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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Apr 1923, p. 1

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Vo.iIX. LM. A. JAM~ES &: SONS, Publishers. BOWMANVILLE, THURS .DAY, APRIL 5, 1923. .$2 a Year In Advance 5c a COPY N.1 y 'I 'II Grand Spring.Dis-piay Ladies' Ready-to-Wear Apparel Newr Fabries and Dress Goods House Furnishings SPRING REVEALS ENTICING MODES Ali of Fashion's latest whims aie portrayed in the new Frocks, Suits andi Wraps---those entrancing whims that corne only with Springtime. The width of sele'ction allows for personal preferene without sacrificing any of the mode themes. Personally selected by one <Who is not only familiar with fashions, but is also familiar with the require'ments and tastes of fashionable Bowmanville wom'en-and now offered to you at a price made possible only by this personal selection. WHAT SPRIhG OFFERS IN MEN'S CLOTHES ilere men will find styles that meet their pref erence ini every respect. Everything that's good in clothes is ffrdin our present stock which embraces ail the fav-- orite materiaIls and latest styles. I oich,iJohnston& Cryderman. tiomanvliePhonie 104k Limiteau NEWSPAPER CHANGES Mi'. A. R.* Alloway, formuerly ofi Ontario Reformer, Oshawa, one of the well-known newspaper men of Canad,'a, lIas bought(' the Stirling, "Newsý,-Ar-us" froiniMr. James Cur- rie who haýs owned and publishied it, for nearly f orty years and thie other. Stirling- paper, "The Leader" and will amalgamuate the two newxspapers Knowiug Mr. Alloway iutimnately, we can siucerely anid heartily cQngratr- late the citizeus of Stirling an(d resi- dents of Hastings county on havîng such, a worthy successo r to Editor- Currie-The Leader publisher we have not bad the pleasure of know;ýin.g. It is wortli much to) any commnunity to have as its publisher and editor a man as well qualified as a moulder of opinion andl leader in its activities as Mr. Allowayw. We believe the merging of the two Stirling newspap- ers is a splendid economic step and will very soon be appreciated. Mr. and Mrs. Alloway are very highly esteemed by the editorial fraternity wherever kuowu. We wishi theni abundant success in their new .pbere of activity. Announcurnént was made this week of the purchase of the plant and equipment of the Stratford Daily and Weely' Beacou from the estate of the late W. M. O'Beirne by W. J. Taylor, publisher of the WAoodstcoki Sentinel-Review and Chathami Daily News., REV. D. W. BEST'S SERMON HEARD OVER RADIO Bowmoanvilîe is Becoming Important Radio Broadcasting Centre. Toronto Star boastcd a few weeks ago of b.eing- the first to broaca-st a sermon by radio in the British Empire. Bowmianville now makes the claimi to second place in this part of Ontarîo in this unique dis- tinction. Through the eC4orts of Reeve C. E. Rehder and Mr. L. J. Clayton this was mnade possible -when at least. 50 local radio fans heard the sermon broadcasted whicî was "e ivercd on evening last by '11ev. D. W. Best, M. A., minister of St. Paul's Presbyteriau Clurel. A wire was struug- froni the church 'to a 20-watt transmitting--set located at Mr' Rehder's resideuce, a distance of about 14î mile, and froni here the sermon was broadcasted. A micro- phone pick-up device was placed on the pulpit. So successful was this test thnt pext Suniday both services at St. Paul's Churdli wijl be broad- casted -whena larg-er microphone wili le used enabling, the tones ta be clearer and louder. Parties listening in on either of these services are requested to write or phone Mr. Relider advîsing himn if they could piclS up the sermon sat- isf actorily. These are evidently not dayýs for LOCAL MERCHANTS OVERCOME launching newspapers. As an ex- STOCKTAKING