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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Apr 1923, p. 6

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77 Uon't Waste Chýï-ken EFed- Buy a Dry Mash Hopper-they'pay selle1s in the feed they save-~-o *either.; for thi expen; 64 CANNED GOODS FREE We are extendîng 'our offer of ÔNE CAN FREE with every dozen you buy-it's anE way to save money. WHEN BUYING CHINA, asy A1ways make it a point to visit'our China Die- partment an-d see our sp1eiýdid stock and the 1low prices goods are flow marked. WHO 15 YOUR GROCER? Business is good-we're busy but can still serve more customers with best quality of grocerles at lowest prices. ARCHIIE TAIT, The OId Reliable Grooer Bowmanville 1; Solid Fibre Board "TEN TEST"-THE BOARD WITI- THE 10 TESTED FEATURES INTERIOR OR EXTERIOk WALLS wiII not sag, warp or blister-fire and moisture-, t-wice as thick as other waIl boards-makes ai per- manent bond with stucco-keeps house warm in winter an~d cool in summer-has no grain or i.ay- ers-a solid board. COME IN AND SEE -YOURSELF M4ason &Dale's llardIware Ph~one 145 Bowmanville JThe Shop Th-rt LeadsJ This is a Sto"re of Servic0E It doesn't matter whether ýTou corne in for' a necktie or for a suit ýof lothes-we can serve you to the best of our ability. If you siniply want to look around you're free to dIo it. We'11 help you in your selections, but we, wýon't try to àeIl you anythiffg you don't want. That's our idea of service. ~R4rVWTH e A&S.UW BORSALINO H~ATS Made in Italy $7.50 Borsalino is the King of Italian Hat Makers. His, JUST ARRIVED Spirg. shipment of Young Men's Suits with Extra Trousers, in al theý populay shades for this season's wear. Priced at '$24.00 and $25.00 goods have a worldwdde repu- tation for their very high standard of quality and4Lthe - superiority of the finish. For the business man who is exposed to ail kinds of weather "The Bor--' salino Hat" is the best we know of. NEW STYLES-NEW COLORS-ÉVERY HAT Ï GUARANTEEID G. N.THtiURSTOe""N Bowmianivifls Up-to-dIate Ha;berdIasherýy I and Fur Shop. 1 BWMA'VILLi±. APRIL 5th. 19231 i sive in Chicago attending college. - Ile TYRONE nd Mrsý. Carruthers received a hear- Mr.Irvng lemnsCambelfor, y welcomne led by Mlrt. W. Emersoni Mrs hIrvaing at borne.Cmhelod The cho>ir furnished gooci Easter M issolmdaG ardinmer. Sihil music and the beautirful bouquiet of MissElm Gadinr,.Smihfildis aster liles and roses plaee& on the ; holidaying at hier home. 1 altar -by Mrs. R. H. Sugeitt w as miucli * Miss Hazel Hodgson, Peterboro appreciated. l Normal, is holidaying at home. Easter visîtors: Miss Sarah Ara- Mr. W. Stewart recently spent a strong, Port Perry, with Mrs. E. f ew days with friends in Cobourg. Armstrong; Miss Bila Crawford, Tor- Miss Doble, teacher at S. S. No. onto, with ber parents, Mir. and Mrs.1 13, is visiting ber parents t x Sam Crawford; Mr. Henry Sheffield, bride. a Ux-Detjroit, at R. C. Jackson's; Mrs. Jack bridge. ,Burns with ber,~nother, Mrs. R. H. The W. M. S. meets this (Thurs-j Suggitt; Miss Grace'-Bruce, Ukbri.dge, dlay) afternoon in the vestry of the wt i.Js4 rc;1r.adMr.C Cb~irch.A. Larmer, Burketon, -with her piar- Mr. Bruce Honeywell, Toronto, ents, Mir. and Mrs. Wm. Samnelîs; Miss Sundayved with his aunt, Mrs._W.