5, 1923 PSo il:t eiee splen- Mr. and Mrs. R. Duck, east of the didnon wie v eon ee Sndoy e villag-e of Newcastle, on Wedniesday ionwil vroeejyd send-off previous to their remloval _________ inhargeof_____s to West Hlli. Followving is the ad- Mr. Harry Smith, Toronto, visited -Miss Eva Wilkinson was Easter Concert on Goo)d Friday evemflg vtoa xrie eecnutdb drê.s prsentd: wth rIa-ýves.VoicneePr ssid, r C cer y e dre~s presented: with relatives. uest of Mrs. Wmi. -Mcllntoshi. was very largely attended, and was tepeiet r.T onjy Newaste, arc 28h, 92' Mrs, D. J. Galbraith has returned Miss K'athleen Wilson, Toronto, un excellent one. Prceeds abouti thepwsiein t wosb Mrs. onjy Neeatl, ach28h,193from iToronto. spet Easter holidays at home. $68.O0. W as R idean b intops. H. Ashtn Mr.andMr. Dck: Mss ien Toma isviiting with Mr. Geo. Eilbeck has moeriihnkofrn erie il b both mlost creditably given. Musical Youeareio doubt surprised to see friends in Oshawa. househiold effects to his new, home onhl nSna,4ri 5 hni 5numhiers were rendered hy a male Usr thiseeig We are -wel- Mrs. W. VanDusen is visiting with King St. East. e-xj)ected a-n old and esteemied pastor, qatte etn lsdwt h usev T.H.. Aeron illprech.Mizahetedicetingon. wti h copie we know, although flot invited friends in Tor~onto. Mr. Merkley Clark lost one of bis RPsT.oà.P.Jon ers s retewit,h- iph aeici byý yourselves; no0 one bas yet been 'Mr. Bill Eilbeck, Toronto, wa, valuable b1oises fromn a severe attack lrecogeaio nSndyee Visitors: Mr. Ernest Ingles, refused bospitality at your door. hom e for the holiday. o ct nietin n n r achd tine Easter ser- Brougham, at Mr. Sa rwns r Moreover, wýe could flt imiss this op- Mr. AlIlan Howard, Toronto, spent Mr. and Mârs. Jas. Moff att, Orono, mon. Good ml-usic was rendered -yMýc redsi ooio byC., Ave-yv vsited red nTrno portunity of meeting with you oncef the holiday at home. anVr.A oft pnt udytecor is M. Coultis at lier home at Port, more, especially as we understand it Mr. -o LGisn ornose t h,; i0 ' HmtnCuc niesrs--Prv MsRllaSrro Bwia- is to be our last. 1at Mr. Chas. WiTorn'soamptonChrbvillrar er ey iss StelaSeon o a- We ae s ny o lse ou is.te week-end at home. Mis. S. Jose is ii-akîng,- a prolonged Vices will be eld on Sunday, April vle is Sel Slemon and MTZ. C. We ar sorr to lse yo Mr.vl-ii with hier sister, MUis. Broad, and 15it 10.30 a. mi. and 7 p. mn., when Bîiggs, Toronto, at, Mi. Thos, Slemy-9 Duck, because we have learned to Mi. Howard Tomis, Port Perry, was ote eaie nBleil.afre Qua atr e.T on's; Miss Dora Mountjoy, Oshawa, admire yua areful housekeep- lhomie for the holiday. ohrM ais. Js inAlc eileoftr Torontoa to, ev T H t r.C.pent s;Mr ad rs %Iou as ci PrAndersonro SelTryntwillntpreac an d . autrra's;Mi.an'd Mis. W. er-, and a person of quiet, pleasant, Mi. Bruce Cowan is homne from the Easter holidlays guest of Mirs. A. pIecial music by thep choir in the Rig1n agtîMraePn and friendly mianniers who lias ai- Oshawa for a few days. Kilpaàtrick. nioining and by a aie choir in thel typool, at -Mi. Jno. Wright's; Mr. r was ad u felpeefcty t Mr Lncln 'sliliayn-kevening. The