BUGABOO amrple oý the ill succeýs that attends suhventures, the Brockville Free Mason & Dale Make Stocktaking a Press, after sixteen issues as a wýeeklyi JbFrSho os has ceased publication tlrough lack 4bFrSho os of financial support. High costs arej Few business men look upon stock- certainly 'not conducive to Profit taking season with auy degrce of sharing in the nýwspaper world. pleasure as it usually exteuds froni __________a__eek to a montî accordiug to size of stock, help sud methods used sud regular duties are somewhat hamper- OBITUARY cd lu thec meantime. I .,~ Takiun iîetr in a hardware Mrs GergeC~wng,&yrae store is about as te dious a jlob as TIcdecas'd as lia~t EIenone could imagine, but Messrs. Tpe beleaed wf c lizaGergle w Mason & Dale, local hardware mer- ing, beldvethird oauGergef M osu chants, have overconie the stock- ~mrs. John Tape, "White Hall", Long tak-ing buaboo lu Tn unique ad Saut, arlngtn, nd as orngrand clcau-ujpo listing the stock May 1th, 871.on haud lu one day and thcy chopse Iu Jauuary of 1903- the was mar- I a holidiay-Good Friday--as 'the ried to her no ht aew. 1i4usbld, proper tinw. About 24 boys from who with o-ne soni or0i,* suIvxves the high school arc employd at a lier. Mr. sud Mrs. Cowlîug have!I goo.d wage for the day-S a. n. ta lived. most of their marrieci life lu 6 p. m. They work iu pairs sund are the towuship of Darliugton, wherc allotted certain sections throtîghout tley are not only well kuown but thc tîrce floors of the store to count lit ghly rcspected.1 the articles, list theni and write Early ini life Mrs. Cowliug uuited dowuý, the cost price of sainie. TIc witî tIc Methodist Churel at Hay- proprietors supervise the work and don sud to the lest of the writer's auswer any questions the 'hired help 't rknowledge las striven to live a quiet wish ta know about stock, etc. Lists Christian if e, giving- evidence af her are tIen turun'd lu for final reckon- faith in Christ lu mnauy ways and aIl iug. through hier last illness which prov- We eau imagine some merchants cd fatal she was always trustful and wheu reading this article pass thc able to give a testimiony of assur- thougît through their mmid tliat it ance that ail was well. couldni't le doue in their business, Ou MUardli' Zth Mrs. Cowling but we sec no reason why it shoi quietly passed away at the age of not wark inu most cases. 42 years. Thc funcreal was cou- This mcthod is no experiment asl ducted ly ber pastor, 11ev. W. T. Mason & Dale have used thiis systeni Wickett, au Friday, Mardli 23rd, for tîrce years sud alfhough nat ansd ail that was mortal was interred pe1rfect, it is far .superior sud lette lin the cemetery et Hamptoni îr than auy plan yet tried. to wa 9 erf estal CARD OF THANKS EASTER AT ST, JOHN'S CHURCH Miý - Mrish.otate an famuly, Tyrone,. Easter 'Sunday the services at USt 've wis tothnk hei numerous friendsl John's Anglican Churdli were at.. who VoL. ~1 4. ~4and neghbors for kindnesses shownl tended by large congregations. Rev.hsb NeI~~ ~kII during the illness and dcath of bis G. S. Postlethwaite, M. A., the Reet- Pa55e moter.14-.lw* or, preachel two very powerful ser- Ear mons bearing on Eastertide. ed Ch U ~with ' The choir was at full strengthand throuý the antheins 'Now is Christ Risen'- livea BEAU IFULand'H Liveth Uaîto God' were has p: EA T ULspl'en-didly rendered. Mrs. W. L. in the CHINA 1 Rowe and Mr. Jos. Terrett also saTig ' dure SPECILLY Jsolos in splendid voice. Mrs. J. A 0 yP IE 'usual effc'nt style. Great credit very PRICED/ is due the leader and menibers of ýMissi<ý the choir for the excellent services of ýSchoc1 See our grand display song gîIlvenl at both services. wss ofJm ored Chnajut ihThe Rector wishes to thank ail partir *1*1*os who helped to make the