ý R. Grace Crawford visiting Mrs. C. A. Clemens. Larmer, Burketon; Mr. David Mal- Miss Florence Gardiner, Toronto, Coin' and Miss Id,'arae 9aisoamoag 'is hiolidaying at ber father's, Mr. Bthe JEster visitors with Mr. S.HI. Gardiner's. Malcolm. Misses Mabel and Sadie Virtue, Toronto, visited with Miss F. J.MPE~RV Virtue last week. _______OV Mr. Cecil Sargent, Toronto, spenti Miss lIrma Power, Pterboro Nor- the holiday with his parents, Mr. mlal, spending the ho r at home. and Mrs. Thlos. Sargent. Doni't f org-et the an i meeting A numnber, from here attended the of the Sunday Scbool oiý iay even- Phare-Parký Sale on Fr4ay last! ing of this week. wiceh was a splendid success. - 1 Mrs. J. D. Hogarth an ý anily, So- Mr. Wiii and Wesley Little. Osh- lina-, spent Tpesday m-ithi r sister, awa, apent the hldyadweek-endMecl L . nwden. with their grandmother, Mrs. Little. Mr. Fred S evens, tr'n Bank, A numnber of boys were skating on1 Lucar1', spent the holidla-y witb bhis the pond MUonday, April 2, wbicb is 1parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Stevens. avery unusual thiing for this time of Mrs. H_ S. Freeman and Mdiss Chris- year. s,,ie, town, Mir. and M es. E. R. Free- Mr. Lorne Phare wbo bas heen1 man WibMr. Fre«d Ù'rant, Tor- s pending se'qcral months with bis onto' visited. the f ormer's son, Mr. inotheir bere bas returned to his home IL . GF~reem-ý-an, on Sunday. in the~ West. The miany friends of Miss Ia l A goodly number attended the! Stevens and Mu. Alfred LairdJ. p rayer and song service on Good ý will be pleased to know they arc jFuiday nlornilg under leadersbip of, both -abl)e to go to t1her homnes afterl Pastor Wickett. 1 their op)erationis in BowmanviUle los- We weleome Mrs. G. 'Phare and pital. familv to our village again. Shle Leng1ue meeting on Tuesdýay eveni- is mioving into her own bouse, form- ing in chlarge of ist Vice President, I erly ocèý7pied by Wi. Staples.. Mir. Chas. Greenham. Th"lepogaI A numnber fromi here attended the consisted of: Bible raig Law- conicert "The 'Dueam of Queen Es- rence Hearst; topic admn-irably takea t ber" giveni at Hampton Iast Fricday by Mr. W. Pointen, Bwavle e nigh t and wvere gueatly pleased. lection by Bowmianvilie League maie EV trsevcsweehldo1u quartet, Messrs. Clapham, Pointen, dïay- and were very impressive, and oe ad Pl;ralgMs~ mluch enjoyed by appreciatîve con- F. Swallow, Miss. Vera PowVer greatins. Themouingsericeand Arthur Lymer; solos, Misses was conducted by the W .M. S." as- Edi wlo-ad Rt sited by others an. was one not Power. Address by 'Postor'B oyce. sýoon t be forgotten, one feature be-y ing the dramatization of "Easter ~ ZO nXiornhng". The ladies furnished ZI_____ excellent music and the Easteu offer- ing macle was quite liberal. In theJ Mrs. Samu~el Northc9te cnine evening their pastor conducteian l poor bealth. EaýSter Song Service assisted b ýy te Miss Middletor. holidayed at ber choir whicb was interesting and en- home h-,-Peterboro. joyable. MesVeaMaIu, dan May