Trustee Bop r and Mis. R. Gilît'nlbb, Ens way ma e s f el per fe tly at Mi. Lin oî Mi bt is olday ng The rem ains of th e late Fran I< skdlg fo i $2 2-5 for local c buîch pur- killen, a-t M . R. Sle mio ns; M iss M eta home in your bouse and free and witb fîiends in T -'ont. Sainisbury h died in Winnipeg, poes- b, Bo anietM. .Ah easy in your company wherever and Mis. Josephi Coulson has been suif- wvere broughit here this week and in- Estè strs r adMi.N L on's. 1 example to us alil. Itie nteNwtnî eeeysont -Reynolds aund son, Toronto, with ü We hal eeyo, M. uc, îf Miss Salome Howaîd, Toronto, is Wýednesday, the funerai takiag place bier sister, Mis. Lewis tirydermnan; Mi PORT GRANBYo more commonly "Bob", depait from hoe o Estrboiay. inte esdnc f isbote- A is. Allan Parker, Toronto, at bi Iamong us witb many feelings of re- Miss Sarah Moise, Hastings, is at in-law Mn A. Ellsworth, i .HBros;M.adMs Wa' b mte ib Srn g-ret.' We bave seenr you'while in homne for Enster bolidays. Do not f orget the supper and pro- Swaithwaite, Toronto, with Mr. and now ! B roui midst fill veîy acceptably twýo Miss Florence Bonathani, Toronito, grain, St. Geoî.ge's Paîish Hall on Mis. E. L, Williarns-on;Mi and Mis. Mi. Bruce Elliott visited at T'. positions, namnely toeo farmer was home for the holiday.' Friday, April 6th. Every effort is Jno. Williamsj, Oshawa, at Mr. A. Jones'. andbuchr, n helaterpoitonwe is SdieRoinon Bomavilebeing made to insure the Successb of Peters'; Miss Laura Dundas, Toron- Miss Ruby, Lancaster is hiolidaying E learned to know you betteî and to spenit the holiday at homne.'tievnan an xclntspetowtb eiieM.S. Bates; witb ber pa'rents. F appecat yor eretul oo M. Vlny oor, ornt,isa and interesting pîograrn, details of Miss Reva McGill ' Enniskillen, wtb Mis. Chandler is imiproving after Li naue andhmour. We are soiry ilbicb ay e Seen on posters are Miss Mildred Souch; Miss Frances bier recent illniess. N nouat gbtiustbieedtat omne for a week's holîdays. bigpîovidled, Comie and sample Clatwortby, Belleville, at home; Mi. you 1know the better course for youî Mir. Virtle Wilson and sister Fiee- botb. and Mis. Roy Metcalf aud babe, Base MiPhslI a arcn ii-~ farnily and yourself. dla, Osbawa, spent Easter at home. Easter services in St. George'S ine, witb bier pat, MianMs or at Mi. Glover's. 1 arjits Mr.and rs.T ( Mrs. Neil and famnily, Toronto, are Chaurch weîe laigely attended, and A. Tîenoath; Miss î1anicy Johns, Mis.. Mis. John Wade called on friends_ We have met bere bec!ause in the1 visting w-ýith Mis. (Dr.) Anderson. as befitted the joyful occasion, were W. N. Bro-wn, Toronto, Mi. and Ms in Newcastle Satuîday.N last few years we bave conetJakneisn roto .bîigbt and inspirational in character, Milton Siemlon antl son, Haydon, at Soyt ls iNa(Ms.W.t know you well, we bave met many ý iand the special Easter music parti- 1Mis. C. Johns'; Mr. and Mis. Rý . ILord from our neighiborbood. timies at your borne, and enjoyed ite.d bis miother, Mis. (Dr.) Ander- culaîly well iendered. The Rector, 1Virtue, saa isSdeVîu. ubrfonti eto t ma;ny pleasant hours in your comrp- son. io was present