zed -thý lawyers ourcec n, furni- ternîty les. Ad- between ire Mer- but hapl , phone farmers ,e fa~vorable .of lawyers wve may take no as a crite 1* is are -of st POULTRY WANTED .nds of which I We ha' ýrfuly vii dlrop MOVED Auto Owners wiII please note that F. W. KIRKENDALL BATTERY EXPERT has moved to more convenient and central quarters in MOFFAT'S GARAGE I xiii continue to be local agent for PREST-0-LITE BATTE7RIES and my long and practical experience places me in a position to REPAIR ALL KINDS 0F BATTERIES Phone 248 Bowmanville 1. STIEN EAT MORE. THOS. TOD'S BeR EAD )w at 12621 Delivered Daily or Obtained at Store. Wîhen requiring an Litioneer secure Jas. wa. phone 87, Buying Meat Under MODERN SANITARY CONDITIONS THOMAS TOD Beaker and Confectioner The improved fixtures recently installed in our shop makes it possible to keep the meat under glass. It is not exposed and is kept in good sani- tary condition. Bowmianvilt>e ONE 2 :1 Way M. JONES nd Chiropracto G. A. Edmondstone One door east of F. F. Phone 21 Morris Co. Bowmanville Thîe e-Groni -undwork of Good F-urnishing ini the Home, Office or Elsewhere - I 4 neew Fox Trots playebtd ib Paul Whiteman and RsOceta "Way Down Yonider in New Orleans" "Dearest" (You're the Nearest fo M er" "His Maoter's Voice'--Vicîo Record N,.192 "Faling" and "Clinging Vine"l "I-is asersVoie"VjcorReco 'd No. 19030 4 newi Vocal Selections: -Where the Sunset Turn$ the Ocean's Blue" "'Where Ï4é Silvery Colorado Wends 1Its Way" The Peerless Quiartet "111 s te'Voc"-Vicîo t- od N.. 11,029 "Rni'Wild', "You've the nature and food value of the ap- pie. A wise old doctor is stated thave carried on this dialogue with a big boy.: "Do you know what you are ent- ing"? said the doctor to the lad. "An apple, of course". "You are eating", said the doctor, "albumen, sugar, gum, malic acid, gahce acid, fibre water and phosphor-1 us "I hope those things are good. They sou.nd ala-ring". "Nothing could be better, You aVe, 1 obsereve, rather too much nieat at dinner. The malie acid neutral- izes the excess of chalky matter caus- ed by too much meat, and thereby heips to keep you young. Apples are -Ood for the complexion. Their acids drive out the noxious matteri whichi causes skin eruptions. They are good for your brain, which those sanie noxious matters, if retained, render sluggish.1 'Moreover, the acids of the apple dimînish the acidity of the stomac.h that cornes with some 'orms of in- digestion. The phosphorous, of which apples contain a larger per- cenitage than any other fruit or veg- getable renews the essential nervous matter of th'e brain an'd spinal col- unin. Oh, the ancients were flot wrong, when they esteemied the apple thej food of the gods-the magie renleweri of youth. "I think, I will have an apple"l, concluded the doctor. WEATHER COMPARISONS Locally, he weather for thie week, April 9-15, 1,922 was: Sunday-Fine, Tempe)(rature 40 to 50 degreces. ,- Mýonday-5'ine, wvarm, temi). 40 to 78 degrees, grass green. Snow drops up. In New York thie texaperature reached 82 wSpring Nonec you, money. Brookdale Nurseries Tree Surgeans Phone No. 7 Omiy or thle SU- vood for >0riii Foresters Bowmanville Wanted .! Prices of Cream are, high. We pay Good Prices for Good Cream. WeWant Yours If we f ait to cati on you we woutd appreciate a phone cati or write us. PRICES PER SQUARE FOOT %Clear .Quarter Cut O.-..24c %No. 1 Quarter Cut Oak .... 17c ~6Clear Plain Oak........... 19c %No. I Plain Oak .......... 15c SClear Birch and Maple .... 12c %No. 1 Birch and Maple . ... 10c McCLELLAN & CO., Bowmanville for a floor size lOxl2 ft. i i 2 2 If I f ff f I~I i f2f 2 2 f I 191 1 f2i f f~f "I f 2 ift 2 191 i f1 f I 2 2 121 I 2. 2 1f~ 2 I~1 f f21 .121 2121 2121 2 * .21 2 2f21 %1~I f22 2 ,91 f ff2~ 2 'f2' 2 fiS f 2fff 2 If22 j Jf~i 2 2121 f fil Co., 2 f I~ i f -k. M. LEGAL DENTAL 1 ar .1 j Ail on 1O-inch double-sided BOWMANVILLE, Trou ONE. $12,900