Bal,-ý The Leagrue meeting on Thuuedayj eveniug -was in charge of the Jun-j iors, and much credit le due the Youn.g People fou the able way lui wýhicb theyý conducted the proguam. The mneeting opened with their puesi- d(ent, Muý. Lon Moore, in the chair, sud the puoguamn consisted of'read- inge by Veuna McCoy, Edna Cam- eron, Laverne Burgess, Maeý Camer- on, Fuank, Hatheuly sud Earl Good- mnan. The topie wae then very ably takea by Mu. Arthur Richards f ol- lowed by piano solos by Kathleen McCuliough sud Floua McRoberts and a vocal solo by Kathleen MeCul- lough sud Laverne Burgess., A go- cial hafhour *~as spent by ail. The Dramxatie Club 'are giving their play "Lightbouee Nan" lu the Sons' Hall, Friday, Apuil 1 3th. Admis- sion 25e and 15c. 14-2w Report of S. S. No. 18, Dauling- ton, names in ouder of standing: Su. IV Class-Mlýay Cameron sud Fred Goodman equai, Richard Gibbs, Hnarry Hatherly, Katbieen Gibbs, Stanley Lawrence. Jr-, IV Ciss-Floua McBoberts, Leon Moore, Kathleen McCullough, FranJc Hatherly, Arthur Richards, Leverue Burgess, Verua McCoy. Jr. III Cass-Annie Gardiner, Eleanor Thompson, Iyva- Smith, Clarence Goodman. Su. II Class-Iuene Cameronl, Esul Goodman. Jr. Il Çias-Aliee Thomrpeon, Trd Woodyard, Fred Taylor, Bruce Me- Roberts. Jr- I COias--raucis Thompson, Edua Cam-eron, Clarence 'Hatheriy, Myrtie Brooks, Carson lýeéler. Su. P.-Lorne Annîs.' Jr. Pr.-Berniece Sheckleton, Ad- elaide Aniuis, Viola Keeler, Jsck ibbs, Chester Preeeott, tJarl Pues- cott. Mabel L. Wighît, teacher.f GET REÂDY FOR SPRING WORK NW's the time to get youu stockt ready for Spring wouk.- ive them1 s9 sping tonie. A. E. Jenninged [Hampton, bas just received s fuesb euppIy of "Spuiug pick-ups" wbich : he le selling at following prie es: 7b Ibs. Puatt's Conditioner 49c; 6 Ibs.a Blaber Saits 25c; 5 lbs. Epsom Saîts 25c; 5 lbs. Sul;phur 25e). You esn't buy therr any cheaper sud corne places they chargýe more. Remember this isfresli stock sud full strength. 13-t! i Oshawa, home over tbçhe holidalàys. Mu. Walteu Vivian bas'purcbased fuom Mu. J. W. Balson 'hie oid car. Sun1day1 services weue weil attend-, .ed, bothi Chuueb sud School. Congratulations to Mu. sud Mrs.I Kennedy on thè arrîvaI of a baby I girl. Mr. Alf. Ayue iS nioving to theirf niew homne foumerly oceupied by Mu. 1. M. Law, also Mu. James Cameron continues in poor bealth. Congratulations to Mu. sud Mus. R. C. Peauce, Ebeqiezer, on the au- ria fadaugbter. Mrivand NIMs. Geo. H~. Armoîur andl ehilduen visited bier gister, Mue. Heu- ,beut Rundie, Hampton. Mu. George Sonley, Toronto, epent the week-end wîth his parents, Mu. sud Me John Souiey. Mir. Jos. Chant, Jr., Dean Lake, Noutheun Ontario, visited hie parents, Mur. sud Mus. S. G. Chant. Mu. Lutheir Counish has uented bis fan auLo AMu. Aif. Dewell sud intends having a sale in the îear future Mu. and Mue.., Norman Armour, Toronto, Mu. Jos. Armciur sud Miss Armoifr, Courtice, visited. Mu. G. Il. Armeouu. 