Easterhe receveu--inciuding: sevice such a success. vices I able. We wL, h ïO Annonnlce that next Mauday ,April 9t1., oui' representative will le at Hiann's Haerd ashery successar ta Mr'. Detenbcck, wîerc we will receive ,,,,ods for dlean- iug, pressing, dyeiug sud repair- bh aur many ycars of exper- satisfaction is sure aud ser- s oui' aui. PARKERS Dyers Shelley Aynsley Mintop Crowi Derby Wedgewood' Coalport Cups and saucersi Up; also plates, jugs, etc. for $1 vases, See Window Display Alex. Elot Jeweler-Watchmaker.Engraver Phone 207 Bowinanvile t q Look! MUSICAL FESTIVAL By OSHAWA BAND at Saîvation Army Hall APRIL 7J.1 Admission 25c ait~~~~~~~~~~~ '~le¶irasleurcîu'_________jGnlreCnirmling conversation ai centur, pls'te mden " ofth le Giveth His Beloved Slep"te wrer i thyuystra ane-2UIth! 1 T he mctderuto alfor closing 'capy ai the nmotion with ref zpcert-al o McLAUGHLIN MÀTERNITY WING ence to the appaintmreat ai Town Aud!- japan the foXolwing week -ý0here Mrs. Bessie Hawkey, Tyrone. OfcIy pseatahw to~ rn. laieeep -iyu etra Dr. Paul m%~s ta deiver,three* addres- 1s Bessie Hinrewkey was bruttr ofses in Tokyo. hy-ouds O fi î l y O e e i s a a o iJaauary i, oudining the costs for tistiis nd .wa, Beugleadou ecemabira i Saturday. warlç and this is agreeatie to the Mayvor month lu Japan before returi<îag to nwall Engand, n Deelyibr 9,and Finance Commni-têe. 1 waýuld ask China. Dr. sud Mrs. Pauil sent su ad came ta this couutry when TIe new MeLaugîlin Memnorial yut undlertake this audit on thesi kindcst regards ta their Boýwmaivihl ildwiî ie prets~M. udata early a date as passible. fins J.l wT. WehpudrettlMr. a- Materuity wiug, the gift of two of 'You are ta, audit oie bokls for last fins w.hT.rech nliv tted inla tF - shawa's prominent citizeus, George year andu if necese.ary give us a report whee se lvedunil astFal. ý. nd . S Meaugli, ws ofi--we do nat look for any shortage la our1 WHAT COUNCIL DID fathier was Postmiaster for mauy ciaîîyud eR. oS. eatughhinatrou-on th eý1(sar bef t bt ore.sexlido yo ,s and alsa carrièd ou a tailoring when opened oin sat d a thoneasers accinan buýt wald trlita ____ blishmerit- ceremiony. TIc ucw wing is a mcm- enedluý as we wei'e fnot satisfied w\ith Causidered placiug 3 lights on lisui:t..wasmaricdman cîîzes ateued he th he cca ntsanad ecrs taigt Su t. Nort4i. xs. Hwe a jare twîce, ol-ial ta thre late Robert MjcLaughiu, the end of the year. 'Vust Scugoged . .Belanrbaeo first huslaud leiug Richard thc apcuiug of which marks anc of fustrî, ant dA.EBeiarlteo y. TIy la oucson aymau themastimpotant chieemeus inC. E. IRehder fn lad surr.vs he h . Ho e nRasycond the histrmortsawachiG enlHs-inChairmnan of Finance Gom. Received prirze ou sewer pipe _romi wasviJes epb Hawk e tey w ist f saw enr o-Town af aowmanville.iJ. A. Halgalte &,Sou. o2(nl ws Jsep Hakeywhopitl. Acouns Nt Popely eptAskecd--f or iteiùized statement of d away'same years ago. The speakers iucluded thc Presi- Acons o roeî Kp uditoýrs' accounit, $1533.74, 'before rly in life Mrs. Hawkey acccpt- dent Qf the Board of Directors, J. D. Toronto. March13193 payingit hrist as '1er Saviaur sud uulited, S-orie, 11ev. A. M. Irwin, Mýayar W. C. E. ehde ,so, the Metids hrh u i .Tie-ao .SaeR .Chairmian af Finance Cmite Appoiuitcd ex-Principial R. D. iehds hrh n l .Tik xMyrJ tcy .S Davidsan Towuv Treasurer at $600a gh tIc years las endeavore d toj McLaughlin, Gea. W. McILaughlin, Der i,V,-- eelose aur accouat year. i consistent Christian life, sud asud Dr. Helen McMurchy, Toronto. for auiingth books aald;accounits of Passed by-law ta strike off ce-rtain provea a vcry devotcd warker Iti . .MLuglnafiily c ,h town for,122, and the examinatian Mr.G. . MLauhli oficillyde-iato thIloi kepngsyste,1,with aur accouaits froni Cenietery DeIpt. .ldfifferent departmcnts a! tIce clared thc ncw wing open andithon eport aad lrecoimmeýndatioiis there'ýon. amautntiug ta $151.50. cVs activities. 