in is accustome'd Tortonto., at'mi. J. J. Virtue 'S; M. tendfed the Eastei services at New- any. We know you as joly god Mr. Ceci!lo go Canneion spending Eastei placed after an enfoîced absence and Mis. Gordon VanCamBaetnvMe 'neigliboîs wo we shahl see depait va Cication witb bis parents in Port- fromn ilines, preached at botb moîn- Line, Mr. and Mrs. R. Stevens and 1 Miss Winnifred Jonies is holiday- with a feeling of bass and pain.. We land. ing and evenihg services, bis themie: baby, Oshiaw%ýa, at Mr. Geo. Stephens'; n ih e aens i 1adMs could not allow you to leave wvithout Miss D~ora Faîncomb, Toronto, is bein, "The Power of His Resuîrec- Mi. Frank and iss EdnaeCtyde-rThos.dJones givng ousonie tangible token of visiting ith Di. and Mis. Faîn- tion" There were many comma-nAbr College Belleville, ait1C oui esteem of you both, so we ask conb.'e1 cants a t botb the early 8 o'clock cele- homre; Mr. and Mi"". Lorne Robbins Pleased to see Mi1. John Rutiler- C outo accept these gifts, to , M n.Lîn hoa, rniyCol-ý bration of Holy ComnionadteLsaî,wt e iteMs .J ord out again afteî bis confinement "ni Duka beautiful Maso-nic Ring and lege, Toronto, is home for Easteî va-1el'even o'clock service, the eanly cele- Virtue; Miss MUuriel Tiail, Bowmn-an- to the bouse, resulting from a fall. i ., Pie Plate. Scott Howard wo also assisted at E. Till's; M. Morley Hastings* Januay and Februay was 8 o to Mi. uc a Siv r aserle an aton - brti n eng ta en by th ev J vji, i.WTkosnrToonotaoM. veag sh ol aten anr o Mis vey Bnnli oîntVIS- the other services durng the day. Oshawa, at home. Mai 10. It is boped there will spaîed t i ejoy them, and ire also Bonneil. Report of Hampton School for bteafultenncatetebo- trust that our memories of Nei-ý ___ __ _ en t r i Iie n r e of ta castle fiends mili be as pleasant and M. John Bonathan of Trinity SHAW'S Eatrtrnmsi rrodas brigbt as ours are of you. Colleage, Toronito, spent the holiday mrt PONTYPOOL Sined on behaf of those prsent, at home. MisForence Walkinoton is holi- V E INdeyýý ayJ j andWelligtonwas a holiday visitor at Mi. T. M. Mi. Walter Rickard is atteadiaglSyb Gibson's. the 0. E. A. Convention in Toronto. 1 V-Tommii y Sykes*, Fred Billett*,nsthed bOrnHler e, SoÏn etrbroa 1Frank IHastîng*,Kathleen bocken*,i heOageHl ercstn p Mr. George Boliathan, Standard Glad to report tha! Mis. W. C. RubWieWni rdraProxirnately $350. The nioney bas I Bank Staff, Toroato, mas homre for Ahtnis impîoving after lber ii-, Mrjorie GHaCli bechel riedtiag n .t ,j JJj ~~Miss Gladys Bradley, Belleville, is -Messrs -, rlaece and Howard oe* vn Sehn* alc by the Oiangenen'lswve an nd H a d Cars W. iadeyi. s' HaryJ se ny a n, ý vsting lber parents, adMM.rrdemn pnandndat MiHor*,Wilfrid SI ae, Rowenalfrin th Tee r oe 0bok W.'radey,ûI-rr Joases.Stephens. o h quilt and 510 names and the' M.and -Mis. Raglen and tro I-Mi. Harold Maityn, B. A., Strat- Jr. III-Raym-ond Burnis*, Wil- rnneyfor he aaes was coIlected childien are visiting ber parents, Mr. fford, Mrs. Jamnes Richard and frid Greenaway*ý, Edith Paseoe, byte a.ge e. Aout $200 second-hand ~and Mrs, J. Douglas. (;augliter