1Mu. A. T. Stainton ,puuch'ased a Holstein cow at the Durhîam Hlstein- Fuiesian Sale hield at Bowmanville st week. Mu. sud Mus. 1. Geruy sud son, Toronto, sud Mu. Norman Geuuy have been bolidaying with their 'sister, Mus. F. B. Glaspeil. BUY WALL PAPER NOW It's not veuy often you can get s reduction in puice of 'wall pape? at fluet of sesson-but ypu eau if you deal with A. E. Jennînge at Hamip- ton. Right now h le isoffering waïl pa.për four'n room lu the hoýîse at 2 5 icouuit. Yoq folks who think you always got to buyý away fromn home corne laand see this fine display of waL] paper sud it won't take you long' to decide to spend your baud eauned cash with Bert-- because you can get whîat you wanît aud cave mioney, too. 3t ,OLET. FARM TO RENT-IQO acre fauîn, northl haff lot 7, Con. 8, Liarliîigtqu, 1)l o the premnises. il ;1 ou Inn ixrRK A HABIT SHOP FIRST AT THE WEST END HIOUSE, - BOWMANVILLE'S BIG DEPARTMENTAL STORE DRY GOODS BOOTS & SHOES *GROCERIES MEN'S CILOTHING Community Sflvewr Givep ,Away, WITH EVERY PURCHASE 0F 5c OR OVER MADE IN ANY DEPARTMENT 0F THIS STORE YOU RECEIVE A COUPON WHICH ENTITLES ýrOU 'TO A CHOICE 0F BEAUTIFU4 COMMUNITY SIL VER- WARE. - BE SURE TO SAVE THE OUPONS. Watch For Saturday Specials This Week MNcMurtrye &Co1 ., Ltd. PHONE3 BOWMANVILLE DARLINGTON Mus. J. L. Metcalf was a recent visitor with heu sou, Mu. Bruce Met- caîf. Mrs. Martin, Hampton, wNas a ee-ý cent visitor with heu son, Mu. Arthur Mautin. Cong-ratulations to Mu. and Mré. Garnet Symons on the arrivai of a daughter. Mus. Roy Metcalf sud babe visited heu parenýts, Mu. and Mus. Ambrose Tren6uth, Hampton. Mrs. E. J. Burke bas retuuued boume after spending s few days wit heu brother, Mu. J. L.'i Metcalf, town. Mu. an Mus. Boy VanCamp en- tertained a nurnber of frienids at their home, Maucb 26, it being thîe 3rd anniveisauy of their marriage., 'Ail had'b. good time. Base Line Sun'day School was well attended on Easteu Sunday. We will be glad ito welcome auyone to our Sunday Sehool that would like to join us at aniy time. il ENFIELD Mr. sud Mus. George 'Ferguson, Bowînanviile, witb relatives. Miss E. Pascoe and Mru. Akinhead, Toronto, visited at Mru. lssell Ormis- ton's. Miss Irene Asitn, Messirs. Elnî' Ashton sud M.. lIfensem,. Toronto, visited at Mu. F. T. Ashtou's. A Young Peopie's Leagu'e met Sunday evening sud intend having wleekly meetings ia thefuture. Mu. aud Mus. L. C. P4scioe at Tor- onto atteuding the meeting of the Ontario Educational Association, Miss Mabel Jaékson , and Miss Mabel Nesbitt spent, Friday lu Liud6 ssy., Congratulations to Mu. and Mus. David Johuson and Mu. sud Mus. Wallace Armtrong on the advnto Rev~. R. G. Carruthers preached on Sunday a good Easter sermuon af- GETIT E-NNISKILLEN BURKETON Sp 1h s ---8t t2 MisRedFURNITURE SALE a longlong time of waitîng. i the holida.iy, itn rensoe Theo. M. Slemon, Auctioneer, ha& Mr. John McGili has purchased1 League Tbursday night at 7.30. received instructions from ' Mr. D. Burgmnaster's barn and is _Everybody weîcome. R. DAVEY taking it down and hauling it home. pca atrmscwsgvnb Miss Eva Sanderson, Bank Seiofate uiewsgie yTYRONE Montreal, Toronto, an~d Miiss Cora the choir Sunday morning. Sharpe were Easter visitors at. Mr. Master Norman Pearce, Toronto, is To seli by public auction on Andrew Sharpe's. vcernent f te Ber Watehos.e