1 guests îuspected tIc latestP j rti la inorde, toicomlee he accounts and Heard repart from Mayor Quiiin ýr years shc served as argîânist 0tahtecinstitution. Thc raoms have eaethe finlacial s taensfor 1 udCucilr ýts nvii a at aecesa, for uis to do a 22 n orcilrYtso vstt at ang lu the choir. SIc took alal been furuished by Oshawa citi- sider ýale imoiiit of wr that would ory of mi-anufacturer desiriug ta la- active iaterest lu 'the Womi-eu's zens.' Thc building'is o! beautiful flot have be required hadl the, accauints eate in Bawmnauville. uoary Society and in the Sunday design and',a credit ta any hospital. il, the pasýt be rprykept aad pre- Md 10 rn oWs uln ______________ are. I patic1 a the followiaig had ol, and at the tine of 1er deatl ta 1e done u , i:A2grilpltural Society. uperintendeut of the Hoine De- l À Acash nook, for the Local uimprove- Adopted recammneudations af cAui- neut. She was very regulan lu DREÂM 0F QUEEN ESTHER. men Reeits a:! Exenit'eshad tlo tors and iustrueted Finance Cm .ttudneeattIcreula ~be writteilniu) ad alaacbfore it was t o! tenehurdithen eg as o TeBilca raa,"IcDeaipossile ',ta eriytheepnu e s and if tee ta scure uccessary supp'ies. ,of t h e ch u ch h e n sh , w , , T h e B i b i c a D r ýi n , " h e D r e lil th e' ,a m o u n t o n h a n d a t ch e e md f th e P a id B o w m a n v lle F a u n d r y C o . w iî 1efo R y on , î Qucen Ester", gven by tIc Fear. $154 48 , en o tt ni g a c ui Faîl sIc wcnt to pen& the m em b.ers of H a mrpton League last 2 The G neral L edlger and ail th e suh f r f t' b i g o tt n l u c o n ýs F ll sh w nt to sp nd t e ri ay nigît was a nu qualîfied siiar lea fohdrhen ept onrest re sale of aid f ou -îdry sIc Q n( tickfr Yr.I o- Appoiutedi committee to interview çe towntsbip, expecting ta re- wswh lyd srngle ntry syshýfltn md noffpropor ba-'buisldng.lresleo Cei ta lier ltl- hneinTrnei very pr a el lydas 1balance wihncessitated a large numll-'clEg'e ;nring, busýshe was taken iii, and evideuced by thc appreciation of thc ber ai nïe ail I~ coud l lare adiene j3 The Debenture Register dlid ,nat ithstandiugal lýtcudb a-euine whicî filcd the audi- contain the lnecessary informiation and for lier irestoration, on Marel torîuni to itýs utmaost capacity. Crit- as a resait a great dleal of timei was ls sta - velîiug expenses, and ashy o fie-passed peacefully 'away ta ics were thcre frani Bawmanvihle On elcecking the, paid deb$,ntuires aeaust ls tra Tthe felicity of!lier Eternal an ootOaexrse hi-ýs and verif,ig the- amaunt outstad andToono, hocxrcsedt 1"i îg at th',ened ai 19292. Yours faltthfuli,, ..lvcs as highly, pleased with the im- 4 Tue balanciag a i e Water Service Clarksop, Gardon &, Dilwaorth» efulieral which was ýlargely at- persouatian of the different charact- accounlts, Water ,Cons;unuers' Rate ac- was cauducted by lier pastor, ers' ac w. <ouain tepat "te and Cmtr accotints was nat AudÎtors' Account $1553.74 cac wll arrayng tocpatloue, and lhad tabe done hy ius. Iu thc letter of March iStI se- W. T. Wickett sud tIc remains that lie or sIc represeuited. 