Florence, Town, Dr. and Grace bastings, Marjorie Martin, e raidiitisanecea r second-hand ~~Miss Gladys Courtney and fiiend iMirs. T. C. Clý-i-eice and son Don-! Ethel Stephens, Ruth Ferguson. rdti (utemmbsfothiÊI of Toronto, *visited mithi Miss Janie a d, Toronto, spent Easter at Mi. T. ýSi. IL--Beatrice Jones*, Dorotby splendid work wbo are also girateful! ~ so d a on e Snge ovr te hlidy.H. Clemence's. Srnyýtb*", Helen Virtae*, Roy ock- the. Support they received froin Miss Kathileen Wilson, Toronto, vis- Rpr1fS .N.1,Drigo nLlanJbo* eaGyfrom Y'otber tomns .wboassisted by' Esa eitedhber parents,24r. and Mis. Chas. der.man oty Allun, b-arry Cry-i Kennetb Petley, Norman Clemiens, an Esat S. 1-Marion Rickxard, PIhyllis1 Jr. 1I-Jessie Knox*, Reta Blet Miss Freedla Wilson, Oshawa V~ISIt- Clemeace, Stanley Rickard, Keir Elinor Sykes*i, Marjorie Niddery, ed ber parents, MNI. and Mis. Charles Lamnb. Vera Sheckleton, Tilri Bate, Sidney ïWilson over tbe holidlayý. Jr. lII-Winnifred Richard, Claie' Martin, Lorenzo Wakely, Violet M. Wm. Law is borne fromn Wap- Alun, Ada Allun, eatice Cryderman Stratt. W y o oain a gooa used ella, Sask., ming to the critical state Lawrence Ashton, John Ashton, AI:' Si. '-Florence Burns*:, Stanley jW'fJ, 1 4'( ent makes. Ail in good Misses Arena and Edna Cowan, Si. JI-Sadie Allin, Charles Clern- lEmi Sit.li, te a Toronto, spent the holiday witb their ence, Newrton Ashton, Vivian But- Jr. 1-Elis Gîeenaway, Helen ~ utoehue rdr- parents on North Street. 1er.i nxEre'oes Mr. Kenneth Hutchinson of Stand- JI-Saly Allia, Gaînet S.P.Gro bceMri ar Bn Safviitdlis aens nRickard. Cryderman, ElwIood Shechleton, Ne]- If àï jran yua Must be cleared im- Gafo oe tepoi aretsin Si. 1--Gordlon Butler, Eddie Ten- Son Robbins.ibransyua fit~ et.i Jr. Pr.-Earl Wakely, Ethel Wil. ywnos ere. Sehee Mis. Wellington Farrow visited Si. Pr.-Annie Allun, Ralph But-j cox. ywno . irst evd e hs Mis. L. Paterson and other fîiends 1er, 'Mary Clemence. 1 * -Hoa0rs. in Bommaniville on Monday. . Naines in order of menit except F. J. Gîoat, Ida L. Jones, Yuwl e o e Misses Mabel and Marg-aret Lake, 1Prnimers. teachers. Yuwl e o e Toronto, spent thie holiday -witb tbeiri1 Forence Walkington, teacher. William John Graharn died at Sar- miother, Miý1s. Fraak Gibson. 1_____-atralaei1ii ngMis, b. E. Asblee and daugbterj nss.Mr. Grahazn iras the e dest <'flflir %a ny 1laa 1 aiile eetl iitd ETOVLEson of the late Wmn. R. Graham, Lind- liAj.f~ A er sister, Mis. W.' Crowtb'er. 1 ay4nd']N'I nOp n uew. JA l I Miss Sadie Allinanad Miss Winni- 1Barister Alfred Giabami, Toronto, 1say5, adwas bonin Ops tllaJe, i Ontrjo fre Rihar, Sair, senttheEaservisited bis mcthei over the holiday.1 , maere heMis ed tSarah ft Barbis Onaro ole ia ithaNwcss te Eend.ofCimgt Ms. Purchase and daughteî Ofmriget isnaauE eaok Ha.rdw"je Store holiayswit Necaste, rieds. Toronto, are visiting at Mi. HaryoCatri ght M. ad Ms. Albert -Brown and Stonies. son, Port Hope, aie visiting with beri Miss Bertha Thompson bas gone EBENEZER i parents, Mi. and Mis. Thos. Barrie. toCao to visit ber brother, Mi. Mi.and1\fs. heeer nd augt. lf.Thopso. aster