S.ATU.RDAY, APRIL 7th 7ne men are drawing cmntfr Mus. McCutcheon. and childuenar the churcb. sheds. Men, axes anid 'spending a few days at Ardendale, At 1.30 p. m. saws are aIl needed for to saw wood Sorr to hear Mrs. R. Phillp is sick. Thie following household effects, iu the cburchyard on WedxiesdaY Trust she will soon be aroun-d again. urnishings, etc: eafternoon. Quite a nunijber of our yôurng folks Beds, Springs, 4Mattresses, Exten- W.' M. S. Concert Fridlay evenigwntoE isienFda eving Rockers, 2 Heaters, É Box Stove, was enjçyed by ail. The proceeds t hear Rv .T cezelcueso aleSd ors his were $13.75. The W. M,. S. wi i tn J ean.G. T.a Mcend reortre 510f I'rbAs, ishsad he rtchaeso hold their montbly meeting Wedpee- gça JieanVa easuueprnaralC re ts, se ndiothrarile. day eveninig. Election of officers. oTtm. ueroustoCAnti. The C .G. I. 'T. Class organized asTRM:CAH Sfollows: Puesident-Gladys Sti- SLN ton; Vice President-Mona Preston; _______ Secretary-Maude Ashton; Treasur- Mr. and Mrs. A. Balson aud fam- STOCK SALE er -Ruhy Smith; Sick Commîittee-.____ LiyWiae, Mous Preston and "lY visited atMr. J. Balson's, ZÎ ho .SeionAcine hE Maude Ashton; Teacher-Mýly. (Dr.) S. S. Convention wiil be held a Tbe.M imn utoer a Ferguson; Assistant Teacher-Mis Edad Curch on Thu7;sday, April 12. received instructi.os fromn 1May Weruy. Miss Norp Werry, St. Catharines, HARRY COLLACOTT Tbh hiissiouary programn Sunday spent hier vacation wîth her' frlends wbo bas soid bis pasture, toselb tmorning was in charge of Miss Elîva heire. utino Ouchard. Readings.-- by Mus. Theo Mir. and Mrs. A. Martin, Bowautiono - Slemon and Miss Myrtie Brunt; solos ville, aud two children, visited Mus. Lot 6, Con. 6, Darlington 1were sweetly suug by Miss Velma Or- M. DewelI. on ~card and littie Miss Bernice Stain- Mir. Jý W. Yellowlees b.d his flocJk ton; the girls of the True Blue Classe Of sbeep worried by dogs Saturday FRIDAY, APRIL I3th presented one of their memibers, night, killing three. About 30 head of Higyh Grade *Ethel. Vanatto, who is E laig~fMr. John Reynolds is flot gaining Durhams, one, two and -three-year midst with a.tbree.-piece FrenhIoyin bealth, his elaughteirs sent hlm olds, also 1 ieuewed cow. - Set. down a beautiful cbesteufieid last League Wednesday everjnginl' week. 1 Sale at 2 p.m. -charge of the 3rd Vice President, Mr. 1M. Frank Hockaday ad son Sid- I TERMS-Seven month' credit on Harvy Mcill A radin onB eok _sae exchanging bouses thîs week. fapproved notes with interest at 4%. Hau gvei y M. Mlread in on;ooksMr. Hockaday, su., is retiring from' 14-2 debate Resoved, "Thtat more good i sfaming. deuived from observation than fuom Mu. Clarence Vice and bride aret______________ Books", was ahiy taken, the affirma- moving to Mu. Ray McLaiughlin's AUCTION SALE tive was upheid by Misses Florence farmi near ColumbuFà. We wish ____ Haut and Myrtle Brunt, and the nega- tbemi success. FURNITURE AND REAL ESTATE tive by Messrs. Ernest Weury and Easteu services was well attendedi Frank Douland. The points wvere 19 witb special music and Enster decora-1 Wm'r. J. Challis, Auctioneer, bas re-~ aud 21-la favor of the