5Adljustmecnts had ta be made ln the iuterred iu Beth.isda %emetcry. acuts ta showth proper values for courit was cuclosed as f oliows: Sa delighted %vere sanie that they thie Tawu,7's properties and thcorctSr-rices-Aidining the, books andaea- cau le said of the deceased- remnaiucd after thc performance to amounitrth i surplus at 3s eebrcouints ai tho Tawuu iifor-19422, and tue hatl ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~1 doewaTI ol" opietth hrcesuo I 91 ihis (mcesi ,id qng back examnination into the bookkeepînv sys- hathdon -%ý,ht sh cold" coplimnt he harcter upn te naay years inita somre af the records la tem with aur report and r'carmend!a- ýers were coutributed by lier flue reuditian of the play. arder ta get the requiredi informatian. tions thereont................... $1,00.00 aymaud and faiiiily, Mr. sud 6 A great deal af i tOe was last OnI Travelling Expenses............1.74 J.. H. Mutton, Mr'. sud Mrs. To comment upon each part wauld tracing vouchers for expenditures. Rabbins, Hampton, Mr. sud tale too much space. Suffice it ta We do not knaw what your council pro-$534 ~lettBo-mauihl. "he ay lia th caraters-tîe K pogses ta do la regard ta the audit of the After reading the save faets it W. SotBwavle TeSYta h hTw' accoun.ts la future. WVe wauld One Class", 1MetUodlist Suu-day sud Qucen, Mordecai, Hegal, thc Ot out that a great deal af the work is plain ta sec who was responsîble lTyrone, sud the W. M. S. suld Witcî sud lier attendants, azma -lutwas cavered in bis reent audit and for this audit, aud also who was to ute coinbïined, sud Ici' Rase Girls, the Ladies o the - etgtl1s tl a e eurdblamne faor thc audit being sncb an agaîn, pravlded the accauints are kept On Court. and thc Children on tec ouse proper condition sud a double eutry expensive proposition. It la-te le ides bier 0soii Raymond, -one top-were well rendered. The stage bookkeeping systen i ntfalled and kept Iioped that future coneils v ro er, Mr .Harry Welcb of New setting for thc different scenes was 6 thankul uit ai hed, Tous-fit by thc misfakes made ne, sita- rd New Ontario, survives. very appropriate. accounts for a tceeof $50C-00 per' annuni ting sudh a costly audit. I I - 1 TOWN AUDITORS' ACCOUNT Finance Committee Was Authorized to Engage Auditors. When Reeve C., E. Reh'der present- ed the bill at CÔ'uneil meeting Mon. day niglit of the chartered Account- ants froni Toronto who audited the books and accounts of the town for 1922 which amiounted to $1533.74, ioýst of the councillors immiiýediately atteippted to pass the buck by shif t- ing tihe responsibility of ordering the audit on to the other f ellow. The hiuge bli was greater tIený any m'em- ber anticipated and more than they cared to be held responsible for con- tracting. .Explanations were lying fronahl quarters, but they camne too late. For, at the first meeting- of the present couneil held Jauuary Sth, wI'en ail miiembers were present, the following rèsolution was passed without opposi- tion: Moved ly Coun. W. H. Tiiick- ,oin and seconded by Deputy Reeve M. J. Elliott "'That the matter of appointm-ent of audi- tors be left in the hands' of the Finance Commuittee". We are not aware if the Finance Coiii;ttee held any meeting to dis- ýuss tMs subjeet and decide on what action to take. The following cor- respondeuce ensued: Auditors Confirm Conversation: Toronto, .Tanuary 11, 1923. Chlma inanceCmite- Muulicipality of Bowmianville. D)ear Sirý,-We, confirm opur conversa- tion, with y-ou to-day to the effeett hat we wiil be glad to 1Und(ertake an :audit of the accolunts of thec above Muuicilmality t'or the pe)r.iod aofone 0or two years ending 31st Dee ,r 1922. As epandta youI, we couid not. of O0use gie ay estimate as to the cost .o this work, and we would therefore be obigsed to pýerform the work on a p)er dieni basis. The rates, basedl upan aun accounting dlay of seven hours, would be ,as follows: Senior Accounitant experiencedï in Muni- cipial audit work, in ch~arge af the work $50.00 a cay Senior Assistant $2,5»00 a day Junior Assistant fioul $10 to $15 a d AAs expflainedi to you, th Senior Ac- conta-nt in charge would utize these'r- vices of assistants to as full an extent as possible. This woulmin4iize the de- nands upon his tinme, whi'l are parti- ûularly heaývy at this season of the year, and also reduce the expense af the audlit 'L oui aMunlicipalfty. -A expheineçi to you, we cqULd 011Y promise to undertake this work as soan as we can reachi it, as we have rmany coammýitrne-nts dluring the present and the comiflg nonth. 