visitors: Mr. aind Ais. Jos. G. Mr n r.Weee n agit hrPo.Langmaîdd, Oshawa, wj111ithteiagtr GOOD DBREAD er Dinia, Toronto, spent theb oia Miss Allie Nesbitt, Toronto, and -MrS . . C Pare MssV l sorne,1 u witb ber parents, Mi. and Mis D. , M. Jimt Nesbitt, Jr., Peteiboro, speat Tooto, aithoe Miss Hairrtiet O)sborne ti Galbraith. Enster bolidays at home. wt red ntect;Ms m aMLMiss bilda Iolland, Migsionary Mis. Will Milligan bhas retarned M hs Aasi tiiigaMe ei S tor.%,e .s L t d . iin-th nin o \ ter aijfomivisiting bler friend, Miss HazeJ 1 on TmerneSi: Miss Elteet ET I GRhomie tomn. Mrs. Reaben Payaie mas cail ldto hWelcioi1me nov. W. Ada ho wjth RETAIL G OCERS Miss Doîotby Holland accomlpanied tle city on accountà of bier dalgbtieîy1vacated b Mr. Anderýson and ti'o AMr.A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ly i e r s i s t e r H1 i l d a , a t t e n di e d t h e W . R u b y 's s e r i o n s i l l n e s s . , o a r e a o 4 S c h o ii M. S. Tea and mere guests of M s. - M s. Payne of Toronto and Mýiss . ... The iork cailled at the home f 'R, W.JVo r.Ir neTay e o n le o d ae vi- ad Ms.CT'ace ls ay 0 _ _ ,cinuatt oririiU niersi. îSlty, alla Of Royal College Physicians, Edin- burg. Specia1ty.ý.Diseases of wom- en and children. Office-Parker'a Block, Neirceastle. J. A. BUTLER, M. D., C. M. 11onor gradaate of Trinity Univeruity, 'ehloir of Trinity Medical ColIege, icentiate of the State University et ew York, Matricxiate of the Peut- raduate Medical School and Hos- ital of New York and Fellow ef thei roronto Aeadeniy of Medicine. Office -Mis. McNaughton'a Regidencer ewcastle. Hours 8 te 10 a. m., 1 3 D i., and by appoîntment. J. W. Bradley General Jnsurance Agent erk of 2nd Division Court, Geni ilssioner, etc. Coal SUMMER PRICES NOW IN OPE\RATION ee me before placing your order. ~e.Jamieson VINDOWS. re looking for watch [ESON Newcastle Vholesome and n'u-' itioussanitarily nade of the best ma- erials, should be the )ufldation of every neal. BREAD 0F OUR BAKING 3sure to Satisfy your amily fyou are not already sing it, why not try iQaf to-day? Newcastle LDY FORK Spring and it's not ime. We have a M'angel and Turnip, No need of buying by and price. ON Newcastle s put,*"g their advts. on the curtain, On Mach 21, a good play entitled "A Crazy Idea" -as put on by some 18 cliaracters in a very able manner. There~ was a large attendance and the chair was well filled by our pas- tor, Rev. H.j Wilkinson. The qulit Was auctioned off by our popular councillor, Mr, B. Riichardson, the price paid being $15 and the pur- chaser was Mr. Chas. Farrow frorï-- the West Who is visiting relatives here. The curtain is on1e of the best in the country showing beautiful backgrcyund scenery and also a very handsome drop; cuitain, E1ectrie lights have also been installed and the lodge feels proud of the fact that they have one Of the Most up to date halls in East Durhamn. CHIROPRACJT1C Dr. Durwin E. Steckley, honor graduate of Toronto Chiropractie College, Bowmanville, will be in office at Mr. Barrie's house, Main Str~eet, Newcastle, 10 to 12, Monday, Wed- nesdaY and Friday. ri i