affirmative.,tions.. Rev. W. W. Jones pueachied receive~d instructions from Easteu visitors: Miss Winnie Ash- his Easte . sermon. ton, Toronto, and Miss Rets Ashton, Mu. R. J. McKessýock is sttending! MRS. J. R. KIVELL Scugog Island, at their father's, Mu. the Ontario Educational Association1 E. C. Ashton's; Miss Gertie Oke,1 at Toronto. Mu. Allan McKessock Elgin St. N., Bowmanville Town, at lhîr fatheu's, Mu. Wesley I is also up for a couple of days. jt eib uto ntepeisso Ok~;Mr~Oordn Peeto, Oh~wa j isse May and Bessie Reynolds, at homie; Y-aster John Slemn tt bisi Messrs., Nelson and Norman Rey-ý SATURDAY, APRIL 7TH uncie's, Dr. C. W. Slemion's, Towvn;ý nolds, Toronto, were at their father;s,1 Master Harold Slemion, tow\n, spend-! Mu. J. Reynolds, duuing the holidays.te foowg hueod efct. ing- bis Enster vacation -with his1ite olwn husod efcsý couinMaser ohnSleon;Mis Glad to see 'a larger number ati b6uses, bugg-y and real estate: Mary Brunt, Oshawa, spc-t Sunday ateage oday ight we aohe F(RNITURE...2 bed(I springesud hom; M. ad~ us.Alyer eec rei god ruani was given. Comene mattresses, 3 emiaîl tables, dresser ande b .aBtndheat Mus. AerBlymer nd enjoy these helpfui programs. ad - There is al-ways uOom1- for more snd wsh tad Sigr ewn Wotteng s; d fanatMu . W. He-.ntset grows witb attendance. - machine, uew; dining uoom table sud Wotna,'aiý tM.W e-intrcha5irs; armi chair and rocking chairs, ring's; Mu. Archeh ead andi Miss L.i Holidayi visitors: Mu. IL. E, Tink side board, parlor chairs, kitchepn Pascoe, Toronto, Mus. Tamblyn, Or- and son' Bruce at Hasting1s; Mu. Geo. table and 'chairs, kitchenl cupboard, ono, and Mu. and Mus. Rusei- Oumis- Gibson, Jr., and bride, Oshawa, ati chest - of drawers, sofa, kitchen ton, Enfield, at Mus. H. J. Weuuyv's; Mu. Walter Vice's; Mu. Leslie Pascoe, range, heater, dishes, gemns, coal où. Mr. Lloyd Ashton spent Easter witb Enill i esu.HreyadWl stove aud oven, lawn mower, carpete, fuiends in Ottawa; Miss F. Haut ~is ton Pascoe, Taunton, at Mu. Richard, linoleums, window bin.ds, and other sr1 n(ing holidays at hieu home in Tor- Pascoý'e's, who has been not so0 we]l articles, too numierous to mention. o 'n: Misýs Flet of Cartwright, witb Mud. lya M. Law and bis thuee, HORSES, BUGGY, ETC.-Team the Miýsses Lamb. boys have moved to Osha-wa wbere general purpose houses, single buggy, they will resîde. On Sunday aset, harness, robe. A ctio Sle e was presented with a nie ely bon REAL ESTATE-The property _________ congregation. Mr., B. G. Stevensar fln ilas eofÈe o Aprl f~Luhp ~ made the presentation and Mu. LawJýv sale at samne time, subject to 'a re- Wednesday. pil1ÈLuhr J veuysuitalïy acknowledged the samne. 1 erebidl. Conish, Taunton, w7ili sel b-,r M. Alfred Ayre is moving1nt ervTe auction bis entire farai stock, im.. faumn thîs week. Mu. Law carnies TRMIS-Cash on everything ex- plements, etc. Sale st 1 o'clock. with hlmi the good will of this coi-' ceptingrjeal estate, wheu latter ternis Sea bills. James3 Bishop, Aujctioa- mîlinity and weT, wisbhlmii every sc will bc made knowu st sale. eeu. cess. Sale at 1 o'clock. St ý 1

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