'Cou rnay rely upon aur undr1.taking the work, however, at the earliest possible date and proceing with it withtl as littie interruiption as eaua he bvoidedl until it is comptileed(. We omitte-d ta' state thatt we wou1(ld charge for our out-af-pookets On hatel and travelling expenses in addition toi he above ,fees. We understood frorn you tha,ýt the ar- ainment above outlined wouldl be sat- sfactory and that you would be good enouigh to forward a certifled copy of . he resolution ejnpowering youI to en- gage accounfLante ta dlo tlis wor-k, and your own written instructions to usq act-J ing under the powers conferred ujýon you, io go aheadl with the work, Thianking you, we are. Yaurs faithfully, Clarkson, Gordon & Dilworth. Reeve Rehder's Reply Janiuary 12, .2 Messrs. Clarkson, Gordlon & Dilworth, ji Amlàý MiNISTERS AND CHURC-1ES IlChurcli of Christ-Rev. W. Hl. Spargo will preach at li a nm. and 1 P. 'mn. Sunday Schoo1 at 2.30 p. ni-. The Salvation Army, Anniversary services, Oshawa Band coming, Sat- urday 8 P. nm. Musical Fe2stival. Sunday services-il a. mi.-Holiness. 3p. mi.-Praise. 7 p. .Slain St. Paul's Church, Rev. D. W. Best, minîstei'. il a. mi.-"When Enthus- iitsm QGro-ws Cold". 7 p. m.--Easter Chioral Service by the Young People's Choir, 2.30 p. miý.-Sunday Sehool and Bible Classes. St. John's Church, 'Rector, 11ev. G. S. Postlethwvaite, ýM. A., Org-aiist, Mi'.. John A. Gunn. lst Suuday afte? Eastet'. il a.' m.-Morning Prayer and S3ermoen. 2.80 p. m.- Snniday School. 7 p. m.-Evening song and sermaon. Preacer, The Rector. Methodist Church, 11ev. S. C. Moore, Pastor, will, preach at both services on Sunday: il a. m.-Godg Cali to His Church. 2.30 p. mi.- Sunday School. 7 p. ni.-The Man on the Fence. Special music b y Men's Choir and maie quartet will sing- "The Wayside Cross". Easter sermons by Pastor S. C. Moore and the Easter mutsical pro- grami as announced last week wVere features of the services in the M'eth- odist Church on Sunday, The choir under direction of Mr. T. W. Sta'iiley, gave a very fine prograni of music on Sunday evening to a large con- 9regation., Jiarlington and Bowmanville Sun- day School Convention will be held at Eldad Church on Thursday, April l2th. Afternoon and evening ses- sions commencing at 2 and 7 p. mi.- Miss Bertha Laine, Toronto~ Provin- cli Elem.entary Supeinitend ent, and others will address both sessiens. Every school in the district sliou'd be represented. Try to be there. League Monday night in' the Methodist Church was in charge ý,of Mr. Wm. Pointen, lst Vice-President. After the opening hymin the Scr1ipDt- uare Lesson was rend by Stanforl Symions. The program consistedï of: piano solo, Stanley Qesborpe ; read- ings, Marion Warçler, ' Irs. Jack Brooks, Wm. Poiten; vocal duet, Melville Dale and George Claphami. The usual mointhly roll caîl wasý con- ducted by ' the Secretary, Miss Enid Souch. BOWMANVILLE BOY IN CHINA The editor is in receipt of a brief note froni Dr. Charlies T. Paul -who wvith Mi'.. Paul ils on a visit to Nan- ,inýg and other important cities ini China, iecturing and studying. Whçin Dr. Paul wrote on March 1, lie had just finished his first course of lect- ures and studies ini Nanking whvfere ;hey ladi received a most cordial re- ception, by thec University. This is Dri. Paul's second visit to China and he notes considerable changes since, lis f ormier visit, remarkinig that "The changes in China remind one of the

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